
« Prev The darkness deepens in the skies Next »

tr., John Brownlie



The darkness deepens in the skies,

The light before the shadows flies

And earth forsakes;

My prayer, O Christ, in mercy hear,

Keep Thou my soul from doubt and fear,

Till morn awakes.


Light of my life, O Christ, Thou art,

Joy of my soul, my trusting heart

Confides in Thee;

Night cannot hide Thy loving face,

Nor bar the outflow of Thy grace,

O Christ, to me.


Darker than night that awful day,

When sin and death in grim array,

The Christ assailed;

Now from the Cross, in light serene,

The radiance of the morn is seen,

Where night prevailed.


Lord, may Thy Cross my night subdue,

My morning deck with crimson hue

And golden light;

And all day long, while work is done,

Outshine the brightness of the sun,

Even at its height.


Now, give the weary calm repose

Till morning light in beauty glows,

And life awakes;

And when we sleep the last long sleep,

Safe through the night Thy servants keep,

Till morning breaks.

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