
« Prev M. Next »

MAD. John 10. 20; Acts 26.11, 24; 1 Cor. 14. 23.

MADE. Ex. 2.14, who in. thee a prince over us. Ps. 118. 24, this is the day the Lord hath to. Prov. 16.4, the Lord to. all things for himself. Eccl. 3.11, he hath to. everything beautiful. 7.29, God hath to. man upright. Isa. 66. 2, all these things hath mine hand m. John 1. 3, all things were to. by him. 5. 6, wilt thou be to. whole ? 2 Cor 5.21, to. him to be sin for us. Eph. 2.13, to, nigh by the blood of Christ, 3. 7 ; Col. 1.23, I was to. a minister. Col. 1.20, having to. peace. Heb. 2.17, to be m. like his brethren. See Ps. 95. 5; 149. 2; John 19. 7 ; Acts 17. 24.

MAGNIFY. Josh. 3. 7, this day will I begin to m. thee.

Job 7. 17, what is man that thou shouldest to. him.

Ps. 34.3; 40.16; Lu. 1.46, to. the Lord. 35.26; 38.16, that m. themselves. * 138.2, thou hast vi. thy word above all.

Isa. 42. 21, to, the law.

Acts 19.17, the name of Jesus was m.

Rom. 11.13, I in. mine office.

See Dan. 8. 25; 11. 36; Acts 5.13; Phil. 1.20.

MAIL. 1 Sam. 17. 5.

MAINTAIN. 1 Kings 8. 45; 49. 59; 2 Chron. 35.39,

to. their cause. Ps. 16. 5, thou to, my lot. Tit. 3. 8,14, careful to to, good works. See Job 13.15 ; Ps. 9. 4 ; 140.12.

MAINTENANCE. Ezra 4.14; Prov. 27. 27.

MAKER. Job 4, 17, shall a man be more pure than his in. ? 32.22, my m. would soon take me away. 35.10, none saith, where is God my to. 36. 3, ascribe righteousness to my "to. Ps. 95.6, kneel before the Lord our in. Prov. 14.31; 17.5, reproacheth his m. 22.2, the Lord is m. of them all. Isa. 45.9, that striveth with his m.

Isa. 51.13, forgettest the Lord thy to. 54. 5, thy m. is thine husband. Heb. 11.10, whose builder and m. is God. See Isa. 1. 31; 17. 7 : 22.11; Hab. 2.18.

MALICIOUSNESS. Rom. 1. 29 ; 1 Pet. 2.16.

MAN. Gen. 3.22, the to, is become as one of us. 8. 21, for to. sake. Num. 23.19, God is not a m. Neh. 6.11, should such a m. as I flee. Job 5.7, m. is born to trouble. 10. 4, seest thou as to. seeth. 11.12, vain to, would be wise. 14.1, w, that is born of a woman. 15.7,  art thou the first to. that was born, 25. 6, to, that is a werm. 33.12, God is greater than in. Ps. 10.18, the m. of earth. 49.12, m. being in honour abideth not. 89.48, what to. is he that liveth. 90. 3, thou turnest m. to destruction. 104.23, to. goeth forth to his labour. 118. 6, not fear, wThat can to. do ? Prov. 12.2, a good to. obtaineth favour. Eccl. 6.12, what is good for in. Isa. 2.22, cease from to. Jer. 10. 23, it is not in to. to direct his steps. Lam. 3.1, I am the to. that hath seen. Hos. 11. 9, I am God and not to. Mat. 6. 24; Lu. 16.13, no to. can serve. 8. 4; Mk. 8. 26, 30; Lu. 5.14; 9. 21, tell no m. 17.8,  they saw no to.

John 1.18; 1 John 4.12, no to. hath seen God. 19.5, behold the to. 1 Cor 2.11, what to, knoweth things of a m. 11.8, m. is not of the woman. 2 Cor 4.16, though our outward to. perish. Phil. 2. 8, in fashion as a in. 1 Tim. 2.5, the to. Christ Jesus. See John 7. 46; 1 Cor. 15.47 ; Eph. 4.24.

MANIFEST. Mk. 4. 22, nothing hid that shall

not be to.

John 2.11, and to. forth his glory. 14. 22, how is it thou wilt 'in. thyself. 1 Cor 4. 5, who will make m. the counsels of the hearts. 2 Cor 2.14, maketh to. savour of knowledge. Gal. 5.19, the works of the flesh are m. 2 Thess. 1.5, a in. token of righteous judgment. 1 Tim. 3.16, God was to. in the flesh. 5.25, good works to. beforehand. Heb. 4.13, no creature that is not to. 1 John 1.2, the life was to. 3.5, he was in. to take away our sins. 4.9,  in this was to. the love of God. See Rom. 8.19; John 17. 6; 1 John 3.10.

MANIFOLD. Ps. 104. 24, how to. are thy works. Eph. 3.10, the to. wisdom of God. 1 Pet. 1. 6, through to. temptations. 4.10,  stewards of the to-, erace of God. See Neh. 9.19, 27 ; Amos 5.12; Lu. 18.30.

MANNER. 2 Sam. 7.19, is this the to. of man, Ps. 144.13, all in. of store. Isa. 5.17, lambs shall feed after their to. Mat. 8. 27 ; Mk. 4. 41; Lu. 8. 25, what m. of man is this. 12.31, all to. of sin shall be forgiven. Acts 26.4, my in. of life from my youth. 1 Cor. 15. 33, corrupt good to. Heb. 10.25, as the to. of some is. Jas. 1.24, forgetteth what in. of man. 1 Pet 1.15, holy in all in. of conversation. 2 Pet 3.11, what in. of persons ought ve to be. See Mat. 4. 23 ; 5.11; Lu. 9.55 ; Rev. 22. 2.

MANTLE. 2 Kings 2. 8; Job 1. 20; Ps. 109. 29.

MAR. Lev. 19. 27, nor to. the corners of thy beard, 1 Sam. 6. 5, images of mice that to. the land.

Job 30.13, they to. my path.

Isa, 52.14, visage to,, more than any man.

Mk. 2. 22, wine spilled and bottles m.

See Ruth 4. 6; 2 Kings 3.19; Jer. 13. 7; 18, 4. 275


MARK. Gen. 4.15, the Lord set a ra. on Cain. Job 22.15, hast thou ra, the old way. Ps. 37. 37, ra. the perfect man. 48.13, ra. well her bulwarks. 130. 3, if thou shouldest ra. iniquities. Jer. 2. 22, thine iniquity is ra. before me. 23.18, who hath ra, his word. Phil. 3.14, toward the ra. for the prize. 17, in. them which walk so. See Lu. 14. 7; Rom. 16.17; Rev. 13.16 ; 20. 4.

MARROW. Job 21.24; Ps. 63. 5; Prov. 3. 8; Heb. 4.12.

MARVEL. Mat. 8.10; Mk. 6.16; Lu. 7.9, Jesus ra. Mk. 5.20, all men did ra. John 3. 7 ; 5. 28 ; 1 John 3.13, ra. not. See Eccl. 5.8; John 7.21; Gal. 1.6.

MARVELLOUS. Job 5.9, m. things without number.

Ps. 17.7, ra. lovingkindness. 118.23; Mat. 21.42; Mk. 12.11, ra. in our eyes. John 9.30, herein is a m. thing. 1 Pet. 2. 9, into his m. light. See Ps. 105. 5 ; 139.14; Dan. 11. 36; Mic. 7.15.

MASTER. 2 Kings 6. 32, sound of his ra. feet behind him.

Mai. 1.6, if I be a ra., where is my fear ? 2.12, the Lord will cut off the ra. and the scholar. Mat. 6. 24 ; Lu. 16.13, no man can serve two ra. 10. 24; Lu. 6.40, disciple not above his ra, 25, enough for the disciple that he be as his ra. 17.24,  doth not your ra. pay tribute ? 23.8,10, one is your 31., even Christ. 26.25,  31., is it I ?

Mk. 5. 35 ; Lu. 8. 49, why troublest thou the M. 9. 5 ; Lu. 9. 33, 31., it is good for us to be here. 10.17 ; Lu. 10.25, good 31., what shall I do. Lu. 13. 25, when once the ra. of the house is

risen. John 3.10, art thou a ra. of Israel. 11.28, the J/. is come and calleth. 13.13, ye call me 31., and ye say well. Rom. 14. 4, to his own ra. he staiideth or falleth. 1 Cor. 3.10, as a wise ra.-builder. Eph. 6. 5 ; Col. 3. 22 ; Tit. 2. 9 ; 1 Pet. 2. 18, be obedient to m. 9; Col. 4.1, ra. do the same to them. 1 Tim. 6.1, count their ra. worthy of honour. 2, that have believing ra. Jas. 3.1, be not many ra.

See Gen. 24.12 ; 39. 8 ; Prov. 25.13 ; Eccl. 12.11.

MASTERY. Ex. 32.18 ; 1 Cor. 9. 25 ; 2 Tim. 2. 5.

MATTER. Ezra 10. 4, arise, for this ra. belongeth

to thee. Job 19.28, the root of the ra. is found in me. 32.18, I am full of w. Ps. 45.1, my heart is inditing a good w. Prov. 16. 20, handleth a ra. wisely. 18.13, answereth a m. before he heareth it. Eccl. 10.20, shall tell the ra. 12.13, conclusion of the ra. Mat. 23.23, the weightier ra. Acts 18.14, if it were a ra. of wrong. 1 Cor 6. 2, to judge the smallest ra. 2 Cor 9. 5, as a m. of bounty. Jas. 3. 5, how great a m.

See Gen. 30.15; Dan. 3.16; Acts 8. 21; 17. 32.

MAY. Mat. 9.21; 26.42 ; Acts 8. 37.

MEAN. Ex. 12. 26; Josh. 4. 6, what ra, ye by this service ?

Deut. 6. 20, what ra. the testimonies.

Prov. 22. 29, not stand before ra. men.

Isa. 2.9 ; 5.15; 31.8, the ra. man.

Ezek. 17.12, know ye not what these things ra.?

Mk. 9.10, what the rising from the dead should m.

Acts 21. 39, citizens of no ra. city.

See Acts 10.17 ; 17.20; 21.13.

MEANS. Ex. 34. 7; Num. 14. 18, by no ra. clear

guilty. Ps. 49. 7, none can by any ra. redeem.

Mai. 1.9, this hath been by your ra.

Mat. 5.26, shalt by no ra. come out.

Lu. 10.19, nothing shall by any ra. hurt you.

John 9. 21, by what ra. he now seeth. 1 Cor 8. 9, lest by any m. this liberty. 9.22, that I might by all ra. save some. Phil. 3.11, by any ra. attain. 2 Thess 3.16, give peace always by all m. See Jer. 5. 31; 1 Cor. 9. 27 ; Gal. 2.2.

MEASURE.(«.). Deut. 25.14 ; Prov. 20.10, thou

shalt not have divers ra. Job 11. 9, the ra. is longer than the earth. 28.25, he weigheth the waters by ra. Ps. 39. 4, the ra. of my days. Isa. 40.12, the dust of the earth in a in. Jer. 30.11; 46. 28, I will correct thee in ra. Ezek. 4.11, thou shalt drink water by ra. Mat. 7. 2 ; Mk. 4.24 j Lu. 6. 38, with what ra. ye mete. 13. 33; Lu. 13.21, three ra. of meal* 23. 32, fill up ra. of your fathers. Lu. 6. 38, good ra., pressed down. John 3.34, giveth not the Spirit by m. Rom. 12.3, to every man the ra. of faith. 2 Cor. 12.7, exalted above ra. Eph. 4.7, the ra. of the gift of Christ. 13, to the ra. of the stature. 16,  in the ra. of every part.

Rev. 6.6, a ra. of wheat for a penny. 21.17, according to the ra. of a man. See Ps. 80.5; Isa. 5.14; Mic. 6. 10.

MEASURE.(v.). Isa. 40.12, who hath ra. the waters. 65.7, I will ra. former work into bosom. Jer. 31. 37, if heaven can be ra. 33.22; Hos. 1.10, as the sand cannot be ra. m. Cor. 10.12, ra. themselves by themselves. (See Ezek. 40. 3; 42.15; Zech. 2.1. JtEAT. Gen. 27.4, make me savoury in. 1 Kings 19.8, went in strength of that ra. Ps. 59.15, wander up and down for ra. 69.21, they gave me also gall for my ra. 78.25, he sent them ra. to the full. 145.15, ra. in due season. Prov. 23. 3, dainties for they are deceitful ra. 30. 22, a fool when filled with ra. 31.15,  she giveth ra. to her household. Isa. 65.25, dust shall be serpent's ra. Ezek. 4.10, thy in. shall be by weight. 47.12, fruit for m.

Dan. 1.8, not defile himself with king's ra. Hab. 1.16, because their m. is plenteous. 3.17, fields yield no ra. Mai. 3.1, bring tithes that there may be ra. Mat, 6. 25; Lu. 12. 23, life more than ra. 10.10, workman worthy of his m. 15. 37 ; Mk. 8. 8, of broken ra. 25.35, ye gave me ra. Lu. 3.11, he that hath ra. let him do likewise. 24.41; John 21.5, have ye any ra. John 4. 32, I have in. to eat. 34, my ra. is to do will. 6.27, the ra. that perisheth. Acts 2.46, did eat ra. with gladness. 15. 29, abstain from ra. offered to idols. Rom. 14.15, destroy not him with thy ra. 17,  kingdom of God is not ra. and drink. 20, for w. destroy not the work of God. 1 Cor. 6.13, m, for the belly. 8.13, if m. make my brother offend. 10. 3, same spiritual ra.

ITiin. 4. 3, to abstain from ra. Heb. 5.12,14, not of strong m. 12.16,  who for one morsel of ra.

See Gen. 1. 29; 9. 3; Mat. 3.4 ; Col. 2.16.

MEDDLE. 2 Kings 14.10; 2 Chron. 25.19, why ra.

to thy hurt.

Prov. 20.3, every fool will be ra. 19, w. not with him that flattereth. 26.17,  that ra. with strife.

See 2 Chron. 35.21; Prov. 17.14; 24.21. 276


MEDITATE. Gen. 24. 63, Isaac went out to m. Josh. 1.8, thou shalt m. therein. Ps. 1.2, in his law doth he m. 63. 6; 119.148, m. in the night watches. 77.12; 143.5, I will m, of thy works.

Isa. 33.18, thine heart shall in. terror. Lu. 21.14, not to m. before. 1 Tim. 4.15, m. upon these things. See Ps. 19.14; 104.34; 119. 97, 99.

MEEK. Num. 12.3, Moses was very m. Ps. 22. 26, the m. shall eat and be satisfied. 25.9, the m. will he guide. 37. ll; Mat. 5.5, the in. shall inherit the! earth. 149.4, will beautify the in. Isa. 29.19, the m. shall increase their joy. 61.1, good tidings to the m. Mat. 11.29, for I am m. 1 Pet. 3.4, a in. and quiet spirit. See Ps. 76. 9; 147.6; Isa. 11. 4 ; Mat. 21. 5.

MEEKNESS. 2 Cor. 10.1, by the in. of Christ. Gal. 6.1, restore in the spirit of m. 1 Tim. 6.11, follow after m. 2 Tim. 2. 25, in in. instructing. Tit. 3.2, showing m. to all men. 1 Pet. 3.15, give reason of hope with m. See Zeph. 2.3; Gal. 5.23; Eph. 4.2.

MEET. Prov. 11.24, withholdeth more than is to. Mat. 15.26, not m. to take children's bread. 25.1, 6, to m. the bridegroom. 1 Cor. 15.9, not m. to be called an apostle. 1 Thess. 4.17, to m. the Lord in the air. See Prov. 22. 2; Amos 4.12; Mat. 8. 34.

MELODY. Isa. 23.16; 51. 3 ; Amos 5. 23 ; Eph. 5. 19.

MELT. Ps. 46.6, the earth m. 97. 5, the hills m. 307.26, their soul m. 147.18, he sendeth his word and m. them. Isa. 13.7, every man's heart shall in. 64. 2, as when the m. fire burneth. See Ex. 15.15; Josh. 14. 8; Jer. 9. 7.

MEMBER. Ps. 139.16, all my m. were written. Rom. 6.13,19, neither yield your m. 12. 4, as we have many m. 1 Cor. 6.15, bodies m. of Christ. Jas. 3. 5, the tongue is a little m. 4.1, lusts which war in your m. See Job 17.7 ; Mat. 5. 29 ; Eph. 4. 25; 5.30.

MEMORY. Ps. 109.15 ; 145. 7 ; Prov. 10. 7 ; Eccl. 9.5.

MEN. 2 Chron. 6.18, will God dwell with m. 1 Sam. 4. 9 ; 1 Cor. 16.13, quit yourselves like in. Ps. 9.20, know themselves to be but m. 82. 7, but ye shall die like m. Eccl. 12.3, strong m. shall bow. Isa. 31. 3, the Egyptians are m. and not God. 46.8, show yourselves m. Gal. 1.10, do I now persuade m. 1 Thess 2.4, not as pleasing m., but God. See Ps. 116.11; 1 Tim. 2.4; 1 Pet. 2.17.

MEND. 2 Chron. 24.12; 34.10; Mat. 4. 21; Mk. 1.19.

MENTION. Gen. 40.14, make m. of me to Pharaoh. Ps. 71.16,1 will make m. of thy righteousness. Isa. 12. 4, make m. that his name is exalted. 63. 7,1 will in. lovingkindnesses of the Lord. Rom. 1.9; Eph. 1.16; 1 Thess. 1.2, m. of you in


See Isa. 62.6; Ezek. 18.22; 33.16.

MERCHANDISE. Prov. 3. 14, m. of it better

than in. of silver.

Isa. 23.18, in. shall be holiness to the Lord. Mat. 22. 5, one to his farm, another to his m. John 2.16, my father's house a house of to. 2 Pet 2. 3, make m. of you.

See Deut. 21.14; 24.7; "Ezek. 26.12; Rev. 18.11.

MERCHANT. Gen. 23. 16, current money with

the in. Isa. 23.8, whose m. are princes.

Isa. 47.15, even thy m. shall wander. Rev. 18.3,11, the m. of the earth. 23, thy m. were great men of the earth. See Prov. 31.24; Isa. 23.11; Mat. 13. 45.

MERCIFUL. Ps. 37. 26, ever m. and lendeth. 67.1, God be m. to us and bless us. Prov. 11.17, the m. doeth good to his own soul. Isa. 57.1, in. men are taken away. Jer. 3.12, return, for I am in. Lu. 6.36, be ye m. as your father is m. 18.13,  God be m. to me a sinner. Heb. 2.17, a in. High Priest.

See Ex. 34. 6 ; 2 Sam. 22. 28; 1 Kings 20. 31.

MERCY. Gen. 32.10, not worthy the least of the m. Ex. 33.19, will sh*w m. on whom I will show m. 34. 7 ; Dan. 9. 4, keeping m. for thousands. Num. 14.18; Ps. 103.11; 145.8, Ion gauffering and of great m. 1 Chron 16. 34, 41; 2 Chron. 5.13; 7. 3, 6 ; Ezra 3.11; Ps. 106.1; 107.1; 118.1; 136.1; Jer. 33. 11, his m. endureth for ever.

Ps. 23. 6, surely goodness and m. shall follow. 25.7, according to thy in. remember me. 33. 22, let thy in. be upon us. 52. 8, I trust in the m. of God. 59.10, the God of my m. 66.20, not turned his in. from me. 77. 8, is his m. clean gone for ever. 85.10, m. and truth are met together. 89. 2, m. shall be built up for ever. 90.14,  satisfy us early with thy m. 101.1, I will sing of m. 108.4, thy in. is great above the heavens. 115.1, for thy m. and for thy truth's sake. 119. 64, the earth is full of thy m. 130. 7, with the Lord there is m. Prov. 3. 3, let not m. and truth forsake thee. 14. 21, 31, he that hath m. on the poor. 16.6; 20. 28, in. and truth.

Isa. 54. 7, with great m. will I gather thee. Jer. 6. 23, they are cruel and have no m. Lam. 3. 22, it is of the Lord's m. Hos. 4.1, because there is no m. in the land. 6.6; Mat. 9.13, I desired in. and not sacrifice. 10.12, reap in m, 14.3, in thee the fatherless find m. Mic. 6.8, but to do justly and love in. 7.18, he delighteth in in. Hab. 3.2, in wrath remember m. Mat. 5.7, the merciful shall obtain in. 9. 27 ; 15. 22 ; 20. 30; Mk. 10. 47, 48; 18. 38, 39, thou son of David have m. Lu. 10. 37, he that showed m. Rom. 9.15,18, m. on whom I will have m. 16, of God that sheweth in. 12.1, beseech you by the m. of God. 8, he that sheweth m. with cheerfulness. 2 Cor 1.3, the Father of m. Eph. 2.4, God who is rich in m. 1 Tim. 1.13,16, I obtained m., because. 2 Tim. 1.18, that he may find m. in that day. Heb. 4.16, obtain m. and find grace.

Jas. 2.13, without m. that showed no m. 1 Pet. 1.3, according to his abundant m. See Prov. 12.10; Dan. 4.27 ; 1 Tim. 1.2.

MERRY. Gen. 43.34, were m, with him. Judg. 16.25, their hearts were m. Prov. 15.13, in. heart maketh cheerful. 15,  m. heart hath continual feast. 17.22, m. heart doeth good like medicine. Eccl. 8.15, nothing better than to eat and be m, 9.7, drink thy wine with a m. heart. 10.19, wine maketh m. Jas. 5.13, is any in. ? See Lu. 12.19; 15.23; Rev. 11.10.

MESSENGER. Job 33.23; Prov. 25.13; Isa. 42.19.

METE. Isa. 40.12; Mat. 7.2; Mk. 4.24; Lu. 6.3a MIDDLE. Ezek. 1.16 ; Eph. 2.14.

MIDST. Ps. 102.24, in the m. of my days. Prov. 23.34, lieth down in m. of the sea. 277


Dan. 9.27, in the m. of the week.

Mat. 18.2; Mk. 9.36, a little child in the m. 20, there am I in the to.

Lu. 24. 36; John 20.19, Jesus himself in the to. Phil. 2.15, in the to. of a crooked generation. Rev. 2.7, in the to, of the Paradise of God. 4.6; 5.6; 7.17, in the to, of the throne. See Gen. 2. 9; Isa. 12.6 ; Hos. 11.9.

MIGHT. Deut. 6.5, love God with all thy to. 8.17, the to. of mine hand hath gotten. 2 Sam. 6.14, David danced with all his to. Eccl. 9.10, do it with thy to, Isa. 40.29, to them that have no to, Jer. 9.23, mighty man glory in his TO. 51.30, their to. hath failed. Zech. 4.6, not by to,, nor by power. Eph. 3.16; Col. 1.11, strengthened with to. See Eph. 6.10; 2 Pet. 2.11; Rev. 7.12.


Jonah 3.8; Acts 18.28; 19.20; Col.28.

MIGHTY. Gen. 10. 9, he was a to. hunter. Judg. 5.23, to the help of the Lord against the m. 2 Sam. 1.19, 25, how are the m. fallen. Job 9. 4, wise in heart and in. in strength, Ps. 24. 8, strong and to., to, in battle. 89.13, thou hast a to. arm. 19, help upon one that is to. 93.4, the in. waves of the sea. Isa,. 1.24; 30.29; 49.26; 60.16, the to. One of Israel. 5.15, to. to drink wine. 63.1, to. to save. Jer. 32.19, to. in work. Amos 2.14, neither shall to, deliver himself. Mat. 11.20; 13.54; 14.2; Mk.6.2, to. works. Lu. 9.43, the to. power of God. 24.19, prophet m. in deed and word. Acts 18.24, m. in the Scriptures. 1 Cor 1. 26, not many to.

Cor. 10.4, weapons to. through God. Epb. 1.19, the working of his to. power. See Num. 14.12; Eccl. 6.10; Mat. 3.11.

MILK. Gen. 49.12, teeth white with ro. Prov. 30. 33, churning of m. Isa. 55.1, buy wine and to. Lam. 4. 7, .Nazarites were whiter than in. Ezek. 25. 4, shall eat thy fruit and drink thy to. Heb. 5.12,13, such as have need of m. 1 Pet 2. 2, the sincere to, of the word.

See Judg. 4.19; 5.25; Job 21.24; Joel 3.18.

MIND.(n,). Neh. 4.6, the people had a to. to work. Job 23.13, he is in one to,, who can turn him. 34.33, should it be according to thy to. Ps. 31.12, as a dead man out of in. Prov. 29.11, a fool uttereth all his in. Isa. 26. 3, whose m. is stayed on thee. Mk. 5.15 ; Lu. 8. 35, sitting in his right m. Lu. 12. 29, neither be of doubtful to. Roni. 8. 7, the carnal to. is enmity. 12.16, be of the same to. 14. 5, fully persuaded in his own m. 2 Cor 8.12, if there be first a willing m. 13.11; Phil. 1.27; 2. 2, be of one to.

Phil. 2. 3, in lowliness of to. 5, let this m. be in you. 4. 7, peace of God keep your to. 1 Tim. 6. 5; 2 Tim. 3. 8, men of corrupt m. 2 Tim. 1. 7, spirit of sound m.

Tit. 3.1, put them in to. to be subject. 1 Pet 1.13, the loins of your m. 2 Pet 3.1, stir up your pure to.

See Rom. 8. 6; 11. 20; 1 Thess. 5.14; Jas. 1. 8.

MIND.(».). Rom. 8.5; 12.16; Phil. 3.16,19.

MINDFUL. Ps. 8.4; 111. 5; Isa. 17.10; 2 Pet. 3. 2.

MINGLE. Lev. 19.19; Isa. 5.22; Mat. 27. 34; Lu. 34.

MINISTER.(».). Ps. 103.21, ye ro. of his. 104.4; Heb. 1. 7, his to. a flame of fire. Isa. 61.6, men shall call you the m. of God,

Joel 1.9, the Lord's to. mourn. Mat. 20.26 ; Mk. 10.43, let him be your m. Rom. 13.4, he is the to. of God to thee. 2 Cor. 3.6, able to. of new testament. Gal. 2.17, is Christ the to. of sin. Eph. 3. 7 ; Col. 1. 23, whereof I was made a m. 6. 21; Col. 1.7; 4. 7, a faithful m. 1 Tim. 4. 6, a good to. See 2 Cor. 6.4; 11. 23; 1 Thess. 3.2.

MINISTER.(?;.). 1 Sam. 2.11, the child did to. unto the Lord. 1 Chron 15.2, chosen to to. for ever. Dan. 7.10, thousand thousands in. to him. Mat. 4.11; Mk. 1.13, angels to. to him. 20.28; Mk. 10.45, not to be to. to, but to to. Lu. 8.3, which m. of their substance. Acts 20.34, these hands have to. See 2 Cor. 9.10 ; Heb. 1.14; 2 Pet, 1.11.

MINISTRATION. Lu. 1. 23; Acts 6.1; 2 Cor. 3.7; 9.13.

MINISTRY. Acts 6.4, give ourselves to the to. 2 Cor 4.1, seeing we have this to. 5.18, the to. of reconciliation. 6.3, that the to. be not blamed.

Eph. 4.12, for the work of the to.

Col. 4.17, take heed to the to. 2 Tim. 4.5, make full proof of thy to.

See Acts 1.17 ; 12.25; Rom. 12.7 ; Heb. 8. 6.

MINSTREL. 2 Kings 3.15; Mat. 9. 23.

MIRACLE. Judg. 6.13, where be all his m.

Mk. 9. 39, which shall do a to. in my name.

Lu. 23.8, hoped to have seen some m.

John 2.11, beginning of to, 4. 54, this is the second to. 10. 41, said, John did no in.

Acts 2. 22, approved of God by to. and signs. J>Cor. 12. lO, to another the working of TO. See Gal. 3.5; Heb. 2.4; Rev. 13.14; 16.14; 10,20.

MIRTH. Ps.137.3; Prov. 14.13; Eccl. 2.1; 7.4; 8.15.

MIRY. Ps. 40.2; Ezek. 47.11; Dan. 2.41.

MISCHIEF. Job 15. 35; Ps. 7.14; Isa. 59.4, they

conceive to.

Ps. 28. 3, m. is in their hearts. 94. 20, frameth m. by a law. Prov. 10. 23, it is as sport to a fool to do to. 11. 27, he that seeketh to. 24. 2, lips talk of to,

Ezek. 7.26, to. shall come upon to.

Acts 13.10, O full of all to,

See Prov. 24.8; Eccl. 10.13; Mic. 7.3.

MISERABLE. Job 16.2; Mat. 21. 41; 1 Cor. 15.19;

Rev. 3.17.

MISERY. Prov. 31.7, drink and remember his m. no more.

Eccl. 8. 6, the to. of man is great.

Lam. 1. 7, remembered in days of her to.

Jas. 5.1, howl for to. that shall come.

See Judg. 10.16 ; Job 3. 20 ; 11.16; Rom. 3.16.

MIXED. Prov. 23.30, they seek to. wine.

Isa. 1. 22, thy wine to. with water.

Heb. 4. 2, not being to. with faith.

See Ex. 12.38; Num. 11. 4; Neh. 13. 3.

MOCK. Gen. 19.14, he seemed as one that ra.

Num. 22. 29; Judg. 16.10,13,15, thou hast m. me. 1 Kings 18.27, at noon Elijah to. them. 2 Chron 36.16, they m. the messengers of God. Prov. 1.26,1 will to. when your fear cometh. 17. 5, whoso to. the poor. 30.17, the eye that to. at his father. Gal. 6. 7, God is not to.

See 2 Kings 2. 23; Mat. 2.16; 27.29; Mk. 15.20.

MOCKER. Ps. 35.16; Prov. 20.1; Isa. 28.22; Jude 18.

MODERATION. Phil. 4.5.

MOISTURE. Ps. 32.4; Lu. 8.6.

MOLLIFIED. Isa. L16. 1


MOMENT. Num. 16.21,45, consume them in a m. Job 7.18, try him every m. 21.13, and in a m. they go down. Ps. 30.5, his anger endureth but a m. Isa. 26. 20, hide thyself as it were a m. 27. 3, I will water it every m. 54.7, for a small m. have I forsaken thee. 1 Cor 15. 51, 52, changed in a m.

Cor. 4.17, affliction, which is but for a m. See Ex. 33. 5; Ezek. 26.16; 32.10; Lu. 4. 5.

MONEY. 2 Kings 5. 26, is it a time to receive m. Eccl. 7.12, m. is a defence. 10.19, m. answereth all things. Isa. 52.3, redeemed without m. 55.1, he that hath no m. 2, wherefore do ye spend m. Mat. 17.24; 22.19, the tribute m. 25.18, hid his lord's m. Acts 8.20, thy m. perish with thee. 1 Tim. 6.10, the love of in. See Gen. 23.9; Mk. 6. 8; Lu. 9. 3; Acts 4.37.

MORROW. Prov. 27.1, boast not thyself of to-ra. Isa. 22.13 ; 1 Cor. 15. 32, for to-m. we die. 56.12, to-m. shall be as this day. Mat. 6. 34, take no thought for the in. Jas. 4.14, ye know not what shall be on the m. See Josh. 5.12 ; 2 Kings 7.1; Prov. 3.28.

MORSEL. Job 31.17; Ps. 147.17 ; Prov. 17.1; Heb. 12.16.

MORTAL. Job 4.17, shall in. man be more just. Rom. 6.12 ; 8.11, in your m. body. 1 Cor. 15. 53, 54, this m. must put on. See Deut. 19.11; 2 Cor. 4.11; 5.4.

MORTAR. Prov. 27.22; Ezek. 13.11, 22, 28.

MORTIFY. Rom. 8.13 ; Col. 3. 5.

MOTE. Mat. 7. 3; Lu. 6.41.

MOTHER. Judg. 5.7; 2 Sam. 20.19, a m. in Israel. 1 Kings 22.52, Ahaziah walked in the way of his in. 2 Chron 22. 3, his m. was his counsellor. Job 17.14, to the worm, thou art my m. Ps. 113. 9, a joyful m. of children.

Isa. 66.13, as one whom his m. comforteth.

Ezek. 16.44, as is the in. so is her daughter.

Mat. 12.48; Mk. 3. 33, who is my m.

John 2.1; Acts 1.14, the m. of Jesus.

See Gen. 3.20; 17.16; Gal. 4.26; 1 Tim. 1. 9; 5.2.

MOULDY. Josh. 9. 5,12.

MOUNT. Ex. 18.5, the in. of God.

Ps. 107.26, they in. up to heaven.

Isa. 40.31, m. with wings, as eagles.

See Job 20. 6; 39. 27 ; Isa. 27.13.

MOURN. Gen. 37.35, down to the grave m.

Prov. 5.11, and thou in. at the last.

Isa. 61. 2, to comfort all that in.

Jer. 31.13, I will turn their m. into joy.

Mat. 5.4, blessed are they that in. 24.30, then shall the tribes of the earth m.

Lu. 6. 25, woe to you that laugh, for ye shall m.

See Neh. 8.9; Zech. 7.5 ; Jas. 4.9.

MOURNER. 2 Sam. 14. 2; Eccl. 12. 5; Hos. 9.4.

MOURNFULLY. Mai. 3.14.

MOUTH. Job 9.20, mine own m. shall condemn me. 40.4, I will lay my hand on my m. Ps.»8.2; Mat. 21.16, out of the m. of babes. 39.1,  I will keep my w. with a bridle. 49. 3, my w. shall speak of wisdom. 55.21, words of his m. smoother than butter. 81.10, open thy ra. wide. Prov. 10.14 ; 14.3 ; 15.2, the ra. of the foolish. 13.2,  good by the fruit of his m. 3; 21. 23, he that keepeth his m.

Eccl. 6. 7, all labour of a man is for his in. Isa. 29.13; Mat. 15.8, this people draw near with m. Ezek. 33.31, with their m. they show much love. Mai. 2.6, the law of truth was in his m. Mat. 12, 34; Lu. 6.45, the m. speaketh.

Mat. 13. 35, I will open my in. in parables. Lu. 21.15,1 will give you a m. and wisdom. Rom. 10.10, with the in. confession is made. Tit. 1.11, whose m. must be stopped. Jas. 3.10, out of the same m. proceedeth. See Lam. 3. 29 ; John 19. 29; 1 Pet. 2. 22.

MOVE. Ps. 10. 6; 16.8; 30. 6; 62. 2, I shall not

be m.

Mat. 21.10; Acts 21.30, all the city was m. John 5. 3, the m. of the water. Acts 17.28, in him we live and m. 20. 24, none of these things m. me. See Prov. 23. 31; Isa. 7. 2; 2 Pet. 1. 21.

MUCH. Ex. 16.18; 2 Cor. 8.15, he that gathered in. Num. 16.3, ye take too m. upon you. Lu. 7. 47, for she loved ra. 12. 48, to whom ra. is given. 16.10, faithful in in. See Prov. 25.16; Eccl. 5.12 ; Jer. 2.22.

MULTIPLY. Isa. 9. 3, thou hast ra. the nation

and not increased the joy. Jer. 3.16, when ye be ra. they shall say. Dan. 4.1; 6.25; 1 Pet. 1.2; 2 Pet. 1.2; Jude 2,

peace be ra.

Nah. 3.16, thou hast ra. thy merchants. See Acts 6.1; 7.17 ; 9. 31; 12. 24.

MULTITUDE. Ex. 23. 2, a m. to do evil. Job 32. 7, m. of years should teach wisdom. Ps. 5. 7; 51.1; 69.13; 106.7, in the ra. of thy mercy. 33.16, no king saved by ra. 94.19, in the ra. of my thoughts. Prov. 10.19, in ra. of words wanteth not sin. 11.14; 15. 22; 24. 6, in the m. of counsellors. Eccl. 5. 3, through the ra. of business. Jas. 5. 20 ; 1 Pet. 4. 8, hide a ra. of sins. See Deut. 1.10; Josh. 11.4; Lu. 2.13.

MURMURINGS. Ex. 16. 7 ; Num. 14. 27 ; Phil. 2.14.

MUSE. Ps. 39. 3; 143. 5; Lu. 3.15.

MUTTER. Isa. 8.19 ; 59. 3.

MUTUAL. Rom. 1.12.

MYSTERY. Mat. 13.11; 1 Cor. 2.7; 15.51; Eph, 5.32.

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