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LABOUR.(n.). Ps. 90.10, yet is their strength I. and sorrow. 104.23, goeth to his I. till evening. Prov. 13.11, he that gathereth by I. shall increase. 14.23, in all I. there is profit. Eccl. 1.8, all things are full of I. 271
272Eccl. 2.22, what hath man of all his I. 6.7, all the Z. of man is for his mouth. John 4.38, are entered into their I. 1 Cor. 15.58, your Z. is not in vain. 1 Thess. 1.3; Heb. 6.10, your I. of love. Rev. 2.2, I know thy I. and patience. 14.13, rest from their I. See Gen. 31.42; Isa. 58.3; 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11.23.
LABOUR.(v.). Ex. 20.9; Deut. 5.13, six days shalt
thou I.
Neh. 4.21, so we I. in the work. Ps. 127.1, they I. in vain. 144.14, our oxen may be strong to I. Prow 16.26, he that 1Z. for himself. 23.4, I. not to be rich. Eccl. 4.8, for whom do 11. 5.12, the sleep of a Z. man is sweet Mat. 11.28, all ye that Z. John 6.27, Z. not for meat which perisheth, 1 Cor. 3.9, we are Z. together with God. Eph. 4.28, but rather I, working with his hands. 1 Thess. 5.12, which I. among you. 1 Tim. 5.17, they who Z. in word and doctrine. See Mat. 9.37; 20.1; Lu. 10.2.
LACK. Mat, 19.20; Lu. 22.35; Acts 4.34.
LADEN. Isa. 1.4; Mat. 11.28; 2 Tim. 3.6.
LAMB. Isa. 5.17, the Z. feed after their manner. 11.6, the wolf shall dwell with the Z. 53.7 ; Jer. 11.19, as Z. to the slaughter.
John 1.29,36, behold the L. of God. 1 Pet. 1.19, as of a I. without blemish. Rev. 5.6; 13.18, stood a L. slain. 12.11, by the blood of the L. 22.1, the throne of God and of the L. See Isa. 40.11; Lu. 10.3; John 21.15.
LAME. Job 29.15; Prov. 26. 7; Isa. 35. 6; Heb. 12.13.
LAMENT. Mat. 11.17; John 16. 20; Acts 8. 2.
LAMP. Ps. 119.105 ; Prov. 13. 9; Isa. 62.1; Mat. 25.1.
LAST. Num. 23.10, let my Z. end be like his. Prov. 23.32, at the Z. it biteth. Mat. 12. 45; Lu. 11. 26, Z. state of that man. 19. 30; 20.16; Mk. 10. 31; Lu. 13. 30, first shall be Z.
John 6. 39; 11. 24; 12.48, the I day. See Lam. 1.9; 2 Tim. 3.1; 1 Pet. 1.5 ; 1 John 2.18.
LATTER. Job 19. 25; Prov. 19. 20; Hag. 2. 9.
LAUGH. Prov. 1. 26; Eccl. 3. 4; Lu. 6. 21; Jas. 4. 9.
LAW. Josh. 8. 34, all the words of the I Ps. 37.31, the Z. of his God is in his heart. 40. 8, thy Z. is within my heart. 119.70, 77, 92,174, I delight in thy I 97,113,163,165, how I love thy Z. Prov. 13.14, the Z. of the wise is a fountain of life. Isa. 8.20, to the Z. and to the testimony. Mai. 2.6, the Z. of truth was in his mouth. Mat. 5.17, not come to destroy the I. 23.23, the weightier matters of the I. John 7.51, doth our Z. judge any man. 19.7, we have a I, and by our Z. Rom. 2.14, are a I. unto themselves. 3.20, by the deeds of the I. 7.12, the Z. is holy. 14, the Z. is spiritual. 16; 1 Tim. 1.8, the Z. is good. 8. 3, what the Z. could not do. Gal. 3.24, the Z. was our schoolmaster. 5.14, all the I. is fulfilled in one word. 23, against such there is no Z. 6.2, so fulfil the Z. of Christ. 1 Tim. 1. 9, Z. not made for a righteous man. Heb. 7.16, the Z. of a carnal commandment, Jas. 1.25; 2.12, perfect Z. of liberty. 2.8, the royal Z.
See Ps. 1.2; 19.7 ; Mat. 7.12; Rom. 10.4.
LAWFUL. Mat. 12, 2; John 5.10; 1 Cor. 6.12.
LAWLESS. 1 Tim. 1.9.
LEAD. Deut. 4.27; 28.37, whither the Lord shall I.
Ps. 23.2, he I. me beside still waters. 27.11, Z. me in a plain path, 31.3, Z. me and guide me. 61.2, Z. me to the rock. 139.10, there shall thy hand I. me. 24, Z. me in the way everlasting. Prov. 6. 22, when thou goest, it shall I. thee. Isa. 11.6, a little child shall Z. them. 42.16, 1 will Z. them in paths not known. 48.17, I am the Lord which Z. thee.
Mat. 6.13; Lu. 11. 4, Z. us not into temptation. 15.14; Lu. 6.39, if the blind Z. the blind. Acts 13.11, seeking some to Z. him. 1 Tim. 2.2, we may Z. a quiet life.
See John 10.3; 1 Cor. 9.5; 2 Tim. 3.6; Rev. 7.17.
LEAF. Lev. 26. 36; Ps. 1. 3; Isa. 64. 6; Mat. 21.19.
LEAN. Prov. 3. 5; Amos 5.19; Mic. 3.11; John 13.23 ; 21. 20.
LEARN. Deut. 31.13, I to fear the Lord. Prov. 1.5; 9.9; 16.21, will increase I. 22.25, lest thou Z. his ways. Isa. 1.17, I. to do well. 2.4; Mic. 4.3, neither shall they I. war. 29.11,12, deliver to one that is Z. John 6.45, every one that hath I. of the Father. 7.15, having never Z.
Acts 7.22, Z. in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. 26.24, much Z. doth make thee mad. Rom. 15.4, written for our Z. Eph. 4.20, ye have not so Z. Christ. 2 Tim. 3.14, in the things thou hast 1. Heb. 5.8, though a Son, yet I. he obedience. See Mat. 9.13; 11. 29; Phil. 4.11; Rev. 14. 3.
LEAST. Mat. 5.19, one of these Z. commandments. iy. 11; Lu. 7. 28, he that is Z. in kingdom of /heaven. 26^40,45, done it to the 1, of these. Lu. 12.26, not able to do that which is L 16.10, faithful in that which is Z. Eph. 3. 8, less than the Z. of all saints. See Gen. 32.10; Jer. 31. 34; 1 Cor. 6.4.
LEAVE. Gen. 2. 24; Mat. 19. 5 ; Mk. 10. 7; Eph. 5.31, Z. father and mother, and shall cleave. Ps. 16.10; Acts 2. 27, not Z. my soul in hell. 27. 9; 119.121, Z. me not. Mat, 23.23, and not Z. the other undone. John 14.27, peace IZ. with you. Heb. 13. 5, I will never Z. thee. See Ruth 1.16; Mat, 5.24; John 16. 28.
LEES. Isa. 25. 6 ; Jer. 48.11; Zeph. 1.12.
LEND. Deut. 15. 6, thou shalt I. to many nations. Ps. 37.26; 112. 5, ever merciful and Z. Prov. 19.17, he that hath pity on poor I. to the Lord. 22. 7, the borrower is servant to the I. Lu. 6. 34, if ye I. to them of whom. See 1 Sam. 1. 28; Isa. 24. 2; Lu. 11. 5.
LESS. Ex. 30.15; Job 11. 6 ; Isa. 40.17.
LIARS. Ps. 116. 11; John 8. 44; Tit. 1.12; Rev. 2. 2 ; 21. 8.
LIBERAL. Prov. 11.25; Isa. 32.5,8 ; Jas. 1. 5.
LIBERTY. Ps. 119. 45, I will walk at Z. Isa. 61.1; Jer. 34.8; Lu. 4.18, to proclaim I. Rom. 8.21, the glorious Z. 1 Cor 8. 9, take heed lest this Z. of yours. 2 Cor 3.17, where the Spirit is there is I. Gal. 5.1, stand fast in the Z.
Jas. 1. 25; 2.12, the law of Z. See Lev. 25.10 ; Gal. 5.13 ; 1 Pet, 2.16.
LIFE. Gen. 2. 7 ; 6.17 ; 7.22, the breath of I 9 ; 3. 24 ; Rev. 2. 7, the tree of Z. Deut. 30.15; Jer. 21. 8, I have set before thee I. Josh. 2. 14, our Z. for yours. 1 Sam. 25.29, bound up in the bundle of I. Ps. 16.11, show me the path of Z. 17.14; Eccl. 9.9, their portion in this I.
Ps. 26.9, gather not my Z. with bloody men. 27.1, the strength of my I. 30. 5, in his favour is Z. 34.12, what man is he that desireth I. 36.9, the fountain of Z. 91.16, with long Z. will I satisfy him. 133. 3, even Z. for evermore. Prov. 3.22, so shall they he Z. to thy soul. 8.35, whoso flndeth me flndeth Z. 15.24, the way of Z. is above to the wise. Mat. 6. 25; Lu. 12.22, no thought for your Z. 18. 8; 19.17; Mk. 9.43, to enter into Z. Lu. 12.15, a man's Z. consisteth not. 23, the Z. is more than meat. John 1.4, in him was Z. 5.24; 1 John 3.14, passed from death to 7. 26, as the Father hath Z. in himself. 40; 10.10, will not come that ye might have Z. 6.33,47, 48, 54, the bread of Z. 10.15,17; 13.37, I lay down my 7. 11.25; 14.6, the resurrection and the I. Kom. 6.4, in newness of I, 11.15, Z. from the dead. 2 Cor. 2.16, the savour of Z. unto I. Gal. 2.20, the Z. that I now live. Eph. 4.18, alienated from the I. of God. Col. 3.3, your Z. is hid. 1 Tim. 4.8; 2 Tim. 1.1, the promise of the 7. 2 Tim. 1.10, brought Z. to light by gospel. Jas. 4.14, what is your Z. 1 John 1.2, the Z. was manifested. 2.16, the pride of Z. 5.11, this Z. is in his Son. Rev. 22.1,17, river of water of Z. See Mat. 10. 39; 20.28; Acts 5.20.
LIGHT. Ex. 10. 23, Israel had I in their dwellings. Job 18.5, the Z. of the wicked. 37.21, men see not bright Z. in clouds. Ps. 4.6; 90.8, the Z. of thy countenance. 27.1, the Lord is my Z. 36. 9, in thy Z. shall we see Z. 97.11, Z. is sown for the righteous. 119.105, a Z. to my path. Eccl. 11.7, the Z. is sweet. Isa. 5. 20, darkness for Z. and Z. for darkness. 30.26, the Z. of the moon as Z. of sun. 59. 9, we wait for Z. 60.1, arise, shine, for thy Z. is come. Zech. 14. 6, the Z. shall not be clear. Mat. 5.14; John 8.12; 9. 5, the Z. of the world. 16, let your Z. so shine. 6.22, the Z. of the body is the eye. Lu. 12. 35, your loins girded, and Z. burning. 16. 8, wiser than children of Z. John 1.9, that was the true L. 3.19, Z. is come into the world. 20, hateth the Z. 5, 35, burning and shining Z. 12.35, yet a little while is the Z. with you. 36, while ye have Z. believe in the Z. Acts 26.18, turn from darkness to Z. 1 Cor 4.5, bring to Z. hidden things. 2 Cor 4. 4, Z. of the gospel. 6, commanded Z. to shine out of darkness. 11.14, an angel of Z.
Eph. 5. 8, now are ye Z., walk as children of I. 14, Christ shall give thee Z. 1 Tim. 6.16, in Z. which no man can approach. 2 Pet 1.19, a Z. shining in a dark place. 1 John 1.5, God is Z. 7, walk in the Z. as he is in the Z.
Rev. 22. 5, they need no candle, neither Z. of the
sun. See 2 Tim. 1.10; Rev. 7.16; 18. 23; 21. 23.
LIGHTNING. Ex. 19.16; Mat, 24.27 ; Lu. 10.18.
LIKENESS. Ps. 17.15, when I awake, with thy Z. Isa. 40.18, what I. Avill ye compare. Acts 14.11, gods are come down in Z. of men. Rom. 6.5, Z. of his death, I. of his resurrection.
Rom. 8. 3, in the Z. of sinful flesh. Phil. 2. 7, was made in the Z. of men. See Gen. 1.26; 5.1; Ex. 20.4; Deut. 4.16.
LIMIT. Ps. 78.41; Ezek. 43.12; Heb. 4. 7.
LINE. Ps. 16.6; Isa. 28.10,17 ; 34.11; 2 Cor. 10.16.
LINGER. Gen. 19.16; 43.10; 2 Pet. 2. 3.
LIP. 1 Sam. 1.13, only her I. moved. Job 27.4, my Z. shall not speak wickedness. 33.3, my Z. shall utter knowledge. Ps. 12.2,3, flattering Z. 4, our I. are our own. 17.1, goeth not out of feigned I. 31.18; 120. 2; Prov. 10.18; 12. 22 ; 17. 7, lying I. Prov. 15. 7, the Z. of the wise disperse knowledge. Eccl. 10.12, the Z. of a fool will swallow himself. Cant. 7. 9, causing Z. of those asleep to speak. Isa. 6.5, a man of unclean I. Mat. 15.8, honoureth me with their Z. See Ps. 51.15; 141. 3; Dan. 10.16; Hab. 3.16.
LITTLE. Ezra 9. 8, for a Z. space, a Z. reviving. Job 26.14, how Z. a portion is heard. Ps. 8.5; Heb. 2. 7, a Z. lower than angels. 37.16, a Z. that a righteous man hath. Prov. 6.10; 24.33, a Z. sleep. 15.16; 16.8, better is a Z. with fear of Lord. 30.24, four things Z. on earth. Isa. 28.10, here a Z. and there a Z. 40.15 ; Ezek. 16.47, as a very Z. thing. Hag. 1.6, bring in Z. Mat. 6. 30; 8. 26; 14. 31; 16. 8; Lu. 12. 28, Z. faith. 10.42; 18. 6; Mk. 9.42; Lu. 17. 2, I. ones. Lu. 7.47, to whom Z. is forgiven. 19.3, Z. of stature. • 1 Cor. 5. 6; Gal. 5.9, a 7. leaven. 1 Tim. 4.8, bodily exercise profiteth I. 5.23, use a Z. wine. See John 7. 33; 14.19; 16.16; Rev. 3. 8; 6.11.
LIVE. Gen. 17.18, O that Ishmael might Z. before thee. 45.3, doth my father yet 7. ? Lev. 18. 5; Neh. 9. 29; Ezek. 20.11, if a man do,
he shall Z.
Deut. 8.3; Mat. 4.4; Lu. 4.4, not I by bread alone. Job 7.16, I would not Z. alway. 14.14, shall he Z. again. Ps. 118.17, I shall not die, but I Isa. 38.16, make me to Z. 55.3, hear and your soul shall Z. Ezek. 3.21; 18. 9; 33.13, he shall surely I, 16. 6, when thou wast in thy blood, Z. Hos. 6.2, we shall Z. in his sight. Hab. 2.4, the just shall Z. by faith. Lu. 10. 28, this do, and thou shalt L John 11.25, though he were dead, yet shall he 7. 14.19, because I1. ye shall Z. also. Acts 17. 28, in him we Z. and move. Rom. 8.12, Z. after the flesh. 14. 8, whether we Z., we I. unto the Lord. 1 Cor 9.14, should Z. of the gospel. 2 Cor 6.9, as dying, and behold we 7. Gal. 2.19, that I might Z. unto God. 5.25, if we Z. in the Spirit. Phil. 1. 21, for me to Z. is Christ. 2 Tim. 3.12, all that will Z. godly. Jas. 4.15, if the Lord will, we shall Z. Rev. 1.18, I am he that Z. and was dead. 3.1, a name that thou Z. See Rom. 6.10; 1 Tim. 5. 6; Rev. 20.4.
LIVELY. Ex. 1.19; Acts 7. 38; 1 Pet. 1. 3; 2.5.
LIVING. Gen. 2.7, a Z. soul. Job 28.13; Ps. 27.13 ; 52. 5; 116. 9, the land of theZ. 33. 30 ; Ps. 56.13, light of 7. Ps. 69. 28, the book of the Z. Eccl. 7. 2, the Z. will lay it to heart. 9. 5, the Z. know they shall die. Cant. 4.15; Jer. 2.13; 17.13; Zech. 14. 8; John 4.10, Z. water. Isa. 38.19, the Z. shall praise thee. 273
274Lam. 3. 39, wherefore doth a I. man complain. Mk. 12.44, even all her Z. Lu. 8. 43, spent all her I. John 6.51, I am the I. bread. Heb. 10. 20, a new and I. way. See Mat. 22.32; Mk. 12.27; 1 Cor. 15.43.
LOADETH. Ps.68.19.
LOAN. 1 Sam. 2.20.
LOATHE. Num. 21.5: Job 7.16; Ezek. 6.9; 20.43; 36.31.
LODGE. Ruth 1.16; Isa. 1.21; 1 Tim. 5.10.
LOFTY. Ps. 131.1; Isa. 2.11; 57.15.
LONG. Job 3.21, which Z. for death. 6.8, the thing 1Z. for. Ps. 63.1, my flesh Z. for thee in a dry land. 84.2, my soul Z. for courts of the Lord. 119.174, I have Z. for thy salvation. See Deut. 12. 20; 28.32; 2 Sam. 23.15; Phil. 1. 8.
LOOK. Gen. 19.17, Z. not behind thee. Num. 21.8, when he Z. on the serpent. Job 33.27, he Z. on men. Ps. 5. 3, and will Z. up. 34.5, they Z. to him and were lightened. 84. 9, Z. upon the face of thine anointed. Isa. 5.7 ; 59.11, he Z. for judgment. 17. 7, at that day shall a man Z. to his Maker. 45. 22, Z. unto me and be saved. 63. 5, IZ. and there was none to help. 66. 2, to this man will IZ. Jer. 8.15 ; 14.19, we I. for peace. 39.12, Z. well to him. 40.4, come with me and I will I. well to thee. Hag. 1. 9, ye Z. for much. Mat. 11. 3; Lu. 7.19, do we Z. for another. 24. 50, in a day he Z. not for. Lu. 9.62, no man Z. back is fit for kingdom. 10. 32, a Levite came and Z. on him. 22. 61, turned and Z. on Peter. John 13. 22, disciples Z. one on another. Acts 3.4,12, said, Z. on us. 6. 3, Z. ye out seven men. 2 Cor. 4.18, we Z. not at things seen. 10.7, Z. upon things after outward appearance. Phil. 2. 4, Z. not every man on his own things. Tit. 2.13, Z. for that blessed hope. Heb. 11.10, he I for a city. 12.2, Z. unto Jesus. 1 Pet 1.12, angels desire to Z. into. 2 John 8, Z. to yourselves.
See Prov. 14.15; Mat. 5. 28; 2 Pet. 3.12.
LOOSE. Job 38. 31, canst thou I. the bands of
Ps. 102. 20, Z. those appointed to death. 116.16, thou hast I. my bonds. Eccl. 12. 6, or ever the silver cord be I. Mat. 16.19; 18.18, Z. on earth, be Z. in heaven. John 11. 44, Z. him, and let him go. Acts 2. 24, having I. the pains of death. 1 Cor. 7. 27, art thou Z. from a wife. See Deut. 25. 9; Isa. 45.1; 51.14; Lu. 13.12.
LORD. Ex. 34. 6, the L., the L. God, merciful. Deut. 4.35; 1 Kings 18.39, the L. is God. 6. 4, the L. our God is one L. Ruth 2. 4; 2 Chron. 20. 17; 2 Thess. 3. 16, the L.
be with you. 1 Sam. 3.18; John 21. 7, it is the L. Neh. 9.6; Isa. 37. 20, thou art L. alone. Ps. 33.12, whose God is the L. 100.3, know that the L. he is God. 118. 23, this is the L. doing. Zech. 14. 9, one L. and his name one. Mat. 7.21, not every one that saith L., L. 26.22, L., is it I ?
Mk. 2.28; Lu. 6.5, the L. of the sabbath. Lu. 6.46, why call ye me L., L. John 9.36, who is he, L. ? 20.25, we have seen the L. Acts 2. 36, both L. and Christ. 9.5; 26.15, who art thou, L. ?
Eph. 4.5, one L.
See Rom. 10.12; 1 Cor. 2.8; 15.47; Rev. 11.15.
LORDSHIP. Mk. 10.42; Lu. 22. 25.
LOSE. Mat. 10. 39; 16. 25; Mk. 8. 35; Lu. 9. 24, shall I. it. 16. 26; Mk. 8. 36 ; Lu. 9. 25, Z. his own soul. John 6. 39, Father's will I should Z. nothing. See Judg. 18.25; Eccl. 3. 6; Lu. 15.4, 8.
LOSS. 1 Cor. 3.15; Phil. 3. 7, 8.
LOST. Ps. 119.176; Jer. 50.6, like Z. sheep. Ezek. 37.11, otir hope is Z. Mat. 10. 6; 15.24, go to Z. sheep of Israel. 18.11; Lu. 19.10, to save that which was Z. John 6.12, that nothing be Z. 17.12, none of them is Z. 18.9, have IZ. none.
See Lev. 6.3; Deut. 22.3; 2 Cor. 4.3.
LOT. Ps. 16.5, thou maintainest my I. 125.3, not rest on the Z. of the righteous. Prov. 1.14, cast in thy Z. among us. 16.33, Z. is cast into the lap. 18.18, I. causeth contention to cease. Dan. 12.13, stand in thy Z. Acts 8. 21, neither part nor Z. in this matter. See Num. 26.55; Mat. 27. 35 : Acts 1.26.
LOUD. Ezra 3.13; Prov. 7.11; 27.14; Lu. 23.23.
LOVE.(n.). 2 Sam. 1. 26, wonderful, passing the Z.
of women. Prov. 10.12, Z. coyereth all sins. 15.17, better a dinner of herbs where I. is. Cant. 2.4, his banner over me was I. 8. 6, Z. is strong as death. Jer. 31.3, loved thee with everlasting I. Hos. 11.4, the bands of Z. Mat. 24.12, Z. of many shall wax cold. Johd 5. 42, ye have not Z. of God in you. 13.35, if ye have Z. one to another. 15M3, greater I. hath no man than this.
Rom. 13.10, Z. worketh no ill. 2 Cor. 5.14, the Z. of Christ constraineth us. 13.11, the God of Z, shall be with you. Eph. 3.19, the I. of Christ which passeth. 1 Tim. 6.10, Z. of money is the root of all evil. Heb. 13.1, let brotherly Z. continue. 1 John 4. 7, Z. is of God. 8.16, God is Z. 10, herein is I., not that we loved God. 18, no fear in Z.
Rev. 2. 4, thou hast left thy first Z. See Gen. 29. 20; Gal. 5.22; "1 Thess. 1. 3.
LOVE.(».). Lev. 19.18; Mat. 19.19; 22. 39 ; Mk. 12. 31, thou shalt Z. thy neighbour. Deut. 6. 5 ; 10.12; 11.1; 19. 9 ; 30. 6; Mat. 22.37 ;
Mk. 12. 30; Lu. 10. 27, Z. the Lord thy God.
Ps. 18.1, I will Z. thee, O Lord, my strength. 26.8, I have Z. the habitation of thy house. 34.12, what man is he that Z. many days. 69.36, they that Z. his name. 97.10, ye that Z. the Lord. 109.17, as he I. cursing. 122.6, they shall prosper that I. thee. Prov. 8.17, IZ. them that Z. me. 17.17, a friend Z. at all times. Eccl. 3.8, a time to Z. Jer. 5.31, my people Z. to have it so. 31. 3, I have Z. thee with an everlasting I. Hos. 14. 4, I will 7. them freely. Amos 5.15, hate the evil and Z. the good. Mic. 6.8, but to Z. mercy and walk humbly. Mat. 5. 44 ; Lu. 6. 27, I say, Z. your enemies. 46, if ye Z. them which Z. you. Lu. 7.42, which will I. him most. John 11.3, he whom thou Z. is sick. 15.12,17, that ye Z. one another. 21.15,16,17, Z. thou me. Rom. 13.8, owe no man anything but to Z. Eph. 6.24, grace be with all them that Z. our Lord. 1 Pet. 1.8, whom having not seen ye I. 2.17, I. the brotherhood. 274
2751 John 4.19, we I. him because he first I. us.
Rev. 3.19, as many as 11.1 rebuke.
See Gen. 22. 2; John 14.31; 1 John 4. 20, 21.
LOVELY. 2 Sam. 1. 23; Cant. 5.16; Ezek. 33. 32;
Phil. 4. 8.
LOVER. 1 Kings 5.1; Ps. 88.18; 2 Tim. 3. 4; Tit. 4.
LOW. Ps. 136.23; Rom. 12.16; Jas. 1. 9,10.
LOWER. Ps. 8.5; 63. 9 ; Eph. 4. 9; Heb. 2. 7.
LOWEST. Deut. 32.22; Ps. 86.13; Lu. 14.9, LOWLINESS. Eph. 4.2; Phil. 2.3.
LOWLY. Prov. 11. 2, with the I is wisdom. :
Mat. 11.29, I am meek and I.
See Ps. 138. 6 ; Prov. 3. 34; 16.19; Zech. 9. 9.
LUST. Deut. 12.15, 20, 21; 14. 26, whatsoever thy soul Z. after.
Ps. 81.12, gave them up to their own I.
Rom. 7. 7, I had not known I.
Gal. 5. 24, Christ's have crucified flesh with I. 1 Tim. 6.9, rich fall into hurtful I.
Tit. 2.12, denying worldly I.
Jas. 1.14, when he is drawn of his own I. 1 Pet. 2.11, abstain from fleshly I 1 John 2.16, the I. of the flesh. 17, world passeth and the I. thereof. Jude 16,18, walking after I. See Mat. 5.28; 1 Cor. 10. 6; Rev. 18.14.
LYING. Ps. 31.18, let the I. lips be put to silence. 119.163, I abhor I, but thy law I love. Prov. 6.17, the Lord hateth a I. tongue. 12.19, a I. tongue is but for a moment. Jer. 7. 4, trust not in I. words. Eph. 4.25, putting away I. See 1 Kings 22.22; 2 Chron. 18. 21; Dan. 2. 9.
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