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ABASE. Ezek. 21. 26, and a. him that is high.
Dan. 4. 37, walk in pride, he is able to a.
Mat. 23. 12; Lu. 14. 11; 18. 14, whosoever exalteth himself shall be a.
Phil. 4. 12, I know how to be a.
See Job 40. 11; Is. 31. 4; 2 Cor. 11. 7.
ABATED. Gen. 8. 3; Lev. 27. 18; Deut. 34. 7; Judg. 8. 3.
ABHOR. Ex. 5. 21, made our savour to be a.
Job 19. 19, my inward friends a.
Ps. 78. 59, Lord wroth, and a. Israel.
89. 38, thou hast cast off and a.
107. 18, soul a. all manner of meat.
119. 163, I hate and a. lying.
Prov. 22. 14, a. of the Lord shall fall there.
Isa. 7. 16, land thou a. shall be forsaken.
66. 24, they shall be an a. unto all flesh.
Ezek. 16. 25, made thy beauty to be a.
Amos 6. 8, I a. the excellency of Jacob.
See Lev. 26.11; Job 42. 6; Rom. 12. 9.
ABIDE. Gen. 44.33, let servant a. instead of lad. Ex. 16.29, a. every man in his place. Num. 24. 2, he saw Israel a. in tents. 31.19, a. without camp seven days. 1 Sam. 5.7, ark of God not a. with us. Job 24.13, nor a. in the paths thereof. Ps. 15.1, Lord who shall a. in thy tabernacle. 91.1, shall a. under the shadow. Prov. 15. 31, reproof a. among wise. Eccl. 1.4, the earth a. for ever. Jer. 42.10, if ye will still a. in this land. 49.18, 33; 50.40, there shall no man a. Hos. 3.3, thou shalt a. many days. Joel 2.11, day very terrible, who can a, it. Mat. 10.11; Mk. 6.10; Lu. 9.4, there a. till ye go. Lu. 2.8, shepherds a. in field. 19. 5, to-day I must a. at thy house. 24. 29, a. with us, it is toward evening.
John 3. 36, wrath of God a. on him. 5. 38, not his word a. in you. 14.16, another Comforter that he may a. 15.4, a. in me. 5, he that a. in me bringeth. 10, a. in my love. Acts 16.15, come to my house and a. 1 Cor. 3.14, if any man's work a. 13.13, now a. faith, hope, charity. 2 Tim. 2.13, if we believe not he a. See Gen. 29.19; Num. 35. 25; Eccl. 8.15.
ABILITY. Ezra 2. 69, they gave after their a. Dan. 1.4, had a. to stand in the palace. Matt. 25.15, to each according to a. 1 Pet. 4.11, as of the a. God giveth. See Lev. 27. 8; Neh. 5. 8; Acts 11. 29.
ABJECTS. Ps. 35. 15, the a. gathered themselves together.
ABLE. Deut. 16.17, every man give as he is a. Josh. 23. 9, no man a. to stand before you. 1 Sam. 6. 20, who is a. to stand before God. 1 Kings 3. 9, who is a. to judge. 2 Chron. 2. 6, who is a. to build.
Prov. 27.4, who is a. to stand before envy. Amos 7.10, land not a, to bear his words. Mat. 3. 9. God is a. of these stones. 9.28, believe ye that I am a. 20. 22, are ye a. to drink of cup. Lu. 12.26, not a. to do least. Acts 6.10, not a. to resist wisdom.
Rom. 4. 21, what he had promised he was a. 8. 39, a. to separate us from love of God. 1 Cor. 10.13, tempted above that ye are a. 2 Cor. 3.6, a. ministers of new testament. Eph. 3.18, a. to comprehend with all saints.
Phil. 3.21, a. to subdue all things. Heb. 2.18, a. to succour tempted. Jas. 4.12, a. to save and destroy. Jude 24, a. to keep you from falling. Rev. 5. 3, no man a. to open book. 6.17, who shall be a. to stand. See Ex. 18. 21.
ABOARD. Acts 21*2.
ABODE (w.). John 14.23, we will come and make
our a.
See 2 Kings 19.27; lsa. 37. 28.
ABODE (v.). Gen. 49. 24, his bow a. in strength. Ex. 24.16, glory of the Lord a. on Sinai. Judg. 21.2, the people a. there before God. Lu. 1. 56, Mary a. with her three months. John 1. 32, the Spirit, and it a. on him. 39, they came and a. with him. 8.44, a murderer, and a. not in truth. Acts 14. 3, long time a., speaking boldly. 18. 3, Paul a. with them and wrought. See 1 Sam. 7. 2; Ezra 8.15.
ABOLISH. 2 Cor. 3.13, the end of that which is a. Eph. 2.15, a. in his flesh the enmity. 2 Tim. 1.10, Christ, who hath a. death. See lsa. 2.18; 51.6; Ezek. 6. 6.
ABOMINABLE. 1 Kings 21. 26, Ahab a. in following idols.
Job 15.16, how much more a. is man. Ps. 14.1; 53.1, they have done a. works, lsa. 14.19, cast out like a. branch. 65. 4; Jer. 16.18, broth of a. things. Jer. 44. 4, this a. thing that I hate. Tit. 1.16, in works they deny him, being a. 1 Pet. 4. 3, walked in a. idolatries. See Lev. 11. 43; Deut. 14. 3; Rev. 21. 8.
ABOMINATION. Gen. 43. 32; 46. 34, a. to Egyptians.
Lev. 18. 26, shall not commit any a. Deut. 7. 26, nor bring a. into house. 18.9, after the a. of nations. 12, because of a. the Lord doth drive. 25.16, do unrighteously are a. to God. 1 Sam. 13. 4, Israel had in a. with Philistines. Prov. 3. 32; 11.20, froward a. to the Lord. 8. 7. wickedness an a. to my lips. 15.8,9,26; 21.27, sacrifice, etc. of wicked are a. 28.9, even his prayer shall be a, lsa. 44.19, residue thereof an a. Jer. 4.1, put away thine a. out of sight. 6.15; 8.12, ashamed when committed a. Ezek. 5. 9, the like, because of all thine a. 33. 29, land desolate because of a. Dan. 11. 31; Mat. 24.15; Mk. 13.14, a. of desolation.
Lu. 16.15, esteemed among men a. with God. Rev. 21. 27, in no wise enter that worketh a. See Lev. 7.18; 11.41; Mai. 2.11; Rev. 17. 4.
ABOUND. Prov. 28. 20, faithful shall a. with
blessings. Rom. 15.13, that ye may a. in hope. 1 Cor. 15. 58, always a. in work. 2 Cor. 1. 5, as sufferings a. so consolation a. See Rom. 3.7 ; 5.15; Phil. 4.12.
ABOVE. Deut. 28.13, a. only and not beneath. Job 31. 2, portion of God from a. Prov. 15. 24, way of life a. to wise. Mat. 10. 24; Lu. 6. 40, disciple not a. master. John 3. 31, cometh from a. is a. all. 8.23, I am from a. Rom. 14. 5, one day a. another. 1 Cor. 4. 6, a. that which is written. Gal. 4.26, Jerusalem a. is free. See Gen. 48.22; Ps. 138.2; Jam. 1.17. 195
196ABSENT. 1 Cor. 5. 3; Col. 2. 5, a. in body. 2 Cor. 5. 6, a. from Lord. See Gen. 31. 49; 2 Cor. 10.1.
ABSTAIN. Acts 15. 20, 29, a. from pollutions of
idols. 1 Thess. 5. 22, a. from all appearance of evil. 1 Pet. 2.11, a. from fleshly lusts. Seel Thess. 4. 3; 1 Tim. 4. 3.
ABSTINENCE. Acts 27. 21, after long a. Paul
stood forth.
ABUNDANCE. 1 Sam. 1. 16, out of a. of my
complaint. 1 Kings 18. 41, sound of a. of rain. 1 Chron 29. 21, offered sacrifices in a. Ps. 52.7, trusted in a. of riches. 72.7; Jer. 33.6, a. of peace. Eccl. 5.10, loveth a. with increase. 12, a. of rich not suffer to sleep. Mat. 12. 34; Lu. 21. 4, out of a. of heart. 13.12; 25. 29, he shall have more a. Lu. 12.15, life consisteth not in a. 2 Cor 8. 2, of affliction the a. of their joy. 12. 7, through a. of revelations.
See Job 36. 31; Rom. 5.17 ; Rev. 18. 3.
ABUNDANT. Job 36. 28, clouds drop and distil a. Ps. 145.7, a. utter the memory. Isa. 56.12, as this day and more a. 1 Cor. 15.10; 2 Cor. 11. 23, laboured more a. than all. 1 Tim. 1.14, grace was exceeding a. Titus 3. 6, shed a. through Jesus Christ. 2 Pet 1. ll, entrance administered a. See Ex. 34. 6; Isa. 55. 7 ; 1 Pet. 1. 3.
ABUSE. 1 Cor. 7. 31, use world as not a. 9.18, that I a. not my power.
See 1 Sam. 31.4; 1 Chron. 10. 4.
ACCEPT. Gen. 4.7, shalt thou not be a.
Ex. 28. 38; Lev. 10.19, a. before the Lord.
Deut. 33.11, a. the work of his hands. 1 Sam 18. 5, a. in sight of all people. 2 Sam 24. 23, the Lord thy God a. thee. Esth. 10. 3, a. of his brethren.
Job 13. 8 ; 32. 21, will ye a. his person. 42. 8, 9, him will I a.
Prov. 18. 5, not good to a. wicked.
Jer. 14.12; Amos 5. 22,1 will not a. them. 37. 20; 42. 2, supplication be a.
Ezek. 20. 40; 43.27, I will a.
Mai. 1.13, should I a. this.
Lu. 4.24, no prophet is a.
Acts 10. 35, he that worketh righteousness a.
Rom. 15. 31, service a. of saints. 2 Cor. 5. 9, present or absent we may be a.
See Ps. 119.108; Eccl. 12.10; Mai. 1. 8.
ACCESS. Rom. 5. 2; Eph. 2.18; 3.12.
ACCOMPLISH. Job 14. 6, a. as an hireling.
Ps. 64. 6, they a. diligent search.
Prov. 13.19, desire a. is sweet.
Isa. 40. 2, her warfare is a.
Lu. 12. 50, straitened till it be a. 1 Pet 5. 9, afflictions are a. in brethren. See Isa. 55.11; Lu. 18. 31; 22. 37.
ACCORD. Acts 1.14; 4. 24 ; 8. 6; Phil. 2. 2.
ACCORDING. Ex. 12.25, a. as he hath promised.
Deut. 16.10, a. as God hath blessed thee.
Job 34.11; Jer. 17.10; 25.14; 32.19, a. to ways.
Mat. 16. 27; Rom. 2. 6; 2 Tim. 4.14, a. to works.
John 7. 24, a. to the appearance.
Rom. 8. 28, called a. to his purpose. 12. 6, gifts differing a. to grace. 2 Cor 8.12, a. to that a man hath. See Mat. 9. 29; Tit. 3. 5.
ACCOUNT. Mat. 12.36, give a. in day of judgment. Lu. 16.2, give a. of stewardship. 20. 35, a. worthy to obtain. Rom. 14.12, every one give a. to God, Gal. 3. 6, a. to him for righteousness. Heb. 13.17, watch as they that give a. See Job 33.13; Ps. 144. 3; 1 Pet, 4. 5.
ACCURSED. Josh. 6.18; 7.1; 22. 20; 1 Chron. 2. 7, a. thing.
Rom. 9. 3, wish myself a. from Christ. 1 Cor. 12. 3, no man calleth Jesus a.
Gal. 1. 8, 9, preach other gospel, let him be a.
See Deut. 21. 23; Josh. 6.17 ; Isa. 65. 20.
ACCUSATION. Lu. 19. 8, anything by false a. 1 Tim. 5.19, against elder receive not a. 2 Pet 2.11; Jude 9, railing a.
See Mat. 27. 37 ; Mk. 15. 26; Lu. 6. 7.
ACCUSE. Prov. 30. 10, a. not servant to his master.
Mat. 27.12, when a. he answered nothing.
Lu. 16.1, was a. that he had wasted.
John 5.45, I will a. you to the Father.
Tit. 1. 6, not a. of riot or unruly.
See Mat. 12.10; Mk. 3. 2; Lu. 11. 54; Rev. 12.10.
ACKNOWLEDGE. Ps. 32. 5; 51. 3,1 a. my sin.
Prov. 3. 6, in all thy ways a. him.
Isa. 63.16, though Israel a. us not. 1 John 2. 23, he that a. the Son.
ACQUAINT. Job 22. 21; Ps. 139. 3; Eccl. 2. 3 ;
Isa. 53. 3.
ACQUAINTANCE. Job 19.13 ; Ps. 31.11; 55.13.
ACTIONS. ISam. 2. 3.
ACTIVITY. Gen. 47. 6.
ADDER. Gen. 49. 17; Ps. 58. 4; 91. 13 ; 140. 3; Prov. 23. 32. '
ADDICTED. 1 Cor. 16.15.
ADDITION. 1 Kings 7. 29, 30, 36.
ADJURE. Josh. 6. 26; 1 Sam. 14. 24; 1 Kings 22. 16; 2 Chron. 18. 15; Mat. 26. 63; Mk. 5. 7; Acts 19. 13.
ADMINISTER. 1 Cor. 12. 5 ; 2 Cor. 8.19, 20; 9.12.
ADMIRE. 2 Thess. 1.10; Jude 16; Rev. 17. 6.
ADMONISH. Acts 27. 9, Paul a. them.
Rom. 15.14; Col. 3.16, a. one another. 1 Thess 5.12, over you in Lord and a. you. 2 Thess 3.15, a. him as a brother. Heb. 8. 5, Moses was a. of God. See Eccl. 4.13; 12.12; Jer. 42.19.
ADMONITION. 1 Cor. 10.11; Eph. 6.4; Tit. 3.10.
ADO. Mk. 5. 39.
ADOPTION. Rom. 8. 15, 23; 9. 4; Gal. 4. 5;
Eph. 1. 5.
ADORN. Isa. 61.10; Rev. 21.2, bride a. herself. 1 Tim. 2. 9; 1 Pet. 3. 3, 5, women a. Tit. 2.10, a. doctrine of God.
ADVANCED. 1 Sam. 12. 6; Esth. 3.1; 5.11; 10. 2.
ADVANTAGE. Lu. 9. 25, what is a man a.
Rom. 3.1; 1 Cor. 15. 32, what a. ? 2 Cor 2.11, lest Satan get a. See Job 35. 3; Jude 16.
ADVENTURE. Deut. 28.56; Judg. 9.17; Acts 19.31.
ADVERSARY. Deut. 32. 43; Ps. 89. 42; Isa. 59. 18; Jer. 46.10; Nah. 1. 2; Lu. 13.17, his a. Ex. 23. 22, I will be a. to thy a. Num. 22.22, angel stood for a. 1 Kings 5. 4, neither a. nor evil. 11.14, 23, Lord stirred up a. Job 31. 35, that mine a. had written. Ps. 38. 20; 69.19; 109. 4, 20, 29; Isa. 1.24, my a. 74.10, how long shall a. reproach. Isa. 50. 8, who is mine a. 64.2; Jer. 30.16; Mic. 5. 9, thy a. Amos 3.11, a. shall be round the land. Mat. 5. 25 ; Lu. 12. 58, thine a. 1 Cor. 16. 9, there are many a. Phil. 1. 28, terrified by your a. 1 Tim. 5.14, give no occasion to a. Heb. 10.27, indignation shall devour a. See 1 Sam. 2.10; Isa. 9.11; 11.13.
ADVERSITY. 1 Sam. 10. 19; 2 Sam. 4. 9; 2 Chron. 15. 6, all a.
197Ps. 10. 6, I shall never be in a. 94.13; Prov. 24.10; Eccl. 7.14, day of a.
Prov. 17.17, brother is horn for a. . Isa. 30. 20, bread of a.
Heb. 13. 3, remember them which suffer a.
See Ps. 31. 7; 35.15.
ADVERTISE. Num. 24.14; Ruth 4. 4.
ADVICE. 1 Sam. 25. 33, blessed be thy a. 2 Sam. 19. 43, that our a. should not be first. 2 Chron. 10. 9,14, what a. give ye.
Prov. 20.18, with good a. make war. 2 Cor. 8.10, herein I give my a. '
See Judg. 19. 30; 20. 7 ; 2 Chron. 25.17.
ADVISE. Prov. 13.10, with the well a. is wisdom.
Acts 27.12, the more part a. to depart.
See 2 Sam. 24.13; 1 Kings 12. 6; 1 Chron. 21.12.
ADVISEMENT. 1 Chron. 12.19.
AFAR-OFF. Jer. 23. 23, a God a. 30.10; 46. 27, I will save them from a.
Mat. 26. 58; Mk. 14. 54; Lu. 22. 54, followed a.
Acts 2. 39, promise to all a.
Eph. 2.17, preached to you a.
Heb. 11.13, seen the promises a.
AFFAIRS. 1 Chron. 26.32, pertaining to God and a. of king. 2 Tim. 2. 4, entangleth himself with a.
See Dan. 2. 49; 3.12 ; Eph. 6. 21, 22.
AFFECTED. Acts 14. 2, minds evil a. against brethren.
Gal. 4.17,18, zealously a.
See Lam. 3. 51.
AFFECTION. 1 Chron. 29. 3, have set a. to house
of God.
Rom. 1. 26, vile a. 31; 2 Tim. 3. 3, without natural a. 12.10, be kindly a. one to another. Gal. 5.24, crucified flesh with a. Col. 3. 2, set your a. on things above. 5, inordinate a. See 2 Cor. 7.15.
AFFINITY. 1 Kin. 3.1; 2 Chr. 18.1; Ezra 9.14.
AFFIRM. Acts 25. 19, Jesus, whom Paul a. to
be alive.
See Rom. 3. 8; 1 Tim. 1.7 ; Tit. 3. 8.
AFFLICT. Lev. 16. 29, 31; Num. 29. 7 ; Isa. 58. 3, 5, a. your souls.
Num. 11.11, wherefore hast thou a. Ruth 1. 21, Almighty hath a. me. 1 Kings 11. 39, I will a, seed of David. 2 Chr 6. 26; 1 Kin. 8. 35, turn when thou dost a. Job 6.14, to a. pity should be showed.
Ps. 44. 2, how thou didst a. people. 55.19, God shall hear and a. 82. 3, do justice to the a. 90.15, the days wherein thou hast a. 119. 67, before I was a. 140.12, maintain cause of a. Prov. 15.15, days of the a. evil. 22. 22, neither oppress the a. 31. 5, pervert judgment of a. Isa. 51. 21, hear thou a. and drunken. 53. 4, 7, smitten of God and a. 54.11, thou a. tossed with tempest. 63. 9, in all their a, he was a.
Lam. 1. 5,12, the Lord hath a. Nah. 1.12, I will a. no more. Zeph. 3.12, I will leave an a. people. 2 Cor. 1. 6, a. it is for consolation. 1 Tim. 5.10, if she have relieved the a. Heb. 11. 37, destitute, a,, tormented. Jas. 4. 9, be a. and mourn and weep. 5.13, is any a., let him pray. See Ex. 1.11,12; 22. 22, 23.
AFFLICTION. Gen. 29. 32; Deut. 26. 7; Ps. 25. 18, looked on a.
Ex. 3.7 ; Acts 7.10,11, 34, have seen a. of people. Deut. 16. 3; 1 Kings 22. 27; 2 Chron. 18. 26,
bread of a. 2 Chron. 20. 9, cry to thee in a. 33.12. in a. besought the Lord. Job 5. 6, a. cometh not forth of the dust. 30.16, 27, days of a. 36. 8, cords of a.
Ps. 34.19, many are a. of righteous. 119. 50, this my comfort in a. 132.1, remember David and all his a. Isa. 30.20, water of a. 48.10, furnace of a. Jer. 16.19, refuge in day of a. Lam. 3.1, man that hath seen a. Hos. 5.15, in their a. they will seek. Mk. 4.17, a. ariseth for the word's sake. Acts 20. 23, bonds and a. abide me. 2 Cor. 2. 4, out of much a. I wrote. 4.17, light a. for moment. 8. 2, great trial of a. Phil. 1.16, add a. to bonds. Heb. 10. 32, great fight of a. 11. 25, suffer a. with people. Jas. 1. 27, visit fatherless in a. See 2 Kings 14. 26; Col. 1. 24.
AFFRIGHT. Isa. 21. 4, fearfulness a. me. Mk. 16. 5 ; Lu. 24. 37, they were a, 6, be not a. ye seek Jesus. See Deut. 7. 21; 2 Chron. 32.18; Jer. 51. 32.
AFORETIME. Dan. 6.10, prayed as a, Rom. 15. 4, things were written a. See Isa. 52. 4; Jer. 30. 20.
AFRAID. Mat. 14. 27; Mk. 5.36; 6.50; John 6. 20,
be not a.
Gen. 20. 8; Ex. 14.10; Mk. 9. 6; Lu. 2. 9, sore a. Lev. 26. 6; Job 11. 19; Isa. 17. 2; Ezek. 34. 28;
Mic. 4. 4; Zeph. 3.13, none make a. Judg. 7. 3, whosoever is fearful and a. 1 Sam. 18. 29, Saul yet the more a. Neh. 6. 9, they all made us a. Job 3. 25, that 1 was a. of is come. 9.28, I am a. of sorrows. Ps. 27.1, of whom shall I be a. 56.3,11, what time I am a. 65.8, a. at thy tokens. 91. 5, a. for terror by night. 112. 7, a. of evil tidings. Isa. 51.12, be a. of a man that shall die. Mk. 9. 32; 10. 32, a. to ask him. John 19. 8, Pilate was more a. Gal. 4.11, I am a of you. Heb. 11. 23, not a. of commandment. See Deut. 1.17 ; Ps. 3. 6.
AFRESH. Heb. 6. 6.
AFTERNOON. Judg. 19. 8.
AFTERWARDS. 1 Sam. 24. 5, a. David's heart
smote him.
Ps. 73.24, a. receive me to glory. Prov. 20.17, deceit sw'eet, but a. 24. 27, prepare work and a. build. 29.11, wise man keepeth till a. John 13. 36, thou shalt follow me a. 1 Cor. 15. 23, a. they that are Christ's. See Ex. 11.1; Mat. 21. 32; Gal. 3. 23.
AGAINST. Lu. 2.34; Acts 19.36; 28.22, spoken a.
See Gen. 16.12; Mat. 12. 30; Lu. 11. 23.
AGED. 2 Sam. 19. 32; Job 15.10 ; Tit. 2. 2, a. men. Philem. 9, Paul the a. See Job 12. 20; 29. 8; 32. 9.
AGES. Eph. 2. 7 ; 3. 5, 21; Col. 1.26.
AGONE. 1 Sam. 30.13.
AGONY. Lu.22. 44.
AGREE. Amos 3. 3, except they be a. Mat. 5. 25, a. with adversary. 18.19, two of you shall a. Mk. 14. 56, 59, witness a. not. Acts 15,15, to this a. words of the prophets. 1 John 5. 8, these three a. in one. See Mat. 20. 2; Lu. 5. 36; Acts 5. 9; Rev. 17.17.
AGREEMENT. Isa. 28.15; 2 Cor. 6.16.
198AGROUND. Acts 27. 41.
AHA. Ps. 35. 21; 40.15; 70. 3; Isa. 44.16; Ezek. 25 3 • 26 2 ■ 36 2 AILETH. Gen. 21.17; Judg. 18. 23; 1 Sam. 11.5; 2 Sam. 14. 5; Ps. 114. 5; Isa. 22.1.
AIR. Job 41.16, no a. can come between. 1 Cor. 9. 26, as one that beateth the a. 14. 9, ye shall speak into a. 1 Thess. 4.17, meet Lord in a. See 2 Sam. 21.10; Eccl. 10.20; Acts 22.23; Rev. 9 2
ALARM. Jer. 4.19; 49.2, a. of war. Joel 2.1, sound a. in holy mountain. See 2 Chron. 13.12; Zeph. 1.16.
ALAS. 2 Kings 6. 5,15, a. my master. Ezek. 6.11, stamp and say a. See Num. 24. 23; Jer. 30. 7; Rev. 18.10.
ALBEIT. Ezek. 13.7; Philem. 19.
ALIEN. Deut. 14, 21, sell it to an a. Ps. 69.8, an a. unto my mother's children. Eph. 2.12, a. from commonwealth. Heb. 11. 34, armies of the a. See Ex. 18. 3; Job 19.15; Isa. 61. 5; Lam. 5. 2.
ALIENATED. Ezek. 23.17; Eph. 4.18; Col. 1.21.
ALIKE. Job 21. 26, lie down a. in dust. Ps. 33.15, fashioneth hearts a. Eccl. 9. 2, things cometh a. to all. See Ps. 139.12; Eccl. 11. 6; Rom. 14. 5.
ALIVE. Lev. 16.10, scapegoat presented a. Num. 16. 33, went down a. into pit. Deut. 4.4, are a. every one of you. 32. 39; 1 Sam. 2. 6, I kill and I make a. Ezek. 13.18; 18. 27, save soul a. Mk. 16.11, heard that he was a. Lu. 15. 24, 32, son was dead and is a. 24. 23, angels who said he was a. Acts 1.3, showed himself a. Rom. 6.11,13. a. to God. 1 Cor. 15. 22. all be made a. 1 Thess. 4.15, we who are a. and remain. Rev. 1.18, I am a. for evermore. See 2 Kings 5. 7 ; Dan. 5.19; Rev. 2. 8; 19.20.
ALLEGING. Acts 17. 3.
ALLOW. Lu. 11. 48; Acts 24. 25; Rom. 7. 15; 14. 22.
ALLOWANCE. 2 Kings 25. 30.
ALLURE. Hos. 2.14; 2 Pet. 2.18.
ALMIGHTY. Ex. 6. 3, by the name of God A. Job 11.7, canst thou find out the A. 29. 5, when A. was yet with me. Ezek. 1.24; 10. 5, I heard as voice of A. Rev. 1. 8; 4. 8; 11.17, A. who was, and is. See Gen. 17.1; Job 21.15; Ps. 91.1.
ALMS. Mat. 6.1; Lu. 11. 41; 12. 33; Acts 10. 2.
ALONE. Num. 11. 14; Deut. 1. 9, bear all these
people a. 1 Kings 11. 29, they two a. in field. Job 1.15, escaped a. to tell. Ps. 136. 4, a. doeth great wonders. Mat. 4.4; Lu. 4.4, not live by bread a. Lu. 9.18, 36; John 6.15, Jesus was a. 13. 8, let a. this year also. See Gen. 2.18; Mat. 18.15; Jas. 2.17.
ALREADY. Eccl. 1. 10; Mai. 2. 2; John 3. 18;
Phil. 3.16.
ALTAR. Mat. 5.23, bring gift to a. 23.18. swear by a. 1 Cor. 9.13; 10.18, wait at a. Heb. 13.10, we have an a. See 1 Kings 13. 2; Isa. 19.19; Acts 17.23.
ALTER. Ps. 89.34, nor a. thing gone out of my lips. Lu. 9.29, fashion of countenance a. See Lev. 27.10; Dan. 6.8.
ALTOGETHER. Ps. 14. 3; 53.3, a. become filthy. 50.21, a. such an one as thyself. Cant. 5.16, he is a. lovely. See Ps. 19.9; 39.5; 139.4.
ALWAYS. Job 7.16, I would not live a.
Ps. 103.9, not a, chide.
Mat. 28.20, I am with you a.
Mk. 14.7 ; John 12.8, me ye have not a.
Phil. 4.4, rejoice in Lord a.
See Ps. 16.8; Isa. 57.16; John 11.42.
AMAZED. Mat. 19. 25, disciples exceedingly a.
Mk. 2.12; Lu. 5.26, a., and glorified God. 14.33, he began to be sore a.
Lu. 9.43, a. at mighty power of God.
See Ezek. 32.10; Acts 3.10; 1 Pet. 3.6.
AMEND. Jer. 7. 3; 26.13; 35.15; John 4. 52.
AMIABLE. Ps.84.1.
AMISS. 2 Chron. 6. 37; Dan. 3. 29; Lu. 23. 41;
Jas. 4.3.
ANGEL. Gen. 48.16, the A. who redeemed me.
Ps. 34. 7, a. of Lord encampeth. 78.25, man did eat a. food.
Eccl. 5. 6, nor say before a. it was error.
Isa. 63. 9, a. of his presence saved them.
Hos. 12. 4, he had power over a.
Mat. 13. 39, reapers are the a.
Mk. 12. 25; Lu. 20. 36, are as a. in heaven.
Lu. 22. 43, an a. strengthening him.
John 5. 4, a. went down at a certain season.
Acts 12.15, it is his a. 1 Cor 6. 3, we shall judge a. 2 Cor 11.14, transformed into a. of light. Heb. 2. 2, word spoken by a. 16, not nature of a. 13.2, entertained a. unawares. 1 Pet 1.12, a. desire to look into.
See Gen. 19.1; Ps. 8. 5; Mat. 25.41; Heb. 2. 7.
ANGER. Gen. 49. 7, cursed be their a.
Neh. 9.17, slow to a.
Ps. 6.1; Jer. 10.24, rebuke me not in a. 30. 5, a. endureth but a moment.
Prov. 15.1, grievous words stir up a. 19.11, discretion deferreth a.
Eccl. 7. 9, a. resteth in bosom of fools.
Mk. 3. 5, he looked on them with a.
Col. 3. 8, put off «., wrath, malice.
See Ps. 37. 8; 85. 3; 90. 7; Prov. 16. 32.
ANGRY. Ps. 7.11, God is a. with the wicked.
Prov. 14.17, he that is soon a. 22.24, make no friendship with a. man. 25. 23, so doth an a. countenance.
Jonah 4. 4, doest thou well to be a.?
Mat. 5. 22, whosoever is a. with brother.
John 7. 23, are ye a. at me.
Eph. 4. 26, be a. and sin not.
Tit. 1. 7, bishop not soon a.
See Gen. 18. 30; Prov. 21.19; Eccl. 5. 6; 7. 9.
ANGUISH. Ex. 6. 9, hearkened not for a.
Job 7.11, I will speak in a. of spirit.
Rom. 2. 9, tribulation and a. on every soul. 2 Cor 2. 4, out of much a. of heart. See Gen. 42. 21; Isa. 8. 22; John 16. 21.
ANOINT. Deut. 28.40; 2 Sam. 14.2, a. not thyself. Isa. 21. 5, arise and a. shield. 61.1: Lu. 4.18, a. to preach. Mk. 14. 8, a. my body to burying. Lu. 7. 46, my head thou didst not a. John 9. 6, a. eyes of blind man. 12. 3, Mary a. feet of Jesus. 2 Cor. 1.21, he which a. us is God. 1 John 2.27, the same a. teacheth. Rev. 3.18, a. thine eyes with eyesalve. See Judg. 9. 8; Ps. 2.2; 84.9; Jas. 5.14.
ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 26. 9.
ANOTHER. Prov. 27.2, let a. praise thee. 2 Cor 11. 4; Gal. 1. 6, 7, a. gospel. Jas. 5.16, pray one for a.
See 1 Sam. 10. 6; Job 19.27; Isa. 42. 8; 48.11.
ANSWER.(».). Job 19.16; 32.3; Cant. 5. 6; Mic. 3. 7 ; John 19. 9, no a. Prov. 15.1, a soft a. turneth. 16.1, a. of tongue from the Lord.
1991 Pet 3.15, be ready to give a. 21. a. of good conscience.
See Job 35.12; Lu. 2. 47; 2 Tim. 4.16.
ANSWER.(v.). Job 11.2, multitude of words be a. Ps. 65. 5, by terrible things wilt thou a. Prov. 1. 28, I will not a. 18.13, a. a matter before he heareth. 26. 4, 5, a. not a fool. Eccl. 10.19, money a. all things. Lu. 21.14, meditate not what to a. 2 Cor 5.12, somewhat to a. Col. 4. 6, how ye ought to a. Tit. 2. 9, not a. again.
See 1 Kings 18. 29; Ps. 138.3; Isa, 65.12, 24.
ANTIQUITY. Isa. 23. 7.
APART. Mat. 14.13, desert place a. 23; 17.1; Lu. 9. 28, mountain a.
Mk. 6. 31, come ye yourselves a.
See Ps. 4. 3; Zech. 12.12; Jas. 1.21.
APPARENTLY. Num. 12.8.
APPEAR. Col. 3. 4: 1 Tim. 6.14; 2 Tim. 1.10; 4. 8; Tit. 2.13; Heb. 9. 28; 1 Pet. 1. 7, a. of Christ. 1 Sam 16. 7, man looketh on the outward a. Ps. 42. 2, when shall I a. before God. 90.16, let thy work a. Cant. 2.12, flowers a. on earth. Mat. 6.16, a. to men to fast. 23.28, outwardly a. righteous. Rom. 7.13, that it might a. sin. 2 Cor 5.10, we must all a. 12, glory in a. 1 Thess. 5. 22, a. of evil. 1 Tim. 4.15, profiting may a.
See Ex. 23.15; Mat. 24. 30; Lu. 19.11.
APPEASE. Gen. 32.20; Prov. 15.18; Acts 19. 35.
APPERTAIN. Num. 16. 30; Jer. 10. 7; Rom. 4.1.
APPETITE. Job 38. 39; Prov. 23. 2; Eccl. 6. 7 ;
Isa. 29. 8.
APPLY. Ps. 90. 12; Prov. 2. 2; 22.17; 23.12;
Eccl. 7. 25.
APPOINT. Job 7. 3, wearisome nights are a. 14. 5, thou hast a. bounds. 30.23, house a. for all living.
Ps. 79.11; 102.20, preserve those a. to die.
Mat. 24. 51; Lu. 12.46, a. him his portion.
Acts 6. 3, seven men whom we may a. 1 Thess. 5. 9, not a. to wrath.
See Job 14.13; Ps. 104.19; Acts 17. 31.
APPREHEND. Acts 12.4; 2 Cor. 11.32; Phil. 3.12.
APPROACH. Isa. 58.2, take delight in a. God.
Lu. 12.33, where no thief a. 1 Tim. 6.16, light no man can a. Heb. 10.25, as ye see the day a.
See Deut. 31.14; Job 40.19; Ps. 65.4.
APPROVE. Acts 2.22, a man a. of God. Rom. 16.10, a. in Christ. Phil. 1.10, a. things that are excellent 2 Tim. 2.15, show thyself a.
See Ps. 49.13; 1 Cor. 11.19; Phil. 1.10.
APT. 2 Kings 24.16; 1 Tim. 3. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 24.
ARGUING. Job 6. 25.
ARGUMENTS. Job 23. 4.
ARIGHT. Ps. 50.23; 78.8; Prov. 15.2; 23. 31.
ARISE. 1 Kings 18.44, there a. a little cloud,
Neh. 2.20, a. and build.
Ps. 68.1, let God a. 88.10, dead a. and praise thee. 112. 4, to upright a. light.
Mai. 4. 2, Sun of righteousness a.
Mk. 2.11; Lu. 7.14; 8. 54; Acts 9.40,1 say a.
Lu. 15.18, I will a. and go.
Eph. 5.14, a. from the dead. 2 Pet. 1.19, till daystar a.
ARMY. 1 Sam. 17.10, I defy the a. of Israel.
Job 25. 3, is there any number of his a.
Lu. 2L 2Qy Jerusalem compassed with a.
Acts 23. 27, then came I with an a. Heb. 11. 34, a. of the aliens. See Cant. 6.4; Ezek. 37.10.
ARRAY. Jer. 43.12, shall a. himself with land. Mat. 6.29; Lu. 12. 27, a. like one of these. 1 Tim. 2. 9, not with costly a. Rev. 7.13, a. in white robes. See Job 40.10; Rev. 17. 4; 19.8.
ARRIVED. Lu. 8.26; Acts 20.15.
ARROGANCY. 1 Sam. 2. 3; Prov. 8.13; Isa. 13. 11; Jer. 48. 29.
ARROW. Num. 24.8, pierce through with a. Ps. 38. 2, thine a. stick fast. 76. 3, brake the a. of the bow. 91. 5, a. that flieth by day. Prov. 25.18, false witness sharp a. 26.18, casteth a. and death. Ezek. 5.16, evil a. of famine. See Deut. 32.23; 2 Sam. 22.15; Job 6. 4; 4128.
ARTIFICER. Gen. 4.22; 1 Chron. 29.5; 2 Chron. 34.11; Isa. 3. 3.
ARTILLERY. 1 Sam. 20.40.
ASCEND. Ps. 68.18; Rom. 10. 6; Eph. 4.8, a. on
John 1. 51, angels of God a. 3.13, no man hath a. to heaven, 20.17, I am not yet a. Rev. 8. 4, smoke of incense a. 11.12, they a. up to heaven. See Ps. 24. 3; 139.8.
ASCRIBE. Deut. 32. 3; Job 36. 3; Ps. 68. 34.
ASHAMED. Job 11. 3, shall no man make a. Ps. 25.3, let none that wait be a. 31.1, let me never be a. 34. 5, their faces were not a. Isa. 45.17, not a. world without end. 65.13, ye shall be a. Jer. 2.26, as a thief is a. 6.15; 8.12, were they a. 12.13, a. of your revenues. 14.4, plowmen were a. Lu. 16. 3, to beg I am a. Rom. 1.16, not a. of Gospel. 5. 5, hope maketh not a. 9. 33; 10.11, believeth shall not be a.
2 Tim. 1.8, not a. of testimony. 2.15, workman that needeth not to be a. Heb. 2.11, not a. to call them brethren. 11.16, not a. to be called their God. 1 Pet. 4.16, suffer as Christian, not be a. See Gen. 2.25; 2 Tim. 1.12.
ASIDE. 2 Kings 4.4; Mk. 7.33; Heb. 12.1.
ASK. Ps. 2.8; Isa. 45.11, a. of me. Isa. 65.1, sought of them that a. not. Mat. 7.7 ; Lu. 11. 9, a. and it shall be given. 21. 22, whatsoever ye a. Mk. 6. 22, a. what thou wilt. John 14.13; 15.16, a. in my name. Jas. 1. 5, let him a. of God. 1 Pet. 3.15, a. reason of hope. 1 John 3.22; 5.14, whatsoever we a. See Deut. 32. 7; John 4. 9,10; 1 Cor. 14. 35.
ASLEEP. Mat. 8. 24; Mk. 4. 38, but he was a. 26. 40; Mk. 14.40, disciples a. 1 Cor. 15. 6, some are fallen a. 1 Thess 4.13,15, them that are a. 2 Pet 3. 4, since fathers fell a. See Cant. 7. 9.
ASS. Num. 22.30, am not I thine a.
Prov. 26.3, bridle for a.
Isa. 1. 3, a. his master's crib.
Jer. 22.19, burial of an a.
Zech. 9. 9; Mat. 21.5, riding on a.
Lu. 14.5, a. fallen into pit. 2 Pet. 2.16, dumb a. speaking.
See Gen. 49.14; Ex. 23. 4; Deut. 22.10.
ASSAULT. Esth. 8.11; Acts 14. 5; 17. 5.
ASSAY. Acts 9.26» Saul a. to join disciples.
200Acts 16. 7, they a. to go to Bithynia.
Heb. 11. 29, Egyptians a. to do.
See Deut. 4. 34; 1 Sam. 17. 39; Job 4. 2.
ASSENT. 2 Chron. 18.12; Acts 24. 9.
ASSIGNED. Gen. 47.22; Josh. 20.8; 2 Sam. 11.16.
ASSIST. Bom. 16. 2.
ASSOCIATE. Isa. 8. 9.
ASSURANCE. Isa. 32.17, effect of righteousness a.
Col. 2.2, full a. of understanding. 1 Thess 1.5, gospel came in much a. Heb. 6.11; 10.22, full a. of hope. See Deut. 28.66; Acts 17.31.
ASSURE. 2 Tim. 3.14; 1 John 3.19.
ASSWAG.E. Gen. 8.1; Job 16. 5.
ASTONIED. Ezra 9.3; Job 17.8; Dan. 3.24; 4.19.
ASTONISHED. Mat. 7. 28; 22. 33; Mk. 1. 22; 6.2; 11.18; Lu. 4.32, a. at his doctrine. Lu. 2.47, a. at his understanding. 5. 9, a. at draught of fishes. 24.22, women made us a. Acts 9.6, Saul trembling and a. 12.16, saw Peter, they were a. 13.12, deputy believed, being a.
ASTONISHMENT. 2 Chron. 29. 8; Jer. 25. 9, a. and hissing.
Ps. 60.3, made us drink wine of a.
Jer. 8.21, a. hath taken hold.
See Deut. 28.28, 37; Ezek. 5.15.
ATHIRST. Mat. 25.44; Rev. 21.6; 22.17.
ATONEMENT. Lev. 23.28; 25.9, a day of a.
2 Sam. 21.3, wherewith shall I make ft. Rom. 5.11, by whom we received a. See Lev. 4.20; 16.17 ; Num. 8.21.
ATTAIN. Ps. 139.6, I cannot a. to it. 2 Sam. 23.19; 1 Chron. 11.26, he a. not to first three.
Rom. 9.30, Gentiles a. to righteousness.
Phil. 3.11,12,16, that I midit a.
See Gen. 47. 9; Prov. 1.5; Ezek. 46.7 ; 1 Tim. 4.6 ATTEND. Ps. 17.1; 61.1; 142. 6, a. to my cry.
Prov. 4. 20, my son a. to my words.
See Ps. 55. 2 ; '86. 6.
ATTENDANCE. 1 Tim. 4.13; Heb. 7.13.
ATTENT. 2 Chron. 6.40; 7.15.
ATTENTIVE. Neh. 1. 6; Job 37. 2; Ps. 130. 2;
Lu. 19. 48.
ATTIRE. Jer. 2.32; Ezek. 23.15.
AUDIENCE. 1 Chron. 28.8, in a. of our God.
Lu. 7.1; 20.45, in a. of people.
Acts 13.16, ye that fear God give a.
AUGMENT. Num. 32.14.
AUSTERE. Lu.19.21.
AUTHOR. 1 Cor. 14.33; Heb. 5. 9; 12.2.
AUTHORITY. Mat. 7.29; Mk. 1. 22, as one having a. 8.9; Lu. 7.8, I am a man under a.
Mat. 21.23; Lu. 4.36, by what a.
Lu. 9.1, power and a. over devils. 19.17, have a. over ten cities. .lohn 5.27, a. to execute judgment. 1 Cor. 15.24, put dowrn all a. 1 Tim. 2.2, kings and all in a. 12, suffer not a woman to usurp a.
Tit. 2.15, rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3.22, anarels and a. subject.
See Prov. 29.2; 2 Cor. 10.8; Rev. 13.2.
AVA.LETH. Esth. 5.13; Gal. 5.16; Jas. 5.16.
AVENGE. Deut. 32.43, he will a. blood.
Josh. 10.13, sun stayed till people a. 1 Sam 24.12, the Lord judge and a.
2 Sam. 22. 48; Ps. 18. 47, it is God that a. me. Esth. 8.13, Jews a. themselves.
Isa. 1.24, 1 will a. me of mine enemies. Lu. 18.3, a. me of my adversary. See Gen. 4.24; Lev. 19.18 ; Jer. 5.9; 9.9.
AVENGER. Ps, 8.2; 44.16, enemy and a. 1 Thess. 4.6, the Lord is the a.
See Num. 35.12; Deut. 19.6; Josh. 20.5.
AVERSE. Mic.2.8.
AVOID. Prov. 4.15, a. it, pass not by it. 1 Tim. 6. 20; 2 Tim. 2. 23; Tit. 3. 9, a. babblings.
AVOUCHED. Deut. 26.17,18.
AWAKE. Ps. 17.15, when I a., with thy likeness. 73.20, as a dream when one a.
Prov. 23.35, a. I will seek it again.
Isa. 51.9, a., a., put on strength.
Joel 1.5, a. ye drunkards.
Zech. 13. 7, o, O sword.
Lu. 9.32, when a. they saw his glory.
Rom. 13.11, high time to a. 1 Cor. 15.34, a. to righteousness.
Eph. 5.14, a. thou that sleepest.
AWARE. Cant. 6.12; Jer. 50.24; Lu. 11. 44.
AWE. Ps. 4.4 ; 33. 8 ; 119.161.
AXE. Ps. 74.5, famous as he had lifted up a.
Isa. 10.15, shall the a. boast.
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