
« Prev B. Next »

BABBLER. Eccl. 10.11; Acts 17.18.

BABBLING. Prov. 23.29 ; 1 Tim. 6.20; 2 Tim. 2.16.

BABE. Ps. 8.2; Mat, 21.16, out of mouth of b. 17.14, leave their substance to b.

Isa. 3.4, b. shall rule over them.

Mat. 11.25; Lu. 10.21, revealed to 6.

Rom. 2.20, teacher of b. 1 Cor. 3.1, b. in Christ. 1 Pet. 2.2, newborn b.

See Ex. 2.6; Lu. 2.12,16 ; Heb. 5.13.

BACK. Josh. 8.26, drew not his hand b. 1 Sam. 10.9, he turned his b.

Neh. 9.26, cast law behind b.

Ps. 129.3, plowers plow on my b.

Prov. 10.13; 19.29; 26. 3, rod for b.

Isa. 33.17, cast sins behind b. 50.6,  gave b. to smiters.

See Num. 24.11; 2 Sam. 19.10; Job 26. 9.

BACKBITERS. Rom. 1.30.

BACKBITING. Ps. 15.3; Prov. 25.23; 2 Cor. 12.20 BACKSLIDER. Prov. 14.14, b, in heart filled with

his own ways. Jer. 3.6,8,11,12, 6. Israel. 8.5, perpetual 6. 14.7,  our b. are many. Hos. 4.16, as a b. heifer. 11.7, bent to b. from me. 14.4, will heal their 6. See Jer. 2.19; 5.6; 31.22; 49.4.

BACKWARD. 2 Kings 20.10; Isa. 38. 8, let shadow return b.

Job 23.8, b., but I cannot perceive. Ps. 40.14; 70.2, driven b. Isa. 59.14, judgment is turned b. Jer. 7.24, they went b. and not forward. See Gen. 9.23; 49.17 ; John 18.6.

BAD. Gen. 24. 50; 31. 24, 29; Lev. 27. 12, 14, 33; Num. 13. 19; 24. 13; 2 Sam. 13. 22; 14. 17; 1 Kings 3. 9; Mat. 22.10; 2 Cor. 5.10, good or b. See Lev. 27.10; Ezra 4.12; Jer. 24. 2; Mat. 13.48.

BADNESS. Gen. 41.19.

BAG. Deut. 25.13; Prov. 16.11; Mic. 6.11, 6. of


Job 14.17, transgression sealed in K Isa. 46. 6, lavish gold out of b. Hag. 1.6, b. wTith holes. Lu. 12.33, b. that wax not old. John 12.6; 13.29, a thief, and had the b. See 1 Sam. 17. 40; 2 Kings 5. 23; Prov. 7. 20.

BAKE. Gen. 19. 3; Lev. 26. 26; 1 Sam. 28. 24; Isa. 44.15, b. bread.


Ex. 12.39; Lev. 24.5, b. cakes. See Gen. 40.17 ; Ex. 16.23; Lev. 2. 4; Num. 11.8.

BAKER. Gen. 40.1; 41.10; 1 Sam. 8.13; Jer. 37.21;

Hos. 7.4.

BALANCE. Lev. 19.36; Prov. 16.11; Ezek. 45.10,

just b.

Job 37.16, the b. of clouds. Ps. 62.9, laid in b., lighter than vanity. Prov. 11.1; 20.23; Hos. 12. 7 ; Amos 8. 5; Mic. 6. 11, false b.

Isa. 40.12,15, weighed hills in b. 46.6, weigh silver in the b. Rev. 6.5, a pair of b. See Job 6.2; 31.6; Jer. 32.10.

BALD. 2 Kings 2.23, go up, thou b. head. Jer. 48.37 ; Ezek. 29.18, every head b. See Lev. 13.40; Jer. 16.6; Ezek. 27.31.

BALDNESS. Isa. 3. 24, instead of well set hair b. 22.12,  call to weeping and 6. Mic. 1.16, enlarge thy b. as eagle.

See Lev. 21.5; Deut. 14.1; Ezek. 7.18; Amos 8.10.

BALL. Isa. 22.18.

BALM. Jer. 8.22; 46.11, b. in Gilead.

See Gen 37. 25; 43.11; Jer. 51. 8 ; Ezek. 27.17.

BANDS. Ps. 2. 3; 107.14, break their b. asunder. 73.4, there are no b. in their death. Hos. 11.4, drew them with b. of love. Zech. 11.7, two staves, Beauty and B, Mat. 27. 27 ; Mk. 15.16, gathered to him whole b. See Job 38. 31; Eccl. 7. 26; Lu. 8. 29 ; Col. 2.19.

BANISHED. 2 Sam. 14.13; Ezra 7.26; Lam. 2.14.

BANK. Lu. 19.23, eavest not money into b.

See Gen. 41.17 ; 2 Sam. 20.15; Ezek. 47.7.

BANNER. Ps. 20.5, in name of God set up b.

See Ps. 60.4; Cant. 2.4; 6. 4; Isa. 13.2.

BANQUET. Esth. 5. 4; Job 41. 6; Cant. 2. 4;

Amos 6.7.

BAPTISM. Mat. 20. 22; Mk. 10. 38; Lu. 12. 50, to be baptised with b. 21. 25; Mk. 11. 30; Lu. 7. 29; 20. 4; Acts 1. 22; 18.25 ; 19.3, 6. of John. 22.

Mk. 1. 4; Lu. 3. 3; Acts 13.24; 19.4, 6. of repentance.

Rom. 6.4; Col. 2.12, buried with him by b. Eph. 4.5, one Lord, one faith, one b. Heb. 6.2, doctrine of b. See Mat. 3.7 ; 1 Pet. 3.21.

BAPTIZE. Mat. 3.11; Mk. 1. 8; Lu. 3.16; John 1.26, b. with Holy Ghost. 14, I have need to" be b. 16, Jesus when b. went up. Mk. 16.16, he that believeth and is 6. Lu. 3.7, multitude came to be b. 12; 7.29, publicans to be b. 21, Jesus being b., and praying. 7.30, Pharisees and lawyers being not b, John 1.33, he that sent me to b. 3.22, 23, tarried with them and b, 4.1,2, Jesus made and b. more. Acts 2.38, repent and be b. 41, gladly received word were b. 8.12, b. both men and women. 16, b. in name of Jesus. 36, what doth hinder to be b. 9.18, Saul arose and was b. 10.47, can any forbid b. 16.15, 33, b. and household. 18.8, many believed and were b. 22.16,  be b. and wash away thy sins. Rom. 6.3; Gal. 3.27, were b. into Jesus. 1 Cor. 1.13, were ye b. in name of Paul. 10.2, were all b. in cloud. 12.13,  all b. into one body. 1 Cor. 15.29, b. for the dead. See Mat. 28.19; John 1.25,28, 31.

BARBARIANS. Acts 28.4; Rom. 114; 1 Cor. 14.11.

BARBAROUS. 'Acts 28. 2.

BARBED. Job 41. 7.

BARBER. Ezek. 5.1.

BARE.(«.). Ex. 19.4; Deut. 1.31; Isa. 53.12; 63.9;

Mat. 8.17 ; 1 Pet. 2.24.

BARE.(ad.). Isa. 52.10; 1 Cor. 15.37.

BARKED. Joel 1.7.

BARN. Job 39.12, gather thy seed into b.

Mat. 6.26; Lu. 12.24, nor gather into b. 13.30, gather wTheat into b.

Lu. 12.18, pull down my b.

See 2 Kings 6.27 ; Joel 1.17 ; Hag. 2.19.

BARREL. 1 Kings 17.12,14 ; 18.33.

BARREN. 2 Kings 2.19, water naught and ground b.

Ps. 107.34, turneth fruitful land into b.

Isa. 54.1, sing, O h, thou that didst not bear. 2 Pet. 1.8, neither b. nor unfruitful.

See Ex. 23.26; Job 24.21; Lu. 23.29.

BARS. Job 17.16, down to the 6. of the pit.

Ezek. 38.11, having neither b. nor gates.

See 1 Sam. 23.7 ; Job 38.10; Ps. 107.16; Isa. 45.2.

BASE. Job 30.8, children of 6. men.

Mai. 2.9, I have made you b.

Acts 17. 5, fellows of b. sort. 1 Cor 1.28, b. things of the world. 2 Cor 10.1, in presence am b.

See 2 Sam. 6.22; Isa. 3.5; Ezek. 17.14; Dan. 4.17.

BASKET. Deut. 28.5,17, blessed be thy b. Amos 8.1, b. of summer fruit. Mat. 14. 20; Mk. 6. 43; Lu. 9. 17; John 6. 13, twelve b. 15.37; Mk.8.8, seven b. 16.9 ; Mk. 8.19, how many b. See Gen. 40.16; Ex. 29.23; Judg. 6.19 ; Jer. 24, 2.

BASON. John 13.5, poureth water into a b.

See Ex. 12.22; 24.6; 1 Chron. 28.17 ; Jer. 52.19.

BATHE. Lev. 15.5; 17.16; Num. 19.7 ; Isa. 34.5.

BATS. Lev. 11.19; Deut. 14.18; Isa. 2.20.

BATTLE. 1 Sam. 17.20, host shouted for b. 47; 2 Chron. 20.15, the b. is the Lord's. 1 Chron. 5.20, they cried to God in b. Ps. 18.39, strength to 6. 55.18, delivered my soul from b. Eccl. 9.11, nor 6. to strong. Jer. 50.22, sound of b. in land. See Job 39.25; 41.8; Ps. 76.3; 140.7.

BATTLEMENTS. Deut. 22.8; Jer. 5.10.

BAY TREE. Ps. 37.35.

BEACON. Isa. 30.17.

BEAM. Ps. 104.3, who layeth b. in waters. Mat. 7.5; Lu. 6.42, cast out b. See Judg. 16.14; 2 Kings 6.2; Hab. 2.11.

BEAR.(v.). Gen. 4.13, greater than I can b. 13.6; 36.7, land not able to b. 43.9; 44.32, let me b. blame. Ex. 28.12, Aaron b. names before Lord. Num. 11.14; Deut. 1.9, not able to b. people. Ps. 91. 12; Mat. 4. 6; Lu. 4. 11, they shall 6.

thee up.

Prov. 18.14, wounded spirit who can b. Isa. 52.11, clean that b. vessels. Jer. 31.19, b. reproach of youth. Lam. 3. 27, good to b. yoke in youth. Mat. 3.11, not worthy to b. 27. 32; Mk. 15. 21; Lu. 23. 26, b. cross. John 16.12, cannot b. them now. Rom. 13. 4, b. not sword in vain. 15.1, b. infirmities of the weak. 1 Cor. 13.7, charity b. all things. 15.49, b. image of the heavenly. Gal. 6. 2, 5, b. burdens. 17, b. in my body.

Esth. 1. 22; Jer. 5. 31; Dan. 2. 39, b rule. Lev. 24.15; Ezek. 23. 49 ; Heb. 9. 28, b. sin. Ex. 20.16; 1 Kings 21.10; Lu. 11. 48; John 1.7: 5. 31; 8. 18; 15. 27 ; Acts 23. 11; Rom. 8. 16; 1 John 1. 2; 5. 8, b. witness. See Ex. 28. 38; Deut. 1. 31; Prov. 12. 24.

BEAR.(w.). Isa. 11.7, cow and b. shall feed. 59.11, roar like b.


b. be

Hos. 13. 8, as a b. bereaved.

Amos 5.19; as if a man did flee from b.

See 1 Sam. 17. 34; 2 Sam. 17. 8; Prov. 17.12.

BEARD. 2 Sam. 10. 5; 1 Chron. 19. 5, till grown.

Ps; 133. 2, even Aaron's b.

Ezek. 5.1, cause razor to pass on b.

See Lev. 13. 29; 1 Sam. 21.13; 2 Sam. 20. 9.

BEARING. Ps. 126. 6, b. precious seed.

John 19.17, b. cross.

Rom. 2.15 ; 9.1, conscience b. witness. 2 Cor. 4.10, b. about in body dying of Jesus.

Heb. 13.13, b. his reproach.

See Gen. 1. 29 ; Num. 10.17 ; Mk. 14.13.

BEAST. Job 12.7, ask b., they shall teach. 18. 3, counted as b.

Ps. 49.12, like b. that perish. 73. 22, as b. before thee.

Prov. 12.10, regardeth life of b.

Eccl. 3.19, no pre-eminence above b. 1 Cor 15. 32, fought with b.

Jas. 3.7, every kind of b. is tamed. 2 Pet 2.12; as natural brute b.

See Lev. 11.47 ; Ps. 50.10 ; 147. 9 ; Rom. 1. 23.

BEAT. Tsa. 2.4 ; Joel 3.10; Mic. 4. 3, 6. swords.

Lu. 12.47, b. with many stripes. 1 Cor. 9. 26, as one that b. the air.

See Prov. 23.14; Mic. 4.13; Mk. 12. 5 ; 13. 9.

BEAUTY. 1 Chron. 16. 29; 2 Chron. 20. 21; Ps. 29. 2 ; 96. 9 ; 110. 3, b. of holiness.

Ezra 7. 27, to b. the Lord's house.

Ps. 27. 4, behold b. of the Lord. 39.11, b. to consume away. 48. 2, b. for situation. 50. 2, perfection of b.

Prov. 31. 30, 6. is vain.

Isa. 52.7 ; Rom. 10.15, how b. are the feet.

Sec 2 Sam. 1.19 ; Ps. 90.17 ; Zech. 9.17.

BECKON. Lu. 1.22; John 13.24; Acts 12.17 ; 21. 40.

BECOMETH. Ps. 93. 5, holiness b. thy house.

Rom. 16. 2; Eph. 5. 3. as b. saints.

Phil. 1. 27 ; 1 Tim. 2.10 : Tit. 2. 3, as o. gospel.

See Prov. 17. 7 ; Mat. 3.15.

BED. Job 7.13, when I say my b. shall comfort, 33.15, in slumberings upon b.

Ps. 63. 6, when 1 remember thee upon my b.

Mat. 9. 66 ; Mk. 2. 9; John 5.11, take up b.

See 2 Kings 4.10 ; Isa. 28. 20 ; Mk. 4. 21; Lu. 8.16.

BEES. Deut. 1. 44 ; Judg. 14. 8 ; Ps. 118.12; Isa. 7.18.

BEEVES. Lev. 22.19; Num. 31. 28, 38.

BEFALL. Gen. 42. 4; 44. 29, mischief b. him. 49.1; Deut. 31. 29; Dan. 10.14, b. in last days.

Judsr. 6.13, why is all this b. us?

Ps. 19.10, no evil 6. thee.

Eccl. 3.19, b. men, b. beasts, one thing b.

See Lev. 10.19; Deut. 31.17 ; Acts 20.19.

BEG. Ps. 37. 25; 109.10; Prov. 20. 4; Lu. 16. 3.

BEGGARLY. Gal. 4. 9.

BEGIN. Ezek. 9. 6, b. at my sanctuary. 1 Pet. 4.17, judgment 6. at house of God.

See 1 Sam. 3.12"; 2 Cor. 3.1.

BEGINNING. Job 8.7, though thy b. was small.

Ps. 111. 10; Prov. 1. 7 ; 9.10, b. of wisdom. 119.160, word true from b.

Eccl. 7. 8, better end than b.

Mat. 19. 8, from b. not so.

Lu. 24.47, b. at Jerusalem.

Heb. 3.14, hold b. of confidence.

See 1 Chron. 17. 9; Prov. 8. 22, 23; Col. 1.18.

BEGOTTEN. Ps. 2. 7 ; Acts 13. 33; Heb. 1. 5; 5. 5, this day have I b. thee. 1 Pet 1. 3, b. to a lively hope.

See Job 38. 28; 1 Cor. 4.15; Philem. 10.

BEGUILE. Gen. 29. 25; Josh. 9. 22, wherefore hast thou b. me. 2 Pet 2.14, b. unstable souls. See Num. 25.18; 2 Cor. 11. 3.

BEGUN. Gal. 3. 3, having b. in Spirit.

Phil. 1. 6, hath b. good work.

See Deut, 3. 24; 2 Cor. 8. 6 ; 1 Tim. 5.11.

BEHALF. Job 36. 2, speak on God's 6.

Phil. 1. 29, in b. of Christ.

See 2 Chron. 16. 9 ; 2 Cor. 1.11; 5.12.

BEHAVE. 1 Sam. 18. 5,14,15, 30, David b. wisely. 1 Chron. 19.13, b. ourselves valiantly. Ps. 101. 2, I will b. wisely. Isa. 3. 5, child shall b. proudly. 1 Thess. 2.10, how unblameably we 6. 1 Tim. 3. 2, bishop of good b.

See Ps. 131. 2; 1 Cor. 13. 5; Tit. 2. 3.

BEHEADED. Mat, 14. 10; Mk. 6. 16; Lu. 9. 9 ; Rev. 20. 4,

BEHIND. Ex. 10. 26. not hoof be left b.

Phil. 3.13, things which are b.

Col. 1. 24, fill up what is b.

See 1 Kings 14. 9 ; Neh. 9. 26; 2 Cor. 11. 5.

BEHOLD. Ps. 37. 37, b. the upright.

Mat. 18.10, their angels always b.

John 17. 24, that they may b. glory. 2 Cor 3.18, b. as in a glass.

See Num. 24.17 ; Ps. 91. 8 ; 119. 37.

BEHOVED. Lu. 24. 46 ; Heb. 2.17.

BELIEF. 2 Thess. 2.13.

BELIEVE. Num. 14.11, how long ere they b. me. 2 Chron, 23. 20. 6. Lord, 6. prophets. Ps. 78. 22, they b. not in God. Prov. 14.15, simple b. every word. Mat. 8.13, as thou hast b. so be it. 9. 28, b. ye that I am able. 21. 25; Mk. 11. 31, why then did ye not b. 27. 42, come down and we will b. Mk. 5. 36; Lu. 8. 50, only b. 9. 23, canst b. all things possible. 11. 24, b. that ye receive. 16.13, neither 6. they them.

Lu. 1.1, things most surely b. 8.13, which for a while b. 24. 25, slow of heart to b. 41, b. not for joy. John 1.7, all through him might b. 2. 22, they b. the scripture. 3.12, b. heavenly things. 5. 44, how can ye b. which receive honour. 47, how shall ye b. my words. 6. 36, seen me and b. not. 7. 5, neither did his brethren b. 48,  have any of the rulers b. ? 10. 38, b. the works. 11.15, to intent ye may b. 26, never die, b. thou this ? 48, all men will b. 12. 36, 6. in the light. 17. 21, the world may 6. 20. 25, I will not 6. 29, have not seen yet have 5. Acts 4. 32, multitude of them that b. 13. 39, all that b. are justified. 48, ordained to eternal life b. 16. 34, b. with all his house.

Rom. 4.11, father of all that b. 18, against hope b. in hope. 9. 33, b. not ashamed.

in. 14, how shall they b. 1 Cor. 7.12, wife that b. not. 2 Cor. 4.13, we b. and therefore speak. Gal. 3. 22, promise to them that b. 2 Thess 1.10, admired in all that b. Heb. 10. 39, b. to saving of soul. 11. 6, must b. that he is.

Jas. 2.19, devils b. and tremble. 3 Pet, 2. 6, he that b. shall not be confounded. See Ex. 4. 5 ; 19. 9 ; Isa. 43.10 ; Mat, 21. 22; John 8. 24 ; 10. 37 ; Acts 9. 26.

BELLY. Gen. 3.14 ; Job 15. 2; Mat. 15. 17 ; Mk. 7.19; John 7. 38; Rom. 16.18; Phil. 3.19 ; Tit, 1.12.


BELONGETH. Deut. 32.35; Ps. 94.1; Heb. 10.30.

BELOVED. Deut. 33.12, b. dwell in safety.

Ps. 127. 2, giveth his b. sleep.

Dan. 9. 23; 10.11,19, greatly b.

Mat. 3.17 ; 17.5 ; Mk.l. 11; 9.7 ; Lu. 3. 22; 9.35 ; 2 Pet, 1.17, 6. son.

Rom. 11. 28, b. for fathers' sakes.

Eph. 1. 6, accepted in the b.

Col. 4. 9 ; Philem. 16, b. brother.

See Neh. 13. 26; Cant. 2.16; Rom. 16. 9.

BEMOAN. Job 42.11; Jer. 15. 5; Nah. 3.7.

BEND. Ps. 11. 2; Isa. 60.14; Ezek. 17.7.. • BENEATH. Prov. 15. 24, depart from hell b.

Isa. 14. 9, hell from b. is moved.

John 8. 23, ye are from b.

See Deut. 4. 39 ; Jer. 31. 37.

BENEFACTORS. Lu. 22. 25.

BENEFIT. Ps. 68.19, loadeth us with b. 1 Tim. 6. 2, partakers of the b.

Bee 2 Chron. 32. 25; Ps. 103. 2; 2 Cor. 1.15 ; Philem. 14.

BENEVOLENCE. 1 Cor. 7. 3.

BEREAVE. Gen. 42. 36; 43.14, b. of children.

Eccl. 4. 8, b. my soul of God.

Jer. 15. 7 ; 18. 21, I will b. thee.

See Ezek. 5.17 ; 36.12; Hos. 13. 8.

BESEECH. Job 42.4, hear, I b. thee.

Mat. 8. 5; Lu. 7. 3, centurion b. him.

Lu. 9. 38, I b. thee look on my son. 2 Cor 5. 20, as though God did b. you. Eph. 4.1, b. you to walk.

Philem. 9, for love's sake b. thee.

See Ex. 33.18; Jonah 1.14; Rom. 12.1.

BESET. Ps. 22.12; 139. 5 ; Hos. 7. 2; Heb. 12.1.

BESIDE.' Mk. 3. 21; Acts 26. 24 ; 2 Cor. 5.13.

BESIEGE. Deut. 28. 52; Eccl. 9.14 ; Isa. 1. 8.

BESOUGHT. Ex. 32.11; Deut. 3. 23; 1 Kinas 13. 6 ; 2 Chron. 33.12; Jer. 26.19, b. the Lord.

Mat. 8. 31; Mk. 5.10; Lu, 8. 31, devils b. him. 34; Lu. 8. 37, b. him to depart.

John 4.40, b. that he would tarry. 2 Cor. 12. 8, I b. the Lord thrice.

See Gen. 42. 21; Esth. 8. 3.

BEST. 1 Sam. 15. 9,15, spared b. of sheep.

Ps. 39. 5, at b. state vanity.

Lu. 15. 22, b. robe. 1 Cor. 12. 31, b. gifts.

See Gen. 43.11; Deut. 23.16; 2 Sam. 18.4.

BESTEAD. Isa, 8. 21.

BESTIR. 2 Sam. 5. 24.

BESTOW. Lu. 12.17, no room to b. my fruits. 1 Cor. 15.10, grace b. on us not in vain.

Gal. 4.11, lest I have b. labour in vain. 1 John 3.1, manner of love Father b.

See 1 Chron. 29. 25 ; Isa. 63. 7 ; John 4. 38.

BETHINK. 1 Kings 8.47 ; 2 Chron. 6. 37.

BETIMES. Gen. 26. 31; 2 Chron. 36.15; Job 8. 5 ;

Prov. 13. 24.

BETRAY. Mat. 26.16; Mk. 14.11; Lu. 22. 21, 22, opportunity to b. 27. 4, I if), innocent blood. 1 Cor. 11. 23, same night he was b.

See Mat. 24.10; Mk. 14.18; John 6. 64; 21. 20.

BETROTH. Hos. 2.19, 20.

BETTER. 1 Sam. 15. 22, to obey b. than sacrifice. 1 Kings 19.4, I am not b. than my fathers. Ps. 63. 3, lovingkindness b. than life. Eccl. 4. 9, two are b. than one. 7.10, former days b. than these. Mat. 12.12, man b. than a sheep. Lu. 5. 39, he saith the old is b. Phil. 2. 3, each esteem other b. than himself. Heb. 1.4, much b. than angels. 11.16, a b. country. 2 Pet 2. 21, b. not have known the way. See Eccl. 2. 24; Cant, 1. 2 ; Jonah 4. 3.

BEWAIL. Lu. 8. 52, all wept and b. her.

Lu. 23. 27, of women which also b. 2 Cor. 12. 21, b. many who have sinned. See Deut. 21.13 ; Judg. 11. 37 ; Rev. 18. 9.

BEWARE. Judg. 13.4, b. and drink not wine. Job 36.18, b. lest he take thee away.

Mat. 16. 6; Mk. 8.15 ; Lu. 12.1, b. of leaven.

Mk. 12. 38; Lu. 20.46, b. of scribes.

Lu. 12.15, b. of Covetousness.

Phil. 3. 2, b. of doss, b. of evil workers.

See Deut, 6.12; 8.'11; 15.9.

BEWITCHED. Acts 8. 9; Gal. 3.1.

BEWRAY. Isa. 16. 3; Prov. 27.16; 29. 24; Mat. 26. 73.

BEYOND. Num. 22.

IS; 2 Cor. 8. 3; Gal. 1.13; 1 Thess. 4. 6. " BIER. 2 Sam. 3. 31; Lu.7.14.

BILLOWS. Ps. 42.7 ; Jonah 2. 3.

BIND. Prov. 6.21, b. them continually upon heart,

Isa. 61.1, b. up brokenhearted.

Mat. 12. 29; Mk. 3. 27, b. strong man. 16.19 ; 18.18, b. on earth.

See Num. 30. 2 ; Job 26. 8; 3S. 31.

BIRD. 2 Sam. 21.10, suffered not b. to rest.

Cant, 2.12, time of the singing of b.

Jer. 12. 9, heritage like a speckled b.

Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 9. 58, b. of air have nests.

See Ps. 11.1; 124. 7 ; Prov. 1.17 ; Eccl. 10. 20.

BIRTH. John 9.1, blind from b.

Gal. 4.19, of whom I travail in b.

Mat. 14. 6 ; Mk. 6. 21, Herod's b.-day.

See Eccl. 7.1; Isa. 66. 9; Lu. 1.14.

BIRTHRIGHT. Gen. 25. 31; 27. 36; Heb. 12.16.

BISHOP. 1 Tim. 3.1, if a man desire office of b.

Tit. 1.7, b. must be blameless.

See Acts 1. 20; Phil. 1.1; 1 Pet, 2. 25.

BIT. Ps. 32. 9; Jas. 3. 3.

BITE. Prov. 23. 32, at last it b. like serpent.

Mic. 3. 5, prophets that b. with teeth.

Gal. 5.15, if ye b. and devour one another.

See Eccl. 10. 8; Amos 5.19; 9. 3.

BITTER. Ex. 12. 8; Num. 9.11, with b. herbs.

Deut. 32. 24, devoured with b. destruction.

Job 13. 26, writest b. things.

Isa. 5. 20, that put b. for sweet. 24. 9, drink b. to them that drink it.

Jer. 2.19, an evil thing and b.

Mat. 26.75 ; Lu. 22. 62, Peter wept b.

Col. 3.19, be not b. aeainst them.

See Ex. 1.14 ; 15. 23 ; 2 Kings 14. 26.

BITTERNESS. Job 10.1; 21. 25 ; Isa. 38.15, in b. of soul.

Prov. 14.10, heart knoweth own b.

Acts 8. 23, in the gall of b.

Eph. 4. 31, let all b. be put away.

Heb. 12.15, lest any root of b.

See 1 Sam. 15. 32 ; Prov. 17. 25 ; Rom. 3.14.

BLACK. Mat, 5. 36 ; Jude 13 ; Rev. 6. 5.

BLADE. Judtf. 3. 22 ; Mat, 13. 26 ; Mk. 4. 28.

BLAME. 2 Cor. 6. 3 ; 8. 20; Gal. 2.11; Eph. 1. 4.

BLAMELESS. 1 Cor. 1.8, be b. in day of the Lord.

Phil. 2.15, that ye may be b.

See Mat. 12. 5; Phil. 3. 6 ; Tit. 1. 6, 7.

BLASPHEME. 2 Sam. 12.14, occasion to enemies to b.

Isa. 52. 5, my name continually is b.

Mat. 9. 3, scribes said, this man b.

Mk. 3. 29, b. against Holy Ghost,

Acts 26.11, I compelled them to b.

Rom. 2. 24, name of God is b. through you.

Jas. 2.7, b. that worthy name.

See 1 Kings 21.10; Ps. 74.10,18; 1 Tim. 1. 20.

BLASPHEMY. Mat. 12. 31, all manner of b. 26. 65; Mk. 14. 64, he hath spoken b.

Lu. 5. 21, who is this which speaketh b.?

See 2 Kings 19. 3 ; Ezek. 35.12; Mat. 15.19.

BLAST. Gen. 41. 6; Deut. 28. 22; 1 Kings 8. 37.

BLAZE. Mk.l.45.


BLEATING. Judg. 5.16; 1 Sam. 15.14.

BLEMISH. Dan. 1.4, children in whom Avas no b.

Eph. 5. 27, holy and without b. 1 Pet. 1.19, a lamb without b. and spot.

See Lev. 21.17; Deut. 15. 21; 2 Sain. 14. 25.

BLESS. Deut. 28. 3, b. in city, 6. in field. 1 Chron 4.10, Oh that thou wouldest b. me. Prov. 10. 7, memory of just is b.

Isa. 32. 20, b. are ye that sow. (55.16, b. himself in God of truth. Mat. 5.44; Lu. 6. 28; Rom. 12. 14, b. them that

curse. Acts 20. 35, more b. to give than receive. 2 Cor 11. 31, b. for evermore.

Tit, 2.13, looking for that 6. hope. Hew 14.13, b. are dead that die in Lord. See Gen. 22.17 ; Hag. 2.19; Jas. 3. 9,10.

BLESSING. Deut. 23. 5; Neh. 13.2, turned curse

into ?>.

Job 29.13, b. of him that was ready to perish. Prov. 10. 22, b. of Lord maketh rich. 23. 20, faithful man shall abound with b. Isa, 65. 8, destroy it not, a b. is in it. Mai. 2. 2, I will curse your b. 3.10, pour you out a 6. Rom. 15. 29, fulness of b. of Gospel. 1 Cor 10.16, cup of b. which we bless. Jas. 3.10, proceed b. and cursing.

Rev. 5.12, worthy to receive honour and b. See Gen. 27. 35; 39. 5 ; Deut. 11. 26, 29.

BLIND.(V.). Ex. 23. 8, a gift b. the wise. 2 Cor 3.14; 4.4, their minds were b. 1 John 2. ll, darkness hath b.

See Deut. 16.19; 1 Sam. 12. 3.

BLINDNESS. Eph. 4. 18, because of b. of their


See Deut. 28. 28; 2 Kings 6.18; Zech. 12. 4.

BLOOD. Gen. 9. 6, whoso sheddeth man's b. Josh. 2.19; 1 Kings 2. 32, 6. on head. Ps. 51.14, deliver me from ^.-guiltiness. 72.14, precious shall b. be in his sight. Prov. 29.10, the 6.-thirsty hate upright. Isa. 9. 5, garments rolled in b. Jer. 2. 34, the b. of poor innocents. Ezek. 9. 9, land is full of b. 18.13; 33. 5, his b. be upon him. Hab. 2.12, buildeth a town with b. Mat. 9. 20; Mk. 5. 25; Lu. 8.43, issue of 6. 16.17, flesh and b. hath not revealed. 27.4, I have betrayed innocent b. 25, his b. be on us and our children. Mk. 14. 24; Lu. 22. 20, my b. shed. Lu. 22. 20; 1 Cor. 11. 25, new testament in my b. 44, sweat as drops of 5. falling. John 1.13, born not of b. 6. 54, 55, 56, drinketh my b. Acts 15. 20; 21. 25, abstain from b. 17.26, made of one b. 20. 28, church purchased with his b, Rom. 3. 25, through faith in his b. 5. 9, justified by his b. 1 Cor. 10.16, communion of b. of Christ, 11. 27, guilty of body and b. of the Lord. 15. 50, flesh and b. cannot inherit, Eph. 1.7; Col. 1.14, redemption through his b. Heb. 9. 22, without sheddine of b. 10. 29; 13. 20, b. of the covenant. 1 Pet, 1.19, with precious b. of Christ. Rev. 7.14; 12.11, in the b. of the lamb. See Gen. 9. 4; Ex. 4. 9; 12.13; Lev. 3.17; Ps. 55. 23; Rev. 16. 6; 17.6.

BLOSSOM. Isa. 35.1, desert shall b. as the rose. Hab. 3.17, fig tree shall not b. See Gen. 40.10; Num. 17. 5 ; Isa. 27. 6.

BLOT. Ex. 32. 32; Ps. 69.28; Rev. 3.5, 6. out of


Isa. 44. 22, b. out as thick cloud. Acts 3.19, repent that sins may be b. out. Col. 2.14, b. out handwriting. See Deut. 9.14; 2 Kings 14. 27; Jer. 18. 23.

BLUSH. Ezra 9. 6; Jer. 6.15; 8.12.

BOAST.(n.). Ps. 34. 2; Rom. 2.17, 23; 3. 27.

BOAST.(v.). 1 Kings 20.11, not b. as he that put-


Ps. 49. 6; 94. 4, b. themselves. Prov. 27.1, b. not of to-morrow. 2 Cor. 11.16, that I may b. myself a little. Eph. 2. 9, lest any man should b. Jas. 3. 5, tongue b. great things. See 2 Chron. 25.19; Prov. 20.14; Jas. 4.16.

BOATS. John 6. 22; Acts 27.16, 30.

BODY. Job 19. 26, worms destroy this b. Prov. 5.11, when thy flesh and b. are consumed. Mat. 5. 29, b. cast into hell. 6. 22; Lu. 11. 34, 6. full of light. 25; Lu. 12. 22, take no thought for b. Mk. 5. 29, felt in b. that she was healed. Lu. 17. 37, wheresoever the b, is. John 2. 21, the temple of his b. Acts 19.12, from his b. were brought. Rom. 6. 6, b. of sin destroyed. 7.24, 6. of this death. 12.1, present your b. a living sacrifice. 4; 1 Cor. 12.14, many members, one b, 1 Cor 9. 27,1 keep under my b. 13. 3, though I give my b. to be burned. 2 Cor 5. 8, absent from the b. 12. 2, whether in b. or out of the 5, Gal. 6.17, I bear in b. marks. Phil. 3. 21, like to his glorious b. 1 Pet 2. 24, in his own b. on tree.

See Gen. 47.18; Deut. 28.4; Rom. 12. 5.

BODILY. Lu. 3. 22; 2 Cor. 10.10; Col. 2. 9; 1 Tim. 4.8.

BOLD. Eccl. 8.1, the b. of face changed.

John 7. 26, he speaketh b. 2 Cor 10. 2, I may not be b. Eph. 3.12, we have b. and access. Heb. 4.16, let us come b. to throne. 1 John 4.17, have b. in day of judgment. See Prov. 28.1; Acts 13.46; Horn. 10. 20.

BOND. Acts 8. 23, in 6. of iniquity. Eph. 4. 3, b. of peace. Col. 3.14, b. of perfectness. See Num. 30. 2; Ezek. 20. 37; Lu. 13.16.

BONDAGE. John 8. 33, never in b. to any man.

See Rom. 8.15; Gal. 5.1; Heb. 2.15.

BONDMAN. Deut. 15.15; 16.12; 24.18.

BONDWOMAN. Gen. 21.10; Gal. 4. 30.

BONE. Ex. 12. 46; Num. 9.12, neither shall ye

break a b. thereof. Job 20.11, 6. full of sin. 40.18, b. as pieces of brass. Ps. 51. 8, the b. broken may rejoice. Prov. 12.4, as rottenness in his b. Mat. 23. 27, full of dead men's b. Lu. 24.39, spirit hath not flesh and b. See Gen. 2. 23; Ezek. 37. 7 ; John 19. 36.

BOOK. Job 19. 23, printed in a b. 31. 35, adversary had written a b. Isa. 34.16, seek out of the b. of the Lord. Mai. 3.16, b. of remembrance. Lu. 4.17, when he had opened b. John 21. 25, world could not contain b. Phil. 4. 3; Rev. 3. 5; 13. 8; 17. 8; 20.12; 21. 27; 22.19, b. of life.

Rev. 22.19, take away from words of b. See Ex. 17.14; Ezra 4.15; Acts 19.19; 2 Tim. 4.13.

Job 27.18; Jonah 4. 5. Num. 31.32; Jer. 49. 32; Hab. 2.7; Zeph.7.


BOOTY. 1.13.

BORN. Job 5.7, man b. to trouble, 14.1; 15.14; 25. 4; Mat. 11.11, b. of a woman. Ps. 87.4, this man was b. there, Isa. 9. 6, unto us a child is b. 66. 8, shall a nation be b. at once. John 3. 3; 1 Pet. 1.23, b. again.


John 3. 6, 8, b. of Spirit. 1 Cor. 15. 8, as one 6. out of due time. 1 Pet. 2.2, as new-6. babes.

John 1.13; 1 John 4. 7; 5.1,4,18, b. of God.

See Job 3. 3; Prov. 17.17; Eccl. 3. 2.

BORNE. Ps. 55.12, an enemy, then I could have b. it.

Isa. 53.4, b. our griefs, carried our sorrows.

Mat. 23.4; Lu. 11.46, grievous to be b.

See Job 34. 31; Lam. 5.7; Mat. 20.12.

BORROW. Deut. 15. 6; 28.12, lend but not b.

Ps. 37. 21, wicked b. and payeth not.

Prov. 22.7, the b. is servant.

Mat. 5.42, him that would b. of thee.

See Ex. 3. 22; 11. 2; 22.14; 2 Kings 4. 3.

BOSOM. Ps. 35.13, prayer returned into own b.

Prov. 6. 27, take fire in his b.

Isa. 40.11, carry lambs in b.

Lu. 16. 22, carried into Abraham's b.

John 1.18, in the b. of the Father. 13. 23, leaning on Jesus' b.

See Ex. 4. 6; Deut. 13. 6; Job 31. 33.

BOSSES. Job 15. 26.

BOTCH. Deut. 28. 27, 35.

BOTTLE. Judg. 4.19, a b. of milk. 1 Sam. 1. 24; 10. 3; 16. 20; 2 Sam. 16.1, a b. of wine.

Ps. 56. 8, put tears into b. 119. 83, like b. in smoke.

Mat. 9.17 ; Mk. 2.22; Lu. 5.37, new wine in old b.

See Gen. 21.15; Hos. 7. 5; Hab. 2.15.

BOUGH. Gen. 49. 22; Judg. 9. 48; Deut. 24. 20;

Job 14. 9 ; Ps. 80.10; Ezek. 31. 30.

BOUGHT. Lu. 14.18; 1 Cor. 6.20; 7.23; 2 Pet. 2.1.

BOUND. Ps. 107.10, being b. in affliction.

Prov. 22.15, foolishness b. in heart of child.

Acts 20. 22, b. in spirit to Jerusalem. 1 Cor 7. 27, art thou b. to a wife. 2 Tim. 2. 9, word of God is not b. Heb. 13. 3, in bonds as b. with them. See Gen. 44. 30; Mat. 16.19; Mk. 5.4.

BOUNTY. 1 Kings 10.13; 2 Cor. 9. 5.

BOUNTIFUL. Prov. 22.9, a b. eye shall be blessed.

Isa. 32.5, nor churl said to be b.

See Ps. 13.6; 116.7 ; 119.17; 2 Cor. 9. 6.

BOWELS. 2 Cor. 6.12, straitened in b.

Col. 3.12, b. of mercies. 1 John 3.17, b. of compassion.

See Acts 1.18; Phil. 1.8; 2.1; Philem. 12.

BRACELET. Gen. 24. 30; Ex. 35. 22; Isa. 3.19.

BRAKE. 2 Kings 23.14; 2 Chron. 34. 4, Josiah b. images.

Mat. 14.19; 15. 36; 26. 26; Mk. 6. 41; 8. 6 ; 14.22; Lu. 9.16; 22.19; 24. 30; 1 Cor. 11. 24, blessed and b.

■ See Ex. 32.19 ; 1 Sam. 4.18; Lu. 5.6; John 19. 32.

BRAMBLE. Judg. 9.14; Isa. 34.13; Lu. 6. 44.

BRANCH. Job 14.7, tender b. not cease.

Prov. 11.28, righteous flourish as b.

Jer. 23.5, will raise a righteous b.

Mat. 13. 32; Lu. 13.19, birds lodge in b. 21. 8; Mk. 11. 8; John 12.13, cut down b.

See Zech, 3.8; 6.12; John 15. 2, 4,5,6; Rom. 11. 16.

BRAND. Judg. 15.5; Zech. 3.2.

BRASS. Deut. 8.9; 28.23; 1 Cor. 13.1.

BRAVERY. Isa. 3.18.

BRAWLER. Prov. 25. 24; ITim. 3. 3; Tit. 3. 2.

BRAY. Job 6.5; 30.7 ; Prov. 27.22.

BREACH. Isa. 58.12, the repairer of the b.

Lam. 2.13, thy b. is great like the sea.

See Lev. 24. 20; Ps. 106. 23; Amos 4. 3; 6.11.

BREAD. Deut. 8. 3; Mat. 4. 4; Lu. 4.4, not live by b. alone.

Ruth 1. 6, visited people in giving them b. 1 Kings 17. 6, ravens brought b. and fiesh.

Job 22.7, withholden b. from hungry.

Job 33.20, soul abhorreth b. Ps. 132.15, satisfy poor with b. Prov. 9.17, b. eaten in secret. 12.11; 20.13; 28.19, satisfied with b. 31. 27, eateth not b. of idleness. Eccl. 11.1, cast b. on waters. Isa. 33.16, b. given and waters sure. 55.2, money tor that which is not b. 10, seed to sower, b, to eater. Mat. 4.3; Lu. 4.3, stones made b. 6.11; Lu. 11.11, give us daily b. 15. 26; Mk. 7. 27, take children's b. Lu. 24. 35, known in breaking b. Acts 2.42; 20.7 ; 27.35, breaking b. 2 Thess. 3. 8, eat afiy man's b. for nought. See Ex. 16. 4; 23. 25; Josh. 9. 5; Judg. 7.13.

BREAK. Cant. 2.17; 4.6, day b. and shadows flee. Isa. 42.3; Mat. 12.20, bruised reed shall he not & Jer. 4. 3; Hos. 10.12, b. up fallow ground. Acts 21.13, to weep and b. my heart. See Ps. 2. 3; Mat. 5.19; 9.17 ; 1 Cor. 10.16.

BREATH. Gen. 2.7; 6.17; 7.15, b. of life. Isa. 2. 22, cease from man whose b. Ezek. 37.5,10, I will cause b. to enter. Acts 17.25, he giveth to all life and b. See Job 12.10; 33.4; Ps. 146.4; 150. 6.

BREATHE. Ps. 27.12; Ezek. 37. 9; John 20. 22.

BREECHES. Ex. 28. 42; Lev. 6.10; 16. 4; Ezek. 44.18.

BRETHREN. Mat. 23.8, all ye are b. Mk. 10. 29; Lu. 18. 29, no man left house or b. Col. 1.2, faithful b. in Christ. 1 John 3.14, because we love the b. See Gen. 42.8; Prov. 19.7; John 7.5.

BRIBE. 1 Sam. 12. 3, have I received any b.

Ps. 26.10, right hand is full of b.

See 1 Sam. 8. 3; Isa. 33.15; Job 15. 34.

BRICK. Gen. 11. 3; Ex. 5. 7; Isa. 9.10; 65. 3.

BRIDE. Isa. 61.10; Jer. 2. 32; Rev. 21. 2; 22.17.

BRIDEGROOM. Mat. 25.1, to meet the b.

John 3. 29, because of b. voice.

See Ps. 19. 5; Isa. 62. 5; Mat. 9.15.

BRIDLE. Prov. 26. 3, a b. for the ass.

Jas. 1. 26, b. not his tongue. 3.2, able to b. whole body.

See 2 Kings 19. 28; Ps. 39.1; Isa. 37. 29.

BRIGANDINE. Jer. 46. 4; 51. 3.

BRIGHT. Job 37. 21, b. light in the clouds.

Isa. 60. 3, to b. of thy rising. 62.1, righteousness go forth as b.

Mat. 17. 5} b. cloud overshadowed. 2 Thess 2.8, b. of his coming. Heb. 1. 3, the b. of his glory.

Rev. 22.16, the b. and morning star.

See Lev. 13. 2; Jer. 51.11; Zech. 10.1.

BRIN.K. Gen. 41. 3; Ex. 2. 3; 7.15; Josh. 3. 8.

BROAD. Ps. 119. 96; Mat. 7.13; 23. 5.

BROIDERED. Ezek. 16.10,13; 27.7,16,24, 6. work.

See Ex. 28. 4; 1 Tim. 2. 9.

BROILED. Lu. 24. 42.

BROKEN. Ps. 34.18; 51.17 ; 69. 20, b. heart.

John 10. 35, scripture cannot be b. 19. 36, bone shall not be 6.

Eph. 2.14, b. down middle wall.

See Job 17.11; Prov. 25.19; Jer. 2.13.

BROOD. Lu. 13. 34.

BROOK. 1 Sam. 17. 40; Ps. 42.1; 110. 7.

BROTH. Judg. 6.19; Isa. 65. 4.

BROTHER. Prov. 17.17, b. born for adversity. 18.9, slothful b. to waster. 19, 6. offended harder to be won. 24, friend closer than b.

Eccl. 4. 8, neither child nor b.

Mat, 10. 21, b. shall deliver up b. 1 Cor 6. 6, b. goeth to law with b, 2 Thess 3.15, admonish as b.

See Gen. 4. 9; Mat, 5. 23; 12.50; Mk. 3. 35. 205


BROTHERLY. Rom. 12.10; 1 Thess. 4. 9; Heb. 13.1, 6. love. See Amos 1.9; 2 Pet. 1. 7.

BROW. Isa. 48.4; Lu. 4. 29.

BRUISE.(«.). Isa. 1. 6; Jer. 30.12; Nah, 3.19.

BRUISE.(v.). Isa. 42. 3; Mat. 12. 20, b. reed shall he not break. 53. 5, b. for our iniquities. See Gen. 3.15; Isa. 53.10; Rom. 16. 20.

BRUIT. Jer. 10. 22; Nab. 3.19.

BRUTISH. Ps. 92. 6, a b. man knoweth not. Prov. 30. 2, I am more b. than any. Jer. 10. 21, pastors are become b. See Ps. 49.10; Jer. 10. 8; Ezek. 21. 31.

BUCKET. Num. 24. 7; Isa. 40.15.

BUCKLER. 2 Sam. 22. 31; Ps. 18. 2; 91. 4; Prov. 2.7.

BUD. Num. 17. 8; Isa. 18.5; 61.11; Hos. 8. 7.

BUFFET. Mat. 26.67; 1 Cor. 4.11; 2 Cor. 12.7; 1 Pet. 2.20.

BUILD. Ps. 127.1, labour in vain that 6. Eccl. 3. 3, a time to b. up. Isa. 58.12,?>. old waste places. Mat. 7. 24; Lu. 6. 48, wise man b. on rock. Lu. 14.30, began to b., not able to finish. Acts 20.32, able to b. you up. Rom. 15. 20, lest I b. on another. 1 Cor. 3.12, if any b. on this foundation. Eph. 2. 22, in whom ye are b. tosether. See 1 Chron. 17.12; 2 Chron. 6.9; Eccl. 2. 4.

BUILDER. Ps. 118.22; Mat. 21.42; Mk. 12.10; Lu. 20.17; Acts 4.11; 1 Pet. 2. 7, b. refused. 1 Cor. 3.10, as a wise master-^. Heb. 11.10, whose b. and maker is God. See 1 Kings 5.18; Ezra 3.10.

BUILDING. 1 Cor. 3. 9; 2 Cor. 5.1; Eph. 2. 21.

BULRUSH. Ex. 2. 3; Isa. 18. 2; 58. 5.

BULWARK. Isa. 26.1, salvation for walls and b.

See Deut. 20. 20; Ps. 48.13; Eccl. 9.14.

BUNDLE. Gen. 42. 35 ; Mat. 13. 30; Acts 28. 3.

BURDEN. Ps. 55. 22, cast thy b. on the Lord. Eccl. 12. 5, grasshopper shall be a b. Mat. 11. 30, my b. is light. 20.12, borne b. and heat of day. 23. 4; Lu. 11. 46, bind heavy b. Gal. 6. 2, 5, bear his own b. See Num. 11.11; Acts 15. 28; 2 Cor. 12.16.

BURDENSOME. Zech. 12.3; 2 Cor. 11.9; 1 Thess. 2.6.

BURIAL. Eccl. 6. 3; Jer. 22.19; Matt 26.12; Acts 8.2.

BURN. Ps. 39. 3, musing the fire b. Prov. 26. 23, b. lips and wicked heart. Isa. 9.18, wickedness b. as fire. 33.14, dwell with everlasting b. Mai. 4.1, day that shall b. as oven. Mat. 13. 30, bind tares to 6. them. Lu. 3.17, chaff b. with fire unquenchable. 12. 35, loins girded and lights b. 24.32, did not our heart b. John 5. 35, he was a b. and shining light. 1 Cor. 13. 3, give my body to be b. Heb. 6. 8, whose end is to be b. Rev. 4. 5, lamps b. before throne. 19. 20, into a lake b. See Gen. 44.18; Ex. 3. 2 ; 21. 25.

BURNT-OFFERING. Ps. 40. 6, 6. thou hast not


Isa. 61. 8, I hate robbery for b. Jer. 6. 20, your b. not acceptable. Hos. 6. 6, knowledge more than b. Mk. 12. 33, love neighbour more than b. See Gen. 22. 7; LevCl. 4; 6.9.

BURST. Job 32.19; Prov. 3.10; Mk. 2. 22; Lu. 5. 37.

BURY. Mat. 8. 21; Lu. 9. 59, suffer me to b. my father.

Mat. 8.22, let dead b. dead.

Rom. 6. 4; Col. 2.12, b. with him by baptism. 1 Cor. 15. 4. he was b. and rose again.

See Gen. 23. 4; 47. 29; Mat. 14.12.

BUSHEL. Mat. 5.15; Mk. 4. 21; Lu. 11. 33.

BUSINESS. 1 Sam. 21.8, king's b. requireth haste.

Ps. 107. 23, do b. in great waters.

Prov. 22. 29, diligent in b.

Lu. 2. 49, about my Father's b.

Rom. 12.11, not slothful in b. 1 Thess. 4.11, study to do your own b.

See Josh. 2.14; Judg. 18. 7; Neh. 13.30.

BUTLER. Gen. 40.1; 41.9.

BUTTER. Isa. 7.15, 22, b. and honey shall he eat.

See Judg. 5.25; Job 29. 6; Ps. 55.21; Prov. 30.33.

BUY. Lev. 22.11, b. any soul with money.

Prov. 23. 23, b. the truth.

Isa. 55.1, b. and eat, b. wine and milk.

Mat. 25. 9, go to them that sell and b.

John 4. 8, disciples were gone to b. meat.

Jas. 4.13, we will b. and sell and get gain.

Rev. 3.18, b. of me gold tried. 13.17, no man b. save he that had mark. 18.11, no man b. her merchandise.

See Gen. 42. 2; 47.19; Ruth 4.4; Mat. 13. 44.

BUYER. Prov. 20.14; Isa. 24. 2; Ezek. 7.12.

BY-AND.BY. Mat. 13.21; Mk. 6.25; Lu. 17.7; 21.9.

BYWAYS. Judg. 5. 6.

BYWORD. Job 17. 6; 30. 9, a b. of the people.

Ps. 44.14, a b. among the heathen.

See Deut. 28. 37; 1 Kings 9. 7; 2 Chron. 7.20.

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