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WAG. Jer. 18.16; Lam. 2.15; Zeph. 2.15.
WAGES. Gen. 29.15, what shall thy w. be ? b0. 28, appoint me thy w. 31. 7, changed my w.ten times.
Ex. 2. 9, nurse this child, I will give w.
Jer. 22.13, useth neighbour's service without w.
Hag. 1. 6, earneth w. to put in t>ag with holes.
Lu. 3.14, be content with your w.
John 4.36, he that reapeth receiveth w.
Rom. 6.23, the w. of sin is death. 2 Pet 2.15, the w.of unrighteousness. See Ezek. 29.18; Mai. 3.5; 2 Cor. 11.8.
WAGONS. Gen. 45.19; Num. 7.7 ; Ezek. 23.24, WAIL. Ezek. 32.18, w. for the multitude. Amos 5.16, w. shall be in all streets.
Mic. 1.8, therefore I will w.and howl. Mat. 13.42, there shall be w. and gnashing, Mk. 5.38, he seeth them that w.greatly. Rev. 1.7, all kindreds of the earth shall w. 18.15, merchants shall stand afar off w. See Esth. 4.3; Jer. 9.10,19, 20; Ezek. 7.11.
WAIT. Gen. 49.18, I have w. for thy salvation. Num. 35.20; Jer. 9. 8, by laying of w. 2 Kings 6.33, should I w.for the Lord any longer? Job 14.14, I will w. till my change come. 15.22, he is w. for of the sword. 17.13, if I w.the grave is my house. 29.21, to me men w., and kept silence. 23, they w. for me as for rain. 30.26, when I w. for light, darkness came. Ps.25.3; 69.6, let none that w. be ashamed. 27.14; 37.34; Prov. 20.22, w. on the Lord, 33.20, our soul w. for the Lord. 37.7, w. patiently. 52.9, I will w. on thy name. 62.1; 130.6, my soul w. upon God. 5, w. only on God. 65.1, praise w. for thee in Zion. 69.3, mine eyes fail while I w. for God, 104.27, these all w. upon thee. 106.13, they w. not for counsel. 123.2, so our eyes w. on the Lord. Prov. 27.18, he that w. on his master, Isa. 30.18, the Lord w. to be gracious, 40.31, they that w.on the Lord shall renew, 42.4, the isles shall w. for his law. 59.9, we w. for light. 64.4, prepared for him that w. for him. Lam. 3.26, good that a man hope and quietly w. Dan. 12.12, blessed is he that w., and cometh to
the days.
Hab. 2.3, though the vision tarry, w. for it. Zech. 11.11, poor of flock that w. upon me. Mk. 15.43, wTho also w. for the kingdom of God, Lu. 2.25, w.for the consolation of Israel. 12.36, like unto men that w. for their lord, Acts 1.4, but w.for promise of the Father. Rom. 8.23, groan, w.for the adoption. 25, then do we with patience w. for it. 12.7, let us w. on our ministering. 1 Cor. 9.13, they which w. at the altar are partakers.
Gal. 5.5, we w. for the hope. 1 Thess. 1.10, to w. for his Son from heaven. See Num. 3.10; Neb. 12.44 ; Isa. 8.17.
WAKE. Ps. 139.18, when I w. I am still with thee, Jer. 51.39, sleep a perpetual sleep, and not w. Joel 3. 9, prepare war, w.up the mighty men. Zech. 4.1, the angel came again, and 1 Thess 5.10, whether we w. or sleep. See Ps. 77.4; 127.1; Cant. 5.2; Isa. 50.4.
WALK. Gen. 17.1, w.before me, and be perfect, 24.40, the Lord before whom I w. 48.15, before whom my fathers did w. Ex. 16.4, whether they will w. in my law. 18.20, the way wherein they must w. Lev. 26.12, I will w. among you. Deut. 23.14, God w. in midst of the camp, Judg. 5.10, speak, ye that w. by the way. 2 Sam 2.29, Abner and his men w. all that night, Job 18.8, he w. on a snare. 22.14, he w. in the circuit of heaven. 29.3, wThen by his light I w. through darkness. Ps. 23.4, though I w.through the valley of the shadow of death. 26.11, as for me, I will mine integrity. 48.12, w. about Zion, and go round. 55.14, we house of God in company. 56.13, that I may w.before God in light of the living. 84.11, from them that w.uprightly. 91.6, the pestilence that w. in darkness. 104. 3, who w. upon wings of the wind. 116.9, I will w, before the Lord. 119.45, I will liberty.
340Ps. 138. 7, though I midst of trouble. Prov. 10.9; 28.18, he that w. uprightly w. surely. 13.20, that w. with wise men shall be wise. 19.1; 28.6, better is the poor that integrity. 2S. 26, whoso w.wTisely shall be delivered. Eccl. 2.14, the fool w. in darkness. Isa. 2.5, let us w. in the light of the Lord. 9.2, the people that w. in darkness. 20.3, as my servant hath w. naked. 30.21, a voice saying, this is the way, w. in it. 35.9, the redeemed shall w. there. 50.10, that w. in darknesswand hath no light. 11, w. in the light of your fire.
Jer. 6.16, ask where is the good way, w. therein. 10. 23, not in man that w. to direct. Ezek. 28.14, hast w. in midst of stones of fire. Dan. 4* 37, those that w. in pride. Hos. 14.9, the just shall w. in them. Amos 3.3, can two w. together? Mic. 6. 8, to w. humbly with thy God. Nah, 2.11, where the lion w. Zech. 1.11, we have w. to and fro through the
Mai. 3.14, what profit that we have mournfully?
Mat. 9. 5; Mk. 2. 9; Lu. 5. 23; John 5. 8,11,w.Acts 3.6, arise, and w. 12.43; Lu. 11.24, w.through dry places. 14.29, he w. on the water.
Mk. 16.12, he appeared to two of them as they w. Lu. 13.33,1 must w. to day, and to morrow, John 8.12. shall not w. in darkness. 11.9, if any man the day. Rom. 4.12, who w. in steps of that faith. 6.4, w. in newness of life. 8.1, who w. not after flesh, but after Spirit. 2 Cor. 5. 7, we w. by faith. Gal. 6.16, as many as w. according to this rule. Eph. 2.2 ; Col. 3. 7, in time past ye w. 10, ordained that we should w. in them. 4.1, w. worthy of the vocation. 17, that ye w. not as other Gentiles. 5.15, w. circumspectly.
Phil. 3.17, mark them which w. 18, many w., of whom I told you.
Col. 1.10; 1 Thess. 2.12, that ye might w, worthy of the Lord. 1 Thess 4.1, how ye ought to w. 12, ye may w. honestly. 2 Thess 3.6, from brother that w. disorderly. 1 Pet. 4.3, when we w. in lasciviousness. 5.8. w. about, seeking Avhom he may devour. 1 John 1.7, if we w. in the light. 2.6, to w., even as he w.
See Gal. 5.16; Eph. 5.2; Phil. 3.16.
WALKING. Deut, 2. 7, Lord knoweth thy w. Job 31.26, the moon w. in brightness. Dan. 3.25, four men loose, w. in the fire. Mat. 14.25, Jesus went to them, w. on the sea. Mk. 8. 24, I see men as trees, w. Acts 9.31, w. in the fear of the Lord. See Isa. 3.16; 2 Cor. 4.2; 2 Pet, 3.3; Jude 16.
WALL. Gen. 49.22, branches run over the w. Ex. 14.22, the waters were a w. to them. Num. 22.24, a w. being on this side, a w. on. 2 Sam 22.30; Ps. 18.29, have I leaped over a w. 2 Kings 20.2; Isa. 36.11, turned his face to the w. Ezra 5.3, who commanded you to make this w. ? Neh. 4. 6, so built we the w.
Ps. 62.3, a bowing w. shall ye be. 122. 7, peace be within thy w. Prov. 24. 31, the w. thereof was broken down. 25.28, like a city without w. Isa. 26.1, salvation will God appoint for w. 59.10. we grope for the w. 60.18, thou shalt call thy w. Salvation. Ezek. 8. 7, a hole in the w. Dan. 5. 5, fingers wrote on the w. Amos 5.19, leaned hand on w., and serpent bit him.
Hab. 2.11, the stone shall cry out of the w. Acts 23.3, thou whited w. Eph. 2.14, the middle w. of partition. See Ezek. 38.11; Zech. 2.4; Acts 9.25; Rev. 21.14.
WALLOW. Jer. 6.26; 25.34, w. in ashes. 2 Pet. 2.22, washed, to her w. in the mire. See 2 Sam. 20.12; Ezek. 27.30.
WANDER. Num. 14.33, your children shall w. Deut. 27.18, cursed be lie that maketh blind to w. Job 12.24, he causeth them to w. 15.23, he w. abroad for bread. 38.41, young ravens w. for lack of meat. Ps. 55. 7, then would I w. far off. 59.15, let them w.up and down. 119.10, let me not w. from thy commandments. Prov. 27.8, as a bird that w. from nest. Isa. 16.3, bewray not him that w. 47.15, w. every one to his quarter. Jer. 14.10, thus have they loved to w. Lam. 4.14, they have w. as blind men, Ezek. 34. 6, my sheep w. through mountains. Amos 4.8, two cities w. to one city to drink. See Hos. 9.17 ; 1 Tim. 5.13; Heb. 11.37 ; Jude 13.
WANT.(w.). Deut. 28. 48, thou shalt serve in w. Judg. 18.10, a place where there is no w. 19.20, let all thy w. lie on me.
Job 24. 8, they embrace the rock for w. 31.19, if I have seen any perish for w. Ps. 34. 9, there is no w. to them that fear him. Amos 4.6, 1 have given you w. of bread. Mk. 12.44, she of her w. cast in all. Lu. 15.14, he began to be in w. Phil. 2. 25, that ministered to my w. See Prov. 6.11; Lam. 4.9; 2 Cor. 8.14; Phil. 4.11.
WANT.(i). Ps. 23.1, I shall not w. 34.10, shall not w. any good thing. Prov. 9.4, for him that w. understanding. 10.19, in multitude of words there w. not sin. 13.25, the belly of the wicked shall w. Eccl. 6.2, he w. nothing for his soul. Jsa. 34.16, none shall w. her mate. Jer. 44.18, we have w. all things. Ezek. 4.17, that they may w. bread and water. John 2. 3, when they w. wine. 2 Cor. 11.9, when I w. I was chargeable. See Eccl. 1.15 ; Dan. 5. 27 ; Tit. 1. 5 ; Jas. 1. 4.
WANTON. Isa. 3.16; Rom. 13.13; 1 Tim. 5.11;
Jas. 5.5.
WAR.(n.). Ex. 32.17, there is a noise of w.
Num. 32. 6, shall your brethren go to w.and shall ye sit here ?
Deut. 24.5, taken a wife, shall not go to w.
Judg. 5. 8, then was w. in the gates. 1 Chron 5.22, many slain, because the w. was of God.
Job 10.17, changes and w. are against me. 38. 23, reserved against the day of w. Ps. 27.3, though w.should rise against me. 46.9, he maketh w. to cease. 55.21, w. was in his heart. 68.30, scatter the people that delight in w. Prov. 20.18, with good advice make w. Eccl. 3.8, a time of w. 8.8, no discharge in that w. Isa. 2.4; Mic. 4. 3, nor learn w. any more. Jer. 42.14, to Egypt, where we shall see no w. Mic. 2.8, as men averse from w. Mat. 24.6; Mk. 13.7; Lu. 21.9, w. and rumours
of w.
Lu. 14.31, what king, going to make w.? Jas. 4.1, from whence come w. ? Rev. 12.7, there was w. in heaven. See Eccl. 9.
IS; Ezek. 32.27; Dan. 7.21; 9.26.
WAR.(v.). 2 Sam. 22. 35 ; Ps. 18.34; 144.1, teacheth my hands to w.
2 Chron. 6.34, if thy people go to w. Isa. 41.12, they that w. against thee. 2 Cor. 10.3, we do not w.after the flesh. 1 Tim. 1.18, w. a good warfare. 2 Tim. 2.4, no man that w. entangleth.
341Jas. 4.1, lusts that w. in your members. 2, ye fight and w.yet ye have not. 1 Pet 2.11, from lusts which w. against the soul. See 1 Kings 14.19; Isa. 37. 8; Rom. 7. 23.
WARDROBE. 2 Kings 22.14; 2 Chron. 34.22.
WARE. Mat. 24.50; Lu. 8.27; 2 Tim. 4.15.
WARFARE. Isa.40.2, that her w. is accomplished. 2 Cor 10.4, weapons of our w. are not carnal. See 1 Sam. 28.1; 1 Cor. 9. 7 ; 1 Tim. 1.18.
WARM. Eccl. 4.11, how can one be w. ? Isa. 47.14, not be a coal to w. at. Hag. 1.6, ye clothe you, but there is none w. Mk. 14. 54; John 18.18, Peter w. himself. Jas. 2.16, be ye w. and filled. See 2 Kings 4.34; Job 37.17 ; 39.14 ; Isa. 44.15.
WARN. Ezek. 3.18; Acts 20,31; 1 Thess. 5.14.
WASH. 2 Kings 5.10, go, w. in Jordan. 12, may I not w. in them, and be clean? Job 9.30, if I w. myself with snow water. 14.19, thou w. away things which grow. 29.0, when I steps with butter. Ps. 26.6; 73.13, 1 will w. my hands in innocency. 51.2, w. me throughly from mine iniquity. 7, w. me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Prov. 30.12, a generation not w. Cant. 5.12, his eyes are w. with milk. Isa. 1.16, w. you, make you clean. Jer. 2.22, though thou w. thee with nitre. 4.14, w. thy heart.
Ezek. 16.4, nor wast w. in water to supple thee. Mat. 6.17, when thou fastest, w. thy face. 27. 24, took water, and w. his hands. Mk. 7.3, except they w. oft, eat not. Lu. 7. 38, began to w. his feet with tears. 44, she hath feet with her tearg John 9. 7, go, the pool of Siloam. Acts 16. 33, he w.their stripes. 22.16, w. away thy sins. 1 Cor 6.11, but ye are w.
Heb. 10.22, having our bodies w. with pure water. 2 Pet 2.22, the sow that was w. Rev. 1.5, that from our sins. 7.14, have w. their robes. See Neh. 4. 23; Eph. 5.26 ; Tit. 3.5; Heb. 9.10.
WASTE. Peut. 32.10; Job 30. 3, in w. wilderness. 1 Kings 17.14, barrel of meal shall not w.Ps. £0.13, boar out of wood doth w. it. 91.6, nor for the destruction that w. Isa. 24.1, the Lord maketh the earth w. 61. 4, they shall build the old w. Joel 1.10, the field is w., the corn is w. See Prov. 18. 9 ; Isa. 59. 7 ; Mat. 26. 8; Mk. 14.4.
WATCH.(n.). Ps. 90.4, as a w. in the night. 119.148, mine eyes prevent night w. Jer. 51.12, make the w. strong. Hab. 2.1, I will stand upon my w. See Mat. 14.25 ; 24.43 ; 27. 65 ; Lu. 2.8.
WATCH.(v.). Gen. 31. 49, the Lord w. between
me and thee.
Job 14.16, dost thou not w. over my sin ? Ps. 37. 32, the wicked w. the righteous. 102. 7, I w.and am as a sparrow. 130. 6, more than they that w.for morning. Isa. 29.20, all that w. for iniquity are cut off. Jer. 20.10, my familiars w. for my halting. 31. 28, so will I w.over them, to build. 44. 27, I will w. over them for evil. Ezek. 7.6, the end is come, it w. for thee. Hab. 2.1, I will w. to see what he will say. Mat. 24. 42; 25.13; Mk.13.35; Lu. 21. 36; Acts 20. 31, w. therefore. 26. 41; Mk. 13. 33 ; 14. 38, w.and pray. 1 Thess. 5.6; 1 Pet. 4.7, let us w. and be sober. Heb. 13.17, for they w. for your souls. See 1 Cor. 16.13 ; 2 Tim. 4. 5; Rev. 3. 2 ; 16.15.
WATER.(n.). Gen. 26.20, the w. is ours. 49. 4, unstable as w. Deut. 8.7, a land of brooks of w. 11.11, land drinketh w.of rain of heaven,
Josh. 7.5, hearts melted, and became as w. 2 Sam. 14.14, as w. spilt on the ground. 1 Kings 13. 22, eat no bread and drink no w. 22. 27 ; 2 Chron. 18.26, w. of affliction. 2 Kings 3.11, who poured w. on Elijah's hands, 20. 20, brought w. into the city.
Neh. 9.11, threwest as a stone "into mighty w. Job 8.11, can the flag grow without w. ? 14. 9, through the scent of w. it will bud, 19, the w. wear the stones. 15.16, who drinketh iniquity like w. 22. 7, hast not given w. to weary to drink 26. 8, bindeth up w. in his thick clouds. 38. 30, the w. are hid as with a stone.
Ps. '22.14, I am poured out like w. 23. 2, beside the still w. 33. 7, he gathereth the w. of the sea. 46. 3, though the w. roar and ba troubled, 63.1, thirsty land, where no w. is. 73.10, w. of a full cup are wrung out. 77.16, the w. saw thee. 79. 3, their blood have they shed like w, 124. 4, then the w. had overwhelmed us. 148. 4, praise him, ye w. above heavens. Prov. 5.15, drink w. out of thine own cistern, 9.17, stolen w. are sweet. 20. 5. counsel is like deep w. 15.25, as cold a thirsty soul. 27.19, as in w. face answereth to face. 30.4, who hath bound the w. in a garment ? Eccl. 11.1, cast thy bread upon the w. Cant. 4.15; John 7. 28, well of living w. ^ 8. 7, many w.cannot quench love. Isa. 1.22, thy wine is mixed with w. 3.1, take away whole stay of w. 11.9; Hab. 2.14, as the w. cover the seas. 19. 5, the w.shall fail from the sea. 28.17, w. shall overflow the hiding place, 32. 20, blessed are ye that sow beside all w. 33.16, his w. shall be sure. 35.6, in wilderness shall w. break out. 41.17, when the poor seek w. 43.2, when thou passest through the w. 16, a path in the mighty w. 20, I give w. in the wilderness. 44.3, I will pour w. on him that is thirsty. 55.1, come ye to the w. 57.20, whose w.cast up mire and dirt. Jer. 2.13 ; 17.13, the fountain of living w. 9.1, Oh that my head were w. 14. 3, their nobles sent little ones to the w. 47. 2, behuid w. rise up out of the north. Ezek. 4.17, that they may want bread and w. 7.17 ; 21.7, be weak as w. 31. 4, the w.made him great. 36.25, then will I sprinkle clean w. Amos 8.11, not famine of bread nor thirst for w, Mat. 3.11; Mk. 1. 8 ; Lu. 3.16 ; John 1.26 ; Acts 1. 5 ; 11.16, baptize you with w. 10.42 ; Mk. 9.41, whoso giveth a cup of cold y;, 14.28, bid me come to thee on the w. 27.24, Pilate took w. and washed. Lu. 8.23, ship filled with w. 24. rebuked the raging of the w. 16. 24, dip the tip of his finger in w.
John 3. 5, except a man be born of w, 23, there was much w. there. 4.15, give me this w. 5. 3, waiting for moving of the w. 19.34, forthwith came out blood and w.Acts 10.47, can any forbid w.2 Cor. 11.26, in perils of w. Eph. 5.26, cleanse it with washing of w. 1 Pet 3.20, eight souls were saved by w. 2 Pet 2.17, wells without w. 1 John 5. 6, this is he that came by w. Rev. 22.17, let him take w. of life freely. See Ps. 29. 3 ; Jer. 51.13 ; Ezek. 32. 2 ; 47.1.
WATER.(v.). Gen. 2. 6, mist that w. face o! ground. 13.10, the plain was well w.
342Dent. 11.10, with thy foot as a garden. Ps. 6. 6, I w. my couch with tears. 72.6, as showers that w.the earth. 104.13, he w. the hills from his chambers. Prow 11.25, he that w. shall be w. Isa. 16.9, I will w. thee with my tears. 27. 3, I will w. it every moment. 55.10, returneth not, but w. the earth. 58.11; Jer.31.12. thou shalt be like a w. garden. Ezek. 32. 6, I will also w. with thy blood. 1 Cor. 3.6. Apollos w., but G-od gave the increase. See Ps. 65. 9; Ezek. 17. 7 ; Joel 3.18.
WAVES. Ps. 42.7, all thy w. are gone over me. 65.7 ; 89. 9 ; 107.29, stilleth noise of w. 93.4, the Lord is mightier than mighty w. Isa. 48.18, righteousness as w. of the sea. Jer. 5.22, though the w. toss. Zech. 10.11, shall smite the w. in the sea. Jude 13, rasing w. of the sea. See Mat. 8. 24; 14. 24; Mk. 4. 37 ; Acts 27. 41.
WAX.(n.). Ps. 22.14 ; 68. 2 ; 97. 5 ; Mic. 1.4.
WAX.(v.). Ex. 22.24; 32.10, my wrath shall w. hot. Num. 11. 23, is the Lord's hand w. short? Deut. 8. 4 ; 29. 5 ; Neh. 9. 21, raiment w. not old. 32.15, Jeshurun w. fat and kicked. Ps. 102. 26 ; Isa. 50. 9 ; 51. 6 ; Heb. 1.11, shall w.
old as doth a garment. Mat. 24.12, the love of many shall w. cold. Lu. 12.33, bags which w. not old. See Mat. 13.15 ; 1 Tim. 5.11; 2 Tim. 3.13.
WAY. Gen. 6.12, all had corrupted his w. 24.20, if God will keep me in this w. 56, seeing the Lord hath prospered my w. Num. 22. 32, thy w. is perverse. Deut, 8. 6 ; 26.
JJ ; 28. 9 ; 30.16 ; 1 Kings 2.3; Ps. 119. 3 ; 128.1; Isa. 42. 24, walk in his w. Josh. 23.14; 1 Kings 2. 2, the w. of all the earth. 1 Sam 12. 23, teach you the good and right w. 2 Sam 22.31; Ps. 18.30, as for God, his w. is perfect. 2 Kings 7.15, all the w. was full of garments. 2Chron.6.27, when thou hast taught them the
good w.
Ezra 8.21, to seek of him a right w. Job 3.23, to a man whose w. is hid. 12.24; Ps. 107.40, to wander where there is no w. 16.22, I go the w. whence I shall not return. 19.8, fenced up my to. 22.15, hast thou marked the old w. ? 23.10, he knoweth the w. that I take. 24.13, they know not the w. of the light. 31.4, doth not he see my w. ? 38.19, where is the w. where light dwelleth ? Ps. 1. 6, Lord knoweth w. of the righteous. 2.12, lest ye perish from the w. 25. 9, the meek will he teach his w. 27.11; 86.11, teach me thy w. 36.4, in a w. that is not good. 37.5, commit thy w. unto the Lord. 39.1, I will take heed to my w.49.13, this their w. is their folly. 67.2, that thy w. may be known. 78.50, he made a w. to his anger. 95.10; Heb. 3.10, they have not known my w. 101.2, behave Avisely in a perfect w. 119.5, O that my w. were directed. 30, I have chosen the w. of truth. 59, I thought on my w. 168, all my w. are before thee. 139.24, lead me in the w. everlasting. Prov. 2.8, he preserveth the w. of his saints. 3.6, in all thy w. acknowledge him. 17, her w. are w. of pleasantness. 5.21, the w. of man are before the Lord. 6.6, consider her w., and be wise. 23; 15.24; Jer. 21.8, the w. of life. 12.15, the w.of a fool right in his own eyes. 15.19, the w. of the slothful man. 16.7, when a man's w. please the Lord. 22. 6, train up a child in the w.
Prov. 23.19, guide thy heart in the w. 26, let thine eyes observe my w. 26.13, there is a lion in the w.
Eccl. 11.5, the w. of the spirit. 12.5, fears shall be in the w. Isa. 2. 3; Mic. 4.2, he will teach us of his w 30. 21, this is the w., walk ye in it. 35.8, and a w., called the w.of holiness. 40.27, my w. is hid from the Lord. 42.16, blind by w. they knewtiot. 24, they would not walk in his w. 45.13, I will direct all his w. 55.8, neither are your w. my w. 58. 2, they delight to know my w.
Jer. 6.16, where is the good w. ? 17.10; 32.19, every man according to his w. 18.11, make your w. and doings good. 32. 39, I will give them one heart and one w. 50.5, they shall ask the w. to Zion. Ezek. 3.18, to warn the wicked from his w. 18.29, are not my w. equal ? are not your w. unequal ?
Joel 2.7, march every one on his w.
Nah.1.3, the Lord hath his w. in the whirlwind.
Hag. 1. 5, consider your w.
Mai. 3.1, he shall prepare the w. before me.
Mat. 7.33, broad is the w. that leadeth. 10.5, go not into w. of Gentiles. 22.16; Mk. 12.14; Lu. 20. 21, teachest the w. of
God. Mk. 8.3, they will faint by the w. 11. 8 ; Mat. 21.8; Lu. 19. 36, spread garments in the w.
Lu. 15.20, when he was yet a great w. off. 19.4, he was to pass that w. John 10.1, but climbeth up some other w. 14. 4, and the w. ye know. 6, I am the w., the truth, and the life. Acts 9.2, if he found any of this w. 27, how he had seen the Lord in the w. 16.17, which show unto us the w. of salvation. 18.26, expounded the w. of God more perfectly. 19.23, no small stir about that w. 24.14, after the w. which they call heresy. Eom. 3.12, they are all gone out of the w. 11.33, his w. are past rinding out. 1 Cor 10.13, make a w. to escape. 12. 31, a more excellent w.
Col. 2.14, took handwriting of ordinances out of
the w. Heb. 5.2, compassion on them out of the w. 9.8, the w. into the holiest. 10.20, by a new and living w. Jas. 1.8, unstable in all his w. 5.20, the sinner from error of his w. 2 Pet 2.2, follow their pernicious w. 15, wThich have forsaken the right w. 21, better not to have known w. of righteousness.
Jude 11, they have gone in the w. of Cain. See Hos.2.6; Lu.10.31; Rev. 15.3.
WEAK. Judg. 16. 7, w. as other men. 2 Sam. 3.1, Saul's house waxed w. and w. 2 Chron. 15.7, let not your hands be w. Job 4.3, hast strengthened the w. hands. Ps. 6.2, I am w. Isa. 14.10, art thou also become w. as we ? 35. 3, strengthen ye the w. hands. Ezek. 7.17; 21.7, shall be water. 16.30, how w. is thy heart.
Joel 3.10, let the w. say, I am strong. Mat. 26.41; Mk. 14.38, but the flesh is w. Acts 20.35, ye ought to support the w. Iiom. 4.19, being not w. in faith. 8.3, for the law was w. 1 Cor 1.27, w. things to confound mighty. 11.30, for this cause many are w. 2 Cor 10.10, his bodily presence is w. 11.29, who is w. and I am not w. ? 12.10, when I am w., then am I strong. Gal. 4.9, turn again to w. elements.
3431 Pet. 3.7, honour to wife, as w. vessel. See Job 12.21; Jer. 38.4; Rom. 15.1; 1 Thess. 5.14.
WEAKNESS. 1 Cor. 1.25, the w. of God. 2.3, 1 was with you in w. 15. 43, it is sown in w., raised in power. See 2 Cor. 12. 9; 13.4; Heb. 7.18 ; 11. 34.
WEALTH. Deut. 8.18, Lord giveth power to get w. 1 Sam 2.32, see an enemy in all the w. 2 Chron 1.11, thou hast not asked w. Esth. 10.3, seeking the w. of his people. Job 21.13, they spend their days in w. 31.25, if I rejoiced because my w. was great. Ps. 44.12, dost not increase w. by price. 49. 6, they that trust in w. 10, wise men die, and leave w. to others. 112. 3, w. and riches shall be in his house. Prov. 5.10, lest strangers be filled with thy w. 10.15; 18.11, the rich man's w. is his strong city. 13.11, w. gotten by vanity. 19.4, w. rnaketh many friends. Acts 19.25, by this craft we have our w. 1 Cor 10.24, seek every man another's w.
See Deut. 8.17 ; Ruth 2.1; Ezra 9.12; Zech. 14.14.
WEALTHY. Ps. 66.12; Jer. 49. 31.
WEANED. 1 Sam. 1. 22; Ps. 131. 2; Isa. 11. 8; 28.9.
WEAPON. Neh. 4.17, with other hand held a w.
Isa. 13.5; Jer. 50.25, the w. of his indignation. 54; 17, no w. formed against thee.
Jer. 22. 7, every one with his w.
Ezek. 9.1, with destroying w. in his hand. 2 Cor 10.4, the w. of our warfare. See Job 20.24; Ezek. 39. 9; John 18. 3.
WEAR. Job 14.19, the waters w. the stones.
Isa. 4.1, we will w. our own apparel.
Zech. 13.4, nor shall they w. a rough
Mat. 11. 8j that w. soft clothing.
See Deut. 22.5; Esth. 6.8; Lu. 9.12; 1 Pet. 3. 3.
WEARINESS. Eccl. 12.12; Mai. 1.13; 2 Cor. 11.27.
WEARY. Gen. 27.46, I am w. of my life. 2 Sam. 23.10, he smote till his hand was w.
Job 3.17, and the w. be at rest. 10.1, my soul is w. 16.7, nowr he hath made me w. 22.7, thou hast not given water to the w. Ps. 6. 6, I am w. with groaning. Prov. 3.11, be not w. of the Lord's correction. 25.17, lest he be w of thee. Isa. 5.27, none shall be w. among them. 7.13, will ye w. my God also ? 28.12, cause the w. to rest. 32.2, as shadow of a great rock in w. land. 40.28, God fainteth not, neither is w. 31. they shall run, and not be w. 43.22, thou hast been w.of me. 46.1, a burden to the w. beast. 50.4, a word in season to him that is w. Jer. 6.11, I am w. with holding in. 15. 6, I am w. with repenting. 20.9, I was w. with forbearing. 31.25,1 have satiated the w. soul.
Lu. 18.5, lest she w. me. Gal. 6.9; 2 Thess. 3.13, not w. in well doing. See Judg. 4. 21; Ps. 68. 9; 69.3; Hab. 2.13.
WEARY.(v.). Isa. 43.24, thou hast w. me. 47.13, w. in the multitude of counsels. 57.10, w. in the greatness of thy way. Jer. 12.5, with footmen, and they w. thee. Ezek. 24.12, she hath w. herself with lies. Mic. 6. 3, wherein have I w. thee.
John 4.6, being w., sat thus on the well. Heb. 12.3, lest ye be w. and faint. See Eccl. 10.15; Jer. 4.31; Mai. 2.17.
WEATHER. Job 37. 22 ; Prov. 25.20; Mat 16.2.
WEB. Judg. 16.13; Job 8.14; Isa. 59. 5.
WEDGE. Josh. 7.21; Isa. 13.12.
WEEK. Gen; 29.27, fulfil her w.
Jer. 5.24, the appointed w. of harvest.
Dan. 9.27, in. the midst of the w.
Mat. 28.1; Mk. 16.2, 9; Lu. 24.1; John 20.1,19;
Acts 20.7 ; 1 Cor. 16. 2, the first day of the w. See Num. 28. 26; Dan. 10. 2 ; Lu. 18.12.
WEEP. Gen. 43.30, he sought where to w. 1 Sam 1. 8; John 20.13, why w. thou ? 11.5, what aileth the people that they w, ? 30.4, no more power to w. Neh. 8. 9, mourn not, nor w. Job 27.15, his widows shall not w. 30.25, did not I w. for him that was in trouble ? Eccl. 3.4, a time to w.Isa. 15. 2, he is gone up to w. 22.4, 1 will w. bitterly. 30.19, thou shalt w. no more, Jer. 9.1, that I might w. day and night. 22.10, w. ye not for the dead.
Joel 1. 5, awake, ye drunkards, and w. Mk. 5.39, why make ye this ado, and w. ? Lu. 6.21. blessed are ye that w. now. 7.13; 8'. 52 ; Rev. 5. 5, w. not. 23.28, w. not for me, but w. for yourselves. John 11.31, she goeth to grave to w. there. Acts 21.13, what mean ye to w. ? Rom. 12.15, and w. with them that w. See John 16. 20; 1 Cor. 7. 30; Jas. 4. 9; 5.1.
WEEPING. 2 Sam. 15. 30, w. as they went. Ezra 3.13, not discern noise of joy from w. Job 16.16, my face is foul with w.Ps. 6.8, Lord hath heard the voice of my w. 30. 5, w. may endure for a night. 102. 9, I have mingled my drink Avith w. Isa. 65.19, the voice of w. be no more heard. Jer. 31.16, restrain thy voice from w. 48. 5, continual w. shall go up. Joel 2.12, turn to me with fasting and w. Mat. 8.12; 22.13; 24.51; 25.30; Lu. 13. 28, w.
w.-----andTgnashiDg of teeth.
Lu. 7.38, stood at his feet behind him w. John 11.33, when Jesus saw her w. 20.11, Mary stood without at sepulchre w. Phil. 3.18, now tell you even w.
See Num. 25. 6; Jer. 31.15; Mai. 2.13; Mat. 2.18 :
Acts 9. 39.
WEIGH. 2 Sam. 14. 26, w. the hair of his head. Job 6. 2, Oh that my grief were w. 31. 6, let me be w. in an even balance. Isa. 26. 7, thou dost w. the path of the just. 40.12, who hath w. the mountains? Dan. 5.27, thou art w. in the balances. See Job 28.25; Prov. 16. 2; Zech. 11.12.
WEIGHT. Lev. 26.26, deliver bread by w. Job 28.25, to make the w. for the winds. Ezek. 4.10, thy meat shall be by w. 16, they shall eat bread by w. 2 Cor 4.17, a more exceeding w. of glory. Heb. 12.1, lay aside every w.
See Deut. 25.13; Prov. 16." 11; Mic. 6.11.
WEIGHTY. Prov. 27.3 ; Mat. 23.23; 2 Cor. 10.10.
WELFARE. Neh. 2.10, to seek w. of Israel. Job 30.15, my w. passeth away. Ps. 69.22, which should have been for their w. Jer. 38. 4, seeketh not the w. of this people. See Gen. 43.27 ; Ex. 18.7; 1 Chron. 18.10.
WELL.(n.). Num.21.17, spring up, O w. Deut. 6.11, and w. which thou diggedst not. 2 Sam. 23.15; 1 Chron. 11.17, water of the w. of
Ps. 84.6, through valley of Baca make it a w. Prov. 5.15, waters out of thine own w. 10.11, a w. of life.
Cant. 4.15; John 4.14, w. of living waters. Isa. 12. 3, the w. of salvation. John 4. 6, sat thus on the w. 2 Pet. 2.17, w. without water. See Gen. 21.19; 49.22; 2 Sam. 17.18.
WELL.(adv.). Gen. 4.7, if thou doest w. 12.13, w.with me for thy sake. 29.6, is he w. ? and they said, he is w. 40.14, think on me when it shall be w. Ex. 4.14, I know he can speak w. 343
344Num. 11.18, it was w. with us in Egypt. Deut. 4.40; 5.16; 6.3; 12.25; 19.13; 22.7; Ruth 3.1; Eph. 6.3, that it may go w. with thee. 1 Sam 20. 7, if he say thus, it is w. 2 Kings 4. 26, is it w. with thee, is it w. 2 Chron. 12.12, in Jurtah things went w. Ps. 49.18, when thqu doest w. to thyself. Prov. 11.10, when it goeth w. with righteous. 14.15, looketh w.with w.righteous. 30.29, three things which go w.Eccl. 8.12, it shall be w. with them that fear God. Isa. 3.10, say to the righteous, it shall be w. Ezek. 33.32, one that can play w. Jonah 4.4, doest thou w. to be angry? Mat. 25. 21; Lu. 19.17, w. done. Mlc. 7. 37, he hath done all things w. Lu. 6. 26, when all men speak w. of you. Gal. 5. 7, ye did run w. See Phil. 4.14; 1 Tim. 3.5; 5.17 ; Tit. 2.9.
WENT. Gen. 4.16, Cain w. out from the presence.
Deut. 1. 31, in all the way ye w. 2 Kings 5. 26, w. not my heart with thee?
Ps. 42.4, I w. with them to the house. 106.32, it w.ill with Moses.
Mat. 21.30, I go, sir, and w. not.
Lu. 17.14, as they w. they were cleansed. 18.10, two men w.up into temple to pray.
See Mat. 11.7 ; 20.1; Lu. 6.19; John 8.9. "WEPT. 2 Kings 8.11, the man of God w.
Ezra 10.1; Neh. 8. 9, the people w. very sore.
Neh. 1.4, I w.before w.od.
Lu. 7. 32, we mourned, and ye have not w. 19.41, beheld the city, and w. over it.
John 11.35, Jesus w. 1 Cor 7. 30, that weep as though they w. not. See 2 Sam. 12. 22; Ps. 69.10; 137.1; Rev. 5.4.
WET. Job 24.8-4 Dan. 4.15; 5.21.
WHAT. Ex. 16.15, they wist not w. it was. 2 Sam 16.10, w. have I to do with you ? Ezra 9.10, w. shall we say after this?
Job 7.17 ; 15.14 ; Ps. 8.4;" 144. 3, w. is man? Isa. 38.15; John 12.27, ir.'shall I say ? Hos. 6.4, w. shall I do unto thee ? Mat. 5.47, w. do ye more than others ? Mk. 14.36, not w. I wilt, but w. thou wilt. John 21. 22, w. is that to thee ? See Acts 9.6 ; 10.4 ; 16. w.; 1 Pet. 1.11.
WHATSOEVER. Ps. 1.3, w. he doeth shall prosper. Eccl. 3.14, w.God doeth shall be for ever. Mat. 5.37, w. is more than these. 7.12, w. ye would that men should do. 20.4, w. is right I will give you. Phil. 4.8, w. things are true. See John 15.16; Rom. 14.23 ; 1 Cor. 10.31.
WHEAT. 1 Sam. 12.17, is it not w. harvest to-day ?
Job 31.40, let thistles growT instead of w.
Ps. 81.16; 147.14, the tinest of the w.
Jer. 12.13, they have sown w.but reap thorns. 23.28, what is the chaff to the w. ?
Mat. 3.12, gather w., into garner.
Lu. 22.31, that he may sift you'as w.
See John 12.24 ; Acts 27.38; 1 Cor. 15. 37.
WHEEL. Ex. 14.25, took off their chariot w.
Judg. 5. 28, why tarry the w. ?
Ps. 83.13, make them like a w.
Prov. 20.26, a wise king bringeth the w. over them.
Eccl. 12.6, or w. broken at the cistern.
Isa. 28.28, nor break it with the w. of his cart.
Nah. 3.2, the noise of the rattling of the w.
See Isa. 5.28; Jer. 18. 3; 47.3; Ezek. 1.16.
WHELP. 2 Sam. 17. 8; Prov. 17.12; Hos. 13.8.
WHEN. 1 Sam. 3.12, w.I begin I will also. 1 Kings 8.30, w. thou hearest forgive.
Ps. 94.8, w.will ye be wise ?
Eccl. 8. 7 who can tell him shall be ?
Mat. 24.3; Mk.13.4; Lu.21.7, w. shall these things be ?
See Deut. 6.7; John 4.25; 16.8; 1 John 2.28.
WHENCE. Gen. 42. 7 ; Josh. 9. 8, w. come ye ? Job 10.21, w. I shall not return.
Isa. 51.1, the rock w. ye are hewn. Jas. 4.1, from w. come wars?
Rev. 7.13, w.came they ?
See Mat. 13. 54; John 1.48; 7.28; 9.29.
WHERE. Gen. 3.9, w. art thou ?
Ex. 2.20; 2 Sam. 9. 4 ; Job 14.10, w. is he ?
Job 9.24, if not, w. and who is he ?
Ps. 42.3, thy God ? •
Jer. 2. 6, w. is the Lord ?
Zech. 1.5, your fathers, w. are they ?
See Isa. 49." 21; Hos. 1.10 ; Lu. 17.37.
WHEREBY. Lu.1.18, w. shall I know this?
Acts 4.12, none other name w. Ave must be saved.
Rom. 8.15, the spirit of adoption, w. we cry.
See Jer. 33. 8; Ezek. 18. 31; 39. 26 ; Eph. 4. 30.
WHEREFORE. 2 Sam. 12.23, w. should I fast ?
Mat. 14. 31, w. didst thou doubt ? 26. 50, thou come ?
See 2 Sam. 16.10; Mai. 2.15; Acts 10.21.
WHERETO. Isa. 55.11; Phil. 3.16.
WHEREWITH. Judg. 6. 5, w. shall I save Israel?
Ps. 119. 42, so shall I have answer.
Mic. 6.6, w. shall I come before the Lord ?
See Mat. 5.13; Mk. 9. 5; John 17. 26; Eph. 2.4.
WHET. Deut. 32. 41; Ps. 7.12; 64. 3; Eccl. 10.10.
WHETHER. Mat. 21. 31, w. of them did the will. 23.17, w. is greater, gold or temple ?
Rom. 14, 8, w.Ave live or die. 2 Cor. 12.2, w. in the body, or out.
See 1 Kings 20.18; Ezek. 2.5; 3.11; 1 John 4.1.
WHILE. 2 Chron. 15.2, with you w. ye be with him.
Ps. 49.18, w.he lived he blessed his soul.
Isa. 55. 6, w. he may be found.
Jer. 15.9, sun gone down w. it Avas yet day.
Lu. 18. 4, he Avould not for a w. 24.44, w. 1 was yet A-yith you.
John 9.4, Avork w. it is day. 1 Tim. 5.6, she is dead w.she liveth.
See 1 Sam. 9. 27 ; 2 Sam. 7.19; Acts 20.11.
WHIP. 1 Kings 12.11; Prov. 26. 3; Nah. 3.2.
WHIT. 1 Sam. 3.18; John 7.23; 13.10; 2 Cor. 11.5.
WHITE. Gen. 49.12, his teeth shall be w.with milk.
Num. 12.10, leprous, w. as snow.
Job 6. 6, is any taste in the w. of an egg ?
Eccl. 9.8, let thy garments be always w.
Cant. 5.10, my beloved is w. and ruddy.
Isa. 1.18, they shall be w. as snoAv.
Mat. 5.36, not make one hair w.or black.
John 4. 35, w.already to harvest.
Rev. 2.17, a w.stone. 3.4, Avalk with me in w.
See Dan. 11. 35 ; 12.10; Mat. 17.2; 28.3.
WHITED. Mat. 23.27; Acts 23. 3.
WHITHER. 2 Kings 5. 25; Cant. 6.1; Heb. 11.8.
WHOLE. 2 Sam. 1. 9, my life is yet w. in me.
Eccl. 12.13, this is the w. duty of man.
Jer. 19.11, a vessel that cannot be made w.
Ezek. 15.5, AA'hen w. it Avas meet for no work.
Mat. 5.29, thy w. body be cast into hell. 9.12; Mk. 2.17, w. need not a physician. 13.33; Lu. 13.21, till the w. Avas leavened.
Mat. 16.26; Mk.8.36; Lu.9.25, gain w. A-vorld.
John 11.50, expedient that w. nation perish. 1 Cor. 12.17, if w. body wTere an eye. 1 Thess. 5.23, I pray your w.spirit.
Jas. 2.10, keep the w. laAA 1 John 2.2, for the sins of the w. world. 5.19, the w. Avorld lieth in wickedness.
See Mat. 15. 31; John 5. 6; 7. 23; Acts 9. 34.
WHOLESOME. Prov. 15.4; 1 Tim. 6.3.
WHOLLY. Job 21. 23, dieth, being w. at ease.
Jer. 2.21, planted thee w.a right seed. 46.28, not w. unpunished.
345Acts 17.16, city w. given to idolatry. 1 Thess. 5. 23, sanctify you w.
w.Tim. 4.15, give thyself w. to them.
See Lev. 19. 9; Deut. 1. 36; Josh. 14. 8.
WHOMSOEVER. Dan. 4.17,25, 32, to w. he will.
Mat. 11.27, to w. the Son will reveal him. 21.44; Lu. 20.18, on w. it shall fall.
Lu. 4. 6, to w. I will, 1 give it. 12.48, to w. much is given.
See Gen. 31. 32; Judg. 11. 24; Acts 8.19.
WHOSE. Gen. 32.17, w. art thou, w. are these?
Jer. 44.28, shall know w. words shall stand.
Mat. 22.20; Mk.12.16; Lu. 20.24, w. is this image?
Lu. 12.20, then w. shall these things be ?
Acts 27.23, w. I am and whom I serve.
See 1 Sam. 12.3; Dan. 5.23; John 20.23.
WHOSOEVER. 1 Cor. 11.27, w. shall eat.
Gal. 5.10, bear his judgment; w. he be.
Rev. 22.17, w. will, let him take.
See Mat. 11. 6 ; 13.12; Lu. 8.18; Rom. 2.1.
WHY. 1 Sam. 2.23, w. do ye such things ?
Jer. 8.14, w. do we sit still ? 27.13 ; Ezek. 18. 31; 33.11, w. will ye die ?
Mat. 21. 25; Mk. 11.31; Lu. 20. 5, w. did ye not believe ?
Mk. 5.39, w. make ye this ado ?
Acts 9.4; 22.7 ; 26.14, w. persecutest thou me?
Rom. 9.19, w. doth he yet find fault ? 20, w. hast thou made me thus ?
See 2 Chron. 25.16; Lu. 2. 48; John 7. 45; 10. 28.
WICKED. Gen. 18.23, destroy righteous with w. Deut. 15.9, a thought in thy w. heart. 1 Sam. 2. 9, the w. shall be silent. Job 3.17, there the w. cease from troubling. 8.22, place of the w. shall come to nought. 9.29; 10.15, if I be w., why labour I in vain ? 21. 7, wherefore do the w. live ? 30, the w. is reserved to destruction. Ps. 7. 9, let the wickedness of the w. end. 11, God is angry with the w. 9.17, the w. shall be turned into hell. 10.4, the w. will not seek God. 11.2, the w. bend their bow. 6, upon the w. he shall rain snares. 12.8, the w. walk on every side. 26. 5, I will not sit with the w. 34.21, evil shall slay the w. 37.21, the w. borroweth and payeth not. 32, the w. watcheth the righteous. 35, I have seen the w. in great power. 58.3, the w. are estranged from the womb, 68.2, so let the w. perish. 94.3, how long shall the w. triumph ? 139.24, see if there be any w. way in me. 145.20, all the w. will he destroy.
Prov. 11. 5, the w. shall fall by his own wickedness. 14. 32, the w. is driven away. 28.1, the w. flee when no man pursueth. Eccl. 7.17, be not overmuch w. 8.10, I saw the w. buried. Isa. 13.11, I will punish the w. 53. 9, he made his grave with the w, 55. 7, let the w; forsake his way. 57.20, the w. are like the troubled sea. Jer. 17.9, the heart is desperately w. Ezek. 3.18; 33.8, to warn the w. 11.2, these men give w. counsel. 18.23, have I any pleasure that the w. should die? 33.15, if the w. restore the pledge. Dan. 12.10, the w. shall do wickedly. Mic. 6.11, with w. balances. Nah. 1.3, the Lord will not acquit the w. Mat. 12.45; Lu. 11.26, more w. than himself. 13.49, sever the w. from the just. 18. 32; 25.26; Lu. 19.22, thou w. servant. Acts 2.23, and by w. hands have crucified 1 Cor. 5.13, put away that w. person.
Eph. 6.16, the fiery darts of the w. Col. 1.21, in your mind by w. works. 2 Thess. 2.8, then shall that revealed. See Eccl. 9. 2; Isa. 48.22; 2 Pet. 2. 7 ; 3.17.
WICKEDLY. Job 13.7, will you speak w. for God ? 34.12, God will not do w. Ps. 73. 8; 139.20, they speak w. Dan. 12.10, the wicked shall do w. Mai. 4.1, all that do w.
See 2 Chron. 6. 37 ; 22. 3; Neh. 9. 33; Ps. 106.6.
WICKEDNESS. Gen. 39. 9> this great w. Judg. 20. 3, how was this w. ? 1 Sam. 24.13, w. proceedeth from the wicked. 1 Kings 21.25, sold himself to work w. Job 4.8, they that sowt w. reap the same. 22. 5, is not thy w.great ? 35. 8, thy w.may hurt a man. Ps. 7. 9, let the w. of the wicked come to an end, 55.11, w. is in the midst thereof. 15, w. is in their dwellings. 58.2, in heart ye work w. 84.10, the tents of to. Prov. 4.17, they eat the bread of w. 8. 7, w. is an abomination to my lips. 11. 5, the wicked shall fall by his own w. 13. 6, w.overthroweth the sinner. 26.26, his w. shall be shewed. Eccl. 7.25, the w. of folly. Isa. 9.18, w. burneth as the fire. 47.10, thou hast trusted in thy w.
Jer. 2.J19, thine own w. shall correct thee. she casteth out her w. 8. 6, no man repented of his w. 44.9, have you forgot the w. of your kings? Ezek. 3.19, if he turn not from his w. 7.11, violence is risen up into a rod of w. 31.11, I have driven him out for his w. 33.12, in the day he turneth from his w. Hos. 9.15, for the w. of their doings. 10.13, ye have ploughed w.
Mic. 6.10, are treasures of w. in house.
Zech. 5. 8, he said, this is w.
Mai. 1.4, the border of w. 3.15, they that work w. are set up.
Mk. 7.21, out of the heart proceed w.
Lu. 11.39, your inward part is full of w.
Rom. 1.29, being filled with all w. 1 Cor. 5.8, nor with the leaven of w.
Eph; 6.12, spiritual w. in high places. 1 John 5.19, the whole world lieth in w.
See Gen. 6. 5; Ps. 94. 23; Prov. 21.12 ; Jer. 23.11.
WIDE. Ps. 35.21, they opened their mouth w. 104.25, this great and w. sea.
Prov. 21.9; 25.24; Jer. 22.14, a w. house.
Mat. 7.13, w. is the gate that leadeth.
See Deut. 15. 8; Ps. 81.10; Nah. 3.13.
WIFE. Prov. 5.18; Eccl. 9.9, the w.of thy youth. 18.22, whoso findeth a w., findeth a good thing. 19.14, a prudent w. is from the Lord. Lu. 14.20, 1 have married a w. 17.32, remember Lot's w. 1 Cor. 7.14, the unbelieving w. is sanctified. Eph. 5.23, the husband is head of the w. Rev. 21.9, the bride, the Lamb's w. See 1 Tim. 3.2 ; 5.9 ; Tit. 1. 6; 1 Pet. 3.7.
WILFULLY. Heb. 10. 26, if we sin w. WILL. Mat. 8. 3; Mk. 1. 41; Lu. 5.13, I w.} he thou clean. 18.14, not the w. of your Father. 26.39, not as I w., but as thou wilt. Mk. 3.35, whosoever shall do the w. of God. John 1.13, born not of the w. of the flesh. 4.34, to do the w. of him that sent me. Acts 21.14, the w. of the Lord be done. Rom. 7.18, to w. is present with me. Phil. 2.13, both to w. and to do. 1 Tim. 2. 8, I w. that men pray everywhere. Rev. 22.17, whosoever w., let him take. See Rom. 9.16; Eph. 1.11; Heb. 2.4; Jas. 1.18.
346WILLING. Ex. 35.5, a w. heart. 1 Chron. 28. 9, serve God with a w. mind. 29. 5, who is w. to consecrate his service? Ps. 110. 3, w. in the day of thy power. Mat. 26.41, the spirit is w. 2 Cor 5. 8, w. rather to be absent. 8.12, if there be first a w. mind. 1 Tim. 6.18, w. to communicate. 2 Pet 3. 9, not w.that any should perish.
See Lu. 22.42 ; John 5.35; Philem. 14; 1 Pet, 5. 2.
WIN. 2 Chron. 32.1; Prov. 11. 30; Phil. 3.8.
WIND. Job 6.26, reprove speeches which are as w. 7. 7, remember that my life is w. Prov. 11.29, he shall inherit w. 25.23, the north w.driveth away rain. 30. 4, gathereth the w. in his fists. Eccl. 11.4, he that observeth the w. Isa. 26.18, we have brought forth w. 27. 8, he stayeth his rough w. Ezek. 37. 9, prophesy to the w. Hos. 8.7, they have sown w. Amos 4.13, he that createth the w.Mat. 11. 7, a reed shaken with the w. John 3.8, the w. bloweth where it listeth. Eph. 4.14, with every w. of doctrine. See Acts 2.2 ; Jas. 1.6 ; Jude 12.
WINDOWS. Gen. 7. 11; Eccl. 12. 3 ; Jer. 9. 21;
Mai. 3.10.
WINGS. Ps. 17. 8; 36.7 ; 57.1; 61.4; 68.13 ; 91.4, the shadow of thy w. 18.10; 104.3, on the w. of the wind. 55. 6, Oh that I had a dove! 139.9, the w.of the morning. Prov. 23.5, riches make themselves w. Mai. 4.2, with healing in his w. See Ezek. 1. 6; Zec>. 5. 9; Mat. 23. 37 ; Lu. 13.34.
WINK. Job 15. 12; Ps. 35.19; Prov. 6.13; 10.10;
Acts 17.30.
WINTER. Gen. 8.22 ; Cant. 2.11; Mat, 24.20 ; Mk. 13.18.
WIPE. 2 Kings 21.13 ; Isa. 25.8; Lu. 7. 38; John 13.5.
WISDOM. Job 4.21, they die without u>. 12. 2, w. shall die with you. Prov. 4. 7, w. is the principal thing. 16.16, better to get w. than gold. 19.8, he that getteth w. loveth his own soul. 23.4, cease from thine own w. Eccl. 1.18, in much w. is much grief. Isa. 10.13, by my w. I have done it. 29.14, the w.of their wise men shall perish. Jer. 8. 9, rejected the word of the Lord; and what
w. is in them.
Mic. 6. 9, the man of w. shall see thy name. Mat. 11.19, w. is justified of her children. 1 Cor 1.17, not with w. of words. 24, Christ the w. of God. 30, who of God is made unto us w. 2. 6, Ave speak w. among perfect. 3.19, w. of this world is foolishness. 2 Cor 1.12, not with fleshly w.
Col. 1.9, that ye might be filled with all w. 4.5, walk in w. toward them. Jas. 1. 5, if any lack w. 3.17, the w. from above is pure. Rev. 5.12, worthy is the Lamb to receive w. 13.18, here is w. See Eccl. 1.16; Rom. 11. 33; Col. 2. 3; 3.16.
WISE. Gen. 3.6, to make one w. Ex. 23. S, the gift blindeth the w. Deut, 4.6, this nation isa w. people. 32.29, O that they were w.! 1 Kings 3.12,1 have given thee a w. heart. Job 9.4, he is w. in heart. 11.12, vain man would be w. 22.2, he that is w. may be profitable. 32. 9, great men are not always w. Ps. 2.10, be, O ye kings. 19.7, making w. the simple.
Ps. 36.3, he hath left off to be w. 94. 8, when will ye be w. 107.43, whoso is w.and will observe. Prov. 1.5, a shall attain w.counsels. 3.7, be not w. in thine own eyes. 6. 6 ; 8. 33 ; 23.19 ; 27.11. be w. 9.12, thou shalt be w. for thyself. 11.30, he that winneth souls is w.m 16.21, the w. in heart shall be called prudent, 20.26, a w. king scattereth the wicked. Eccl. 7.23, I said, I will be w. 9.1, the w. are in the hands of God. 12.11, the words of the w. are as goads. Isa. 19.11, I am the son of the w. Dan. 12.3, they that be w. shall shine. Mat, 10.16, be w. as serpents. 11.25, hid these things from the w.Rom. 1.14, I am debtor to the w. 12.16, be not your own conceits. 1 Cor 1. 20, where is the w. ? 4.10, ye are w. in Christ. 2 Tirn 3.15, w.unto salvation. See Isa. 5.21; Jer. 4.22; Mat. 25.2.
WISELY. Ps. 58. 5, charming never so w. 101.2, I will behave myself w.
Prov. 16.20, that handleth a matter w.
See Prov. 21.12; 28.16; Eccl. 7.10; Lu. 16.8.
WISER. 1 Kings 4. 31; Lu. 16.8; 1 Cor. 1.25.
WISH. Ps. 73.7, more than heart could w.
Rom. 9. 3, I could w. myself accursed. 3 John 2, I to. above all things.
See Job 33.6; Jonah 4.8; 2 Cor. 13.9.
WITHDRAW. Job 9. 13; Prov. 25. 17; 2Thess. 3.6.
WITHER. Ps. 1.3, his leaf shall not w. 37. 2, they shall w. as the green herb. 129. 6 ; Isa, 40. 7 ; 1 Pet, 1. 24, the grass w.
Mat. 21.19; Mk. 11.21, the fig tree w.away.
Jude 12, trees whose fruit w.
See Joel 1.12; John 15.6; Jas. 1.11.
WITHHOLD. Ps. 40.11. w. not thy mercies. 84.11, no good thing will he w.
Prov. 3.27, w.not good from them to whom. 23.13, w. not correction.
Eccl. 11. 6, w. not thy hand.
Jer. 5.25, your sins have w. good things.
See Job 22. 7 ; 42.2; Ezek. 18.16; Joel 1.13.
WITHIN. Mat. 23.26, cleanse first what is w.
Mk. 7.21, from w. proceed evil thoughts. 2 Cor. 7.5, w. were fears.
See Ps. 45.13 ; Mat. 3. 9 ; Lu. 12.17; 16. 3.
WITHOUT. Gen. 24.31, wherefore standest thou w.? 2 Chr. 15.3, for a long season w.the true God.
Prov. 1. i'0, wisdom crieth w.
Isa. 52.3 ; 55.1, w. money.
Jer. 33.10, w. man, w. beast, w.inhabitant.
Hos. 3.4, Israel w.king, w. prince, w. sacrifice.
Eph. 2.12, w. God in tne world.
Col. 4. 5; 1 Thess. 4.12; 1 Tim. 3. 7, them that are w.
Heb. 13.12, Jesus suffered w.the gate.
Rev. 22.15, for w. are dogs.
See Prov. 22.13; Mat. 10. 29; Lu. 11.40.
WITHSTAND. Eccl. 4.12, two shall w. him.
Acts 11.17, what was I that I could w. God?
Eph. 6.13, able to evil day.
See Num. 22.32; 2 Chron. 20.6; Esth. 9.2.
WITNESS.(n.). Gen. 31.50, God is w. betwixt. Josh. 24.27, this stone shall be a 10. Job 16.19, my w. is in heaven. Ps. 89. 37, as a faithful w. in heaven. Prov. 14.5, a faithful w.will not lie. Isa. 55.4,1 have given him for a the people. Jer. 42.5, the Lord be a true and faithful 10. Mat. 24.14, for a w.unto all nations. John 1. 7, the same came for a w. 3.11, ye receive not our w. 5.36, I have greater w. than that of John.
347Acts 14.17, he left not himself without w. Kom. 2.15, conscience also hearing them w. 1 John 5. 9, the w. of God is greater. 10, hath the w. in himself.
See Isa. 43.10; Lu. 24.48; Acts 1. 8; 13.31.
WITNESS.(i). Deut. 4.26, heaven and earth to w. Isa, 3.9, countenance doth w. against them. Acts 20.23, the Holy Ghost w. in every city. Kom. 3. 21, being w. by the law and prophets. 1 Tim. 6.13, before Pilate w. a good confession. See 1 Sam. 12. 3; Mat. 26. 62; 27.13 ; Mk. 14. 60.
WITS. Ps. 107. 27, are at their w. end.
WITTY. Prov. 8.12, knowledge of w. inventions.
WOEFUL. Jer. 17.16, the w. day.
WOMAN. Judg. 9. 54, a w. slew him. Ps. 48. 6; Isa. 13.8; 21.3 ; 26.17 ; Jer. 4.31; 6.24; 13. 21, 22, 23; 30. 6; 31. 8; 48. 41; 49. 22, 24; 50. 43, pain as of a w. in travail. Prov. 6.24, to keep thee from the evil w. 9.13, a foolish w. is clamorous. 12.4; 31.10, a virtuous w. 14.1, every wise w. buildeth her house. 21.9, with a brawling w. in wide house.
Eccl. 7.28, a w. among all those have I not found.
Isa. 54. 6, as a w. forsaken.
Jer. 31. 22, a w. shall compass a man.
Mat, 5.28, whoso looketh on a w. 15.28, O w., great is thy faith. 22. 27 ; Mk. 12. 22; Lu/20. 32, the w. died also. 26.10, why trouble ye the w. ? 13, shall this that this w. hath done be told. John 2.4, w., what have I to do with thee ? 8.3, a w. taken in adultery. 19. 26, w., behold thy son. Acts 9.36, this w. was full of good works. Kom. 1. 27, the natural use of the w. 1 Cor. 7.1, good for a man not to touch a w. 11. 7, the w. is the glory of the man.
Gal. 4.4, God sent forth his Son, made of a w. 1 Tim. 2.12, I suffer not a w. to teach. 14, the w. being deceived.
See Isa. 49.15 ; Lu. 7.39; 13.16; Rev. 12.1.
WOMB. Gen. 49. 25, blessings of the w. 1 Sam. 1. 5, the Lord had shut up her w. Ps. 22. 9, took me out of the w. 10, cast upon thee from the w. 127. 3, the fruit of the w. is his reward. 139.13, covered me in my mother's w. Eccl. 11. 5, how bones grow in the w. Isa. 44.2; 49. 5, Lord formed thee from w. 48. 8, a transgressor from the w. 49.15, compassion on son of her w. Hos. 9.14, give them miscarrying w. Lu. 1. 42, blessed is the fruit of thy w. 11.27, blessed is the w. that bare thee. 23.29, blessed are the w. that never bare. See Job 3.11; 24.20; 31.15 ; Prov. 30.16.
WOMEN. Judg. 5.24, blessed above w. 1 Sam 18. 7, the w. answered one another. 2 Sam 1. 26, passing the love of w. Ps. 45.9, among thy honourable w. Prov. 31. 3, give not thy strength to w.
Lam. 4.10, the pitiful w. have sodden their children.
Mat. 11.11; Lu. 7.28, among them that are born of w. 24. 41; Lu. 17. 35, two w. grinding at the mill. Lu. 1.28, blessed art thou among w. 1 Cor. 14. 34, let your w. keep silence. 1 Tim. 2.9, w. adorn themselves. 11, let the w. learn in silence. 5.14, that the younger w. marry. 2 Tim. 3. 6, lead captive silly w.
Tit. 2. 3, the aged w. in behaviour as becometh
Heb. 11.35, w. received their dead. See Acts 16.13; 17.4; Phil. 4.3; 1 Pet. 3.5.
WONDER.(n.). Ps. 71. 7, as a w. unto many. 77.14, thou art the God that doest w.
Ps. 88.12, shall thy w. be known in the dark. 96. 3, declare his w.among all people. 107.24, his w. in the deep. Isa. 20.3, walked barefoot for a sign and w. 29.14, I will do a marvellous work and w. Joel 2. 30; Acts 2.19, I will show w. in heaven. John 4.48, except ye see signs and w. Acts 4.30, that w. may be done by the name. See Rom. 15.19; 2 Cor. 12.12; 2 Thess. 2. 9.
WONDER.(v.). Isa. 29. 9, stay yourselves and w, 59.16, he w. there was no intercessor. 63. 5, I w. there was none to uphold.
Hab. 1. 5, regard and w. marvellously.
Zech. 3. 8, they are men w. at.
Lu. 4.22, all w. at the gracious words.
See Acts 3.11; 8.13; 13.41; Rev. 13.3; 17.6.
WONDERFUL. 2 Sam. 1.26, thy love was w. Job 42. 3, things too w. for me. Ps. 139.6, such knowledge is too w. for me. Isa. 9. 6, his name shall be called ]J7. 28.29, who is w. in counsel. See Deut. 28. 59; Jer. 5.30; Mat. 21.15.
WONDERFULLY. Ps. 139. 14; Lam. 1. 9; Dan, 8. 24.
WONDROUS. 1 Chron. 16.9; Job 37.14; Ps. 26, 7 ; 75.1; 78.32; 105.2; 106,22; 119.27; 145.5; Jer, 21. 2, w. works.
Ps. 72.18; 86.10; 119.18, w. things.
WONT. Exod. 21.29, if the ox were w. to rush.
Mat. 27.15, the governor was w. to release.
Mk. 10. 1., as he was w., he taught them,
Lu. 2:39rhe"Yvent, as he was w.
Acts 16.13, where prayer was w. to be made.
See Num. 22.30; 2 Sam. 20.18; Dan. 3.19.
WOOD. Gen. 22.7, behold the fire and the w. Deut, 29.11; Josh. 9.21; Jer. 46. 22, hewer of w.2 Sam. 18.8, the w. devoured more people. Ps. 141. 7, as one cleaveth w. Prov. 26. £, where no w. is, fire goeth out. See Jer. 7.18; Hag. 1.8; 1 Cor. 3.12.
WOOL. Ps. 147.16, he giveth snow like w. Isa. 1.18, your sins shall be as w. Dan. 7. 9; Rev. 1.14, hair like ?./:. See Prov. 31.13 ; Ezek. 34.3; 44.17 ; Hos. 9.1.
WORD. Deut, 8.3; Mat, 4.4, every w. of God. 30.14; Rom. 10. 8, the w. is very nigh. Job 12.11, doth not the ear try w. ? 35.16, he multiplieth w. 38.2, by w. without knowledge. Ps. 19.14, let w. of my mouth be acceptable. 68.11, the Lord gave the w. 119.43; 2 Cor. 6. 7 ; Eph. 1.13 ; Col. 1. 5; 2 Tim, 2.15; Jas. 1.18, the w. of truth. Prov. 15.23, a w. spoken in due season. 25.11, a w. fitly spoken. Isa. 29. 21, an offender for a w. 30.21, shall hear a w. behind thee. 50.4, how to speak a w. in season. Jer. 5.13, the w. is not in them. 18.18, nor shall the w. perish, 44.28, know whose w. shall stand. Hos. 14.2, take with you w. Mat. 8.8, speak the w. only. 12. 36, every idle w. that men shall speak. 18.16, that every w. may be established. 24.35, my w. shall not pass away. Mk. 4.14, the sower soweth the w. 8.38; Lu. 9.26, ashamed of my w. Lu. 4.22, gracious w. which proceeded. 36, amazed, saying, what a w. is this? 24.19, a prophet mighty in deed and w. John 6. 63, the w. I speak are life. 68, thou hast the w. of eternal life. 12.48, the w. I have spoken shall judge. 14.24, the w. ye hear is not mine. 17.8, I have given the w. thou gavest me, Acts 13.15, any w. of exhortation. 20.35, remember the w. of the Lord Jesus. 26.25, the w. of truth and soberness. 347
3481 Cor 1.17, not with wisdom of w. 4.20, not in w,, but in power. 14. 9, utter w. easy to be understood. 2 Cor 1.18, our w. was not yea and nay. 5.19, the w. of reconciliation.
Gal. 5.14, all the law is fulfilled in one w. 6. 6, him that is taught in the w. Eph. 5. 6, deceive you with vain w. Phil. 2.16, holding forth the w. of life. Col. 3.16, let the w. of Christ dwell in you. 1 Thess. 1.5, the gospel came not in w. only. 4.18, comfort one another with these w. 1 Tim. 4. 6, nourished in w.of faith. 5.17, labour in the w. and doctrine. 2 Tim. 2.14, strive not about w. 4.2, preach the w.
Tit. 1.3, in due times manifested his w. 9, holding fast the faithful w. Heb. 1.3, by the w.of his power. 2.2, if the w.spoken by angels. 4.2, the w.preached did not profit. 12, the w.of God is quick and powerful. 5.13, is unskilful in the w. 6.5, and have tasted the good w. of God. 7.28, the w. of the oath. 11.3j worlds were framed by the w. 13.7, who have spoken to you the w. Jas. 1.21, the engrafted w. 22, be ye doers of the w. 23, if any be a hearer of the w. 3.2, if any man offend not in w. 1 Pet, 1.23, being born again by the w. 25, this is the w. which is preached. 2.2, the sincere milk of the w. 8, them that stumble at the w. 3.1, obey not the w.may without the w. 2 Pet 1.19, a more sure w. of prophecy. 3.2, the w. spoken by prophets. 5, by the w. of God the heavens were of old. 7, heavens by w. are kept in store. 1 John 1.1, hands have handled of w.of life. 2.5, whoso keepeth his w., in him is love. 3.18, let us not love in w. Rev. 3.8, thou hast kept my w. 10, the w. of my patience. 6.9, that were slain for the w. 22.19, take away from w.of this prophecy. See Isa. 8.20; Jen 20.9; Mic.2.7; Rev. 21.5.
WORK.(n.). Gen. 2.2, God ended his w. 5.29, shall comfort us concerning our w.
Ex. 20.9; 23.12; Deut. 5.13, six days thou shalt do all thy w. 35.2, six days shall w. be done. Deut. 3.24, wThat God can do according to thy w. 4. 28; 27.15; 2 Kings 19.18; 2 Ghron. 32.19; Ps. 115.4; .135.15, the w. of men's hands. 1 Chron. i6. 37, as every day's w. required^ 2 Chron 31.21, in every w. he began he did it. 34.12, the men did the w. faithfully.
Ezra 5. 8, this w. goeth fast on. 6.7, let the w.alone. Neh. 3.5, their nobles put not their necks to the w. 6.3, why should the w. cease? 16, they perceived this w.was of God. Job 1.10, hast blessed the w. of his hands. 10. 3; 14.15 ; Ps. 143. 5, the w-. of thine hands. 34.11, for the w. of a man shall he render. Ps. 8. w.the w.of thy fingers. 19.1, his handy-io. 33.4, all his w.are done in truth. 40. 5; 78.4; 107.8; 111. 4; Mat. 7. 22; Acts 2.11, wonderful w. 90.17, establish the w. of our hands. 101.3, 1 hate the w. of them that turn. 104.23, man goeth forth to his w.111. 2, the w. of the Lord are great. 141.4, to practise wicked w.
Prov. 16.3, commit thy w. unto the Lord. 20.11, whether his w. be pure. 24.12; Mat. 16. 27; 2 Tim. 4. 14, to every man according to his w.
Prov. 31.31, let her own w.praise her. Eccl. 1.14, I have seen the w. that are done. 3.17, there is a time for every w. 5.6, wherefore should God destroy the w. ? 8.9, I applied my heart to every w. 9.1, their w.are in the hand of God. 7, God now accepteth thy w. 10, there is no the grave. 12.14, shall bring every w. into judgment.
Isa. 2.8 ; 37.19 ; Jen 1.16; 10.3, 9,15; 51.18, they worship the w. of their own hands. 5.19, let him hasten his w.10.12, when the Lord hath performed his whole w. 26.12, thou hast wrought all our w. in us. 28.21, do his w., his strange w. 29.15, their w. are in the dark. 49.4, my w. is with my God. 66.18, I know their w. and their thoughts. Jer. 32.19, great in counsel and mighty in w. 48.7, thou hast trusted in thy w. Amos 8.7,1 will never forget any of their w. Hab. 1.5, I will work a w. in your days. Mat. 23.3, do not ye after their w. 5, all their w. they do to be seen. Mk. 6.5, he could there do no mighty w. John 5.20, greater w. than these. 6.28, that we might work the w.of God. 29, this is the w.of God, that ye believe. 7.21,1 have done one w.and ye all marvel. 9.3, that the w. of God be made manifest. 10.25, the w.I do in my Father's name. 32, for which of those w. do ye stone me ? 14.12, the w.I do shall he do, and greater w. 17.4, I have finished the w.
Acts 5.38, if this of men. 15.38, who went not with them to the w.Rom. 3.27, by what law ? of w. ? 4.6, imputeth righteousness without w. 9.11, not of w.but of him that calleth. 11.6, grace, otherwise w. is no more w. 13.12, Cast off the w. of darkness. 14.20, for meat destroy not w. of God. 1 Cor. 3.13, every man's w.made manifest. 9.1, are not ye my the Lord ?
Gal. 2.16, by w. of law no flesh be justified. 6.4, let every man prove his owTn w. Eph. 2.9, not of ?/>., lest any man boast. 4.12, the w.of the ministry. 5.11, the unfruitful w.of darkness. Col. 1.21, enemies in your mind by wicked w. 1 Thess 5.13} in love for their w. sake. 2 Thess 2.17, in every good word and it'. 2 Tim. 1. 9; Tit. 3.5, saved us, not according to our w. 4.5, do the w. of an evangelist. Tit. 1.16, in w. they deny him. Heb. 6.1; 9.14, from dead w.
Jas. 1.4, let patience have her perfect w. 2.14, if he have not w.can faith save him ? 17, faith without w. is dead, being alone. 18, shew me thy faith without thy w. 21, was not Abraham justified by w. 22, by w. was faith made perfect. 2 Pet. 3.10, earth and w. therein burnt up. 1 John 3.8, destroy the w. of the devil. Rev. 2. 2, 9,13,19 ; 3.1, 8,15, I know thy w. 26, he that keepeth my w. to the end. 3.2, I have not found thy w. perfect. 14.13$ and their w. do follow them.
See Gal. 5.19; 2 Thess. 1.11; Rev. 18.6; 20.12.
WORK.(v.). 1 Sam. 14.6, the Lord will w. for us. 1 Kings 21.20, sold thyself to w. evil. Neh. 4.6, the people had a mind to the w. Job 23.9, on left hand where he doth w. 33.29, all these things w. God with man. Ps. 58.2, in heart ye w. wickedness. 101. 7, he that w. deceit. 119.126, it is time for thee to w. Isa. 43.13, I will w.and who shall let it? Mic. 2.1, woe to them that w.evil. Hag. 2.4, w.for I am with you.
349Mai. 3.15, they thatw. wickedness are set up. Mat. 21.28, son, go w. to day in my vineyard. Mk. 16.20, the Lord w. with them. John 5.17, my Father w.hitherto and I w.6.28, that we might w. the works of God. 30, what dost thou w. ? 9.4, night cometh, when no man can w. Acts 10.35, he that w. righteousness is accepted. Kom. 4.15, the law w. wrath. 5. 3, tribulation w. patience. 8. 28, all things w. together for good. 1 Cor 4.12, and labour, w. with our own hands. 12.6, the same God which w. all in all. 2 Cor 4.12, death w. in us. 17, w. for us exceeding weight of glory. Gal. 5.6, faith which w. by love.
Eph. 1.11, who w. all things after. 2.2, the spirit that now w. 3.20, the power that w. in us. 4.28, w. with his hands thing that is good. Phil. 2.12, w.out your own salvation. 1 Thess 4.11, w. with your own hands. 2 Thess 2. 7, mystery of iniquity doth w. 3.10, if any would not w., neither should he eat. Jas. 1.3, trying of your faith w. patience. See Ezek. 46.1; Prov. 11.18; 31.13; Eccl. 3.9.
WORKMAN. Hos. 8.6; Eph. 2.10; 2 Tim. 2.15.
WORLD. Job 18.18, chased out of the w. 34.13, who hath disposed the whole w. ? 37.12, on the face of the w. Ps. 17.14, from men of the w. 50.12, the w. is mine. 73.12, the ungodly, who prosper in the w. 77.18; 97.4, lightnings lightened the w, 93.1, the w. also is stablished. Eccl. 3.11, he hath set the w. in their heart. Isa. 14.21, nor fill the face of w. with cities. 24.4, the w. languisheth. 34.1, let the w. hear. Mat. 4.8; Lu. 4.5, all the kingdoms of the w. 5.14, the light of the w. 13.22; Mk, 4.19, the cares of this w. choke. 38, the field is the w. 40, in the end of the w. 16.26; Mk. 8.36; Lu. 9.25, gain the whole w. 18, 7, woe to the w. because of offences.
Mk. 10.30; Lu. 18.30; Heb. 2.5; 6.5, in the w. to
come. Lu. 1.70; Acts 3.21, since the w. began. 2.1, all the w. should be taxed. 16. 8; 20.34, children of this w. 20.35, worthy to obtain that w. John 1.10, he was in the w. 29, which taketh away the sin of the w. 3.16, God so loved the w. 4.42; 1 John 4.14, the Saviour of the w, 6.33, he that giveth life unto the w. 7.4, shew thyself to the w. 7, the w. cannot hate you. 8.12; 9.5, 1 am the light of the w. 12.19, the whole w. is gone after him. 31, now is the judgment of this w. 47, not to judge the w., but to save the w, 13.1, depart out of this- w. 14.17, whom the w. cannot receive. 22, manifest thyself unto us, and not unto w, 27, not as the w. giveth, give I. 30, the prince of this w. cometh. 15.18; 1 John 3.13, if the w. hate you. 19, the w. would love his own. 16.33, in the w. ye shall have tribulation. 17.9, I pray not for the w. 16, they are not of the w. 21, that the w. may believe. 21.25, the w. could not contain the books. Acts 17. 6, turned the w. upside down. Rom. 3.19, that all the w. may become guilty. 12.2, be not conformed to this w. 1 Cor. 1.20, where is the disputer of this w. ? 2.6, the wisdom of this w. 1 Cor 7.31, use this w. as not abusing it. 2 Cor 4.4, the god of this w. hath blinded. Gal. 1.4, this present evil w. 6.14, the w. is crucified unto me. Eph. 2.2, according to the course of this w. 12, without God in the w. 1 Tim. 6. 7, we brought nothing into this w, 17, them that are rich in this w. 2 Tim. 4.10, having loved this present w. Heb. 11.38, of whom the w. was not worthy, Jas. 1.27, unspotted from the w, 3.6, the tongue is a w. of iniquity, 4.4, friendship of the w. 2 Pet. 2.5, God spared not the old w. 3. 6, the w. that then Aas. 1 John 2.15, love not the w. 3.1, the w. knoweth us not. 5.19, the whole w. lieth in wickedness. See 2 Sam. 22.16; 1 Chron. 16.30 ; Prov. 8.26, WORLDLY. Tit. 2.12; Heb. 9.1.
WORM. Job 7. 5, my flesh is clothed with w. 17.14, I said to the w., thou art my mother, 19.26, though w.destroy this body. 21.26, shall lie down arid w. shall coyer them. 24.20, the w. shall feed sweetly on him. 25.6, man, that is a w. Ps. 22. 6, I am a w. and no man. Isa. 14.11, the w. is spread under thee. 41.14, fear not, thou w. Jacob. 66.24; Mk. 9. 44, 46, 48, their w.shall not die/ See-Jonah 4.7; Mic. 7.17 ; Acts 12.23.
WORMWOQP.Jfir. 9.15; 23.15; Amos 5.7.
WORSE. Mat. 9.16; Mk. 2.21, rent is made w. 12.45; 27.64; Lu. 11. 26, last state w. than the first.
Mk. 5.26, nothing bettered, but grew w. John 5.14, lest a w. thing come unto thee. 1 Cor. 11.17, not for the better, but for the w. 1 Tim. 5.8, he is w. than an infidel. 2 Tim. 3.13, shall wax w. and w. 2 Pet. 2.20, the latter end is w. with them. See Jer. 7.26; 16.12; Dan. 1.10; John 2.10.
WORSHIP. Ps. 95. 6, let us w. and bow down. 97. 7, w. him, all ye gods. 99. 5, w. at his footstool. Isa. 27.13, shall w. in holy mount, Jer. 44.19, did we w. her without our men. Zeph. 1.5, them that w. the host of heaven. Mat. 4. 9 ; Lu. 4. 7, fall down and w. me. 15. 9, in vain they do w. me. John 4.20, our fathers w. in this mountain. 22, ye w. ye know not what. 12.20, Greeks came to w. Acts 17.23, whom ye ignorantly w. 24.14, so w.I the God of my fathers. Rom. 1.25, w. the creature more. 1 Cor. 14.25, so falling down he will w. God. See Col. 2.18; Heb. 1.6; Rev, 4.10; 9.20.
WORTH. Job24.25; Prov. 10.20; Ezek. 30.2. .
WORTHY. Gen. 32,10, I am not w. of the least. 1 Sam. 26.16, ye are w. to die. 1 Kings 1. 52, if he shew himself a w. man. Mat. 3.11, whose shoes I am not bear. 8.8; Lu. 7.6, I am not w. that thou shouldest come. 10.10, the workman is w. of his meat. 37, loveth father or mother more than me is not w. of me. 22.8, they which were bidden were not w. Mk. 1. 7; Lu. 3.16; John 1.27, not w. to unloose. Lu. 3.8, fruits w. of repentance. 7. 4, that he was w. for whom he should do. 10. 7; 1 Tim. 5.18, the labourer is w.of his hire. 12.48, things w. of stripes. 15.19, no more w. to be called thy son. 20. 35, w. to obtain that world. Acts 24.2. very w. deeds are done. Rom. 8.18, not w. to be compared with the
glory. Eph. 4.1; Col. 1.10; 1 Thess. 2.12, walk w.
350Boh. 11.38, of whom the world was not w. Jas. 2.7, that w. name. Eev. 3.4, for they are w. See Nah. 2. 5; Rev. 4.11; 5.2 ; 16. 6.
WOULD. Num. 22. 29, I w. there were a sword. Ps. 8L11, Israel w. none of me. Prov. 1.25, ye ■?/.'. none of my reproof.
39, they w. none of my counsel. Dan. 5.19, whom he w. he slew. Mat. i'.]2; Lu.6.31, whatsoever ye w. that men. l k. 3,13, calleth whom he w. Rom. 7.15, what I w. that do I not. 1 Cor. 7. 7, [ w. that all men were even as I. Rev. 3015, I -jr. thou wort cold or hot. See Num. 11. 29 ; Acts 26. 29; Gal. 5.17.
WOUND.(n). Ex. 21.25, give w. for u?. Job 34. 6, my w is incurable. Ps. 147.3, he bindeth up their i/ Prov.23. 29, who hath w. without cause? 27, 6, faithful are the w. of a friend. Isa. 1. 6, but w.. and bruises. Jer. 15.18, why is my w. incurable? 3d. 17, I will heal thee of thy w. Zech. 13. 6, what are these w. in thy hands? Lu. 10. 34, bound up his w. Bee Prov. 6. 33 ; 20.30 : Hos. 5.13 ; Eev. 13. 3.
WOUND.(v.). Dent. 32. 39, I w. and I heal. 1 Kings"22. 34; 2 Chron. 18. 33, carry me out,
for I am w.
Job 5.18, he w. and his hands make whole. Ps. 64.7, suddenly shall they be w. 109.22y my heart is w. within me. Prov. 7.26, she hath cast dowu many w.
IS, 14, a spirit, who can bear? Isa. 53. 5V he was w. for our transgressions. Jer, 37.10, there remained but w. men. See Gen. 4. 23; Mk. 12. 4 ; Lu. 10. 30 ; Acts 19.16.
WRAP. Isa. 28. 20 ; Mic. 7, 3 ; John 20. 7.
WRATH. Gen. 49. 7, cursed be their w.
Dent. 32. 27, were ii not I feared w. of enemv.
Job w. 30; Prov. 11. 4 ; Zeph. 1.15; Horn. 2.5; Rev. 6.17, the day of u 36.18, because there is ?/.*., beware.
Ps, 76.10. the w. of man shall praise thee. 50. 7, by thy w. are we troubled.
Prov. 16.14, w. of a king is as messengers of death. 19.19, a man of great w. shall sulfcr. 27. 3, a fool's w. is heavier. 4. !.;-. is cruel and anger outrageous. Eccl. 5.17. much w., with his sickness. Isa. 13.9, the day of the Lord cometh with w. 51. 8. in a little t. I hid my face.
Kah. 1. 2, lie reserveth w. for his enemies. Hab. 3. 2, iti w remember mercy. Mat. 3. 7 ; Lu. 3. 7, from the w. to come. Rom. 2. 5, ?'-. agninst the dny of w. Eph. 6. 4, provoke |i()t your children to w. 1 Tlie^s. 5. 9, hath not appointed us to w. 1 Tim. 2. 8, lifting up holy hands, without u See Jas. 1.19; Rev, 6.16 ; '12.12 ; 14.8.
WRATHFUL. Ps. w. 24 ; Prov. 15. 18,
WREST. Ex, 23. 2 ; Deut. 16.19 ; Ps. 56. 5 ; 2 Pet, 3,16.
WRESTLE. Gen. 32. 24 ; Eph. 6.12.
WRETCHED. Num. 11.15 ; Rom. 7.24 ; Rev. 3.17.
WRING. Juds. 6. 38 ; Ps. 75. 8 : Prov. 30. 33.
WRINKLE. Job 16. 8 ; Eph. 5. 27.
WRITE. Prov. 3.3 ; 7. 3, w. on table of thy heart, Isa. 10. 3. w. grievousness which they have prescribed. 19, lev.-, that a child may w. them. Jer.22. 30, ?r. ye this man childless. 31. 33; Mel). 8.10, I will w. it in their hearts. Hah. 2. 2, ?r. the vision, make it plain. See Job 13.26 ; Ps. 87. 6 ; Rev. 3.12.
WRITING. Ex. 32. 16 ; John 5. 47 ; Col. 2.14.
WRITTEN. Job 19.23, Oh that my words were w. Ps, 69.28, let them not be w. with righteous.
Ezek. 2.10, roll was w. within and without. Lu. 10. 20, your names are w. in heaven. John 19.22, what I have w. I have w. 1 Cor 10.11, w. for our admonition. 2 Cor 3.2, our epistle w. in our hearts. See Isa. 4.3; Jer. 17.1; Rev. 2.17; 13.8.
WRONG. Ex. 2.13, to him that did the w. 1 Chron. 12.17, there is t.o w. in mine hands. Job 19.7, I cry out of w., but am not heard. Jer. 22. 3, do no w. Mat. 20.13, friend, I do thee no w. 1 Cor 6. 7, why do ye not rather take w. 2 Cor 12.13, forgive me this w.
Col. 3.25, he that doeth w. shall receive.
Philem. 18, if lie hath w. thee.
See Prov. 8. 36 ; Acts 25.10; 2 Cor. 7. 2.
WRONGFULLY. Job 21.27; Ezek. 22. 29 ; IPet. 2.19.
WROTE. Dan. 5.5 ; John 8. G; 19.19; 2 John 5.
WROTH. Gen. 4. 6, why art thou w. ?
Deut, 1. 34 ; 3. 26 ; 9.19'; 2 Sam. 22. 8 ; 2 Chron. 28. 9; Ps. 18. 7 ; 78.21, heard your words and was w. 2 Kings 5.11, but Naaman was w. and went away. Ps. 89. 38, thou hast been w. with thine anointed. Isa. 47.6, I was w. with my people. 54. 9, 1 have sworn I would not be w, 57.16, neither will I be always w. 64. 9, be not w. very sore. Mat. 18. 34, his lord was w. and delivered. See Num. 16.22 ; Isa. 28. 21; Mat. 2.16.
WROUGHT. Num.23.23, what hath God ir.? 1 Sam 6. 6, when God had w. wonderfully. 14. 45, Jonathan hath w. with God this day. Neh. 4.17, with one of his hands w. in the work, 6.16, this work was w. of our God. Job 12. 9, the hand of the Lord hath ?,». this. 36. 23, who can say, thou hast w. iniquity? Ps. 31.19, hast u for them that trust in thee. 68. 2S, strengthen that thou hast ?c. for us. 139.15, curiously w. in lowest parts of. Eccl. 2.11, I looked on all my hands had w. Isa. 26.12, thou hast w. all our works in us. 41. 4, who hath ?r. and done it? Jer. 18. 3, he_w a work on the wheels. Ezek. 20. 9, i. w. for my name's sake. Dan. 4.2, wonders God hath w. toward me. Mat. 20. l:7, these last have w. but cue hour. 26.10 ; Mk. 14. 6, she hath w. a good work on me. John 3.21, manifest that they are u in God. Acts 15.12, what wonders God had w. 18. 3. he abode with them, and ?c. 19.11, w. special miracles by hands of Paul. Rom. 7. 8, ?/■. in me all manner of concupiscence. 15. IS, things which Christ hath not w. 2 Cor 5. 5, he that hath w. us for the selfsame thing, 7.11, what carefulness it w. in you. 12.12. the signs of an arostle were w. Gal. 2. 8, he that w. effectually in Peter. EpIi. 1. w. which he w. in Christ. 2 The:-.s. 3. 8, but we -//:. with labour.
Heb. 11. 33, through faith w. righteousness.
J;is. 2. 22, faith w. witli his works. 1 Pet 4. 3. to have w. the will of the Gentiles. 2 John 8, lose not those tilings we have w. Rev. 19.20, the false prophet'that w.. miracles. See. Ex. 36. 4 ; 2 Sam. 18.13 ; 1 Kinirs 16. 25.
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