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GAIN. Job 22. 3, is it g. to him that thou makest
thy way. Prov. 1.19; 15. 27; Ezek. 22.12, greedy of g. 3.14, the g. thereof better than gold. 28. 8, by usury and unjust g.
Ezek. 22.13, 27, at thy dishonest g. Dan. 11. 39, he shall divide the land for g, Mic. 4.13, consecrate their g. to the Lord. Mat, 16. 26; Mk. 8. 36; Lu. 9. 25, if he g. the world. 18.15, thou hast g. thy brother. 25.17, 22, had also g. other two. Lu. 19.15,16,18, had g. by trading. Acts 16.19, hope of their g. was gon8. 39. 24, no small g. to the craftsmen. 1 Cor 9.19, that 1 might g. the more. 20, that I might g. the Jews. 2 Cor 12.17,18, did I make a g, of you. Phil. 1. 21, to die is g. 3. 7, g. to me, I counted loss. 1 Tim. 6. 5, supposing that g. is godliness. 6, godliness with contentment is great a. See Judg. 5.19 ; Job 27. 8 ; Jas. 4.13.
GAINSAY. Lu. 21.15; Tit. 1. 9; Jude 11.
GALL. Ps. 69. 21; Lam. 3.19; Mat. 27. 34; Acts 8.23.
GAP. Ezek. 13. 5 ; 22. 30.
GARDEN. Gen. 13.10, as the g. of the Lord. Deut. 11.10; 1 Kings 21. 2, as a g. of herbs, Cant. 4.12, a g, enclosed. 16, blow upon my g. 5.1, I am come into my g. 6. 2,11, gone down into his g. Isa. 1. 8, as a lodge in a g. 30, as a g. that hath no water. 51. 3, her desert like the g. of the Lord, 5S. 11; Jer. 31.12, like a watered g. 61.11, as the g. causeth things sown. Jer. 29. 5, plant a. and eat the fruit, Ezek. 28,13, in Edea the g. of God, 251
252Ezek. 31. 8, 9, cedars in g. of God. 36. 35, is become like the g. of Eden. Joel 2. 3, land as the g. of Eden before them. John 18. 26, did not I see thee in the g. 19.41, there was a g. and in the g. See Gen. 2.15; Amos 4. 9; 9.14 ; John 20.15.
GARMENT. Gen. 39.12, he left his g. and fled, 49.11, washed his g: in wine. Josh. 7. 21, a goodly Babylonish g. 9. 5, Gibeonites took old g. 2 Kings 5. 26, is it a time to receive g. 7.15, all the way was full of g. Job 37.17, how thy g. are warm. Ps. 22.18, they part my g. among them. 102. 26; Isa. 50. 9 ; 51. 6 ; Keb. 1.11, was old as a g. 304.2, with light as with a g. 6, with the deep as with a g. 109.18, with cursing as with his g. Prov. 20.16, take his g. that is surety. 25. 20, a g. in cold weather. 30.4, bound the waters in a g. Eccl. 9. 8, let thy g. be always white. Isa. 52.1, put on thy beautiful -g. 61. 3, g. of praise for spirit of heaviness. 10, the g. of salvation.
Joel 2.13, rend your heart and not your g.
Zech. 13,4, a rough g. to deceive.
Mat. 9.16; Mk. 2. 21; Lu. 5. 36, new cloth old g. 20.14, 36; Mk. 5. 27 ; Lu. 8.44, hem of g. 21. 8; Mk. 11. 8, spread g. in way. 22.11,12, wedding #. 23. 5, enlarge borders of g. 27. 35 ; Mk. 15. 24, parted g., casting lots. Mk. 11.7 ; Lu. 19. 35, cast g. on colt. 13.16, not turn back again to take g. Lu. 22. 36, let him sell his g. 24.4, in shining g. Acts 9. 39, showing coats and g. Jas. 5. 2, your g. are motheaten. Jude 23, the g. spotted by the flesh. Rev. 3.4, not denied their g. 16.15, that watcheth and keepeth his g. GARNER. Ps. 144.13 ; Joel 1.17 ; Mat. 3.12.
GARNISH. Job 26.13; Mat. 12.44; 23. 29.
GATE. Gen. 28.17, the g. of heaven.
Deut. 6. 9 ; 11. 20, write them on thy g.
Ps. 118.19, the g. of righteousness.
Prov. 17.19, exalteth g. seeketh destruction. 31. 23, her husband, known in the g. Isa. 26. 2, open the g., that righteous may enter. 38.10, the g* of the grave.. 45.1, open the two-leaved g. 60. ll, thy g. shall be open continually. 18, walls Salvation and g. Praise. Slat. 7.13; Lu. 13. 24, strait g., wide g. 16.18, g. of hell shall not prevail. Heb. 13.12, also suffered without the g. Rev. 21. 25, g. not shut at all by day. See Ps. 24. 7 ; Isa. 28. 6 ; Nab.. 2. 6.
GATHER. Gen. 41. 35, let them g. all the food. 49.10, to him shall g. of the people be. Ex. 16.17, g. some more, some less.
Deut. 28. 38, carry much out and g. little in. 30. 3 ; Ezek. 36.24, will g. thee from all nations. 2 Sam. 14.14, spilt which cannot be g. up. Job 11.10, if he g. together, who can hinder. Ps. 26. 9, g. not my soul with sinners. 39. 6, knoweth not who shall g. them. Prov. 6. 8, the ant g. her food. 10. 5, he that g. in summer. 13.11, he that g, by labour shall increase. Isa. 27.12, ye shall be g. one by one. 40.11, he shall g. the lambs. 56. 8, yet will I g. others. 62.10, g. out the stones. Mat. 3.12; Lu. 3.17, g. wheat into garner. 6. 26, nor g. into barns. 7.16; Lu. 6.44, do men g. grapes of thorns. 12. 30; Lu. 11. 23, he that g. not scattereth.
Mat. 13. 28, wilt thou that we g, them up. 29, lest while ye g. up the tares. 41, shall g. out of his kingdom. 25. 32, before him shall be g. all nations. John 6.12, g. up fragments. 15. 6, men g. them and cast. 1 Cor 16. 2, that there be no g. when I come. 2 Thess 2.1, by our g. together unto him. See Mat. 23. 37 ; John 4. 36 ; 11. 52.
GAVE. Gen. 3.12, the woman g. me. Josh. 21.44; 2 Chron. 15.15; 20. 30, Lord g, them
rest. 1 Sam. 10. 9, g. to Saul another heart. Neh. 8. 8, read and g. the sense. Job 1. 21, the Lord g. Ps. 21.4, he asked life, and thou g. it. 68.11, the Lord g. the word. Eccl. 12. 7, to God who g. it. Amos 2.12, ye g, the Nazarites wine. Mat. 21. 23; Mk. ll. 28; Lu. 20. 2, who g. thee this authority. 25. 35, 42, ye g. me meat. Lu. 15.16, no man g. unto him. John 10. 29, my Father who g. them. Acts 2.4, as the Spirit g. them utterance. 26.10, I g, my voice against them. Rom. 2. 28, God g. them over. 1 Cor. 3. 6, God g. the increase.
Eph. 4. 8, g. gifts unto men. 11, he g. some apostles.
See 2 Cor. 8. 5; Gal. 1.4; Tit. 2.14.
GAY. Jas. 2. 3.
GAZE. Ex. 19.21; Nah. 3.6; Acts 1.11; Heb. 10. 33.
GENERATION. Deut.l. 35, not one of this evil g. 32. 5, 20, a perverse and crooked g. Ps. 14.5, God is in the g. of the righteous. 22. 30, it shall be accounted for a g. 102.18, written for the g. to come. 145.4, one g. shall praise thy works.
Prov. 27. 24, crown endure to every g. 30.11, there is a g. that curseth. Eccl. 1.4, one g. passeth away.
Isa. 34.10, from g. to g. it shall lie waste.
Joel 1. 3, children tell another g.
Mat. 3. 7 ; 12. 34; 23. 33; Lu. 3. 7, g. of vipers. 12.41, in judgment with this g. 17.17; Mk. 9.19; Lu. 21. 32, perverse g. 23. 36, shall come on this g. 24.34; Mk. 13.30; Lu. 21.32, this g. shall not pass. Lu. 16. 8, are in their g. wiser. 17. 25, rejected of this g. 1 Pet. 2. 9, a chosen g.
See Isa. 53. 8; Dan. 4. 3; Mat. 1.1; Lu. 11. 30.
GENTILES. Mat. 10. 5, go not in way of the G. John 7. 35, to the dispersed among G. Acts 9.15, bear my name before the G. 13.42, G. besought that these words. 46, we turn to the G. 15. 3, declaring conversion of the G. 18. 6, from henceforth I will go to the G. Rom. 3. 29, is he not also of the G. 11.11, salvation is come to the G. 13, as the apostle of the G. 1 Cor 5.1, not so much as named among G. Eph. 4.17, walk not as other 6?. 2 Tim. 1.11, I am ordained a teacher of G. 3 John 7, taking nothing of the G. See Rom. 2. 9; 1 Pet. 2.12; Rev. 11. 2.
GENTLE. 1 Thess. 2.7, we were g. among you. 2 Tim. 2.24, servant of Lord be g. Tit. 3.2, g. showing all meekness. Jas. 3.17, wisdom is pure and g. 1 Pet 2.18, not only to the good and g. See 2 Sam. 18. 5; 22. 36; Gal. 5. 22.
GETTETH. Prov. 3.13; 4. 7 ; 19. 8; Jer. 17.11.
GIFT. Ex. 23. 8; Deut. 16.19, a g. blindeth. 2 Sam 19. 42, hath he given us any g. 2 Chron. 19.7, with the Lord no taking of g. Ps. 68.18; Eph. 4.8, g. unto men. 252
253Ps. 72.10, kings of Sheba and Seba oiler g. Prov. 6. 35, not content, though many g. 15. 27, he that hateth g. shall live. 17. 8, a g. is as a precious stone. 18.16, man's g. maketh room for him. 21.14, a g. in secret pacifleth anger. Eccl. 3.13; 5.19, enjoy good, it is God's g. 7. 7, a g. destroyeth the heart. Is. 1. 23, every one loveth g. Mat. 5.23, bring thy g, to the altar. 24, leave g. before altar. 7.11; Lu. 11.13, know how to give good g. Lu. 21.1, casting g. into treasury. John 4.10, if thou knewest the g. of God.. Acts 8. 20, thought the g. of God may be purchased. Eom. 1.11, some spiritual g. 5.15, free g.% g. by grace. 6. 23, the g. of God is eternal life. 11. 29, g. of God without repentance. 12. 6, g. differing according to grace. 1 Cor 7.7, his proper g. of God. 12.4, diversities of g. 31, covet best g, 14.1,12, desire spiritual g.
2 Cor. 9.15, unspeakable g. Eph. 2. 8, faith the g. of God. Phil. 4.17, not because I desire a g. 1 Tim. 4.14, neglect not the g.
2 Tim. 1. 6, stir up the g. Jas. 1.17, good and perfect g.
See Num. 18.29; Mat. 15.5; Acts 2.28 ; 1 Cor. 13. 2.
GIRD. 2 Sam. 22.40; Ps. 18. 39, hast g. me with strength.
Isa. 45. 5, 1 g. thee, though thou hast not.
Joel 1.13, g. yourselves and lament.
Eph. 6.14, having your loins g.
Bee Prov. 31.17; John 13.4; 21.18; Rev. 15. 6.
GIRDLE. Isa. 11. 5; Mat. 3.4; Mk. 1. 6.
GIVE. Gen. 28. 22, I will g. the tenth. Ex. 30.15, rich shall not g. more, poor not g. less. Deut. 15.10, thou shalt g. him thine heart. 16.17 ; Ezek. 46. 5, g. as he is able. 1 Chron. 29.14, of thine own have we g, thee. Ezra 9. 9, to g. us a reviving. Ps. 2. 8, I shall g. thee the heathen. 6. 5, in the grave who shall g. thanks. 29.11, Lord will g. strength. 37.4, g. thee the desires of thy heart. 21, the righteous showeth mercy and g. 84.11, Lord will g. grace and glory. 109.4, 1 g. myself unto prayer. Prov. 23. 26, g. me thine heart. Isa. 55.10, g. seed to the sower. Mat. 5.42, g. to him that asketh. 6.11; Lu. 11. 3, q. daily bread. 7. 9, will he g. him a stone ? 10.8, freely g. 13.11; Mk. 4.11, it is g. to you to know, 16. 26; Mk. 8. 37, g. in exchange. 19.21; Mk. 10. 21, go sell, and g. to the poor. 20. 23; Mk. 10. 40, not mine to g. 26. 9; Mk. 14. 5, sold and g. to the poor.' Lu. 6. 38, g. and it shall be g. John 4.7,10, g. me to drink. 6. 37, all that the Father g. me. 65, no man can come except it were g. him. 10. 28, I g. to them eternal life. 13. 29, that he should g. something to poor. 14. 27, not as the world g., g. I. Acts 3. 6, such as I have g. I thee. 6.4, we will g. ourselves to prayer. 20. 35, more blessed to g. Rom. 12. 8, he that g. let him do it. 19, rather g. place unto wrath. 1 Cor 3.7, God g. the increase. 2 Cor 9.7, g. not grudgingly, a cheerful g. Phil. 4.15, concerning g. and receiving. 1 Tim. 4.13, g. attendance to reading. 1 Tim. 4.15, g. thyself wholly to them. 6.17, who g. us richly.
Jas. 1. 5, that g. to all men liberally. 4. 6, g. more grace, g. grace to humble, 2 Pet 1. 5, g. all diligence.
See Mk. 12.15 ; Lu. 12.48; John 3. 34.
GLAD. Ex. 4.14, he will be g. in heart. Job 3. 22, g. when they can find the grave. Ps. 16. 9, therefore my heart is g. 34. 2; 69. 32, humble shall hear and be g, 46.4, make g. the city of God. 104.15, maketh g. the heart of man. 122.1, I was g. when they said. 126. 3, whereof we are g. Prov. 10.1; 15.20,. wise son g. father. 24.17, let not thine heart be g. Lam. 1. 21, they are g. that thou hast done it, Lu. 15. 32, make merry and be g. John 8. 56, saw my day and was g, 11.15, I am g. for your sakes. Acts 11. 23, seen grace of God. was g. See Mk. 6. 20; 12. 37 ; Lu. 1.19; 8.1.
GLADNESS. Num. 10.10, in day of your g, Deut. 28.47, servedst not with g. of heart. Neh. 8.17, there was very great g. Ps. 4. 7, thou hast put g. in my heart. 45. 7 ; Heb, 1. 9, the oil of g. 97.11. g. is sown for the upright. Isa. 35. lO; 51.11, they shall obtain joy, and g. Acts 2.46, did eat with g. of heart. 12.14, opened not for g. 14.17, filling our hearts with food and g. See Ps. 100. 2; Prov. 10. 28 ; Isa. 51. 3.
GLEAN. Lev. 19.10; Jer. 6. 9; 49. 9.
GLISTERING. 1 Chron. 29. 2; Lu. 9. 29.
GLITTERING. Deut. 32. 41; Job 20. 25; 39. 23;
Nata. 3. 3.
GLOOMINESS. Joel 2. 2; Zeph. 1.15.
GLORIFY. Lev. 10.3, before all people I will be g. Ps. 50.23, whoso offereth praise g. me. 86. 9, all nations shall g. thy name. 12, 1 will g. thy name for evermore. Isa. 24.15, g. the Lord in the fires. 60.7, I will g. house of my glory. Ezek. 28. 22, I will be g. in midst of thee. Dan. 5. 23, God hast thou not g. Mat. 5.16, g. your Father in heaven. 15. 31, they g. God of Israel. Lu. 4.15, being g. of all. John 7. 39, because Jesus was not yet g. 11.4, that the Son of God might be g. 12.16, but when Jesus was g. they remembered. 28, Father, g. thy name: I have both g. 13, 32, God shall also g. him. 15. 8, herein is my Father g. 17.1, g. thy Son. 4, I have g. thee on earth. 21.19, by what death he should g. God. Rom. 1. 21, they g. him not as God. 8.17, suffer with him that we may be g. 30, them he also g. 1 Cor 6. 20, g. God in body and spirit. Gal. 1. 24, they g. God in me. 2 Thess 1.10, to be g. in his saints. Heb. 5. 5, so Christ g. not himself.
See Isa. 25. 5; Mat. 9. 8; 15. 31; Lu. 7.16.
GLORIOUS. Ex. 15.11, g. in holiness. Deut. 28. 58; 1 Chron. 29.13, this a. name. Ps. 45.13, all g. within. 66. 2, make his praise g. 72.19, blessed be his g. name. 87. 3, g. things are spoken. Isa. 11.10, his rest shall be g. 28.1, whose g. beauty is a fading flower, 60.13, place of my feet g. 63.1, g. in his apparel. 14, to make thyself a g. name. Jer. 17.12, a g. high throne.
Dan. 11.16, 41, stand in the g. land. 253
254Dan. 11. 45, in the g. holy mountain. Ln. 13.17, rejoiced for g. things done. Rom. 8. 21, g. liberty of children of God. 2 Cor. 3. 7, 8, ministration g. 4.4, light of g. gospel. Eph. 5. 27, a g. church. Phil. 3. 21, like to his g. body. 1 Tim, 1.11, the g. gospel of the blessed God. Tit. 2.13. the g. appearing of great God. See Ex. 15.1; 2 Sam. 6.20; Isa. 24.23.
GLORY. Ex. 33.18, show me thy g. Num. 14.21; Ps. 72.19; Isa. 6.3, earth filled with g. Ps. 8.1, thy g. above the heavens. 16.9, my g. reioiceth. 24.7,10, the King of g. 73.24, afterward receive me to g. 84.11, will give grace and g. 108.1, will give praise with my g. 145.11, the g. of thy kingdom. Prov. 3.35, the wise shall inherit g. 17.6, the g. of children are their fathers. 20. 29, the g. of young men is their strength. 25. 2, g. of God to conceal. 27, for men to search own g. is not g, Isa. 10.3, where will ye leave your g. 24.16, even g. to the righteous. 42.8, my g. will I not give to another. 43.7, have created him for my g. 60. 7, will glorify house of my g.
Jer. 2.11, my people have changed their g. Ezek. 20.6,15, the g. of all lands. 31.18, to whom art thou thus like in g. Dan. 2. 37; 7.14, God hath given power and g. Hos. 4. 7, change g. into shame. Hag. 2, 7, I will fill this house with g. Mat. 6. 2, that ye may have g. of men. 29; Lu. 12.27, Solomon in all his g. 16.27 ; Mk. 8.38, in g. of his Father. 19. 28; Lu. 9. 26, Son of man sit in his g. 24. 30; Mk. 13.26; Lu. 21.27, power and great g. Lu. 2.14; 19.38, g. to God in the highest. 9.31, appeared in g. and spake of his decease. 32, they saw his g. 24.26, to enter into his g. John 1.14, we beheld his g. 2.11, thus did Jesus, and manifested his g. 8.50, I seek not mine own g. 17.5, the g. I had with thee. 24, that they may behold my g. Acts 12. 23, he gave not God the g. Rom. 3.23, come short of g. of God. 8.18, not worthy to be compared with a. 11.36; Gal. 1.5; 2 Tim. 4.18; Hel>. 13.21; 1 Pet. 5.11, to whom be g. 1 Cor 2.8, crucified the Lord of g. 10.31, do all to g. of God. 11.7, woman is the g. of the man. 15, long hair, it is a g. to her. 15.40, g. of celestial, g. of terrestrial. 43, raised in g. 2 Cor 3.18, beholding as in a glass the g. 4.17, eternal weight of g.
Eph. 1.17, the Father of g. 3. 21, to him be g. in the church. Phil. 3.19, whose g. is in their shame. 4.19, according to his riches in g. Col. 1.27, Christ in you, the hope of g. 3.4, appear with him in g. 2 Thess. 1.9, the g. of his power. I Tim. 3.16, received up into g. Heb. 1.3, the brightness of his g. 2.10, in bringing many sons to g. 3. 3, this man worthy of more g. 1 Pet. 1.8, joy unspeakable and full of g. 11, the g. that should follow. 24, the g. of man as flower of grass. 4.14, the Spirit of g. and of God. 1 Pet 5.10, called to eternal g. 2 Pet 1.17, voice from the excellent g. Rev. 4.11; 5.12, worthy to receive g. 7.12, blessing and g. and wisdom.
Rev. 18.1, earth lightened with his g. 21.23, g. of God did lighten it. See Lu. 17.18; 2 Cor. 3.18; Jas. 2.1; Jude 25.
GLORYING. 1 Cor. 5. 6; 9.15 ; 2 Cor. 7. 4; 12.11.
GNASH. Mat. 8.12; 13.42; 22.13; 24.51; 25.30;
Lu. 13. 28, g. of teeth.
Mk. 9.18, he foameth and g. with his teeth. See Job 16. 9; Ps. 35.16 ; Acts 7.54.
GNAT. Mat. 23. 24.
GO. Gen. 32.26, let me g., for the day breaketh. Ex. 14.15; Job 23.8, g. forward. 23.23; 32.34, angel shall g. before thee. 33.15, presence g. not with me. Ruth 1.16, whither thou (/. I will g. Ps. 139.7, whither shall I g. Prov. 22. 6, the way he should g. 30.29, three things which g. well. Mat. 5.41; to g. a mile, g. twain. 21.30, I g. sir, and went not. Lu. 10. 37, g. and do likewise. John 14.12, I g. to the Father.
See Mat. 8.9; Lu. 7. 8; 1 Cor. 9.7; Rev. 14.4.
GOD. Gen. 5.22; 6. 9, walked with G. 16.13, thou 6r. seest me. 32.28, hath power with G. 48.21, I die, but G. shall be with you. Num. 23.19, G. is not a man that he should lie. 23, what hath G. wrought. Deut. 3.24, what G. is there that can do. 33.27, the eternal G. is thy refuge. 1 Sam. 17. 46, may know there is a G. in Israel. 1 Kings 18. 21, if the Lord be G., follow him. 39, he is the G., he is the G. Job 22.13; Ps. 73.11, how doth G. know. Ps. 14.1; 53.1, hath said, there is no G. 22.1; Mat, 27.46, my G., my G., why hast. 56.9, this I know, for G. is for me. 86.10; Isa. 37.16, thou art G. alone. Eccl. 5.2, G. is in heaven. Isa. 44.8, is there a G. beside me. 45. 22; 46.9, I am G., there is none else. Hos. 11. 9, I am G. and not man. Amos 5.27, whose name is the G. of hosts. Jonah 1.6, arise, call upon thy G. Mic. 6. 8, walk humbly with thy G. Mat, 1.23, G. with us. 22.32, G. is not G. of dead. Mk. 12.32, one G. and none other. John 3. 33, that G. is true. 4.24, G. is a spirit, 13.3, come from G. and went to G. 20.17, ascend to my G. and your G. Rom. 3.4, let G. be true. 8.31, if G. be for us. 1 Cor 1. 9 ; 10.13, G. is faithful. 14.45, that G. is in you. 33, G. is not author of confusion. Gal. 3.20, but G. is one. 6. 7, G. is not mocked. 2 Thess 2.4, above all that is called G. 1 Tim. 3.16, G. manifest in the flesh. Heb. 8.10, I will be to them a G. 11.16, not ashamed to be called their G. Heb. 12.23, but ye are come to G. 1 John 1. 5, G. is light. 4.8,16, G. is love. 12, no man hath seen G. 5.19, we know that we are of G. Rev. 21.3, G. himself shall be with them. 4, G. shall wipe away all tears. 7, I will be his G.
See Job 33.12; 36.5; Ps. 10.4; 33.12.
GOD.(an idol). Gen. 31.30, stolen my g.
Ex. 32.1, make us g. to go before us. 4, these be thy g. Judg. 5. 8, they chose new g. 6.31, if he be a g. let him plead. 10.14, go and cry to the g. ye have chosen. 17.5, Micah had' a house of g. 18.24, ye have taken away my g. 254
2552 Kings 17.29, every nation made g. 33, they feared the Lord and served own g. Isa. 44. i5, maketh a g. and worshippeth it. 45.20, pray to a g. that cannot save. Jonah 1. 5, cried every man to his g. Acts 12.22, the voice of a g., not a man. 14.11, the g. are come down. 1 Cor 8.5, there be g. many.
See Ex. 12.12; 20.23; Jer. 2.11; Dan. 3.28.
GODDESS. 1 Kings 11. 5; Acts 19.27, 35, 37.
GODHEAD. Acts 17.29; Rom. 1.20; Col. 2. 9.
GODLINESS. 1 Tim. 3.16, the mystery of g. . . 4.7, exercise thyself to g. 8, g. is profitable. 6. 3, doctrine according to g. 5, supposing that gain is g. 2 Tim. 3. 5, a form of g.
Tit. 1.1, the truth which is after g. 2 Pet. 1.3, pertain to life and g. 6, and to patience, g. 3.11, in all holy conversation and g. See 1 Tim. 2.2,10; 6. 6,11.
GODLY. Ps. 12.1, the g. man eeaseth. Mai. 2.15, seek a g. seed. 2 Cor. 1.12, in g. sincerity. 7.9,10, g. sorrow worketh repentance. 2 Tim. 3.12, all that will live g. in Christ. Tit. 2.12, live g. in this world. Heb. 12.28, reverence and g. fear. 2 Pet 2. 9, how to deliver the g. 3 John 6, bring forward after a g. sort. See Ps. 4. 3; 32. 6 ; 2 Cor. 7. 9 ; 11. 2.
GOING. Josh. 23.14, I am g. the way of all the
earth. 2 Sam. 5.24; 1 Chron. 14.15, sound of g. in trees. Job 33.24, 28, from g. down to pit. Ps. 17.5, hold up my g. 40.2, established my g. Prov. 5.21, pondereth all his g. 20.24, man's g. are of the Lord. Dan. 6.14, laboured till g. down of the sun, Mio. 5.2, whose g. forth have been of old. Mat. 26.46, rise, let us be g. Rom. 10. 3, g, about to establish. 1 Tim. 5.24, g. before to judgment. See Prov. 7.27; 14.15 ; Isa. 59. 8; Hos. 6. 3.
GOLD. Num. 31.22, only g. that may abide fire. Deut. 8.13, when thy g. is multiplied. 17.17, nor shall he greatly multiply g. 1 Kings 20. 3, silver and g. is mine. Job 28.1, a vein for silver, a place for g. 19, wisdom not valued with g. 31.24, if I made g. my hope.
Ps. 19.10, more to be desired than g.
Prov. 25.11, like apples of g.
Isa. 46. 6, they lavish g. out of the bag. 60.17, for brass I will bring g. Hag. 2.8, the silver is mine and the g. is mine. Zech. 13. 9, try them as g. is tried. Mat. 10. 9, provide neither g. nor silver. Acts 3.6, silver and g. have I none. 17.29, not think Godhead like to g. 20. 33, coveted no man's g. 2 Tim. 2.20, in great house vessels of g. Jas. 2.2, man with a g. ring. 5.3, your g. is cankered. 1 Pet. 1. 7, trial more precious than of g. 18, not redeemed with g. Rev. 21.18, city was pure g. See Gen. 2.11; Eccl. 12.6; Isa. 13.12.
GONE. Deut. 23.23, that which is g. out of thy
lips. 1 Kings 20.40, busy here and there, he was g. Ps. 42.4, I had g. with the multitude. 73. 2, my feet were almost g. 77.8, mercy clean g. for ever. 103.16, wind passeth, and it is g. 109.23, I am g. like the shadow. 119.176; Isa. 53.6, g. astray like sheep. Eccl. 8.10, come and g. from place of the holy.
Jer. 15.9, sun g. down while yet day. Mat. 12. 43; Lu. 11.24, spirit g. out. 25. 8, lamps are g. out.
Mk. 5. 30; Lu. 8. 46, virtue had g. out of him.
John 12.19, the world is g. after him.
Acts 16.19, hope of gains g.
Rom. 3.12, they ai-e all g. out of the way.
Jude 11, g. in the way of Cain.
See Ps. 89.34; Cant. 2.11; Isa. 45.23.
GOOD.(n. Gen. 14.21, take the g. to thyself. 24.10, the g. of his master in his hand. 50.20, God meant it unto g.
Neh. 5.19; 13.31, think upon me for g. Job 2.10, shall we receive g. 22.21, thereby g. shall come. Ps. 4.6, who will show us any g. 14.1; 53.1; Rom. 3.12, none doeth g. 34.12, loveth days that he may see g, 39. 2, held my peace even from g. 86.17, a token for g. Prov. 3.27, withhold not g. Eccl. 3.12, I know there is no g. in them. 5.11, when g. increase. 9.18, destroyeth much g. Mat. 12.29 ; Mk. 3.27, spoil his g. 24.47, ruler over all his g. 26. 24, been g. for that man. Lu. 6.30, that taketh away thy g. 12.19, much g. laid up. 15.12, the portion of g. 16.1, accused that he had wasted his g. 19.8, half of my g. I give. Acts 10.38, went about doing g. Rom. 8.28, work together for g. 13.4, minister of God for g. 1 Cor. 13.3, bestow all my g. to feed. Heb. 10.34, joyfully the spoiling of your g. 1 John 3.17, this world's g. Rev. 3.17, rich and increased with g. See Job 5.27 ; 7. 7; Prov. 11.17 ; 13.21.
GOOD.(adj.). Gen. 1. 4,10,12, 18, 21, 25, 31, God
saw it was g.
Gen. 2.18, not g. that man should be alone. 27.46, what g. shall my life do me. Deut. 2.4; Josh. 23.11, take g. heed. 1 Sam. 2. 24, no g. report I hear. 12. 23, I will teach you the g. way. 25.15, men were very g. to vis.
Ezra 7.9; Neh. 2. 8, the g. hand of God on him.
Neh. 9.20, thy g. spirit to instruct.
Ps. 34.8, taste and see that the Lord is g. 41. 5, my heart is inditing a g. matter. 112.5, a g. man showeth favour. 119.68, thou art g. and doest g. 145. 9, the Lord is g, to all. Prov. 12.25, a g. word maketh heart glad. 15. 23, in season, how g, is it. 20.18, with g. advice make war. 22.1, a g. name rather to be chosen. 25.25, g. news from a far country. Eccl. 6.12, who knoweth what is g. Isa. 55.2, eat ye that which is g. Lam. 3.26, it is g. that a man hope. 27, g. that a man bear yoke. Zech. 1.13, answered with g. words. Mat. 5.13, it is g. for nothing. 7.11; Lu. 11.13, how to give g. gifts. 9.22; Lu. 8.48, be of g. comfort. 19.16, what g. thing shall I do. 17 ; Lu. 18.19, none g., save one. 20.15, is thine eye evil because I am g. ? 25.21, g. and faithful servant. Mk. 9.50; Lu. 14. 34, salt is g., but. Lu. 1. 53, filled the hungry with g. things. 6.38, g. measure, pressed down. 10.42, chosen that g. part. 12.32, your Father's g. pleasure. 16. 25, in lifetime receivedst g. things. 23.50, Joseph was a g. man and just.
John 1.46, any g. thing out of Nazareth. 255
256John 2.10, kept g. wine until now. 7.12, some said, he is a g. man. 10.11, I am the g. shepherd. 33, for a g. work we stone thee not. Bom. 7.12, commandment holy, just, and g, 18, in my flesh dwelleth no g. thing. 12. 2, that g. and perfect will of God. 14. 21, it' is g. neither to eat. 1 Cor 7.26, this is g. for the present. 15.33, corrupt g. manners. 2 Cor 9.8, abound in every g. work. Gal. 6.6, communicate in all g. things. Phil. 1. 6, hath begun a g. work.
Col. 1.10, fruitful in every g. work. 1 Thess. 5.15; 3 John 11, follow that which is g. 21, hold fast that which is g. 1 Tim. 1. 8, the law is g. 3.1, desireth a g. work. 4.4, every creature of God is g. 2 Tim. 3. 3, despisers of g. Tit. 2.7, a pattern in g. works. 14, zealous of g. works. Heb. 6.5, tasted the g. word of God. 13.9, g. thing that heart be established. Jas. 1.17, every g. gift.
See 2 Thess. 2.17 ; Tit. 1.16; 3.8.
GOODLY. Gen. 49.21, giveth g. words.
Ex. 2.2, a g. child.
Deut. 8.12, when thou hast built g. houses. 1 Sam 9.2, a choice young man and g. 16.12, ruddy and g. to look to. Ps. 16.6; Jer. 3.19, a g. heritage. Zech. 11.13, a g. price I was prized at. Mat. 13.45, g. pearls.
Jas. 2.2, a man in g. apparel. See 1 Sam. 8.16; 1 Kings 20. 3; Lu. 21. 5.
GOODNESS. Ex. 33.19, make all my g. pass. 34.6, abundant in g. and truth. Ps. 16.2, my g. extendeth not to thee. 23.6, g. and mercy shall follow. 27.13, belieyed to see the g. of the Lord. 31.19; Zech. 9.17, how great is thy g. 33. 5, earth full of thy g. 65.11, crownest the year with thy g. 145.7, the memory of thy g. Prov. 20.6, proclaim every one his own g. Hos. 6.4, your g. is as a morning cloud. Rom. 2.4, the riches of his g.
V. 22, the g. and severity of God. SeeNeh.9.25; Isa.63.7; Gal. 5.22; Eph.5.9.
GOSPEL. Rom. 2.16, according to my g. 2 Cor 4.3, if our g. be hid. Gal. 1.8,9, any other g. 2.7, the g. of uncircumcision g. of circumcision. Col. 1.23, the hope of the g. 1 Tim. 1.11, g. of the blessed God. Rev. 14.6, everlasting g. See Mat. 4.23; Mk. 16.15; Acts 20.24.
GOVERNMENT. Isa. 9.6; 1 Cor. 12.28 ; 2 Pet. 2.10.
GRACE. Ps. 45.2, g. is poured into thy lips. Prov. 1.9, an ornament of g. 3.22, life and g. to thy neck. 34; Jas. 4.6,' giveth g. to the lowly. Zech. 4. 7, crying, g. g. unto it. 12.10, spirit of g. and supplications. John 1.14, full of g. and truth. 16, all received, and g. for g. 17, g. and truth came by Jesus Christ. Acts 4.33, great g. was upon them all. 11.23j; when he had seen the g, 14.3, the word of his g. Rom. 1.7 ; 1 Cor. 1.3; 2 Cor. 1.2; Gal. 1. 3; Eph. 1.2; Phil. 1.2; Col. 1.2; 1 Thess. 1.1; 2 Thess. 1.2; Philem. 3; 1 Pet. 1.2; 2 Pet. 1.2; Rev. 1.4, g. and peace. 3.24, justified freely by his g. 4.4, not reckoned of g. but of debt. 5.2, access into this g, 17, abundance of g.
Rom. 5. 20, where sin abounded, g. did much. 6.14,15, under g. 11.5, the election of g. 2 Cor. 8.9, know the g. of our Lord. 9.8, able to make all g. abound. 12.9, my g. is sufficient. Gal. 1.6,15, who called you by his g. 5.4, ye are fallen from g. Eph. 2. 5,8, by g. ye are saved. 3.8, to me is this g. given. 4.29, minister g. to hearers. 6.24, g. be with all that love our Lord. Col. 4.6, let your speech be alway with g. 2 Thess. 2.16, good hope through g. 1 Tim. 1. 2 ; 2 Tim. 1. 2; Tit. 1. 4; 2 John 3, g.,
mercy, and peace. Heb. 4.16, the throne of g. 10.29, despite to the Spirit of g. 12.28, g. to serve God acceptably. 13.9, heart established with g. Jas. 1.11, the g. of the fashion of it. 4.6, he giveth more g. 1 Pet 3. 7, heirs of g. 5. 5, giveth g. to the humble. 2 Pet 3.18, grow in g.
Jude 4, turning g. of God into lasciviousness.
See Acts 20.24; 2 Cor. 6.1; Gal. 2.21.
GRACIOUS. Gen. 43.29, God be g. to thee.
Ex. 22.27, I will hear, for I am g. 33.19, 1 will be g. to whom I will be g.
Neh. 9.17, 31, ready to pardon, g., merciful.
Ps. 77.9, hath God forgotten to be g.
Prov. 11.16, a g. woman retaineth honour.
Isa. 30.18, wait that he may be g.
Amos 5.15, may be the Lord will be g.
Jonah 4.2, I know thou art a g. God.
Lu. 4.22, wondered at the g. words. 1 Pet. 2. 3, tasted that the Lord is g.
See Ex. 34. 6; 2 Chron. 30. 9; Hos. 14.2.
GRAFT. Rom. 11.17,19, 23, 24.
GRAIN. Mat. 13. 31; 17. 20: Mk. 4. 31; Lu. 13.19; 17.6, g. of mustard seed.
GRANT. Ruth 1. 9, g. that you may find rest. 1 Chron 4.10, God g. him that which he requested.
Job 6.8, g. the thing I long for. Mat. 20.21; Mk. 10.37, g. that my two sons. Rev. 3.21, will I g. to sit with me. Bee Ps. 20.4; 85.7 ; Acts 4.29.
GRAPE. Gen. 49.11, washed clothes in the blood
of g.
Deut. 32.14, drink the blood of the g. Cant. 2.13,15, vines with tender g. Isa. 5.2, looked it should bring forth g. 17.6; 24.13, yet gleaning g. Jer. 8.13, there shall be no g. 31.29,30; Ezek. 18.2, have eaten a sour g. Amos 9.13, treader of g. shall overtake. See Lev. 19.10; 25.5; Lu. 6.44; Rev. 14.18.
GRASS. Deut. 32.2, as showers upon the g. 2 Kings 19.26; Ps. 129.6, as g. on housetops. 72.6, like rain upon mown g. 90. 5, like g. which groweth up. 102.4,11, withered like g. 103.15, days are as g. Isa. 40.6; 1 Pet. 1. 24, all flesh is g. Mat. 6.30; Lu. 12.28, if God so clothe the g. See Prov. 27.25 ; John 6.10 ; Rev. 8.7; 9.4.
GRAVE.(».). Gen. 42.38; 44. 31, with sorrow to
the g.
Ex. 14.11, no g. in Egypt. Job 5.26, come to g. in full age. 7.9, he that goeth to the g. 14.13, hide me in the g. 17.1, the g. are ready for me. 13, if I wait the g. is mine house. 33.22, his soul draweth near to the g. Ps. 6.5, in g. who shall give thee thanks. 31.17, let wicked be silent in the g. 256
257Ps. 49.14, like sheep laid in the g. 15; Hos. 13.14, the power of the g. Eccl. 9.10, no wisdom in the g. Isa. 38.18, the g. cannot praise thee. 53. 9, made his g. with the wicked. Hos. 13.14, O g. 1 will be thy destruction. John 5.28, all in/the g. shall hear. 11.31, she goetn to the g. 1 Cor. 15.55, O g., where is thy victory? See Mat. 27.52 j Lu. 11.44; Rev. 11.9.
GRAVE.(v.). Isa. 49.16, I have g. thee upon the palms.
Hab. 2.18, that the maker hath g. it. !
See Ex. 28.9; 2 Chron. 2. 7 ; 3. 7.
GRAVE.{adj.). 1 Tim. 3.8; Tit. 2.2.
GRAVEL. Prov. 20.17 ; Isa. 48.19; Lam. 3.16.
GRAVITY. 1 Tim. 3.4; Tit. 2.7.
GRAY. Ps. 71.18; Prov. 20. 29; Hos. 7.9.
GREAT. Gen. 12.2; 18.18; 46.3, make a g. nation. 48.19, he also shall be g.
Deut. 29.24, the heat of'his g. anger. 1 Sam 12.24, consider how g. things. 2 Kings 5.13, bid thee do some g. thing. 2 Chron 2. 5, house is g. for g. is our God. Neh. 6.3, I am doing a g. work.
Job 32.9, g. men not always wise. 36.18, a g. ransom.
Ps. 14.5; 53.5, there were they in g. fear. 19.11, there is g. reward. 31.19, how g. is thy goodness. 92.5, how g. are thy works. 139.17, how g. is the sum of them. Prov. 18.16, gift bringeth before g. men, 25.6, stand not in place of g. men. Mat. 5.12, g. is your reward. 19, called g. in'kingdom of heaven. 13.46, pearl of g. price. 15.28, g. is thy faith. 20.26, whosoever will be g. among you, 22.36,38, the g. commandment. Lu. 10.2, harvest is g. 16.26, a gr. gulf fixed. Acts 8.9, giving out he was some g. one. 19.28, 34, g. is Diana. 1 Tim. 3.16, g. is the mystery. Heb. 2.3, so g. salvation. 12.1, so g. a cloud of witnesses. Jas. 3.5, how g. a matter a little fire. See Deut. 9.2; Eccl. 2.9; Rev. 7.9.
GREATER. Gen. 4.13, punishment g. than I can
bear. 1 Chron. 11.9; Esth. 9.4, waxed g. and g. Hag. 2.9, glory of latter house g. Mat. 11.11; Lu. 7.28, g. than he. 12.6, one g. than the temple. Mk. 12.31, no commandment g. than these. John 1,50; 5.20; 14.12, shalt see a. things. 4.12; 8. 53, art thou g. than our father. 10. 29; 14.28, my Father is g. than all. 13.16; 15.20, servant not g. than his lord. 15.13, g. love hath no man. 1 Cor. 15.6, the g. part remain. Heb. 6.13, he could swear by no g* 1 John 3.20, God is g. than our hearts. 4.4, g. is he in you than he in world. 3 John 4, no g. joy.
See Gen. 41.40; 48.19; Heb. 9.11.
GREATEST. Mat. 13.32, it is g. among herbs. 18.1, 4, who is g. in kingdom. Mk. 9. 34; Lu. 9. 46, disputed who should be g. 1 Cor. 13.13, the g. of these is charity. See Job 1.3; Jer. 31.34; Lu. 22.24.
GREATLY. 2 Sam. 24.10; 1 Chron. 21.8, I have
sinned g. 1 Kings 18.3, Obadiah feared the Lord g. Ps. 28.7, my heart g. rejoiceth. 47. 9, God is g. exalted. 89. 7, g. to be feared in the assembly. 116.10, I was g. afflicted.
Dan. 9.23; 10.11, thou art g. beloved.
Obad. 2, thou art g. despised.
Mk. 12.27, ye do g. err.
See Ps. 62. 2; Mk. 9.15; Acts 3.11; 6.7.
GREATNESS. 1 Chron. 29. 11, thine is the g., power, and glory.
Ps. 145.3, his g. is unsearchable.
Prov. 5.23, in the g. of his folly.
Isa. 63.1, travelling in g. of strength. "
Eph. 1.19, the exceeding g. of his power.
See 2 Chron. 9. 6; Ps. 66.3; 79.11; 150. 2.
GREEDILY. Prov. 21.26; Ezek. 22.12.
GREEDINESS. Eph. 4.19.
GREEDY. Prov. 1V19; 15.27, g. of gain.
Isa. 56.11, they are g. dogs.
GREEN. Lev. 23. 14; Judg. 16. 7; Lu. 23. 31.
GRIEF. 2 Chron. 6. 29, every one shall know his own g.
Job 6.2, Oh that my g. were weighed.
Ps. 31.10, life spent with g.
Eccl. 1.18, in much wisdom is much g.
Isa. 53.3, acquainted with g.
Jer. 10.19, this is a g. and I must bear it.
See Jonah 4.6; Heb. 13.17; 1 Pet. 2.19.
GRIEVE. Gen. 6.6, it g. him at his heart. 45.5, be not g. that ye*sold me. 1 Sam. 2.33, the man shall be to g. thine heart.
Ps. 78.40, they g. him in the desert. 95.10, forty years was I g. Lam. 3.33, doth not willingly g. Mk. 3.5, being g. for the hardness. 10.22, he went away g. John 21.17, Peter was g. Rom. 14.15, brother g. with meat. Eph. 4.30, g. not the holy Spirit of God. See Neh. 2.10; 13. 8 ; Ps. 119.158 ; 139.21.
GRIEVOUS. Gen. 21. 11, thing was g. in Abraham's sight. 50.11, a g. mourning.
Ps. 10.5, his ways are always g.
Prov. 15.1, g. words stir up anger.
Isa. 15.4, his life shall be g.
Jer. 30.12; Nah. 3.19, thy wound is g.
Mat 23. 4; Lu. 11.46, burdens g. to be borne.
Phil. 3.1, to me is not g.
Heb. 12.11, chastening g. 1 John 5.3, commandments not g. See Eccl. 2.17 ; Jer. 16.4; Acts 20.29.
GRIND. Isa. 3.15, g. faces of the poor.
Lam. 5.13, took young men to g.
Mat. 24. 44; Lu. 20.18, it will g. him to powder.
See Eccl. 12.3; Mat. 24.41; Lu. 17.35.
GROAN. Ex. 2.24, God heard their g.
Job 24.12, men g. from out the city.
Joel 1.18, how do the beasts g.
Rom. 8.23, we ourselves g.
2 Cor. 5.2, 4, in this we a.
See Job 23.2; Ps. 6.6; John 11. 33, 38.
GROPE. Deut. 28.29; Job 5.14; 12.25; Isa. 59.10.
GROSS. Isa. 60. 2; Jer. 13.16; Mat. 13.15; Acts 28 27 GROUND. Ex. 3.5; Acts 7.33, holy g.
Job 5.6, nor trouble spring out of the g.
Isa. 35.7, parched g. become a pool.
Jer. 4.3; Hos. 10.12, break up fallow g.
Mk. 4.16, stony g.
Lu. 13. 7, why cumbereth it the g. ? 14.18, bought a piece of g. 19.44, lay thee even with the g.
John 8.6, he wrote on the g.
See Zech. 8.12 ; Mai. 3.11; John 12.24.
GROUNDED. Eph. 3.17; Col. 1.23.
GROW. Gen. 48.16, let them g. into a multitude. 2 Sam. 23.5, though he make it not to g.
Ps. 92.12, g. like a cedar.
Isa. 53.2, he shall g. up before him. 257
258Hos. 14. 5, he shall g. as the lily. Mai. 4.2, g. up as calves of the stalL Mat. 13.30, let both g. together. Mk. 4. 27, seed should g. up, he knoweth not. Acts 5.24, whereunto this would g. Eph. 2.21, g. unto an holy temple. 4.15, may g. up into him. 2 Thess. 1.3, your faith g. exceedingly. 1 Pet 2.2, that ye may g. thereby. 2 Pet 3.18, g. in grace.
See 2 Kings 19.26; Jer. 12. 2; Zech. 6.12.
GRUDGE. Lev. 19.18; 2 Cor. 9. 7; Jas. 5. 9; 1 Pet. 4.9.
GUESTS. Zeph. 1.7 ; Mat. 22.10 ; Lu. 19.7.
GUIDE. Ps. 25. 9, meek will he g. in judgment. 32.8, I will g. thee with mine eye. 48.14, our g. even unto death. 73.24, g. me with thy counsel. Prov. 6. 7, having no g., overseer, or ruler. Isa. 58.11, the Lord shall g. thee. Jer. 3.4, the g. of my youth. Mat. 23.16, 24, ye blind g. Lu. 1. 79, g. our feet into the way of peace. John 16.13, g. you into all truth. See Gen. 48.14; Prov. 11. 3; 23.19.
GUILE. Ps. 32.2, in whose spirit is no g. 34.13; 1 Pet. 3.10, keep lips from speaking g, John 1. 47, in whom is no g. 2 Cor. 12.16, I caught you with g. 1 Pet 2.1, laying aside g. 22, nor was g. found in his mouth. See Ex. 21.14"; 1 Thess. 2. 3 ; Rev. 14.5.
GUILTLESS. Ex. 20. 7 ; Deut. 5.11, will not hold
him g. Josh. 2.19, we will be g. 2 Sam 3. 28, are g. of blood.
Mat. 12.7, ye would not have condemned g. See Num. 5. 31; 1 Sam. 26. 9 ; 1 Kings 2. 9.
GUILTY. Gen. 42. 21, verily g. concerning our
Ex. 34. 7 ; Num. 14.18, by no means clear g. Lev. 5. 3, when he knoweth he shall be g. Rom. 3.19, all the world g. before God. 1 Cor 11. 27, g. of the body and blood. Jas. 2.11, he is g. of all.
See Num. 35.27 ; Prov. 30.10; Mat. 26. 66.
GULF. Lu.16.26.
GUSHED. 1 Kings 18, 28; Ps. 78. 20; 105. 41; Jer. 9.18.
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