


(⇒The Figures indicate the Numbers of the Hymns.)

A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z

Absence from the assembly of the saints, 1013.
Activities of Christian Life, 951-976.
Adoption—see Spirit of Adoption.
Advent, first, of Christ—see Christ.
Advent, second, 1099-1105.
Affliction, sympathy with, 1029.
Afflictions, 993-1032.
Blessings, 910, 1031.
Comfort in, 154, 156, 439, 509, 802, 914, 1028, 1228.
Age—see Youth and Age.
Aged, Hymns for, 1203, 1229.
Death of, 1079.
Angels—Attendants of Christ, 255, 259.
Song of, 119-121, 123, 126, 132, 134, 135, 137-140.
Anniversary Hymn, 1253.
Ascension—see Christ.
Ashamed of Jesus, 355, 373, 381.
Aspirations, 806-844.
After fellowship with God, 612, 683, 688, 697, 704, 716, 764, 823, 834, 839, 853, 856, 859, 862, 887, 899, 928, 943, 979, 980, 987-989, 1032.
After Love to Christ, 505, 804, 807, 811, 813, 814, 891.
After Heaven, 806, 810, 812, 817, 819-822, 824-833, 836, 841, 843, 844, 873, 888, 917, 930-933, 1068, 1099, 1121.
After progress in Christian experience, 816, 818, 835, 864, 881, 896, 915, 990.
After the joys of Worship, 858, 924, 1013, 1122.
Atonement—see Christ.
Backsliders—see Relapse and Recovery.
Gentleness toward, 490, 975.
Invitation to, 288, 296.
Returning, 868.
Baptism—Believers, 373-394.
Christ’s, 142, 377, 382, 384-387, 389.
Benediction, 750, 752.
Benevolence—see Sympathies and Activities.
Bible—see Holy Scriptures.
Birth-Day Hymn, 1174.
Brotherly Love—see Love.
Burial and Resurrection of Christ, 180-197.
Burial Hymn, 1093.
Business Meeting, 549.
Canaan, Heavenly, 428, 429, 431.
Child’s Prayer, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1219.
Christ—Advent, first, 117-140.
Advent, second, 1099-1105.
All-Sufficiency, 222-225, 237, 247, 257, 409, 791, 891, 918.
Ascension, 195-202.
Atonement, 212, 215, 216, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 252, 253, 258, 261, 263, 363, 390-392, 512, 533, 536, 538, 543, 546, 563, 564, 946
Baptism, 142, 377, 382, 384-387, 389.
Compassion, 153, 154, 156, 225, 999.
Condescension, 155, 638.
Coronation, 203-207.
Crucifixion, 168-179.
Divinity, 215, 217, 236, 239, 246, 659, 661-663.
Example, 143, 144, 146, 149, 150, 157, 160, 162, 164, 165, 376, 555, 961.
Intercession, 219, 940, 999.
King, 208-211, 213-215, 217, 218, 230, 243, 245, 246, 255, 256.
Life and Ministry, 141-156.
Mediatorial Reign, 208-265.
Miracles, 145, 151.
Mission, 124, 125, 129, 136, 639.
Poverty, 148.
Preciousness, 227, 244, 249-251, 262, 406, 412, 416, 440, 513, 518, 542, 634, 659, 778, 779, 787, 798, 1030.
Priest, 228, 233, 235, 242, 997, 999.
Prophet, Priest, and King, 226, 232.
Refuge, 261, 262, 264, 363, 400, 439, 543, 559, 678, 912, 938.
Resurrection, 180-194.
Sufferings, 157-167.
Way, 223, 248, 797.
Worthiness, 152, 656, 668, 670, 672, 927.
Afflictions, 446, 459.
Church—Constitution, 441-463.
Delight in, 447, 452, 454, 458, 460, 463, 491, 508, 585, 595, 680, 686, 714.
Deliverance of, 448.
Fellowship, 477-511.
Growth and Triumphs, 462, 591-610.
God’s dwelling, 684, 687, 690, 691.
Joining, 478, 482, 516, 522.
Ministry, 465-476.
Ordinances—see Lord’s Day, and Lord’s Supper.
Organization of one, 483, 487.
Permanency, 455, 464.
Closing Hymns, 715-759.
Communion—see Love, Unity and fellowship.
In Christ, 515, 585.
With Christ, 544, 685, 710, 978, 981.
With God, 561, 562, 566, 671, 765, 766, 855, 979, 983, 985, 1032.
Completeness in Christ, 408, 409, 412, 413, 425.
Confession—of sin, 864, 868, 871, 882, 926, 945.
Of unbelief, 869.
Of weakness, 872.
Conflicts—see Temptations and Conflicts.
Consecration to Christ, 371, 374-376, 378, 380-383, 387-391, 394, 398-401, 489.
Contentment, 67, 558, 779, 785, 787.
Contrition, 588, 864, 868, 871, 882—see, also, Relapse and Recovery.
Coronation—see Christ.
Creation, God in, 43-61.
Cross—Glorying in, 355, 373, 374, 381, 390-392, 512, 543, 545, 668.
Crucifixion—see Christ.
Dangers, 847, 872.
Day of Judgment, 1114-1118.
Deacons, 468, 475.
Death—of the aged, 1079.
Of Infants, 1040-1042, 1048, 1049, 1062, 1074.
Of Ministers, 1070, 1073, 1064.
Of a Missionary, 1083, 1095.
Of persons in the prime of life, 1073, 1082.
Sudden, 1070.
Of the young, 1058.
Dedication, 1300-1304.
Deliverances, 114, 692, 1000, 1009, 1014—see, also, xxSubmission and Deliverance.
Despondency, 890, 1033.
Dying—Hymns for the, 1034, 1043, 1045-1047, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1061, 1063, 1071, 1078, 1080, 1081, 1084, 1087, 1139, 1226.
Elders—Ordination of, 468, 469.
Evening Hymns, 1189, 1210.
Exhortation—to Faithfulness, 486, 496, 861, 866, 877, 879, 895, 896, 934.
To Forbearance and Gentleness, 490, 972, 975.
To look to Jesus, 790.
To Mourners, 1048.
To Perseverance, 883, 894.
To Pray.
To Trust, 880, 890.
To Watch and Pray, 870, 872.
Faith and Repentance, 336-370.
Faithfulness, 876, 894-896.
Family, 1170-1175—see, also, Morning and Evening.
Fasts, 1254-1265.
Fellowship—see Communion.
Final Judgment—see Day of Judgment.
Foretastes, 532, 544, 572, 613, 616, 617, 679, 719.
Forgiveness—see Remission of Sins.
Friends—Absent, 992.
Funeral Hymns—see Life and Death.
Future—see Present.
Gentleness, 975.
Gethsemane, 157, 159, 160, 162-167.
Glory of God—see God.
Glorying in the Cross—see Cross.
God—Being and Perfections, 24-42.
Compassion, 93-95, 1005.
Dominion, 28, 56, 57.
Eternity, 25, 44, 75.
Glory and Majesty, 36, 49, 55, 60, 80, 91, 102, 675.
Goodness, 34, 48, 52, 83, 96, 583, 609, 669.
Greatness, 24, 31, 38, 41, 45, 46, 49, 54, 59, 62, 71.
Holiness, 36, 56.
Immutability, 853.
Invisibility, 84, 983.
Justice, 85.
Love, 30, 42, 46, 49, 52, 61, 66, 86, 104, 107, 110, 113, 116, 147.
Mercy, 106-116.
Omnipotence, 43, 53, 82, 89.
Omnipresence, 27, 33, 50, 52, 67, 573, 636.
Omniscience, 32, 35, 40, 89.
Providence, 62-104, 763.
Unsearchableness, 79, 84, 90.
Wisdom, 26, 37, 69, 105, 112.
Word of—see Holy Scriptures.
Works, 43-61.
Gospel—Conditions, 336-394.
Invitations, 273, 276-335.
Power of, 268, 271.
Proclamation, 266-275.
Promises—see Remission of Sins, Spirit of Adoption, and Hope of Eternal Life.
Grace, 403, 405.
Gratitude, 634-673.
Harvest—see Seed-time.
Heart-Searchings, 1114.
Heaven, 1119-1169.
Holy Scriptures, 1-23.
Holy Spirit—see Spirit of Adoption.
Home, 1170-1229.
Hope of Eternal Life, 426-440.
Humiliation—see Fasts.
Humility, 588.
Immanuel—see Christ’s Divinity.
Infants—Death of, 1040, 1042, 1048, 1049, 1062, 1069, 1074.
Invitations—see Gospel.
Jesus—see Christ.
Joy—In Consecration, 398-400.
In Divine Support, 770, 792, 794, 915.
In fellowship with Christians, 508.
In fellowship with God, 765, 766.
In Hope, 793.
In Pardon, 402, 404, 407, 408.
In Submission, 777, 781, 802, 1023, 1026, 1027.
In Tribulation, 838, 1028.
Joys of earth—Transitory, 1035.
Kindness—see Sympathies and Activities, and Love, Unity and Fellowship.
Kingdom of Christ—see Mediatorial Reign.
Liberality in giving, 971.
Life and Death, 1034-1098.
Life—Brevity of, 1045, 1052, 1055, 1078, 1081.
Looking to Jesus, 790.
Longing for the courts of the Lord, 686, 688.
Lord’s Day, 611-694, 699.
Evening of, 615.
Morning, early, 623.
Lord’s Prayer, 580.
Lord’s Supper, 512-546.
Love—for Christ—see Aspirations.
For Christians, 477-511.
For God see—Aspirations.
For Man, 972.
Of Christ—see Christ.
Of Christians, 477-511.
Of God—see God.
Love, Unity and Fellowship, 477-511.
Majesty of God—see God.
Man—Dignity of, redeemed, 109, 413.
Frailty and Mortality, 1035, 1045, 1052, 1055, 1089, 1098.
Marriage, 1297-1299.
Mediatorial Reign, 208-265.
Meditation, 562.
Mercy-Seat, 547, 551, 564.
Ministers—Death of, 1064, 1073.
Ministry—see Church.
Missionaries—see Church.
Death of, 1083, 1095.
Farewell of, 1281, 1283.
Missionary Assemblies, 1267-1287—see, also, Church, and Gospel.
Morning Hymns, 1176-1188.
National Hymns—see Thanksgiving, and Fasts.
Nativity—see Christ, Advent of.
Nature—God seen in, 43-59.
And Revelation—see Holy Scriptures.
New Life, 760-1033.
New Year, 1239-1244.
Night—see Evening Hymns.
Officers of the Church, 465-476.
Old Age, 1203, 1226, 1227, 1229.
Old and New Year, 1239-1244.
Omnipotence—see God.
Omnipresence—see God.
Omniscience—see God.
Opening Hymns, 674-714.
Oppression deprecated, 972, 1259, 1262.
Ordinances—see Baptism, Lord’s Day, and Lord’s Supper.
Ordination, 468, 469.
Orphans, 962, 963, 968.
Pardon—see Remission of Sins.
Parting, 430, 484, 485, 500, 502, 507.
At close of Service, 720, 721, 724, 732, 739, 754-756.
After Lord’s Supper, 530.
With Missionaries, 465, 466, 470, 471.
Party spirit deprecated, 497, 501, 511.
Passover—Christ the true, 546.
Pastors—see Church Ministry.
Patience, 901, 931.
Peace and War, 951, 965, 973, 974, 1247, 1258, 1260.
Peace—among Christians, 497, 499.
In trouble, 414, 423, 1020.
Of God, 760.
Salutation of, 750.
Perseverance, 883-885, 894-896.
Pestilence, 1261.
Philanthropy, 972—see, also, Sympathies and Activities.
Pity for the erring, 975.
Poor—see Sympathies and Activities.
Praise—see Gratitude, and Thanksgiving.
Calls to, 24, 29, 58, 101, 102, 650, 654, 673, 674, 681, 682, 700-702, 743, 927.
Due from Man, 47, 48.
From his works, 51-55.
For benefits, 644, 650-652, 692, 736, 893, 922, 1225, 1230-1239, 1243.
For Deliverances, 912, 1014, 1020, 1292.
For Redemption, 643, 646, 648, 649, 927.
Prayer at night, 1209, 1210.
Prayer—a child’s, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1219.
For Contentment, 558, 775.
For Deliverance, 857, 1001, 1016, 1017, 1022, 1024.
For entire conformity to the will of God, 896, 915, 952, 990.
For Guidance, 115, 572, 575, 587, 590, 730, 744, 773, 805, 809, 842, 876, 1175, 1244.
For God’s remembrance, 862, 1024.
For Laborers, 473.
For Strength, 584, 589, 872, 877.
For Submissiveness, 913, 918, 920, 921.
For support in Death, 1080, 1087.
For Teachableness, 683, 780.
Prayer—Hour of, 550, 561, 581, 679, 712.
In anguish, 925, 1002, 1012, 1087.
In Old Age, 1229.
Invitation to, 569, 570, 574, 586.
Lord’s, paraphrased, 580.
Secret—see Private Devotions.
Prayer and Social Meetings, 547-590.
Opening of, 568, 576.
Preaching—see Proclamation.
Present and Future, 1034-1169.
Private Devotions, 977-992.
Proclamation of the Gospel, 266-275.
Procrastination deprecated, 276, 277, 279, 280, 282, 284, 297, 298, 302, 306, 311, 322, 323, 334, 970.
Prodigals returning, 364, 367, 368, 868.
Providence—see God.
Public Worship, 611-759.
Punishment of Wicked—see Final Judgment.
Reception of Members—see Love, Unity and Fellowship.
Recovery from Sickness, 1009, 1014, 1027.
Redemption—God in, 105-116—see Christ.
Relapse and Recovery, 939-950.
Remission of Sins, 395-408.
Repentance—see Faith.
Resurrection—of Christ, 180-197.
Of the Just and Unjust, 1109, 1113—see, also, Second Advent.
Resignation—see Submission.
Retirement, 562, 577—see, also, Private Devotions.
Retrospection, 871, 882, 903, 943, 944, 1156, 1203, 1204.
Reunion, 705.
Scriptures see Holy Scriptures.
Sea, 1288-1296.
Seasons—see Times and Seasons.
Seed-time and Harvest, 1230-1238.
Self-dedication—see Consecration.
Self examination, 981.
Sickness, 1000, 1008, 1009, 1014, 1027, 1029.
Sin—see Remission.
Sons of God—see Spirit of Adoption.
Spirit of Adoption, 409-425.
Spiritual Blessing, 492.
Spiritual Life, 486.
Stewardship, 876.
Storm, 82, 87, 1289, 1292.
Strangers and Pilgrims, 498.
Strife deprecated, 499.
Submission, 68, 81, 560, 771, 777, 799, 803, 980, 998, 1011, 1023.
Submission and Deliverance, 898-938.
Supplication, 578, 1012, 1017, 1024.
Surrender to Christ, 359, 360, 364, 365, 368.
Sympathies and Activities, 951-976.
Temptations and Conflicts, 845-897.
Thanksgiving, 1245-1253.
Times and Seasons, 1230-1304.
Trials—see Afflictions.
Trust, 65, 66, 70, 74, 87-89, 100, 103, 104, 414, 582.
Trust and Joy, 706-805.
Unbelief deplored, 869.
Unity of Christians, 707, 723—see, also, Love, Unity and Fellowship.
Vanity of earthly Ambitions, 874, 893, 950, 1044, 1098.
Vigilance, 848, 860, 861, 863, 866, 875, 884.
Waiting on God, 508, 566, 567, 708, 765.
Waiting to go home, 931, 1226.
War—see Peace.
Warfare—Christian, 427, 557, 845-897.
Warnings—see Gospel Invitations.
Watching with the sick, 1029.
Watchfulness—see Vigilance.
Winter of the Soul, 1033.
Wisdom of God—see God.
Word of God—Abused, 8.
Precious, 20, 22, 23.
Source of Knowledge, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18.
Source of Strength and Comfort, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21.
Spread of, 6.
Superior to Nature, 1-3, 19.
World Renounced, 447, 791, 808, 813, 893, 923.
Worship, Family, 1170-1210.
Worship—Private, 977-992.
Public, 611-759.
Social, 547-590.
Wrath of God—see Final Judgment.
Year—Old and New, 1239-1244.
Youth and Age, 1211-1229.
Youth—Death of, 1058,
Invited, 325.
Warned, 1215.
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