Greatest of beings, source of life; Sovereign of air, and earth, and sea! All nature feels thy pow’r, and all A silent homage pay to thee. | 2 Waked by thy hand, the morning sun Pours forth to thee its earlier rays, And spreads thy glories as it climbs; While raptured worlds look up and praise. | 3 The moon, to the deep shades of night, Speaks the mild luster of thy name; While all the stars, that cheer the scene, Thee, the great Lord of light, proclaim. | 4 And groves and vales, and rocks and hills, And every flower, and every tree, Ten thousand creatures, warm with life, Have each a grateful song for thee. | 5 But man was formed to rise to heaven; And, blest with reason’s clearer light, He views his Maker through his works, And glows with rapture at the sight. | 6 Nor can the thousand songs that rise, Whether from air, or earth, or sea, So well repeat Jehovah’s praise, Or raise such sacred harmony. | |