Let others boast their ancient line, In long succession great; In the proud list let heroes shine, And monarchs swell the state, Descended from the King of kings, Each saint a nobler title sings. | 2 Pronounce me, gracious God, thy son, Own me an heir divine; I’ll pity princes on the throne, When I can call thee mine: Scepters and crowns unenvied rise, And lose their luster in my eyes. | 3 Content, obscure, I pass my days, To all I meet unknown, And wait till thou thy child shalt raise, And seat me near thy throne: No name, no honors here I crave, Well pleased with those beyond the grave. | 4 Jesus, my elder brother, lives; With him I, too, shall reign; Nor sin, nor death, while he survives, Shall make the promise vain; In him my title stands secure, And shall while endless years endure. | 5 When he, in robes divinely bright, Shall once again appear, Thou, too, my soul, shalt shine in light, And his full image bear: Enough!—I wait th’ appointed day— Blessed Saviour, haste, and come away! | |