Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; From realm to realm the notes shall sound, And heaven’s exulting sons rejoice To bear the full hosanna round. | 2 When, starting from the shades of night, Obedient, Lord, to thy behest, The sun arrayed his limbs in light And earth her virgin beauty drest; | 3 Thy praise transported nature sung In pealing chorus loud and far; The echoing vault with rapture rung, And shouted every morning star. | 4 When bending from his native sky, The Lord of life in mercy came, And laid his bright effulgence by, To bear on earth a human name; | 5 The song, by cherub voices raised, Rolled through the dark blue depths above, And Israel’s shepherds heard amazed The seraph notes of peace and love. | And shall not man the concert join, For whom this bright creation rose— For whom the fires of morning shine And eve’s still lamps, that woo repose? | 2 And shall not he the chorus swell, Whose form the incarnate Godhead wore, Whose guilt, whose fears, whose triumph tell How deep the wounds his Saviour bore? | 3 Long as yon glittering arch shall bend, Long as yon orbs in glory roll, Long as the streams of life descend To cheer with hope the fainting soul, | 4 Thy praise shall fill each grateful voice, Shall bid the song of rapture sound; And heaven’s exulting sons rejoice To bear the full hosanna round. | |