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KEEP. Gen. 18. 19, they shall lc. the way of the


Num. 6.24, the Lord bless thee and k. thee. 1 Sam. 2. 9, he will lc. feet of his saints. 25.34, the Lord God hath k. me back from hurting thee. Ps. 17.8, k. me as the apple of the eye. 34.13, k. thy tongue from evil. 91.11, angels charge to k. thee in all thy ways. 121.3, he that k. thee will not slumber. 127.1, except the Lord k. the city. 141.3, k. the door of my lips. Prov. 4.6, love wisdom, she shall k. thee. 21, k. my sayings in midst of thine heart. 23, k. thy heart with all diligence. 6. 20, my son, k. thy father's commandment, Eccl. 3.6, a time to k. 5.1, k. thy foot when thou goest. 12.13, fear God and A*, his commandments.

Isa. 26.3, thou wilt k. him in perfect peace. 27.3, 1 the Lord do lc. it, I will k. it. Jer. 3.5,12, will he k. his anger. Hab. 2.20, let the earth k. silence. Mai. 3.14, what profit that we have k. Mat. 19.17, if thou wilt enter life k. the commandments. Lu. 11.28, blessed are they that lc. 19.43, enemies shall k. thee in. John 8.51,52, k. my sayings. 12.25, he that hateth his life shall k. it. 14. 23, if a man love me he will k. my words. 17.11, holy Father, k. through thine. 15,  that thou shouldest k. them from the evil. Acts 16.4, delivered the decrees to k. 21.25, lc. from things offered to idols. 1 Cor. 5.8, let us lc. the feast. 9.27, I k. under my body. Eph. 4. 3, k. the unity of the Spirit. Phil. 4. 7, the peace of God shall A your hearts. 1 Tim. 5.22, A*, thyself pure. 6.20, k. that which is committed. Jas. 1. 27, A", himself unspotted. 1 John 5.21, k. yourselves from idols. Jude 21, k. yourselves in the love of God, 24, able to k. you from falling.

Rev. 3.10, I will k. thee from hour of temptation, 22.9, which k. the sayings of this book.

See 1 Pet. 1. 5; 4.19; Jude 6; Rev. 3. 8.

KEEPER. Ps. 121.5, the Lord is thy k.

Eccl. 12.3, the k. of the house tremble.

Cant. 1. 6, they made me k. of the vineyards.

Tit. 2.5, chaste, k. at home.

See Gen. 4. 2, 9; Mat. 28. 4; Acts 5. 23; 16. 27.

KEY. Mat. 16.19, the k. of kingdom of heaven.

Lu. 11.52, ye have taken away k. of knowledge.

Rev. 1.18, the k. of hell and of death.

See Isa. 22.22 ; Rev. 3.7 ; 9.1.

KICK. Deut. 32.15; 1 Sam. 2.29; Acts 9.5.

KILI.. Num. 16.13, to k. us in the wilderness. 2 Kings 5.7, am I a God to k. 7.4, if they k. us, we shall but die. Eccl. 3.3, a time to k. Mat, 10. 28; Lu. 12. 4, fear not them that lc. the


Mk. 3.4, is it lawful to save life, or to k. John 5.18, Jews sought the more to k. him. 7.19, why go ye about to k. me ? 8.22, will he A-. himself? Rom. 8. 36, for thy sake we are k. all the day. 2 Cor. 3. 6, the letter k. 6.9, chastened and not k. Jas. 4.2, ye k. and desire to have. 5.6, ye condemned and k. the just. See Mat. 23. 37 ; Mk. 12.5; Lu. 22. 2.

KIND. 2 Chron. 10. 7, if thou be k. to this people. Mat. 17.21; Mk. 9. 29, this k. goeth not out. Lu. 6.35, A", to unthankful and evil. 1 Cor 13.4, charity suffereth long, and is k. See Mat. 13. 47 ; Eph. 4.32; Jas. 3. 7.

KINDLE. Ps. 2.12, his wrath is lc. but a little. Prov. 26.21, a contentious man to A strife. Isa. 50.11, walk in sparks that ye have k. Hos. 11.8, my repentings are A-. together. Lu. 12.49, what will I, if it be already A-. Jas. 3.5, how great a matter a little fire lc. See Job 19.11; 32.2 ; Ezek. 20. 48.

KINDLY. Gen. 24.49; 50. 21; Ruth 1.8; Rom. 12. 10.

KINDNESS. Ruth 3.10, thou hast showed more k. 2 Sam 2.6, I will requite you this k. 9.1, 7, show him k. for Jonathan's sake. Ps. 17. 7 ; 92.2, thy marvellous loving-A 36. 7, how excellent is thy loving-ifc. 63. 3, thy loving-A is better than life. 117. 2; 119.76, his merciful lc. 141. 5, righteous smite me, it shall be a lc. Prov. 31.26, in her tongue is the law of k. Isa. 54.8, with everlasting k. 210


Jer. 2.2, I remember the Jc. of thy youth. 31.3, with loving-ft. have I drawn thee. Col. 3.12, put on k., meekness. 2 Pet. 1.7, to godliness, brotherly Jc. See Josh. 2.12; Neh. 9.17 ; Joel 2.13; Jonah 4.2.

KINDRED. Acts 3.25; Rev. 1.7 ; 5.9; 7.9.

KING. Num. 23. 21, the shout of a k. is among


Judg. 9.8, the trees went to anoint a Jc. 17.6, no k. in Israel. 1 Sam. 8.5, now make us a k. 19,  we will have a k. 10.24; 2 Sam. 16.16, God save the Jc. Job 18.14, bring him to the k. of terrors. 34.18, is it fit to say to the k. Ps. 5.2; 84.3, my K. and my God. 10.16, the Lord is K. for ever. 20. 9, let the Jc. hear us when we call. 74.12, God is my K of old. 102.15, the Jc. of the earth shall fear. Prov. 8.15, by me k. reign. 22. 29, the diligent shall stand before Jc. 31. 3, that which destroyeth Jc. 4, it is not for k. to drink wine. Eccl. 2.12, what can the man do that cometh after the 7s. ? 10.16,  woe to thee when thy k. is a child. 20, curse not the k.

Isa. 32.1, a k. shall reign in righteousness. 33.17,  see the k. in his beauty. 49.23, k. shall be thy nursing fathers. Jer. 10.10, the Lord is an everlasting Jc. Mat. 22.11, when the k. came in to see the guests. Lu. 19. 38, blessed be the K. that cometh. 23.2, that he himself is Christ a k. John 6.15, by force to make him a Jc. 19.14, behold your K. 15, we have no k. but Caesar. 1 Tim. 1.17, now to the K. eternal. 6.15, the K. of Jc. and Lord of lords. Rev. 1. 6; 5.10, made us k. and priests unto God. 15. 3, thou K. of saints. See Lu. 10. 24; 1 Tim. 2.2; 1 Pet. 2.17.

KINGDOM. Ex. 19.6, a k. of priests. 1 Chron. 29.11: Mat. 6.13, thine is the k. Ps. 22. 28, the k. is the Lord's. 103.19, his k. ruleth over all. 145.12, the glorious majesty of his Jc. Isa. 14.16, is this the man that did shake k. Dan. 4.3, his k. is an everlasting k. Mat. 4. 23; 9. 35; 24.14, gospel of the k. 8.12, children of the Jc. cast out. 12. 25; Mk. 3. 24; Lu. 11.17, k. divided against itself. 13.38, good seed are children of the k. 25. 34, inherit the k. Lu. 12.32, Father's good pleasure to give Jc. 22. 29, I appoint unto you a k. John 18. 36, my k. is not of this world. Acts 1.6, wilt thou restore the k. to Israel. 1 Cor 15. 24, when he shall have delivered up the k

Col. 1.13, into the k. of his dear Son. 2 Tim. 4.18, to his heavenly k.

Jas. 2. 5, heirs of the k. he hath promised. 2 Pet. 1.11, entrance into everlasting k.

See Rev. 1. 9; 11.15; 16.10; 17.17.

KISS. Ps. 85.10; Prov. 27.6; Lu. 7.38; Rom. 16.16.

KNEW. Gen. 28.16, the Lord is in this place, and I k. it not.

Jer. 1.5, before I formed thee I k. thee.

Mat. 7.23, I never Jc. you, depart.

John 4.10, if thou k. the gift of God. 2 Cor. 5.21, who k. no sin.

See Gen. 3.7 ; Deut. 34.10; John 1.10; Rom. 1. 21.

KNOW. 1 Sam. 3. 7, Samuel did not yet k. the Lord. 1 Chron. 28.9, k. thou the God of thy father.

Job 5. 27, k. thou it for thy good. 8. 9, we are of yesterday and k. nothing.

Job 13. 23, make me to k. my transgression. 19. 25, I Jc. that my redeemer liveth. 22.13 ; Ps. 73.11, how doth God Jc. Ps. 39. 4, make me to k. mine end. 46.10,  be still, and k. that I am God. 56. 9, this I k. for God is for me. 103.14, he k. our frame. 139. 23, k. my heart. Eccl. 9.5, the living k. they shall die. 11.9, k. that for all these things. Isa. 1. 3, the ox Jc. his owner. Jer. 17.9, heart is deceitful, who can k. it. 31.34; Heb. 8.11,Jc. the Lord, for all shall k. me. Ezek. 2.5; 33.33, 7c. there hath been a prophet. Hos. 2.20, thou shalt k. the Lord. 7. 9, yet he k. it not. Mat. 6. 3, let not thy left hand Jc. 13.11; Mk. 4.11; Lu. 8.10, given to you to 7,-. 25.12, I k. you not.

Mk. 1.24; Lu. 4.34, I Jc. thee, who thou art, Lu. 19.42, if thou hadst k. 22. 57, 60, I k. him not. John 7.17, he shall Jc. of the doctrine. 10.14, I k. my sheep and am A-. of mine. 13. 7, k. not now, but shalt Jc. 17, if ye k. these things. 35, by this shall all men Jc. Acts 1. 7, it is not for you to k. Rom. 8.28, we k. that all things work. 1 Cor 2.14, neither can he k. them. 13.9,12, we Jc. in part.

Eph. 3.19, and to k. the love of Christ. 2 Tim. 1.12, I k. whom I have believed. 3.15, thou hast k. the scriptures. 1 John 2. 4, he that saith, 1 Jc. him. 3.2, we k. tbat when he shall appear. Rev. 2.2,9,13,19 ; 3.1, 8, I k. thy works. See Mat. 6.8; 2 Tim. 2.19; 2 Pet. 2.9 ; Rev. 2.17.

KNOWLEDGE. 2 Chron. 1.10,11,12, give me k, Job 21.14, we desire not Jc. of thy ways. Ps. 94.10, he that teacheth man k. 139.6, such k. is too wonderful. 144.3, that thou takest k. of him. Prov. 10.14, wise men lay up k. 14.6, Jc. is easy to him that understandeth. 17. 27, he that hath k. spareth words. 24. 5, a man of k. increaseth strength. 30. 3, nor have the k. of the holy. Eccl. 1.18, increaseth k. increaseth sorrow. 9.10, nor k. in the grave. Isa. 11.2, the spirit of k. 40.14, who taught him k. 53.11,  by his k. justify many. Dan. 1.17, God gave them k. 12. 4, k. shall be increased. Hos. 4.6, destroyed for lack of k. Hab. 2.14, earth shall be filled with the k. Lu. 11.52, taken away key of Jc. Acts 4.13, took k. of them. 24.22,  more perfect k. of that way. Rom. 10.2, zeal not according to k. 1 Cor. 8.1, k. puffeth up. 13.8, Jc. shall vanish away. 15.34, some have not the k. of God. Eph. 3.19, love of Christ which passeth k. Phil. 3.8, but loss for the Jc. of Christ. Col. 2. 3, treasures of wisdom and k. 1 Tim. 2.4; 2 Tim. 3. 7, the k. of the truth. Heb. 10.26, sin after we have received k. 2 Pet 1. 5, 6, to virtue k. and to Jc. temperance. 3.18, grow in grace and Jc.

See Gen. 2.9; 1 Sam. 2.3; Prov. 19.2; Hos. 4.1.

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