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EACH. Isa. 57.2, e. one walking in his uprightness.

Ezek. 4. 6, e. day for a year.

Acts 2. 3, cloven tongues sat on e.

Phil. 2. 3, let e. esteem other.

See Ex. 18.7; Ps. 85.10; 2 Thess. 1. 3.

EAGLE. Ex. 19.4, how I bare you on e. wings. 2 Sam 1.23, were swifter than e. Ps. 103. 5, youth renewed like e.

Isa. 40. 31, mount up with wings as e.

Mat. 24. 28; Lu. 17.37, e. be gathered.

See Dan. 4. 33; Obad. 4; Rev. 4.7 ; 12.14.

EAR.{v. Ex. 34. 21; Deut. 21.4; 1 Sam. 8.12.

EARLY. Ps. 46. 5, and that right e. 63.1, e. will I seek thee. 90.14,  satisfy us e. with thy mercy. Prov. 1. 28; 8.17, seek me e. shall find me. Cant. 7.12, get up e. to vineyards.

Hos. 6.4; 13. 3, as e. dew. Jas. 5.7, the e. and latter rain. See Judg. 7. 3; Lu. 24. 22; John 20.1.

EARNEST. Job 7.2, as servant e. desireth shadow. Jer. 31. 20, I do e. remember him still. Mic. 7. 3, do evil with both hands e. Lu. 22.44, in agony he prayed more e. Rom. 8.19, e. expectation of the creature. 1 Cor 12. 31, covet e. best gifts. 2 Cor 1. 22; 5. 5> the e. of the Spirit. 5. 2, e. desiring to be clothed.

Eph. 1.14, the e. of our inheritance. Phil. 1. 20, to my e. expectation and hope. Jude 3, e. contend for the faith. See Acts 3.12 ; Heb. 2.1; Jas. 5.17.

EARNETH. Hag. 1.6.

EARS. Ex. 10.2, tell it in e. of thy son. 1 Sam. 3.11; 2 Kings 21.12; Jer. 19. 3, at which

e. shall tingle.

Neh. 1. 6, let thine e. be attentive. Job 12.11; 34. 3, doth not e. try words. 15. 21, dreadful sound is in his e. 28. 22, heard fame with our e. 29.11,  when the e. heard me, it blessed me. 42. 5, heard of thee by hearing of the e.

Ps. 18. 6, my cry came even into his e. 34.15,  his e. are open unto their cry. 58.4, like deaf adder that stoppeth her e. 94. 9, he that planted e. shall he not hear. 115. 6 ; 135.17, they have e. but hear not.

Prov. 17.4, liar giveth e. to naughty tongue. 18.15,  e. of wise seeketh knowledge. 20.12, hearing e., seeing eye, Lord made. 21.13,  stoppeth e. at cry of the poor. 23. 9, speak not in e. of a fool. 25.12, wise reprover on obedient e. 26.17, one that taketh dog by the e. Eccl. 1. 8, nor his e. filled with hearing. Isa. 6.10; Mat, 13.15; Acts 28. 27, make e. heavy. 48. 8, from that time thine e. not opened. 59.1, nor his e. heavy that it cannot. Jer. 9.20, let your e. receive word of the Lord. Amos 3.12, out of mouth of lion piece of an e. Mat. 10. 27, what ye hear in e. preach. 13.16,  blessed are your e. 26. 51; Mk. 14.47, smote off e. Ilk. 7. 33, put his fingers into e. 8.18, having e. hear ye not. Acts 7. 51, uncircumcised in heart and e. 17. 20, strange things to our e. 1 Cor 2. 9, nor e. heard. 12.16, if e. say, because I am not the e5re. 2 Tim. 4. 3, having itching e.

Jas. 5.4, entered into e. of the Lord. 1 Pet. 3.12, his e. are open to prayer. See Mat. 11.15 ; Mk. 4. 9; Rev. 2. 7.

EARS.{of corn). Deut. 23. 25; Mat. 12.1.

EARTH. Gen. 8. 22, while e. remaineth. 10. 25, in his days was e. divided. 18. 25, shall not Judge of all the e. Num. 14. 21, all e. filled with glory. 16. 30, if the e. open her mouth. Deut. 32.1, O e., hear the wTords of my mouth. Josh. 3.11; Zech. 6. 5, Lord of all the e. 23.14, going way of all the e. 1 Kings 8. 27; 2 Chron. 6.18, will God dwell on the e. 2 Kings 5.17, two mules' burden of e. Job 7.1, appointed time to man on e. 9. 24, e. given into hand of wicked. 19. 25, stand at latter day upon e. 26. 7, hangeth e. tfpon nothing. 38.4, when I laid foundations of the e. 41. 33, on e. there is not his like. Ps. 2. 8, uttermost parts of e. 8.1, excellent is thy name in e. 16. 3, to saints that are in the e. 25.13,  his seed shall inherit the e. 33. 5, the e. is full of the goodness. 34.16, cut off remembrance from the e. 37. 9; 11. 22, wait on Lord shall inherit e. 41. 2, shall be blessed upon the e. 46. 2, not fear though e. be removed. 6, uttered voice, he e. melted. 8,  desolations made in the e. 10.  will be exalted in the e. 47. 9, shields of the e. belong to God. 48. 2, joy of the whole e. 50.4, call to e. that he may judge. 57. 5; 108. 5, glory above all the e. 58.11, a God that judgeth in the e. 60. 2, made the e. to tremble. 63. 9, lower parts of the e. 65. 8, dwell in uttermost parts of e. 9,  visitest e. and waterest it. 67. 6; Ezek. 34. 27, e. yield increase. 68. 8, e. shook, heavens dropped. 71. 20, bring me up from depths of the e. 72. 6, showers that water the e. 16, handful of corn in the e. 73. 9, tongue walketh through e. 25,  none on e. I desire beside thee. 75. 3 ; Isa. 24.19, e. dissolved. 83.18; 97. 9, most high over all e. 90. 2, or ever thou hadst formed the e. 97.1, Lord reigneth, let e. rejoice. 99.1, Lord reigneth, let e. be moved. 102.25 ; 104.5; Prov. 8.29; Isa. 48.13, laid foundation of e. 104.13, the e. is satisfied. 24.  the e. is full of thy riches. 112. 2, seed mighty upon e. 115.16, e. given to children of men. 119.19, stranger in the e. 64,  the e. full of thy mercy. 90, established the e., it abideth. 146.4, he returneth to the e. 147. 8, prepareth rain for the e. 148.13, glory above e. and heaven. Prov. 3.19 ; Isa. 24.1, Lord founded the e. 8. 23, set up from everlasting, or ever e. was. 26,  he had not yet made e., nor fields. 11. 31, righteous recompensed in e. 25. 3, the e. for depth. 30.14,  teeth as knives to devour poor from e. 16, the e. not filled with water. 21, for three things e. is disquieted, 24, four things little upon e. Eccl. 1.4, the e. abideth for ever. 3. 21, spirit of beast goeth to e. 5. 9, profit of the e. for all. 12.7, dust return to e. Isa. 4.2, fruit of e. excellent. 11. 9. e. full of knowledge of the Lord. 13.13, e. shall remove out of her place. 14.16, is this the man that made e. tremble. 26. 9, when thy judgments are in the e. 21, e. shall disclose her blood. 229


Isa. 34.1, let the e. hear. 40. 22, sitteth on circle of the e. 28, Creator of ends of e. fainteth not. 44. 24, spreadeth abroad e. by myself. 45.22, be saved, all ends of the e. 49.13, be joyful, e. 51. 6, the e. shall wax old. 66.1, the e. is my footstool. 8, shall e. bring forth in one day. Jer. 15.10, man of contention to whole e. 22. 29; Mic. 1. 2, e., e., c, hear word of Lord. 31. 22, hath created new thing in e. 51.15, made the e. by his power. Ezek. 9. 9, the Lord hath forsaken the c. 43. 2, the e. shined with his glory. Hos. 2. 22, the e. shall hear the corn. Amos 3. 5, bird fall in snare on e. 8. 9, darken e. in the clear day. 9. 9, least grain fall upon the e. Jonah 2. 6, e. with bars about me.

Mic. 6. 2, ye strong foundations of the e. 7. 2, good man perished out of the e. 17,  move like worms of the e.

Nah. 1. 5, e. burnt up at his presence. Hab. 2.14, e. filled with knowledge. 3. 3, the e. full of his praise. Hag. 1.10, e. stayed from her fruit. Zech. 4.10, eyes of Lord run through e. Mai. 4. 6, lest 1 smite e. with a curse. Mat. 5. 5, meek shall inherit e. 35, swear not by the e. 6.19, treasures upon e. 9. 6; Mk. 2.10; Lu. 5. 24, power on e. to forgive. Mat. 10.34, to send peace on e. 13.5; Mk. 4.5, not much e. 16.19; 18.18, shalt bind on e. 18.19, shall agree on e. 23.9, call no man father on e. 25.18, 25, digged in the e. Mk. 4.28, e. bringeth forth fruit of herself. 31, less than all seeds in the e. 9.3,  no fuller on e. can white. Lu. 2.14, on e. peace. 23.44, darkness over all e. John 3.12, I have told you e. things. 31, of e. is e. and speaketh of the e. 12.32, lifted up from the e. 17.4, I have glorified thee on the e. Acts 8.33, life taken from the e. 9.4, 8; 26.14, Saul fell to the e. 22.22, away with such a fellow from e. Rom. 10.18, sound went into all e. 1 Cor 15.47, first man is of the c, e. 48,  as is the e. such are they that are «. 49,  the image of the e. 2 Cor 4.7, treasure in e. vessels. Col. 3.2, affection not on things on e. Phil. 3.19, who mind e. things. Heb. 6.7, e. drinketh in the rain. 8.4,  if he were on e. 11.13, strangers on the e. 12.25, refused him that spake on e, 26, voice then shook the e. Jas. 3.15, this wisdom is e. 5.5,  lived in pleasure on e. 7, the precious fruit of the e. 18,  and the e. brought forth her fruit. 2 Pet. 3.10, the e. shall be burnt up. Rev. 5.10, we shall reign on the e. 7.3, hurt not the e. 18.1, e. lightened with his glory. 20.11, from whose face the e. lied. 21.1, a new e. See Ex. 9. 29; Job 12. 8; Ps. 24.1; Isa. 65.16.

EARTHQUAKE. 24.7. 1 Kings 19.11; Zech. 14. 5; Mat. 5.

EASE. Ex. 18. 22, so shall it be e. for thyself. Deut. 28.65, among nations find no e. Job 12.5, thought of him that is at e. 16. G, though I forbear, what am I e.

Job 21.23, dieth, being wholly at e, Ps. 25.13, his soul shall dwell at e. Isa. 32.9,11, women that are at e. Amos 6.1, woe to them that are at e. Mat. 9.5; Mk. 2.9; Lu. 5.23, is e. to say. 19.24; Mk. 10.25; Lu. 18.25, e. for camel. 1 Cor. 13.5, not e. provoked. Heb. 12.1, sin which doth so e. beset. See Jer. 46.27; Zech. 1.15; Lu. 12.19.

EAST. G en. 41.6; 23.27, blasted with e, wind. Ex. 10.13, Lord brought an e. wind. Job 1.3, greatest of all men of the e. 15.2, fill his belly with e. wind. 27.21, e. wind carrieth him away. 38.24,  scattereth e. wind on the earth. Ps. 48.7, breakest ships with e. wind. 75.6, promotion cometh not from e. 103.12, as far as e. from wrest. Isa. 27.8, stayeth rough wind in day of e. wind. Ezek. 19.12, the e. wind drieth up her fruit. Hos. 12.1, Ephraim followeth e. wind. 13.15,  though fruitful, an e. wind shall come. See Jonah 4.5,8; Mat. 2.1; 8.11; 24.27.

EASY. Prov. 14. 6; Mat, 11. 30; 1 Cor. 14. 9; Jas. 3.17.

EAT. Gen. 2.17, in day thou e. thou shalt die. 9.4; Lev. 19.26; Deut, 12.16, blood not e. 24.33,  not e. till I have told. 43. 32, Egyptians might not e. with Hebrews. Ex. 12.16, no work, save that man must e. 23.11, that the poor may e. 29.34,  shall not be e., because holy. Lev. 25.20, wThat shall we e. seventh year. Num. 13.32, a land that e. up inhabitants. Josh. 5.11,12, e. of old corn of the land. 1 Sam 14.30, if haply people had e. freely. 28.20,  had e. no bread all day. 22, e. that thou mayest have strength. 2 Sam 19.42, have we e. at all of king's cost. 1 Kings 19.5; Acts 10.13; 11.7, angel said, Arise and e. 2 Kings 4.43,44, they shall e. and leave thereof. 6.28, give thy son that we may e. him.

Neh. 5.2, corn, that we may e. and live. Job 3.24, my sighing cometh before I e. 5.5,  whose harvest the hungry e. up. 6.6,  e. without salt. 21.25,  another never e. with pleasure. 31.17, have e. my morsel alone.

Ps. 22. 26, meek shall e. and be satisfied. 69.9 ; John 2.17, zeal hath e. me up. 102.9, have e. ashes like bread. Prov. 1.31; Isa. 3.10, e. fruit of their own way. 13.25, e. to satisfying of soul. 18.21,  they that love it shall e. the fruit 23.1, sittest to e. with ruler. 24.13, e. honey, because it is good. 25.27, not good to e. much honey. Eccl. 2.25, who can e. more than I ? 4.5, fool e. his own flesh. 5.11, goods increase, they increased that e. 12, sleep be sweet whether he e. little or much. 17, all his days also he e. in darkness. 19; 6.2, not power to e. thereof. 10.16,  thy princes e. in the morning. 17, blessed when princes e. in due season. Isa. 4.1, we will e. our owrn bread. 7.15,22, butter and honey shall he e. 11.7 ; 65.25, lion e. straw like ox. 29.8, he e., awaketh, and is hungry. 51.8, wrorm shall e. them like wool. 55.1, come ye, buy and e.

2, e. ye that which is good. 10, give bread to the e. 65.13, my servants shall e., but ye shall be. Jer. 5.17, they shall e. up thine harvest, 15.16, words were found, and I did e. them. 24.2; 29.17, figs could not be e. 31.29; Ezek. 18.2, fathers have e. sour grapes. Ezek. 3.1,2,3, e. this roll.


Ezek. 4.10, e. by weight. Dan. 4.33, e. grass as oxen. Hos. 4.10; Mie. 6.14; Hag. 1.6, e. and not have enough. 10.13,  have e. the fruit of lies. Mie. 7.1, there is no cluster to e. Mat. 6.25; Lu. 12.22, what ye shall e. 9.11; Mk. 2.16; Lu. 15. 2, why e. with publicans. 12.1,  ears of corn and e. 4, e. shewbread, which was not lawful to e. 14.16; Mk. 6.37; Lu. 9.13, give ye them to e. 15.20, to e. with unwashen hands. 27 ; Mk. 7.28, dogs e. of crumbs. 32 ; Mk. 8.1, multitude have nothing to e. 24.49, to e. and drink with the drunken. Mk. 2.16, when they saw him e. with. 6.31, no leisure so much as to e. 11.14,  no man e. fruit of thee.

Lu. 5.33, but thy disciples e. and drink. 10.8, e. such things as are set before you. 12.19, take thine ease, e., drink. 13.26, we have e. and drunk in thy presence. 15.23, let us e. and be merry. 22.30, that ye may e. at my table. 24.43, he took it and did e. before them. John 4.31, Master, e. 32, meat to e. ye know not of. 6.26, because ye did e. of loaves. 52,  can this man give us his flesh to e. ? 53,  except ye e. the flesh.

Acts 2.46, did e. their meat with gladness. 9.9, Saul did neither e. nor drink. 11.3, thou didst e. with them. 23.14, will e. nothing until we have slain Paul. Bom. 14. 2, believeth he may e. all things; weak e. herbs. 6, e. to the Lord. 20,  who e, with offence. 21,  neither to c. flesh nor drink wine. 1 Cor 5.11, with such an one, no not to e. 8.7, e. it as a thing offered to idol. 8. neither if we e. are wre better. 13, I will e. no flesh while world. 9.4, have we not power to e. 10.3, all e. same spiritual meat. 27, e., asking no question. 31, whether ye e. or drink. 11.29, he that e. unworthily. 2 Thess 3.10, work not, neither should he e. Heb. 13.10, whereof they have no right to e. Rev. 2.7, e. of the tree of life. 17, will give to e. of hidden manna, 19.18, e. flesh of kings.

See Judg. 14.14; Prov. 31. 27 ; Isa. 1.19; 65.4.

EDGE. Prov. 5.4; Heb. 4.12 ; Eccl. 10.10.

EDIFY. Rom. 14.19, wherewith one may e. 15.2,  please his neighbour to e. 1 Cor 8.1, charity e. 14.3,  he that prophesieth speaketh to e. 4, e. himself, e. the church. 10.23, all things lawful, but e. not. Eph. 4.12, for e. of the body of Christ See 2 Cor. 10.8; 13.10; 1 Tim. 1.4.

EFFECT. Num. 30.8, make vow of none e. 2 Chron 7.11, Solomon prosperously e. all. Ps. 33.10, devices of the people of none e. Isa. 32.17, the e. of righteousness quietness. Mat, 15.6; Mk. 7.13, commandment of God of

none e. 1 Cor. 1.17, lest cross be of none e. Gal. 5.4, Christ is become of none e. See Rom. 3.3; 4.14; 9.6 ; Gal. 3.17.

EFFECTUAL. 1 Cor. 16. 9, a great door and e. is opened.

Eph.'3.7 ; 4.16, the e. working.

Jas. 5.16, e. prayer of righteous man.

See 2 Cor. 1.6; Gal. 2.8; 1 Thess. 2.13.

EFFEMINATE. 1 Cor. 6.9.

EGG. Job 6.6, taste in the white of an e.

Job 39.14, ostrich leaveth e. in earth. Lu. 11.12, if he ask an e. See Deut. 22.6; Isa. 10.14; 59.5; Jer. 17.11.

EITHER. Gen. 31.24, speak not e. good or bad. Eccl. 11.6, prosper, e. this or that. Mat. 6.24; Lu. 16.13, e. hate the one. John 19.18, on e. side one. Rev. 22.2, on e. side the river. See Deut. 17.3; 28.51; Isa, 7.11; Mat. 12. 33.

ELDER. ISam. 15. 30, honour me before e. of


Job 15.10, aged men much e. than thy father. 32.4, waited because they were e. than he. Prov. 31.23, husband known among e. Mat. 15.2; Mk. 7.3, tradition of the e. 1 Tim. 5.17, let e. that rule be worthy. Tit. 1.5, ordain e. in every city. Heb. 11.2, the e. obtained good report. Jas. 5.14, call for e. of the church. 1 Pet. 5.1, the e. I exhort, who am an e. 5, younger submit to the e. See John 8. 9 ; 1 Tim. 5. 2; 2 Johnl; 3 John 1.

ELECT. Isa. 42.1, mine e. in whom my soul de-lighteth. 45.4, mine e. I have called by name. 65.9, 22, mine e. shall inherit. Mat. 24.22; Mk.13.20, for e. sake days shortened. 24; Mk. 13.22, deceive very e. 31; Mk. 13.27, gather together his e. Lu. 18.7, avenge his own e. Rom. 8.33, to charge of God's e. Col. 3.12, put on as the e. of God. 1 Tim. 5.21, charge thee before e. angela. 1 Pet. 1.2, e. according to foreknowledge. 2.6, corner stone, e., precious.

JSee2Tim.2.10; Tit. 1.1; 1 Pet. 5.13; 2 John 13.

ELECTION. Rom. 9.11; 11.5; 1 Thess. 1.4; 2 Pet, 1.10.

ELEMENTS. Gal. 4.3, 9; 2 Pet. 3.10.

ELEVEN. Gen. 32.22, Jacob took his e. sons. 37.9, and e. stars made obeisance. Acts 1.26, he was numbered with the e. See Mat. 28.16; Mk. 16.14; Lu. 24.9.

ELOQUENT. Ex. 4.10; Isa. 3.3; Acts 18.24.

EMBOLDEN. Job 16.3; 1 Cor. 8.10.

EMBRACE. Job 24.8, e. rock for want of shelter. Eccl. 3.5, a time to e. Heb. 11.13, seen and e. promises. See Prov. 4.8; 5.20; Lam. 4.5; Acts 20.1.

EMBROIDER. Ex. 28.39 ; 35. 35; 38.23.

EMINENT. Ezek. 16.24, 31,39; 17.22.

EMPIRE. Esth.1.20.

EMPLOY. Deut. 20.19; 1 Chron. 9.3; Ezra 10.15;

Ezek. 39.14.

EMPTY. Gen. 31.42; Mk. 12. 3; Lu. L53; 20.10,

sent e, away.

Ex. 3.21, ye shall not go e. 23.15; 34. 20; Deut, 16.16, appear before me e. Deut. 15.13, not let him go away e. Job 22.9, thou hast sent widows away e. Eccl. 11.3, clouds e. themselves on the earth. Isa. 29.8, awaketh and his soul is e. Jer. 48.11, Moab e. from vessel to vessel. Nah. 2.2, the emptiers have e. them out. Mat. 12.44, come he flndeth it e. See 2 Sam. 1.22; 2 Kings 4.3; Hos. 10.1.

EMULATION. Rom. 11.14; Gal. 5.20.

ENABLED. 1 Tim. 1.12.

ENCAMP. Ps. 27. 3, though host e. against me. 34.7, angel of Lord e. round. See Num. 10.31; Job 19.12; Ps. 53.5.

ENCOUNTERED. Acts 17.18.

ENCOURAGE. Deut. 1.38; 3.28; 2 Sam. 11.25, e. him.

Ps. 64. 5, they e. themselves in an evil matter.

See 1 Sam. 30. 6; 2 Chron. 31. 4; 35. 2; Isa. 41.7.

END. Gen. 6.13, the e. of all flesh before me.

Ex. 23.16; Deut. 11.12, iu the e. of the year. 231


Num. 23.10, let my last e. be like his. Deut. 8.16, do thee good at thy latter e. 32.29, consider their latter e. Job 6.11, what is mine e. that I should prolong. 8.7; 42.12, thy latter e. shall increase. 16.3,  shall vain words have an e. 26.10, till day and night come to an e. Ps. 7.9, wickedness of wicked come to an e. 9.6,  destructions come to perpetual e. 37.37, the e. of that man is peace. 39.4,  make me to know my e. 73.17, then understood I their e. 102.27, the same, thy years have no e. 107.27, are at their wit's e. 119.96, an e. of all perfection. Prov. 14.12, the e. thereof are ways of death. 17.24, eyes of fool in e. of earth. 19.20, be wise in thy latter e. 25.8, lest thou know not wThat to do in e. Eccl.3.11, find out from beginning to the e. 4.8, no e. of all his labour. 16, no e. of all the people. 7.2,  that is the e. of all men. 8,  better the e. of a thing. 10.13, the e. of his talk is madness. 12.12, of making books there is no e. Isa. 9.7, of his government shall be no e. 46.10,  declaring e. from beginning. Jer. 5.31, what will ye do in e. thereof ? 8.20, harvest past, summer e. 17.11,  at his e. shall be a fool. 29.11, to give you an expected e. 31.17, there is hope in thine e.

Lam. 1.9, remembereth not her last e. 4.18; Ezek. 7.2, our e. is near, e. is come. Ezek. 21.25; 35.5, iniquity shall have an e. Dan. 8.17,19; 11.27, at the time of e. 11. 45, he shall come to his e. and none shall help him. 12.8, what shall be the e. 13,  go thy way till the e. be. Hab. 2.3, at the e. it shall speak.

Mat. 10.22; 24.13; Mk. 13.13, endureth to e. 13.39, harvest is e. of the world. 24.3,  what si°:n of the e. of the world. 6; Mk. 13. 7 ; Lu. 21.9, the e. is not yet. 14,  then shall the e. come. 31, gather from one e. of heaven. 26.58, Peter sat to see the e. 28.20, I am with you, even unto the e. Mk. 3.26, cannot stand, but hath an e. I.u. 1.33, of his kingdom there shall be no e. 22.37, things concerning me have an e. John 13.1, he loved them unto the e. 18.37, to this e. was I born. Bom. 6.21, the e. of those things is death. 22, the e. everlasting life. 10.4,  the e. of the law for righteousness. 1 Cor. 10.11, on wThom e. of world are come. Phil. 3.19, whose e. is destruction. 1 Tim. 1.5, the e. of the commandment. Heb. 6.8, whose e. is to be burned. 16,  an oath an e. of strife. 7.3,  neither beginning nor e. of life. 9. 26, once in the e. hath he appeared. 13.7, considering e. of their conversation. Jas. 5.11, ye have seen e. of the Lord. 1 Pet. 1.9, receiving the e. of your faith. 13, be sober, and hope to the e. 4.7,  the e. of all things is at hand. 17,  what the e. of them that obey not. Rev. 2.26, keepeth my works unto e. 21. 6 : 22.13, the beginning and the e. ~ ~            65. 5; Isa. 45. 22; 52.10; Jer. 4.27.

Ezra 4.13.

Eccl. 10.9; Dan. 1.10.

ENDEAVOUR. Ps. 28. 4; Eph. 4.3; 2 Pet. 1.15.

ENDLESS. 1 Tim. 1.4; Heb. 7.16.

ENDUE. Gen. 30. 20; 2 Chron. 2.12; Lu. 24. 49; Jas. 3.13.

See Ps. 19. 6 ENDAMAGE.


ENDURE. Gen. 33.14, as the children be able to e. Esth. 8.6, how can 1 e. to see evil. Job 8.15, hold it fast, but it shall not e. 31.23, I could not e. Ps. 9. 7 ; 102.12; 104. 31, Lord shall e. for ever. 30.5, anger e. a moment, weeping e. for a night. 52.1, goodness of God e. continually. 72.5, as long as sun and moon e. 17, his name shall e. for ever. 100.5, his truth e. to all generations. 106.1; 107.1; 118.1; 136.1; 138.8; Jer. 33.11, his mercy e. for ever. 111. 3; 112. 3, 9, his righteousness e. for ever. 119.160, every one of thy judgments e. 135.13, thy name, O Lord, e. for ever. 145.13, thy dominion e. Prov. 27.24, doth e. to every generation. Ezek. 22.14, can thy heart e. Mat. 10.22; 24.13; Mk. 13.13, e. to the end. Mk. 4.17, so e. but for a time. John 6.27, meat that e. unto life. Rom. 9. 22, God e. with much longsuffering. 1 Cor 13.7, charity e. all things. 2 Tim. 2.3, e. hardness as good soldier. 4. 3, they will not e. sound doctrine. 5,  watch, e. afflictions.

Heb. 10.34, in heaven a better and e. substance. 12.7, if ye e. chastening. Jas. 1.12, blessed is man that e. temptation. 5.11, we count them happy wrhich e. 1 Pet. 1.25, the word of the Lord e. for ever. 2.19, if a man for conscience e. grief. See Heb. 10.32; 11.27 ; 12.2, 3.

ENEMY. Ex. 23.22, I will be e. to thine e. Deut. 32.31, our e. themselves being judges. Josh. 7.12, Israel turned backs before e. Judg. 5.31, so let all thy e. perish. 1 Sam. 24.19, if man find e., will he let him go ? 1 Kings 21.20, hast thou found me, O mine e. ? Job 13.24, wherefore holdest thou me for e. Ps. 8.2, still the e. and avenger. 23.5,  in presence of mine e. 38.19, mine e. are lively. 61. 3, a strong tower from the e. 72. 9, his e. shall lick the dust. 119. 98, wiser than mine e. 127. 5, speak with e. in the gate. 139.22, I count them mine e. Prov. 16.7, maketh his e. at peace. 24.17, rejoice not when e. falleth. 25.21; Rom. 12.20, if e. hunger, give bread. 27.6,  kisses of e. deceitful.

Isa. 9.11, Lord shall join e. together. 59.19, when e. shall come in like a flood. 63.10, he was turned to be their e. Jer. 15.11, wTill cause e. to entreat thee well. 30.14, wounded thee with wound of e. Mic. 7.6, man's e. men of his own house. Mat. 5.43, said, thou shalt hate thine e. 44; Lu. 6.27, 35, I say love your e. 13.25,28, 39, his e. sowed tares. Lu. 19.43, thine e. shall cast a trench. Acts 13.10, thou e. of all righteousness. Rom. 5.10, if when e. we were reconciled. 11.28, concerning the gospel they are e. Gal. 4.16, am I become your e. Phil. 3.18, the e. of the cross. Col. 1.21, were e. in your mind. 2 Thess 3.15, count him not as an e.

Jas. 4.4, friend of the world is the e. of God. See Ps. 110.1; Isa. 62. 8; Jer. 15.14; Heb. 10.13.

ENGAGED. Jer. 30.21.

ENGRAFTED. Jas. 1.21.

ENGRAVE. Ex. 28.11; 35.35; 38.23; Zech. 3.9; 2 Cor. 3.7.

ENJOIN. Job 36.23; Philem. 8 ; Heb. 9.20.

ENJOY. Lev. 26.34; 2 Chron. 36.21, land shall e.

her sabbaths.

Eccl. 2.1, e. pleasure, this also is vanity. 24; 3.13; 5.18, soul e. good. 232


1 Tim. 6.17, giveth us all things to e. See Num. 36.8; Isa. 65.22; Heb. 11.25.

ENLARGE. Deut. 12.20, when the Lord shall e.

thy border.

Ps. 4.1, thou hast e. me in distress. 25.17, troubles of heart e. 119.32, when thou shalt e. my heart. Isa. 5.14, hell hath e. herself. 2 Cor 6.11,13; 10.15, our heart is e. See Isa. 54.2; Hab. 2.5; Mat. 23. 5.

ENLIGHTEN. Ps. 19.8; Eph. 1.

IS; Heb. 6.4.

ENMITY. Eom. 8.7, carnal mind is e. Eph. 2.15,16, having abolished the e. Jas. 4.4, friendship of world e. with God. See Gen. 3.15 ; Num. 35.21; Lu. 23.12.

ENOUGH. Gen. 33.9,11,1 have e., my brother. 45.28, it is e., Joseph is alive. Ex. 36.5, people bring more than e. 2 Sam. 24.16; 1 Kings 19.4; 1 Chron. 21.15; Mk. 14. 41; Lu. 22.38, it is e., stay thine hand. Prov. 28.19, shall have poverty e. 30.15, four things say not, it is e. 16, fire saith not, it is e. Isa. 56.11, dogs which can never have e. Jer. 49.9, will destroy till they have e. Hos. 4.10, eat and not have e. Obad. 5, stolen till they had e. Mai. 3.10, room e. to receive it. Mat. 10.25, e. for disciple. 25. 9, lest there be not e. See Deut. 1. 6; 2 Chron. 31. 10; Hag. 1. 6;

Lu. 15.17.

ENQUIRE. Ex. 18.15, people come to me to e. of

God. 2 Sam. 16.23, as if a man had e. of oracle. 2 Kings 3.11, is there not a prophet to e. Ps. 78.34, returned and e. early after God. Ezek. 14.3, should I be e. of at all by them. 20.3, 31, I will not be e. 36.37, I will yet for this be e. of. Zeph. 1.6, those that have not e. for. Mat. 10.11, e. who in it is Ayorthy. 1 Pet. 1.10, of which salvation prophets e. See Deut. 12.30; Isa. 21.12; John 4.52.

ENRICH. 1 Sam. 17. 25; Ps. 65. 9; Ezek. 27. 33; 1 Cor. 1. 5 ; 2 Cor. 9.11.

ENSAMPLE. 1 Cor. 10.11, happened to them for e. Phil. 3.17, as ye have us for an e. 2Thess. 3.9, to make ourselves an e. See 1 Thess. 1.7 ; 1 Pet. 5.3; 2 Pet. 2.6.

ENSIGN. Ps.74.4; Is. 5.26; 11.10; 18.3; 30.17.

ENSNARED. Job 34.30.

ENSUE. 1 Pet. 3.11.

ENTANGLE. Ex. 14.3; Mat. 22.15; Gal. 5.1.

ENTER. Ps. 100.4, e. his gates with thanksgiving. 119.130, the e. of thy word giveth light. Isa. 26.2, righteous nation may e. in. 20, e. thou into thy chambers. Ezek. 44.5, mark well e. in of the house. Mat. 6.6, prayest, e. into thy closet. 7.13; Lu. 13.24, e. in at strait eate. 10.11; Lu. 10.8,10, what city ye e. 18.8; Mk. 9.43, better to e. into life. 19.17, if thou wilt e. into life, keep. 25.21, well done, e. into joy. Mk. 5.12 ; Lu. 8.32, we may e. into swine. 14.38; Lu. 22.46, lest ye e. into temptation. Lu. 9.34, feared as they e. cloud. 13.24, many will seek to e. John 3. 4, can he e. 4.38, ye are e. into their labours. 10.1,2, e. not by the door. Rom. 5.12, sin c. into world. 1 Cor 2.9, neither have e. into heart of man. Heb. 3.11,18, shall not e. into rest. 4.10, he that is e. into rest. 6.20, forerunner is for us e. 2 Pet 1.11, so an e. shall be ministered, See Ps. 143.2; Prov. 17.10; Mat. 15.17.

ENTICE. Judg.14.15; 16.5, e. husband that lie

may declare. 2 Chron. 18.19, Lord said, who shall e. Ahab. Prov. 1.10, if sinners e. thee. 1 Cor. 2.4; Col. 2. 4, with e. words. See Job 31.27 ; Prov. 16.29; Jas. 1.14.

ENTIRE. Jas. 1.4.

ENTRY. 1 Chron. 9.19; Prov. 8.3; Ezek. 8.5; 40.38.

ENVIRON. Josh. 7.9.

ENVY. Job 5.2, e. slayeth the silly one. Ps. 73.3, I was e. at the foolish. Prov. 3.31, e. not the oppressor. 14.30, e, is rottenness of the bones. 23.17, let not heart e. sinners. 24.1,19, be not e. against evil men. 27.4, who is able to stand before e. Eccl. 4.4, for this a man is e. 9.6, their love, hatred, and e. is perished. Mat. 27.18; Mk. 15.10, for e. they delivered. Acts 7.9, patriarchs moved with e. 13.45; 17.5, Jews filled with e. Rom. 1.29, full of e., murder. 13.13, walk honestly, not in e. 1 Cor 3.3, among you e. and strife. 13.4,  charity e. not. 2 Cor 12.20, I fear lest there be e.

Gal. 5.21, works of flesh are e., murders. 26, e. one another. Phil. 1.15, preach Christ even of e. 1 Tim. 6.4, whereof cometh e. Tit. 3.3, living in malice and e. Jas. 4.5, spirit in us lusteth to e.

See Gen. 37.11; Ps. 106.16; Ezek. 31. 9 ; 35.11.

EPISTLE. 2 Cor. 3.1, nor need e. of commendation. 2,  ye are our e. 3,  to be the e. of Christ. 2 Thess 2.15; 3.14, by word or e. 2 Pet. 3.16, as also in all his e.

See Acts 15. 30; 23. 33; 2 Cor. 7. 8; 2 Thess. 3.17.

EQUAL. Ps. 17. 2, eyes behold things that are e. 55.13, a man mine e., my guide. Prov. 26.7, legs of lame not e. Isa. 40.25 ; 46.5, to whom shall I be e. Ezek. 18.25, 29; 33.17, 20, is not my way e. Mat. 20.12, hast made them e. to us. Lu. 20.36, are e. to angels. John 5.18 ; Phil. 2. 6, e. with God. Col. 4.1, give servants what is e. See Ex. 36.22; 2 Cor. 8.14; Gal. 1.14.

EQUITY. Ps. 98.9, judge the people with e. Prov. 1.3, receive instruction of e. 2.9, understand judgment and e. 17.26, not good to strike princes for e. Eccl. 2.21, a man whose labour is in e. See Isa. 11.4; 59.14; Mic. 3.9; Mai. 2.6.

ERECTED. Gen. 33.20.

ERR. Ps. 95.10, people that do e. in their heart. 119.21, do e. from commandments. Isa. 3.12; 9.16, lead thee cause to e. 28.7,  they e. in vision. 35.8,  wayfaring men shall not e.

Mat. 22.29; Mk. 12.24, e. not knowing scriptures. 1 Tim. 6.10, have e. from the faith. 21, have e. concerning the faith.

Jas. 1.16, do not e., beloved brethren. 5.19, if any do e, from truth.

See Isa. 28.7 ; 29.24; Ezek. 45.20.

ERRAND. Gen. 24.33 ; Judg. 3.19; 2 Kings 9.5.

ERROR. Ps. 19.12, who can understand his e. ?

Eccl. 5.6, neither say thou, it was an e. 10.5,  evil which I have seen as an e. Mat. 27.64, last e. worse than first. Jas. 5.20, converteth sinner from e. 2 Pet 3.17, led away with e. of wicked. 1 John 4.6, the spirit of e.

See Job 19.4; Rom. 1. 27 ; Heb. 9. 7 ; Jude 11.

ESCAPE. Gen. 19.17, e. for thy life, e. to mountain. 233



1 Kings 18. 40; 2 Kings 9.15, let none of them e. Esth. 4.13, think not e. in king's house.

Jot» 11.20, wicked shall not e. 19.20, e. with skin of my teeth. Ps. 55. S, I would hasten my e. Prov. 19.5, speaketh lies shall not e. Eccl. 7.26, whoso pleaseth God shall e. Is. 20.6; Heb. 2.3, how shall we e. Ezek. 33.21, one that had e. came to me. Amos 9.1, he that e. shall not be delivered. Mat. 23. 33, how can ye e. damnation. Lu. 21. 36, worthy to e. John 10.39, he e. out of their hands. Acts 27.44, they e. all safe to land. 28.4, he e. sea, yet vengeance. Heb. 11.34, through faith e. edge of sword. 12.25, if they e. not who refused. 2 Pet 1.4, e. corruption in the world. 20, after they e. pollutions.

See Deut. 23.15; Ps. 124.7 ; 1 Cor. 10.13.

ESCHEW. Job 1.1; 2.3; 1 Pet. 3.11.

ESPECIALLY. G al. 6.10 ■; 1 Tim. 4.10; 5.8; Philem. 10.

ESPOUSE. Cant. 3.11; Jer. 2.2; 2 Cor. 11.2.

ESPY. Gen. 42. 27; Josh. 14. 7; Jer. 48.19; Ezek. 20.6.

ESTABLISH. Ps. 40.2, and e. my goings. 90.17,  e. work of our hands. Prov. 4.26, let thy ways be e. 12.19, lip of truth e. for ever. 16.12, throne e. by righteousness. 20.18,  every purpose e. by counsel. 24.3,  by understanding is house e. 29.4,  king by judgment e. the land.

Isa. 7.9, if ye will not believe, shall not be e. 16.5,  in mercy shall the throne be e. Jer. 10.12; 51.15, he e. world by wisdom. Mat. 18.16, two witnesses every word e. Born. 3.31; yea, we e. the law. 10.3, to e. their own righteousness.

Heb. 13.9, the heart be e. with grace. 2 Pet. 1.12, be e. in the present truth.

See Amos 5.15 ; Hab. 2.12; Acts 16.5.

ESTATE. Ps. 136. 23, remembered us in low e.

Eccl. 1.16, lo. I am come to great e.

Mk. 6.21, Herod made supper to chief e.

Rom. 12.16, condescend to men of low e.

Jude 6, anarels kept not first e.

See Ezek. 36.11; Dan. 11.7 ; Lu. 1.48.

ESTEEM. Deut. 32.15, lightly e. rock of salvation. 1 Sam. 2.30, despise me shall be lightly e. 18.23, I am a poor man and lightly e.

Job 23.12, 1 have e. the words of his mouth. 36.19,  will he e. thy riches. 41.27, he e. iron as straw.

Ps. 119.128, I e. all thy precepts. Isa. 53.4, did e. him smitten. Lam. 4. 2. e. as earthen pitchers.: Lu. 16.15, highly e. among men. Rom. 14.5, one e. one day above another. 14, that e. anything unclean. Phil. 2.3, let each e. other better. 1 Thess. 5.13, e. highly for work's sake. Heb. 11.26, e. reproach greater riches. See Prov. 17.28 ; Isa. 29.17 ; 1 Cor. 6.4.

ESTIMATE. Lev. 27.14; 27.2; Num. 18.16.

ESTRANGED. Job 19.13; Ps. 78. 30; Jer. 19. 4;

Ezek. 14.5.

ETERNAL. Deut.33.27, the e. God is thy refuge. Isa. 60.15, will make thee an e. excellencv. Mat. 19.16; Mk. 10.17 ; Lu. 10. 25; 18.18, what

shall I do that I may have e. life ? i 25.46, righteous into life e. Mk. 3.29, is in danger of e. damnation. 10.30, receive in world to come e. life. John 3.15, believeth in him have e. life. 4.36, gathereth fruit unto life e. 5.39, scriptures, in them e. life. 6.54, drinketh my blood hath e. life.

John 6.68, thou hast words of e. life. 10.28, give sheep e. life. 12.25,  hateth life, shall keep it to life e. 17.2,  give e. life to as many. 3, this is life e. that they might know thee. Acts 13.48, many as were ordained to e. life. Rom. 2.7, who seek for glory e. life. 5.21, grace reign to e. life. 6.23, gift of God is e. life. 2 Cor. 4.17, an e. weight of glory. 18, things not seen are e. 5.1,  house e. in the heavens. Eph. 3.11, according to e. purpose. 1 Tim. 6.12,19, lay hold on e. life. Tit. 1.2; 3.7, in hope of e. life. Heb. 5.9, author of e. salvation. 6.2,  doctrine of e. judgment. 9.15, promise of e. inheritance. 1 Pet. 5.10, called to e. glory by Christ. 1 John 1. 2, e. life which was with the Father. 2.25, this is the promise, even e. life. 3.15, no murderer hath e. life. 5.11, record, that God hath given to us e. life. 13, know that ye have e. life. 20, this is true God and e. life. Jude 7, vengeance of e. fire. See Rom. 1. 20; 1 Tim. 1.17; 2 Tim. 2.10; Jude 21.

ETERNITY. Isa. 57.15.

EVANGELIST. Acts 21.8; Eph. 4.11; 2 Tim. 4.5.

EVENING. 1 Sam. 14.24, cursed that eateth till e. 1 Kings 17.6, brought bread morning and e. Ps. 90.6, in e. cut down and withereth. 104.23, goeth to his labour until the e. 141.2, prayer as the e. sacrifice. Eccl. 11.6, in e. withhold not thine hand. Jer. 6.4, shadows of e. stretched out. Hab. 1.8; Zeph. 3.3, e. wolves. Zech. 14.7, at e. time shall be light. Mat. 14.23, e. was come, he was there alone. Lu. 24.29, abide, for it is toward e. See Gen 30.16; Ps. 65.8; Mat. 16.2; Mk. 14.17.

EVENT. Eccl. 2.14 ; 9. 2, 3.

EVER. Gen. 3.22, lest he eat and live for e. 43.9 ; 44.32, let me bear blame for e. Ex. 14.13, ye shall see them no more for e. Lev. 6.13, fire e. burning on altar. Deut. 5.29; 12.28, be well with them for e. 13.16,  a heap for e. 32.40, lift up hand and say, I live for e. Job 4. 7, who e. perished. Ps. 9. 7, Lord shall endure for e. 12.7,  thou wilt preserve them for e. 22.26,  your heart shall live for e. 23.6, dwell in house of the Lord for e. 29.10,  Lord sitteth king for e. 33.11,  counsel of Lord standeth for e. 37.26, he is e. merciful and lendeth. 48.14,  our God for e. and e. 49.9, that he should still live for e. 51.3,  my sin is e. before me. 52.8,  trust in mercy of God for e. and e. 61.4,  will abide in tabernacle for e. 73.26, my strength and portion for e. 74.19, forget not congregation of poor for e. 81.15,  their time should endure for e. 92. 7, they shall be destroyed for e. 93.5,  holiness becometh thine house for e. 102.12, thou shalt endure for e. 103. 9, not keep his anger for e. 105.8, remember his covenant for e. 119.89, for e. thy word is settled. 132.14, this is my rest for e. 146.6, Lord keepeth truth for e. 10, Lord shall reign for e. Prov. 27.24, riches not for e. Eccl. 3.14, whatsoever God doeth shall be for e. Isa. 26.4, trust in Lord for e. 32.17,  assurance for e. 34.10; Rev. 14.11; 19.3, smoke go up for e.


Isa. 40.8, word of God shall stand for e. 57.18, will not contend for e. Lam. 3.31, Lord will not cast off for e. Mat. 6.13, thine is the glory, for e. 21.19; Mk. 11.14, no fruit grow on thee for e. John 8.35, servant abideth not for e. 12.34, heard that Christ abideth for e. 14.16,  Comforter abide for e. Rom. 9.5, God blessed for e. 1 Thess 4.

IT, so shall we e. be with the Lord. 5.15,  e. follow good. 2 Tim. 3.7, e. learning.

Heb. 7.25, he e. liveth to make. 13.8, same yesterday, to day, and for e. See Mat. 24.21; Lu. 15.31; John 10.8.

EVERLASTING. Ex. 40.15; Num. 25. 13, an e.

priesthood. Ps. 90.2, from e. to e. thou art God. 139.24, lead me in way e. Prov. 8.23, I was set up from e. 10.25, righteous is an e. foundation. Isa. 9.6, called the e. Father. 26.4, in the Lord is e. strength. 33.14, with e. burninsrs. 35.10; 51.11; 61.7, e.>y. 45.17,  with e. salvation. 54.8, with e. kindness. 55.13, for an e. sign. 56.5; 63.12, an e. name. 60.19,20, an e. light. Jer. 31.3, with an e. love. Hab. 3.6, the e. mountains. Mat. 18.8; 25.41, into e. fire. 19.29,  inherit e. life. 25.46, into e. punishment. Lu. 16.9, into e. habitations. 18.30,  in world to come e. life.

John 3.16,36, belieyeth shall have e. life. 4.14, water springing up into e. life. 5.24, heareth my word hath e. life. 6.27, meat which endureth to e. life. 40, seeth Son may have e. life. 12.50, his commandment is life e. Acts 13.46, unworthy of e. life. Rom. 6.22, free from sin, the end e. life. Gal. 6.8, of Spirit reap life e. 2 Thess. 1.9, punished with 6. destruction. 2.16,  given us e. consolation. Jude 6, reserved in e. chains. Rev. 14.6, having the e. gospel. See Dan. 4.3; 7.27 ; 2 Pet. 1.11.

EVERMORE. Ps. 16.11, pleasures for e. 37.27, do good and dwell for e. 121.8, preserve thy going out for e. 133.3, the blessing, life for e. John 6.34, e. give us this bread. 1 Thess 5.16, rejoice e. Heb. 7.28, consecrated for e. Rev. 1.18, I am alive for e.

See 2 Kings 17.37 ; Ps. 77.8; 106.31.

EVERY. Gen. 4.14, e. one that findeth me shall slay me. 6.5, e. imagination of heart evil. Lev. 19.10, neither shalt gather e. grape. Deut. 4.4, alive e. one of you this day. 2 Kings 18.31, eat e. one of his fig tree. 2 Chron. 30.18, pardon e. one.

Ps. 29.9, e. one doth speak of glory. 32.6, for this shall e. ope that is godly. 68.30, till e, one submit himself. 119.101, refrained from e. evil way. Prov. 2.9, e. good path. 7.12, in e. corner. 14.15, simple believeth e. word. 20.3, e. fool will be meddling. 30.5, e. wTord of G od is pure. Eccl. 10.3, saith to e. one he is a fool. Jer. 51.29, e. purpose of the Lord. Mat. 4.4, by e. word that proceedeth. 7.8; Lu. 11.10, e. one that asketh.


Mk. 1.45, came from e. quarter.

Lu. 19. 26, to e. one which hath shall be given.

Rom. 14.11, e. knee bow, e. tongue confess. 2 Cor. 10.5, e. thought.

Eph. 1.21; Phil. 2.9, far above e. name. 1 Tim. 4.4, e. creature of God. 2 Tim. 2.19, e. one that nameth. 21, e. good work.

Heb. 12.1, e. weight. Jas. 1.17, e. good and perfect gift. 1 Pet. 2.13, e. ordinance of man. 1 John 4.1, believe not e. spirit. 7, e. one that loveth. Rev. 6.11, robes given to e. one. See Gen. 27.29; Acts 2.38; 17.27 ; 20.31.

EVIDENCE. Jer. 32.10; Heb. 11.1.

EVIDENT. Gal. 3.1, Christ hath been e. set forth. 11, that no man is justified is 'e. Phil. 1.28, an e. token of perdition. See Job 6.28; Heb. 7.14,15.

EVIL. Gen. 6.5; 8.21, thoughts of heart only e. 47.9, few and e. have the days. Ex. 32.14; 2 Sam. 24.16; 1 Chron. 21.15, repented

of the e. Deut. 28.54, eye e. towards his brother. 56, her eye e. towards husband. Job 2.10, receive good and not e. 30.26, looked for good then e. came. Ps. 34.14; 37.27 ; Prov. 3.7, depart from e. 35.12; 109.5, they rewarded me e. 40.12,  innumerable e. have compassed. Prov. 14.19, e. bow before the good. 15.3, beholding the e. and good. 17.13,  whoso rewardeth e. for good. Isa. 1.4, a seed of e.-doers. 5.20, that call e. good, and good e. 7.15,16, refuse the e. and choose the Jer. 2.13, have committed two e. 19, know it is an e. thing and bitter. 24.3; 29.17, e. figs, very e. 42.6, whether good or e. we will obey. Mat. 5.45, rise on e. and good. 6.34, sufficient unto the day is the e. thereof. 7.11; Lu. 11.13, if ye, being e. 18, good tree cannot bring forth e. 9.4, wherefore think e. in your hearts. Mk. 9. 39, lightly speak e. of me. Lu. 6.22, cast out your name as e. 35, he is kind to the e. 45, e. man bringeth forth e. John 3.20, doeth e. hateth light. 18.23, if I have spoken e. Acts 23.5, not speak e. of ruler. Rom. 7.19, the e. I would not. 12.9, abhor that which is e. 17, recompense to no man e. for e. 21, overcome e. with good. 1 Thess. 5.22, appearance of e. 1 Tim. 6.10, the root of all e. 2 Tim. 4.18; Jas. 3.16, every e. work. Tit. 3.2, speak e. of no man.

Jas. 3.8, tongue an unruly e. 1 Pet. 3.9, not rendering e. for e.

See Prov. 13.21; Isa. 45.7; Eccl. 12.1; Eph. 5.16; 6.13.

EXACT. Deut. 15.2, shall not e. it of neighbour. Neh. 5.7,10,11, you e. usury. 10.31, leave the e. of every debt. Job 11.6, God e. of thee less. Lu. 3.13, e. no more than what is. See Ps. 89.22; Isa. 58.3; 60.17.

EXALT. 1 Chron. 29.11, e. as head above all. Ps. 12.8, when vilest men are e. 34.3, let us e. his name together. 92.10,  my horn shalt thou e. 97. 9, e. far above all gods.

Prov. 4.8, e. her and she shall promote thee. 11.11,  by blessing of upright the city is e. 14.29, he that is hasty of spirit e. folly. 34, righteousness e. a nation. 235


Prov. 17.19, he that e. his gate.

Isa. 2. 2; Mic. 4.1, mountain of Lord's house e. 40.4, every valley shall "be e. Ezek. 21.26, e. him that is low. Mat. 11.23; Lu. 10.15, e. to heaven. 23.12; Lu. 14.11; 18.14, e. himself shall be abased. 2 Gor. 11.20, if a man e. himself. 12.7, e. above measure. Phil. 2.9, God hath highly e. him. 2 Thess. 2. 4, e. himself above all that is called. 1 Pet. 5.6, he may e. in due time. See Ex. 15.2; Job 24.24; Lu. 1. 52; Jas. 1.9.

EXAMINE. Ps. 26.2, e. me, Lord. Acts 4. 9, if we this day be e. 22.24, 29, e. by scourging. 1 Cor 11.28, let a man e. himself. 2 Cor 13.5, c. yourselves.

See Ezra 10.16; Acts 24.8; 25.26; 1 Cor. 9. 3.

EXAMPLE. John 13.15, I have given you an e. 1 Tim. 4.12, be thou an e. of believers. 1 Pet 2.21, Christ suffered, leaving an e. Jude 7, an e., suffering vengeance.

See Mat. 1.19; 1 Cor. 10. 6 ; Heb. 4.11; 8.5.

EXCEED. Mat. 5.20, except righteousness e. 2 Cor 3.9, ministration doth e. in glory. See 1 Sam. 20.41; 2 Cliron. 9.6; Job 36.9.

EXCEEDING. Gen. 15.1, thy e. great reward. 27.34, an e. bitter cry. Num. 14.7, land is e. good. 1 Sam 2.3, so e. proud.

Ps. 21.6, e. glad with thy countenance. 43.4, God my e. joy. 119.96, commandment e. broad. Prov. 30.24, four things e. wise. Jonah 1.16, men feared the Lord e. 4.6,  e. glad of the gourd. Mat. 2.10, with e. great joy. 4.8. an e. high mountain. 5.12, rejoice and be e. glad. 8.28, devils e. fierce. 17.23; 26.22, they were e. sorry. 19.25,  they were e. amazed.. 26.3S ; Mk. 14.34, my soul is e. sorrowful. Mk. 6.26, king e. sorry. 9.3, raiment e. white. Lu. 23.8, Herod was e. glad. Acts 7.20, Moses wTas e. fair. 26.11, being e. mad against them. Rom. 7.13, sin become e. sinful. 2 Cor 4.17, e. weight of glory. 7. 4, e. joyful in our tribulation. Gal. 1.14, e. zealous of traditions. Eph. 1.19, the e, greatness of his power. 2.7,  the e. riches of his grace. 3.20, able to do e. abundantly. 2 Thess. 1. 3, your faith groweth e. 2 Pet. 1.4, e. great and precious promises.

Jude 24. present you faultless with e. joy.

See 1 Sam. 26.21; Jonah 3.3; Heb. 12.21.

EXCEL. Gen. 49.4, thou shalt not e.

Prov. 31.29, thou e. them all.

Eccl. 2.13, wisdom e. folly. 2 Cor. 3.10, the glory that. e.

See Ps. 103. 20; 1 Cor. 14.12.

EXCELLENCY. Ex. 15.7, the greatness of thine e.

Job 4.21, doth not their e. go away. 13.11, shall not his e. make you afraid.

Isa. 60.15, will make thee an eternal e. 1 Cor 2.1, not with e. of speech. 2 Cor 4. 7, that the e. of the power. Phil. 3.8, loss for the e. of Christ.

-See Gen. 49. 3; Ex. 15. 7 ; Eccl. 7.12; Ezek. 24.21.

EXCELLENT. Job 37.23, e. in power. Ps. 8.1, 9, how e. is thy name. 16.3, to the e. in whom is my delight. 36. 7, how e. thy lovingkindness. Prov. 8. 6 ; 22.20, I will speak of e. things. 12.26,  righteous more e. than neighbour. 17.7, e. speech becometh not a fool. 27, of an e. spirit.

Isa. 12.5, he hath done e. things. 28.29, is e. in working. Dan. 5.12; 6.3, e. spirit found in Daniel. Rom. 2.18; Phil. 1.10, things more e. 1 Cor 12.31, a more e. way. 2 Pet 1.17, voice from the e. glory.

See Cant. 5.15; Lu. 1.3; Heb. 1.4; 8.6; 11.4.

EXCEPT. Gen. 32.26, e. thou bless me. Deut. 32.30, e. their Rock had sold them, Ps. 127.1, e. Lord build house. Amos 3. 3, e. they be agreed. Mat. 5.20, e. your righteousness exceed. 18.3, e. ye be converted. 24.22; Mk. 13.20, e. days be shortened. Mk. 7.3, Pharisees e. they wash oft. Lu. 13. 3 ; Rev. 2.5, 22, e. ye repent. John 3.2, e. God be with him. 3.5, e. a man be born again. 4.48, e. ye see signs and wonders. 20.25, e. I see print of nails. Acts 26.29, e. these bonds. Horn. 10.15, preach e. they be sent. 1 Cor 15.36, e. it die. 2 Tim. 2.5, e. he strive lawfully.

See Rom. 7. 7 ; 1 Cor. 14. 5; 15. 27 ; 2 Thess. 2.3.

EXCESS. Mat. 23.25 ; Eph. 5.18; 1 Pet. 4.3,4.

EXCHANGE. Mat. 16.26 ; Mk. 8.37, in e. for his soul. 25.27, put money to e. See Gen. 47.17 ; Lev. 27.10; Ezek. 48.14.

EXCLUDE. Rom. 3.27 ; Gal. 4.17.

EXCUSE. Lu. 14.18; Rom. 1.20 ; 2.15; 2 Cor. 12.19.

EXECRATION. Jer. 42.18 ; 44.12.

EXECUTE. Deut. 33. 21, he e. the justice of the

Lord. 1 Chron. 6.10; 24. 2; Lu. 1. 8, e. priest's office, Ps. 9.16, Lord known by the judgment he e. 103. 6, Lord e. righteousness and judgment. Jer. 5.1, if any e. judgment I will pardon. John 5. 27, authority to e. judgment. Rom. 13.4, minister of God to e. wrath. See Hos. 11.9; Mic. 5.15; Joel 2.11.

EXERCISE. Ps. 131.1, e. myself in things too


Jer. 9.24, e. lovingkindness. Mat. 20. 25; Mk. 10. 42 ; Lu. 22. 25, e. dominion. Acts 24.16,1 e. myself to have a conscience. 1 Tim. 4.7, e. myself unto godliness. Heb. 5.14, e. to discern good and evil. 12.11, to them which are e. thereby. 2 Pet 2.14, heart e. with covetous practices. See Eccl. 1.13; 3.10; Ezek. 22.29; Rev. 13.12.

EXHORT. Lu. 3.18, many things in his e.

Acts 13.15, any words of e.

Rom. 12.8, he that e. on e. 1 Tim. 6.2, these things e. and teach.

Tit. 1. 9, may be able to e. 2.15, e. and rebuke with authority.

Heb. 3.13; 10.25, e. one another daily. 13.22, suffer word of e.

See Acts 11.23; 2 Cor. 9.5; Tit. 2. 6,9.

EXILE. 2 Sam. 15.19; Isa. 51.14.

EXPECTATION. Ps. 9.18, the e. of the poor. 62.5, my e. is from him.

Prov. 10.28; 11.7, 23, e. of the wicked.

Isa. 20.5, ashamed of their e. 6, such is our e.

Rom. 8.19, the e. of the creature.

Phil. 1. 20, my earnest e. and hope.

See Jer. 29.11; Acts 3.5; Heb. 10.13.

EXPEL. Josh. 23. 5; Judg. 11. 7 ; 2 Sam. 14.14.

EXPENSES. Ezra 6. 4,8.

EXPERIENCE. Gen. 30.27; Eccl. 1.16; Rom. 5.4.

EXPLOITS. Dan. 11.28, 32.

EXPOUND. Judg. 14.14,19, could not e. riddle.

Mk. 4.34, alone he e. all things.

Lu. 24.27, e. the scriptures.

See Acts 11.4; 18.26; 28.23. 238


EXPRESS. Heb.1.3.

EXPRESSLY. 1 Sam. 20.21; Ezek. 1.3; 1 Tim. 4.1.

EXTEND. Ps. 16.2; 109.12; Isa. 66.12.

EXTINCT. Job 17.1; Isa. 43.17.

EXTOL. Ps. 30.1; 145.1, I will e. thee. 68.4, e. him that rideth. See Ps. 66.17; Isa. 52.13; Dan. 4. 37.

EXTORTION. Ezek. 22.12; Mat. 23.25.

EXTORTIONER. Ps. 109.11, let e. catch all he hath.

Isa. 16.4, the e. is at an end. 1 Cor. 5.11, if any man he an e.

See Lu. 18.11; 1 Cor. 5.10 ; 6.10.

EXTREME. Deut.28.22; Job 35.15.

EYE. Gen. 3.6, pleasant to the e. 7,  e. of both were opened. 27.1, his e. were dim. 49.12, his e. shall be red with wine. Num. 10.31, be to us instead of e. 16.14, wilt thou put out e. 24.3,15, man whose e. are open said. Deut. 3.27, lift up e., behold with thine e. 12.8; Judg. 17.6; 21.25, right in own e. 16.19,  gift blind e. of wise. 28.32, e. look and fail with longing. 32.10,  kept him as apple of e. 34.7, his e. was not dim. 1 Kings 1.20, e. of all Israel upon thee. 8. 29,52; 2 Chron. 6.20,40, e. open towards this house. 20.6,  whatsoever is pleasant in thine e. 2 Kings 6.17, Lord opened e. of young man. 20, open the e. of these men. 2 Chron. 16.9; Zech. 4.10, e. of Lord run to and fro. 34.28,  nor thine e. see all the evil. Job 7.8 ; 20.9, e. that hath seen me. 11. 20, the e. of wicked shall fail. 15.12, what do thine e. wink at. 19.27, mine e. shall behold, and not another. 28.7,  path vulture's e. hath not seen. 10, his e. seeth every precious thing. 29.11,  when the e. saw me. 15, I was e. to the blind. 31.16,  caused e. of widow to fail. Ps. 11.4, his e. try children of men. 15.4, in whose e. a vile person. 19.8,  enlightening the e. 33.18, e. of Lord on them that fear him. 34.15; 1 Pet. 3.12, e. of Lord on the righteous. 36.1, no fear of God before his e. 69.3; 119.82,123 ; Lam. 2.11, mine e. faiL 77.4, holdest mine e. waking. 116.8, delivered mine e. from tears. 119.18, open mine e. 132.4, not give sleep to mine e. Prov. 10.26, as smoke to the e. 20.12,  the seeing e. 22.9,  a bountiful e. 23.29,  redness of e. 27.20,  the e. of man never satisfied, 3D. 17, the e. that mocketh.

Eccl. 1. 8, e. is not satisfied with seeing. 2.14, wise man's e. are in his head. 6. 9, better sight of e. than wandering of desire. 11.7, for the e. to behold the sun. Isa. 1.16, I will hide mine e. from you. 29.10,  the Lord hath closed e. 33.17, thine e. shall see the king in his beauty. 40. 26; Jer. 13.20, lift up your e. on high.

Jer. 5.21; Ezek. 12.2, have e. and see not. 9.1, mine e. a fountain of tears. 13.17, mine e. shall weep sore. 14.17, let mine e. run down with tears. 24. 6, set mine e. upon them for good. Lam. 2.18, let not apple of e. cease. Ezek. 24.16, 25, the desire of thine e. Hab. 1.13, of purer e. than to behold evil. Mat. 5.29, if right e. offend thee.

Mat. 13.16, blessed are your e. 18.9; Mk. 9.47, to enter with one e. Mk. 8.18, having e. see ye not. Lu. 1.2, from beginning were e.-witnesses. 24.16, their e. were hoiden. John 11.37, could not this man, which opened e. Gal. 4.15, have plucked out your e. Eph. 1.18, the e. of your understanding. 2 Pet. 2.14, having e. full of adultery. 1 John 2.16, the lust of the e. See Prov. 3. 7; 12.15; 16. 2; 21.2; Mat. 20. 33.

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