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Luther, on Epiphany
98Luther, on Epiphany: 4, 156
on exegesis: 4, 241
and exorcism: 4, 250
on faith: 4, 269; 5, 21; 7, 70
on faith and good works: 8, 395
on footwashing: 4, 339
and Frederick III., the Wise: 4, 376; 7, 69
on free will: 12, 356
and George III. of Anhalt: 4, 455
and George of Brandenburg: 4, 457
and George of Saxony: 4, 458
and Girolamo Aleandro: 1, 113
and the Gloria in excelsis: 6, 502
on good works: 5, 21
on graduals: 5, 43
on Holy Week: 5, 336
and indulgences: 1, 105; 7, 70
on infant salvation: 5, 491
on inspiration: 6, 15
John Frederick and: 6, 211, 212
John the Steadfast and: 6, 218
on justification: 6, 277
on justification by faith: 6, 277; 9, 294
and Justus Jonas: 6, 224
and Kaspar Aquila: 1, 251
on the keys: 6, 328
on the Kyrie eleison: 6, 503
Latin Mass of: 1, 84
on law and gospel: 6, 427
on legends: 6, 441
Linck and: 6, 491
and the litany: 6, 496
and the liturgy: 7, 73
on Lord's Supper: 2, 301, 323; 7, 34, 71, 74, 76; 12, 51, 398, 399
on marriage and divorce: 3, 453; 7, 194
on matins: 7, 252
Melanchthon and: 7, 279-282; 9, 295
on merit: 7, 316
on miracles: 7, 386
and Muenster: 7, 73
as mystic: 8, 70
on norms of faith: 9, 293
on notes of the Church: 8, 196
on papal power: 7, 70
and the Peasants' War: 8, 434
on penance: 8, 447
on pericopes: 8, 460, 461, 462
and Philip of Hesse: 7, 76; 9, 25-27
as pioneer reformer: 9, 420
postilla of: 1, 107
on prayer: 9, 155
as preacher: 9, 165
on predestination: 9, 196
on the presbyterate: 9, 202
on private judgment: 9, 293
and protestantism: 9, 293, 294
on providence: 9, 309
on redemption: 9, 415
and the Reformed: 12, 536
on regeneration: 9, 441
on religious liberty: 6, 477
on restorationism: 1, 211
on the sacraments: 1, 438-439; 2, 301, 323; 7, 34, 71, 74, 76; 9, 294, 295; 11, 501; 12, 51, 398, 399
and sacred music: 10, 155
on saint-worship: 10, 176
on sanctification: 10, 199
and Schmalkald Articles: 10, 247-249
and Schwenckfeld: 10, 284
on Seb. Franck: 4, 366
on secularization: 10, 328
sermons of: 3, 314
and Sickingen: 10, 401
on sonship: 1, 47
and Spengler: 11, 41
and Staupitz: 11, 71
and Stiefel: 11, 95
on Sunday: 11, 146
Table Talk of: 1, 374
on the Te Deum: 11, 287
and Teutonic Order: 1, 106
and Torgau Articles: 1, 361
on transubstantiation: 1, 100; 7, 71; 11, 501
on usury: 12, 118
on vocation: 2, 350
on vows: 12, 230
in the Wartburg: 7, 72
and Wimpina: 12, 379
on word and spirit: 12, 423
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