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Baader, Franz X. von: 1, 390; 5, 128; 7, 210
Baal: 1, 390-392; 5, 276; 6, 181, 227; 9, 18
prophets of: 4, 107
cult of: 1, 96, 98, 157, 390-392; 2, 346, 374; 10, 464
worship of: 1, 96, 98, 157, 390-392; 2, 346, 374; 10, 464
Berith: 1, 391
Hermon: 1, 391; 2, 374; 5, 244
Shamen: 9, 18
Shem-Tob: 3, 20
Zebub. See Beelzebub
Zephon: 1, 391
Zidon: 9, 18
Zor: 9, 18
Ba'alath Gebal: 9, 18
Baasha: 1, 393
Baba. See Talmud
Baba Batra. See Talmud
Kamma. See Talmud
Mezia. See Talmud
Babæus II. of Seleucia: 8, 120
Babcock, Maltbie D.: 1, 394
Babel: 1, 396
Babken: 12, 567
capture of by Cyrus: 1, 409; 3, 338
supremacy of: 1, 406
Babylonia: 1, 328-332, 396-412, 407-409; 3, 296-297, 299
serpent in: 10, 366
religion of: 1, 409
star-worship in: 11, 68
sun-worship in: 1, 410-411; 11, 139-140
Babylonian accounts of creation: 3, 296; 12, 428
captivity, of popes: 1, 387
chronology: 1, 404
cubit: 12, 288
culture: 1, 401
culture, in Palestine: 1, 147-149, 261, 262; 2, 375; 5, 138, 139
epics: 1, 412
exile: 1, 413
history: 1, 404
influence-angels: 1, 175
influence--antichrist: 1, 194
influence, on Palestine: 1, 147-149, 261, 262; 2, 375; 5, 138, 139
Judaism: 6, 56
language: 1, 401
law: 5, 136-139
people: 1, 401
priests: 1, 412
sabbath: 10, 135
schools: 11, 151
sibyl: 10, 397
Talmud: 11, 259-260
usury: 12, 116
Baccanarists: 8, 296
Bacchus: 10, 362
Bach, Johann S.: 1, 413; 8, 258; 10, 159
Joseph: 1, 413
Bacher, Wilhelm: 1, 413
Bachiarius: 1, 414
Bachmann (G.), P.: 1, 414
Johannes, F. J.: 1, 414
Bacilieri, Bartolomeo: 1, 414
Backus, Isaac: 1, 471
Bacon, Benjamin W.: 1, 414
Leonard: 1, 416
Leonard W.: 1, 416
Bacon (Baco), Roger: 1, 416-417; 10, 264
Baconthorp, John: 10, 265
Badagius, Anselm: 1, 191
Baden: 1, 418
concordat with: 3, 216
Baden (Aargau), Conference of: 1, 418; 12, 541
Baden (Baden), conference of: 9, 74
Bader, Johann: 1, 418
Badurad of Paderborn: 8, 298
Bæda "the Venerable": 2, 22. See also Bede
Baehr, David: 2, 234
Baentsch, Bruno J. L.: 1, 419; 8, 32
Baerwinkel, Friedrich W. R.: 1, 419
Baethgen, Friedrich, W. A.: 1, 419
Baetyli: 7, 294
Bagpipe: 10, 150
Bagshawe, Edward G.: 1, 419
Bahman Yasht: 12, 526
15Bahnsen, J. F. A.: 8, 476
Bahr Lut: 8, 313
Tabariyah: 8, 313
Bahram I.: 7, 155, 159; 12, 529
Bahrdt, Karl F.: 1, 420
Baier, Johann W.: 1, 420
Johannes: 1, 421
Bailey, Henry: 1, 421
Baillet, Adrien: 1, 421
Baillie, Robert: 1, 421
Baird Lectures: 1, 422
Baird, Charles W.: 1, 421
Henry M.: 1, 421
James: 1, 422
Robert: 1, 422
Bait-ya: 12, 472
Bajus, Michael: 1, 422; 2, 34; 6, 96
Baker, Daniel: 1, 423
Edward: 7, 121
Sidney: 11, 19
Baking: 2, 256; 5, 142; 6, 231
Baktashiyah: 3, 408
Balak: 1, 424
Balan, Pietro: 1, 426
Balance, ordeal by: 8, 250
Baldachin: 1, 426
Balde, Jakob: 1, 426
Baldensperger, Wilhelm: 1, 427
Baldung, Hans: 8, 304
Baldwin I. of Jerusalem: 3, 316
Baldwin II.: 3, 316
Baldwin III.: 3, 316
Baldwin IV.: 6, 433
Baldwin: 1, 427
of Bouillon: 3, 316
Baldwin, Thomas: 1, 473
Bale, John: 1, 427
Baling, Nicolaus: 6, 372
Balka: 8, 314
Ball, Hannah: 10, 472
John: 1, 427
Ballanche, Pierre S.: 1, 428
Ballantine, William G.: 1, 428
Ballard, Addison: 1, 428
Balle, Nicolai E.: 1, 428
Ballerini, Girolamo:1, 429
Pietro: 1, 429
Hosea, 2d: 1, 429
Balm: 1, 429
Balmes, Jaime (Luciano): 1, 429
Balogh, Ferencz: 1, 430
Balsam: 1, 429
Balsamon, Theodoros: 1, 430
Balthasar II.: 7, 311
Balthasar III.: 7, 311
Balthasar IV.: 7, 311
Balthasar the Elder: 7, 310
Balthazar of Dernbach: 1, 430
Balthi: 11, 266
Baltimore Councils: 1, 431-432
Baltus, Jean F.: 1, 432
Baltzer, J. B.: 1, 432
Baluze, Etienne: 1, 432
Bamah: 5, 277
Bamberg, Bishopric of: 1, 433
Bamford, J.: 10, 471
Bampton Lectures: 1, 433
Ban: 1, 434; 2, 376; 3, 87; 12, 228, 269
Bancroft, Richard: 1, 434; 9, 369
Bandinelli, Roland. See Alexander III.
Bands of hope: 11, 470
Methodist: 7, 333
Banes, Domingo: 1, 434
Bangor Theological Seminary: 11, 351
Bangorian controversy: 5, 301
Bani Na'im: 8, 310
Banks, John S.: 1, 434
Louis A.: 1, 434
Banns: 1, 434
Baptism: 1, 435-454; 3, 78, 444; 5, 235-237; 7, 176, 312; 10, 143, 423, 426, 492; 11, 485; 12, 439, 465
Gnostic: 12, 133
for the Dead: 1, 454
exorcism in: 4, 250
epiklesis in: 4, 153
of heretics: 10, 446
with the Holy Ghost and Fire: 1, 454
justification and: 6, 280
liturgical usage in: 1, 440
minister of: 1, 444
and mysteries: 1, 258
origin and practise of: 1, 435
patristic teaching on: 1, 436
place of: 1, 445
preparation for: 2, 449-450
Roman Catholic and Eastern teaching on: 1, 437
significance of Christian: 1, 436
symbolism in: 11, 207
teaching of Reformers on: 1, 438, 439; 12, 538, 541
time for: 1, 445
Baptismal chalices: 12, 168
rite, renunciation of the devil in the: 9, 488, 489
service in the Reformation churches: 1, 444
Baptist antinomianism: 1, 198
catechisms: 2, 448
ecclesiastical records: 1, 274
Education Society: 1, 473
Missionary Society: 1, 465, 473; 12, 317
Young People's Union of America: 12, 475
Baptistery: 1, 454
Baptistines: 1, 455
Baptists: 1, 456-480; 7, 299-309; 12, 370
in America, Colored Primitive: 7, 391
Colored, United American Free-Will: 7, 393
Duck River Association of: 7, 391
in Holland: 5, 321; 7, 302, 305
Negro: 1, 476; 7, 391, 393; 8, 107
Old Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian: 1, 477
Original Free-Will: 1, 476
in Württemberg: 12, 452
Bar Daisan: 1, 483
Hebræus: 1, 18
16Bar Kokba (Cochba): 1, 102, 484; 5, 111; 6, 56; 12, 448, 449
Baradai (Baradæus) Jacob: 6, 81, 82; 7, 479
Baraita. See Talmud
Barat, M. S.: 10, 147; 12, 412
Barbadoes: 12, 315
Barbara, Saint: 1, 480; 6, 176
Barbarossa: 1, 18, 53-54, 116, 165, 190; 3, 316; 4, 203; 6, 2; 11, 55; 12, 105
Barbauld, Anna L.: 1, 480
Barbelites: 8, 243
Barber, Henry H.: 1, 481
William T. A.: 1, 481
Barberini, Maffeo: 12, 106
Barbeyrac, Jean: 1, 481
Barbo, Pietro: 8, 394
Barckhausen, K. H.: 1, 481
Barckhausen-Volkmann Controversy: 1, 481
Barclay, Alexander: 1, 481
John: 1, 482
Barclayites. See Barclay, John
Bardas: 9, 45
Bardenhewer, Bertram O.: 1, 483
Bardesanes: 1, 483; 4, 498; 9, 321; 11, 242
Bardo of Mainz: 9, 162
Barefoot Clericals of the Holy Cross: 8, 368
Barefooted Monks and Nuns: 1, 483. See also Discalced
Baresma: 12, 533
Barettines of penitence: 5, 404
Barham, Richard H.: 1, 484
Baring-Gould, Sabine: 1, 484
Barlaam and Josaphat: 1, 485-486
Barletta: 1, 486
Barnabas: 1, 247-248, 486-487; 5, 195; 7, 371; 8, 398, 401; 9, 277
Acts of: 1, 228
Epistle of: 1, 487; 2, 394; 3, 421
Gospel of: 1, 227
Barnabites: 1, 487
Barnard, John: 1, 488
Barnardo, T. J.: 10, 473
Barnes, Albert: 1, 488; 8, 278; 9, 187, 227
Arthur S.: 1, 488
Robert, prior: 6, 419
William E.: 1, 489
Barnett, Samuel A.: 1, 489
Barneveldt, H. J. van: 9, 101
Barnum, Henry S.: 1, 489
Hermann N.: 12, 549
Baro (Baron), Peter: 1, 489; 6, 403
Baronius (Barono), Cæsar: 1, 489
Barre, Nicholas: 12, 412
Barrett, Benjamin F.: 1, 490
William: 6, 403
Barriêre, Jean de la: 4, 307
Barrow (Barrowe), Henry: 1, 490; 3, 231
Barrows, John H.: 1, 491
Samuel J.: 1, 491
Barruel, Augustin: 1, 491
Barry, Alfred: 1, 492
William F.: 1, 492
Barsauma (Barsumas) of Nisibis: 1, 492; 8, 120; 11, 239
Barsom: 12, 533
Barsumas: 1, 492; 8, 120; 11, 239
Barth, Christian G.: 1, 492
Jacob: 1, 492
Marie E. A.: 1, 492
Bartholomé , Albert: 10, 314
Apocalypse of: 1, 228
Gospel of: 1, 227
martyrdom of: 1, 228
Batholomew of Braga: 1, 493
of Brescia: 1, 493
of Usingen: 1, 304
Bartholomew's Day, Massacre of St.: 3, 158; 5, 66; 9, 22, 421
Bartholomites: 1, 493
Bartlet, James V.: 1, 493
Bartlett, Samuel C.: 1, 493
Bartol, Cyrus A.: 1, 494
Bartoli, Daniello: 1, 494
Barton, Clara: 9, 411
Barton, Elizabeth: 1, 494; 4, 320; 8, 5
George A.: 1, 494
William E.: 1, 494
Apocalypses of: 1, 218-220; 2, 391; 4, 443; 7, 326, 327; 9, 338
Baruch, book of: 1, 218-220; 2, 391; 4, 443
Basar (flesh): 4, 330
Bascom, Henry B.: 1, 495; 9, 187
Bascom, John: 1, 495
Basedow, Johann B.: 1, 495
Basel Bible Society: 2, 90, 91; 3, 39
Bishopric of: 1, 496; 6, 76, 77
Confession of: 1, 496
Council of: 1, 496-498; 4, 203; 5, 419-420; 9, 493; 10, 239
missionary society: 9, 66
Reformation in: 8, 222-225; 12, 120
Bashford, James W.: 1, 498
Basil I., emperor: 1, 52; 9, 46, 47
Basil II., emperor: 6, 200; 10, 415
Basil of Achrida: 1, 498
of Ancyra: 1, 499
of (Cappadocian) Cæsarea: 1, 499; 5, 70
Saint, the Great: 1, 499-500; 4, 214, 215; 5, 70; 7, 464; 9, 160, 494; 10, 467
of Seleucia: 1, 500
Basilica: 2, 1
in architecture: 1, 250, 265-267; 8, 301-306
Liberiana: 6, 476
Gospel of: 1, 227
school of: 1, 124
use of "Abrasax" by: 1, 16-17
17Basilidians: 2, 1
Basiliscus: 12, 504
Basnage, Benjamin: 2, 2
Henri: 2, 2
Jacques: 2, 2
Samuel: 2, 2
Basques: 1, 147
Bassedau, J. B.: 1, 495
Bassermann, Heinrich G.: 2, 3
Bassi, Matteo di: 2, 410; 4, 360
Bast: 11, 140
Bastholm, Christian: 2, 3; 9, 173
Basutoland: 1, 64
Bataniyyah: 4, 12
Bates, William: 2, 3
Bath (measure): 12, 290
Bath Kol: 2, 4
Bathing: 2, 3
Báthory, Stephen: 3, 364
Batiffol, Pierre H.: 2, 4
Batten, Loring W.: 2, 4
Batterson, Hermon G.: 1, 4
Battier, Andreas: 9, 173
Battistini: 1, 455
Baudissin, Wolf W., Graf von: 2, 4
Bauer, Bruno: 2, 4
Walter F.: 2, 5
Baum, Henry M.: 2, 5
Johann W.: 2, 6
Baumeler, Joseph: 3, 188
Baumgarten, Michael: 2, 6
Otto: 2, 6
Baumgarten-Crusius, L. F. O.: 2, 7
Baur, Ferdinand C.: 1, 232; 2, 7, 181; 3, 461
Gustav A. L.: 2, 11
Bauslin, David H.: 2, 11
Bausman, Benjamin: 2, 12
Bausset, Louis F. de: 2, 12
Bautain, Louis E. M.: 2, 12
Bautz, Josef: 2, 12
Bavaria: 2, 12; 4, 120, 122-124; 10, 115, 236
Counter-Reformation in: 1, 104, 105
Jesuits in: 1, 104
kneeling controversy in: 6, 355
Bavarian concordat: 3, 214
Protestant Bible Society: 2, 91
Bavarians, Conversion of: 2, 13
Bavinck, Herman: 2, 14
Baxter, Richard: 2, 15-16; 9, 183
Bay, Michel de: 1, 422-423
Bayle, Pierre: 2, 16
Bayley, James R.: 2, 17
Bayly, Lewis: 2, 17
Bazaar (Liber) of Heraclides: 8, 126; 12, 569-570
Bdellium: 2, 17
Beach, Harlan P.: 2, 17
Bealoth: 8, 100
Beans: 1, 92
Bear: 5, 411
Beard, the: 4, 5; 5, 118; 8, 62
Beard, Charles: 2, 18
Richard: 2, 18
Beardslee, Clark S.: 2, 18
Beatific Vision: 2, 18; 6, 201
Beatification: 2, 18
Beaton, David: 2, 18; 5, 132; 6, 362, 363; 9, 206; 12, 389
Beattie, Francis R.: 2, 19
James: 2, 19
Beatus: 2, 200
Beaufort, P. R. de: 5, 66
Beauharnois de Miramion, M. B. de R.: 4, 451
Beausobre, Isaac de: 2, 19
Bebb, Llewellyn J. M.: 2, 19
Bebenberg, Lupold von: 2, 20
Becan, Martin: 2, 20
Béchier, Elisabeth: 12, 412
Bechuanaland Protectorate: 1, 64
Beck, Johann T.: 2, 20; 3, 473; 9, 177; 12, 37
Wilhelm: 3, 405
Becker, Peter: 4, 24
Becket, Thomas: 1, 116; 2, 21, 401; 6, 215; 10, 26
Beckwith, Charles M.: 2, 22
Clarence A.: 2, 22
Beckx, Pierre J.: 2, 22
Hexameron of: 1, 22, 38; 2, 22, 452, 453
Bedell, William: 2, 23
Bedingfield, Frances: 4, 141
Bedjan, Paul: 11, 237
Bedouins, war among: 12, 266
Beecher, Charles: 2, 23
Edward: 2, 24
Lyman: 2, 25; 8, 278; 9, 187; 10, 13
Thomas K.: 2, 25
Willis J.: 2, 25
Beeck, Martin van der: 2, 20
Beelsamen: 10, 197. See also Baal Shamen; Baal
Beer, Georg: 2, 26
Rudolf: 2, 26
Beeroth: 6, 250
Beet, Joseph A.: 2, 26
Beets, Henry: 2, 27
Begg, James: 2, 27
Begga: 2, 27
Beggar gild: 10, 479
Beghards: 1, 197; 2, 27-30; 4, 381
Begin, Louis N.: 2, 30
Bègue, Lambert C.: 2, 27; 6, 401, 402
Beguines: 2, 27-30; 4, 381; 6, 402
Beha Ullah: 2, 30
Behaites: 1, 395; 2, 30; 8, 74
Beham, Barthel: 8, 304
Hans Sebald: 8, 304
Behmen, Jacob. See Boehme
Beier, Leonhard: 9, 448
Beirut: 9, 16
Beissel, John Conrad: 3, 186; 4, 24; 7, 467
Stephan: 2, 31
Beit 'Ur al-Tahta: 8, 311
Békes, Caspar: 3, 364
Bekker, Balthasar: 2, 31
Bekkos, Johannes: 6, 196
18Bel: 1, 410; 2, 31; 9, 122. See also Baal, Enlil, and Marduk
and the dragon: 1, 218
Belgian Sunday laws: 11, 149
Belgic Confession: 2, 32, 262; 9, 427, 429; 10, 9
Belgium: 2, 32
art in: 8, 305
Belisarius: 7, 478; 10, 412; 12, 141
Belka: 7, 423
Bell, Andrew: 11, 160
George: 7, 334
Bellamy, John: 2, 160
Joseph: 2, 33; 8, 133, 134, 246; 9, 184
Bellarmine, Roberto F. R.: 2, 34; 7, 233, 234; 9, 167; 10, 38
Bellini, Giovanni: 8, 304
Bellows, Henry W.: 2, 35
Bells: 2, 35-36
Belsham, Thomas: 2, 37; 9, 185; 12, 83
Belshazzar: 1, 408; 3, 349, 350; 7, 274
Belsheim, Johannes: 2, 37
Bembo, Pietro: 2, 37
Ben-hadad: 1, 308, 393; 3, 344; 6, 185; 11, 229
Benade, W. H.: 8, 142
Benaiah: 2, 38
Bender, Wilhelm (F.): 2, 38
Benedicite: 2, 38
Benedict I., Pope: 2, 38
Benedict II.: 2, 38
Benedict III.: 2, 39
Benedict IV.: 2, 39
Benedict V.: 2, 39
Benedict VII.: 2, 40
Benedict X.: 2, 41; 8, 162, 490
Benedict XI.: 2, 41
Benedict XII.: 2, 41
Benedict XIII.: 1, 100, 118; 2, 42; 3, 131, 218; 6, 177; 9, 73
Benedict XIV.: 1, 183, 249, 251; 2, 44, 86, 493; 3, 41, 218; 4, 7, 141; 6, 487; 7, 67; 10, 74, 75; 11, 298
Benedict of Aniane: 1, 49; 2, 45, 48; 7, 466
Biscop: 2, 45
Levita: 9, 348
Benedictine Congregation of the Holy Ghost: 5, 326
hermits of Monte Vergine: 12, 365
Order: 2, 46-49; 3, 146-148; 7, 100
Benedictines, and art: 1, 306
Benediction: 2, 49-50; 10, 144, 145
Benediction, of bells: 2, 36
Benedictions, Hebrew: 11, 214
Benedictus: 6, 502
Beneficia curata: 2, 51
competentiæ: 2, 52
Benefit of Clergy: 2, 52
Benevolence: 1, 134
Benezet, Anthony: 2, 52; 8, 101
Johann A.: 2, 52, 107, 126; 6, 376; 7, 376; 9, 170, 396
Bengt of Linköping: 11, 176
of Skara: 11, 176
Benham, William: 2, 53
Benjamin, Judean territory of: 6, 250
ben Moses Nahawendi: 6, 297
Bennett, James: 2, 53
William H.: 2, 54
Benno: 2, 54
Benoit, Élie: 2, 54
René: 2, 54
Benoist, Élie: 2, 54
René: 2, 54
Benque, Baroness de: 12, 412
Benrath, Karl: 2, 55
Bensly, Robert L.: 2, 55
Benson, Edward W.: 2, 55; 8, 472
R. M.: 9, 288
Bentham, Jeremy: 12, 121
Bentley, Richard: 2, 55, 107; 9, 400
Benton, Angelo A.: 2, 56
Benzelius, Eric: 11, 180
Benzinger, Immanuel: 2, 56
Benzo: 2, 56
Berea: 7, 111
Berengar I., of Italy: 6, 199
Berengar II., of Ivrea: 1, 82
Berengar of Liége: 10, 113
of Poitiers: 2, 57
of Tours: 2, 57-59; 5, 96, 97; 6, 407; 8, 162; 9, 464; 10, 260
Berg Bible Society: 2, 91
Berg, O. A.: 9, 179
Bergen, Book of: 9, 74
formula: 4, 343
Berger, Daniel: 2, 59
Samuel: 2, 59
Bergier, Nicholas S.: 2, 59
Bergius, Johannes: 2, 60
Bergson, Henri L.: 12, 549
Berith: 3, 287
Berkeley Divinity School: 11, 383
Berkeley, George: 2, 60-61; 5, 442; 12, 121
Berleburg Bible: 2, 157; 8, 71
Berlin Bible Society: 2, 90
Bern, Disputation of: 2, 61, 323
Reformation in: 5, 126; 7, 165
synod of: 2, 61
Bern of Reichenau: 2, 68
Bernard of Botone: 2, 61
of Clairvaux: 1, 9, 164, 301; 2, 56-57, 62-66; 3,119, 120, 316; 5, 426, 456; 8, 70; 9, 163; 10, 21; 11, 290; 12, 300, 356
of Cluny: 2, 66
of Constance: 2, 66
of Menthon: 2, 67
of Morlaix. See Bernard of Cluny
of Pavia: 2, 385
of Reichenau: 2, 68
19Bernard of Saxe-Weimar: 10, 30
of Toledo: 2, 67
Bernard, Claude: 2, 67
John H.: 2, 68
Thomas D.: 2, 68
Bernardin (Bernhardin) of Sienna: 2, 68; 9, 164
Bernardines: 3, 119-121
Bernardone, Giovanni: 4, 355
Bernardus Primus: 8, 422
Bernetti: 5, 67
Bernhardin of Busti: 9, 165
Bernheim, Hippolyte: 9, 353
Bernini, Lorenzo: 10, 314
Berno of Cluny: 3, 147
of Reichenau: 2, 68
Bernold: 2, 68
Beroeans: 1, 482
Berquin, Louis de: 2, 69
Berruyer, Joseph I.: 2, 70
Berry Street Conference: 12, 83
Bersier, Eugène A. F.: 2, 70; 9, 180
Bertha, Queen: 1, 179, 364; 12, 415
Bertharius, Abbot: 7, 488
Bertheau, Carl: 2, 70
Ernst: 2, 70
Berthelier, Philibert: 2, 357
Berthier, Guillaume F.: 2, 70
Berthold the Carmelite: 2, 418
of Chiemsee. See Puerstinger, Berthold
of Mainz: 2, 86
Bertholdt, Leonhard: 2, 72
Bertholet, Alfred: 2, 72
Bertram: 2, 72
B. C.: 2, 142-143
Robert A.: 2, 72
Bertrand, A. J. F.: 9, 353
Bérulle, Pierre de: 8, 116
Beryl: 9, 190
Beryllus of Bostra: 7, 456; 8, 269
Besançon, Synod of: 10, 92
Besant, Annie (Wood): 2, 72; 11, 409
Bess, Bernhard: 2, 73
Bessarion, Johannes: 2, 73
Bessel, Gottfried: 2, 73
Besser, Wilhelm F.: 2, 73
Bestmann, Hugo J.: 2, 73
Besuzi, Alberto: 1, 152
Beth, Karl: 2, 74
Beth-anoth: 6, 249
'Ekedh: 10, 187
gamul: 7, 424
Haram: 8, 455
haran: 8, 455
hoglah: 6, 250
horon: 6, 252
jeshimoth: 7, 424
nimrah: 8, 455
rehob: 1, 256; 8, 454; 12, 519
tappuah: 6, 247
zur: 6, 249
Bethany: 6, 251
Betharaba: 6, 250
Bethel Union Society: 10, 316
Bether: 6, 249
Bethesda: 6, 135
Bethgubrin: 6, 249
Bethirah: 4, 421
Brothers: 2, 75
Theological Seminary: 11, 392
Bethlehemites: 2, 75
Bethlen, Gabriel: 8, 424
Bethmann-Hollweg: 3, 85
Bethphage: 6, 251
Bethphany: 2, 75
Bethsaida: 4, 436
Bethulah: 12, 206
Bethune, David: 2, 18
John: 9, 238
Bethune-Baker, James F.: 2, 75
Betkius (Betke), Joachim: 2, 76
Betrayal of Pilate: 2, 76
Bétrine, Jean: 9, 378
Beukelszoon (Bockelson), Jan: 8, 45
Beurlin, Jakob: 2, 76
Bevan, Anthony A.: 2, 76
Llewelyn D.: 2, 76
Thomas: 7, 121
Beveridge, William: 2, 77
Beyer, Dominicus: 1, 199
Hartmann: 2, 77
Leonhard: 9, 448
Beyschlag, Willibald: 2, 77; 9, 177; 12, 21
Beza, Theodore: 2, 78-81; 9, 102, 103, 166, 197, 421
New Testament of: 2, 107
Bezaleel: 9, 274
Bezek: 10, 186
Bezold, Carl E. C.: 2, 81
Bezpopovshchina: 10, 122
Bhagavadgita: 5, 290
Bhai Budha: 10, 408
Bhakti: 5, 476
Bianchini, Giuseppe: 2, 81
Bible: 2, 82-83
Arabic, in Algeria: 1, 63
Association of Friends in America: 2, 93
of Charles the Bald: 8, 302
in China: 3, 35
divination by: 11, 9
English: 2, 137-139, 323; 3, 291; 8, 164, 165, 359; 9, 370; 10, 66; 11, 279; 12, 47, 460
La Grande: 2, 142
literature: 10, 422
money of the: 7, 468-470
20Bible, Reading by the Laity: 2, 85-88; 10, 86; 11, 473
reading in the schools: 10, 85
and the Reformation: 2, 82
schools, Armenian: 11, 152
Societies: 2, 88-93; 5, 223; 6, 67
Society of France: 2, 91
Society in Transcaucasia: 10, 118
Summaries: 2, 156
Text: 2, 94; 3, 68-70; 10, 308; 11, 503; 12, 334
Translation Society: 2, 90
Versions: 2, 115-156
Bibles, Annotated: 2, 156-163
for children: 2, 163
Great: 2, 168
Illustrated: 2, 164
Polyglot: 1, 182, 207; 2, 106, 107, 167, 168, 437; 3, 127; 4, 417; 11, 25, 96; 12, 260, 469
Rabbinic: 2, 168
Biblia pauperum: 2, 166; 8, 303
Bibliander, Theodor: 2, 169; 8, 65
Biblical Archeology: 1, 261
canon: 2, 388-399
Christology: 3, 49-50
concordances: 3, 205-210
Criticism: 2, 5, 7-11, 102, 170-177, 183; 5, 26-31, 77; 6, 75, 155, 156, 160-164, 255, 256, 468; 7, 62, 253; 10, 354, 422; 12, 553
Doctors: 2, 186
Doctrine of baptism: 1, 435
exegesis: 4, 237
glosses: 4, 494-496
history: 2, 177; 3, 97; 6, 49-55
History, instruction in: 2, 177
Introduction: 2, 8, 9, 178-183, 409; 4, 97; 5, 224; 6, 127, 305, 388; 7, 364; 10, 355, 422; 12, 297, 320. See also Hexateuch, Gospel, and the articles on the separate books of the Bible
manuscripts: 1, 216; 2, 94, 98, 99, 100-106
scholia: 10, 270
symbolism: 11, 204
Theology: 2, 183; 3, 150; 4, 329-331
Biblicists: 2, 186
Bibliomancy: 3, 451
Bibliotheca sacra: 8, 357
Bibra, Nicholas of: 8, 164
Bibracte: 1, 385
Bickell, Gustav: 2, 186
Johann W.: 2, 186
Bickersteth, Edward: 2, 186
Edward H.: 2, 187
Samuel: 2, 187
Bidding Prayer: 2, 187; 6, 495
Biedermann, Alois E.: 2, 188; 5, 7; 9, 468; 12, 21
Biel, Gabriel: 2, 188; 8, 219; 9, 164; 10, 266; 11, 496, 497
Bielefeld polyglot: 2, 168
Bierling, Ernst R.: 2, 188
Bier-right, ordeal of: 8, 250
Bigelmaier, Andreas: 2, 189
Bigg, Charles: 2, 189
Bigne, Marguerin de la: 2, 189
Bikkurim: 4, 318
Bilad al-Ruhah: 8, 311
Billican, Theobald: 2, 189
Billing, G.: 9, 180
Bilney, Thomas: 2, 190; 6, 419
Bilson, Thomas: 2, 190
Bimbisara: 2, 292
Binder, Christoph: 11, 114
Binding and Loosing. See Keys, Power of the
Bindley, Thomas H.: 2, 190
Bingham, Hiram: 2, 190; 5, 174; 11, 15, 16
Joseph: 2, 191
Binney, Thomas: 2, 191; 9, 185
Binterim, Anton J.: 2, 191
Birch, Thomas: 2, 192
Bird, Frederic M.: 2, 192
Biretta: 12, 171
Birger of Sweden: 11, 177
Birgitta, St., and the Birgittine order: 2, 151, 266-267; 11, 177
Birinus, Saint: 2, 192
Birth customs: 4, 276
of Jesus, date of: 2, 495; 3, 47; 4, 156, 162; 9, 375
Birthplace of Jesus, Traditional: 2, 75
Bisch, Rauff: 4, 371
Bishop: 1, 150; 2, 192; 3, 270; 8, 261, 262, 263-265, 353; 9, 201, 202; 11, 126; 12, 293, 294, 465. See also Episcopacy
in partibus infidelium: 2, 194; 12, 293, 294
coadjutor: 2, 193
Seabury Mission: 11, 386
suffragan: 2, 193; 12, 293, 294
Bishopric: 2, 194
Bishops, Waldensian: 12, 244
Bismarck Archipelago, missions in: 7, 414; 11, 15
Bisschop, Simon: 4, 159
Bissell, Edwin C.: 2, 195
Bistany, Butrus: 11, 233
Bit-Adini: 1, 327, 329; 7, 321; 11, 229
Bithynia: 1, 316
Bitzius, Albert: 9, 178
Bizochi: 4, 373
Björling, Carl O.: 2, 195
Blaarer, Ambrosius: 2, 198
Diethelm: 10, 171
Black death: 4, 324
Fathers: 5, 326
Friars: 2, 195
Jews: 3, 92
magic: 7, 127
obelisk: 1, 329
Rubric: 2, 195
Sisters: 10, 375
stone of Mecca: 1, 253; 6, 289; 7, 436, 437
Black, Hugh: 2, 195
Blackwood, William: 2, 195
Blahoslav, Johann: 2, 217
Blaikie, William G.: 2, 196
21Blair, James: 2, 196
Samuel: 2, 196
William: 2, 197
Blaise, Saint: 5, 215
Blake, E. N.: 11, 344
Blakeslee, Erastus: 2, 197
Blanc, Louis: 10, 484
Blanchinus, Giuseppe: 2, 81
Blanckmeister, Franz T.: 2, 197
Blandina, Saint: 2, 197
Blandrata, Georgius: 2, 197; 3, 364; 7, 291; 10, 488; 12, 82
Blankenfeld, Johann: 6, 358
Blarer, Ambrosius: 2, 198; 9, 166
Blasius (Blaise) of Sebaste: 5, 215
Blasphemy: 2, 197
Blass, Friedrich W.: 2, 198
Blastares, Matthæus: 2, 198; 8, 189
Blaurer, Ambrosius: 2, 198; 9, 166
Margaretha: 2, 199
Blavatsky, Helena P.: 2, 199; 11, 408, 409
Blayney, Benjamin: 2, 199
Bledsoe, Albert T.: 2, 199
Bleek, Friedrich: 2, 200
Blemmydes, Nikephoros: 2, 200
Blessedness: 2, 200
Blessig, Johann L.: 2, 201
Blessing and Cursing: 2, 202, 203
of Joseph: 9, 340
of Moses: 8, 28
Bliss, Daniel: 2, 203
Edwin M.: 2, 204
Frederick J.: 2, 204
Howard S.: 2, 204
Isaac G.: 2, 204
Blomfield, Charles J.: 2, 204
William E.: 2, 205
Blommaerdine, Hadewich: 2, 205; 4, 382; 5, 352
Blondel, David: 2, 205
Blood, baptism by: 1, 436
brotherhood: 3, 197
guilt: 2, 405
liquefaction of: 6, 100; 11, 168
of the martyrs: 1, 158-159
Bloodless sacrifices: 10, 164
Bloody sacrifices: 10, 164
Bloomfield Theological Seminary: 11, 371
Blosset, Francisque de: 4, 451
Blount, Charles: 1, 232; 3, 392
Blue: 3, 165
Annunciades: 1, 188
Blumhardt, Christian G.: 2, 206
Blunt, John H.: 2, 206
John J.: 2, 206
Blutström, Carl: 9, 173
Blyth, George F. P.: 2, 207; 6, 137
Boardman, George D.: 2, 207
George N.: 2, 207
Boaz: 10, 125
Boccaccio: 5, 401
Bochart, Samuel: 2, 207; 9, 169
Bockelson, Jan. See John of Leyden
Bockhold, Johann. See John of Leyden
Bocking, Edward: 1, 494
Bocskag (Bocskay), Stephen: 8, 424, 425; 9, 422; 12, 182
Bod, Peter: 2, 208
Bodel, Jean: 9, 476
Bodelschwingh, Friedrich von: 2, 208; 5, 496
Bodenstein, A. R. von. See Carlstadt
Bodmer, J. J.: 6, 423
Body, Charles W. E.: 2, 208
George: 2, 208
Body and Blood of Christ: 11, 494-501; 12, 542
Boeckenhoff, Wilhelm B. A. K.: 2, 208
Boegner, Alfred E.: 2, 209
Boehl, Eduard: 2, 209
Boehlor, Peter: 12, 92
Boehm, Hans: 2, 209
J. P.: 9, 436
Boehme, Jakob: 2, 209-211; 4, 486; 5, 128; 8, 70; 9, 467; 12, 21
J. P.: 9, 431
Boehmer, Eduard: 2, 211
Justus H.: 2, 211
Boehringer, George F.: 2, 211
Boese, J. G.: 11, 302
Boethius, Anicius M. S.: 1, 284; 2, 212
Boëthusians: 9, 9
Bogatzky, Karl H. von: 2, 212
Bogerman, Jan: 2, 212
Bogomiles: 7, 464; 8, 143, 144, 418
Bogoris: 2, 299
Bogue, David: 2, 212
Bohairic Bible version: 2, 132
Bohemia: 7, 372, 373; 9, 77; 10, 69, 454; 12, 256, 298
Reformation in: 9, 422
Waldenses in: 12, 246
Bohemian Bibles: 2, 153-154
Brethren: 1, 457; 2, 213-217; 3, 183; 9, 2, 422; 10, 356; 12, 91, 248, 514
Brethren, catechism of: 2, 447
confession: 5, 420
and Moravian Brethren, Evangelical Union of: 7, 391
Nicolaitans: 8, 169
Bohemians: 10, 454
Bohemund: 1, 126
Bohler, Peter: 7, 333
Bois, John: 2, 217
Bolckhaus, Johannes: 10, 91
Boleslaw I., Chrobry: 9, 105
Boleslaw II., the Pious: 9, 152
Boleslaw III.: 12, 298
Bolingbroke, Henry St. J.: 3, 394
Bolivia: 2, 218
Bollandist Acta: 1, 28
Bollandists: 2, 218
Bolliger, A.: 12, 358
Bologna university: 12, 98, 99
Bolsec, Jérôme H.: 2, 219, 357
Bolsena, Miracle of: 2, 219
Bolzano, Bernhard: 2, 219
22Bomberg Bible: 2, 168
Bomberger, John H. A.: 2, 220
Bōmos: 1, 139
Bon: 6, 400
Bona, Giovanni: 2, 220
Bonald, Louis G. A., Vicomte de: 2, 220
Bonar, Andrew A.: 2, 220
Horatius: 2, 220
Bonaventura: 1, 350; 2, 221; 3, 226; 4, 358; 8, 70; 9, 163; 10, 263
Bond, William B.: 2, 221
Bondimerio, Andreas: 5, 326
Bondservants, Hebrew: 10, 450
Bonebrake Theological Seminary: 12, 574
Bonesana, C. B.: 9, 261; 12, 121
Bonet-Maury, Amy G. C. A.: 2, 221
Boni Homines: 2, 228; 5, 44; 10, 140
Boniface I., Pope: 2, 221, 428
Boniface II.: 1, 81; 2, 222; 10, 349
Boniface III.: 2, 222
Boniface IV.: 2, 223
Boniface V.: 2, 223
Boniface VI.: 2, 223
Boniface VIII.: 2, 223-226, 386; 3, 133, 354; 4, 359; 5, 487; 6, 84, 241; 9, 493
Boniface, Saint: 2, 14, 226-228; 4, 382; 5, 59; 7, 65; 9, 162; 10, 182, 218; 12, 200, 201, 452, 493
Boniface Society: 2, 228
Bonifatius of Querfurt: 2, 285
Bonifatius-verein: 2, 228
Bonitho: 2, 229
Bonizo: 2, 229
Bonn Reuniion Conferences: 12, 68
Bonner, Edmund: 2, 229
Bonnet, Alfred M.: 2, 229
Bonnet, C.: 9, 396
G.: 9, 174
Jules: 2, 230
Bonnivard, François de: 2, 230
Bonnus, Hermannus: 2, 230
Bonomi of Vercelli: 3, 339
Bonosians: 2, 231
Bonosus: 2, 231
Bonwetsch, Gottlieb N.: 2, 232
Book of Common Prayer: 3, 177-179; 5, 140; 9, 284, 423, 488
of the covenant: 6, 428; 9, 125; 10, 449
of Eldad and Modad: 9, 340
of the Mystic Words of Moses: 9, 340
of Proverbs: 9, 303-306
of Psalms: 9, 324-333
Books of Adam: 9, 341
censorship and prohibition of: 2, 493; 8, 162; 9, 79
early form of: 2, 94
Boot: 4, 4
Booth, Ballington: 2, 233
Mrs. Ballington: 12, 418
Catherine (Mumford): 2, 233; 10, 473; 12, 418
William: 2, 233; 10, 180, 473; 12, 558
Booth-Tucker, Emma M.: 2, 233
Frederick St. G. de L.: 2, 233
Booths, Feast of. See Tabernacles, Feast of
Boquinus, Petrus: 2, 240; 5, 204
Bora, Katharina von: 2, 233; 12, 417
Borborians (Borborites): 4, 498; 8, 243
Bordeaux pilgrim: 10, 414
Bordelumians: 2, 234
Bordier, Henry L.: 2, 234
Boreel, Adam: 2, 234
Borger, E. A.: 9, 180
Borghese, Camillo: 8, 397, 398
Bornemann, Frederick W. B.: 2, 234
Bornhaeuser, Karl B.: 2, 235
Bornholmers: 2, 235
Borowski, Ludwig E. von: 2, 235
Borrhaus, Martin: 2, 236; 12, 538
Borromeo, Carlo: 2, 236; 3, 339; 9, 167; 11, 152; 12, 138
Borrow, George (H.): 2, 236
Borsippa: 1, 401
Boschi, Giulio: 2, 237
Bosheth: 10, 308
Bosio, Antonio: 1, 158
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2, 237
Boso (Cardinal): 2, 237; 6, 473
Boso, of Merseburg: 7, 319
Bosse, Friedrich: 2, 237
Bossert, Gustav: 12, 550
Bossuet, Jacques B.: 2, 238; 4, 298; 5, 103; 7, 242, 243; 9, 169
Bost, Paul A. I. D.: 2, 238
Boston Society for Seamen: 10, 318
University: 11, 365
University, Theological Seminary of: 11, 365
Boston, Thomas: 2, 239; 9, 184
Boto: 9, 162
Botrys: 9, 16
Botskai (Boeskag), Stephen: 8, 424, 425; 9, 422; 12, 182
Botticelli, Sandro: 8, 304
Bottome, Margaret: 2, 239; 12, 477
Boubastis (Bubastis): 9, 50
Bonhours, Dominique: 2, 239
Bouleutics: 9, 148
Bouquet, Martin: 2, 239
Bouquin, Pierre: 2, 240
Bourdaloue, Louis: 2, 240; 7, 242; 9, 169
Bourg-Dieu, Hervé de: 5, 250
Bourgeois, Louis: 9, 320
Pragmatic Sanction of: 1, 497; 9, 151
Bourignon de la Porte, Antoinette: 2, 240; 9, 101, 102
Bourignonians: 2, 240-241
Bourne, Francis: 2, 241
Bourrier, André: 7, 43
Bousset, Johann F. W.: 2, 241
Bouthillier de Rancé, J. L. de: 11, 501
Bow and arrow: 12, 267
Bowden, Helen: 12, 418
23Bowen, George: 2, 242
Bowen, John W. E.: 2, 242
Bower, Archibald: 2, 242
Bowman, Thomas: 2, 242
Bowne, Borden P.: 2, 242
Bowring, Sir John: 2, 243
Boyce, James P.: 2, 243; 11, 347
Boyd, Andrew K. H.: 2, 243; 9, 207
Boyle Lectures: 2, 244
Boys, John: 2, 217
Bozrah: 1, 498
Brace, Charles L.: 2, 244
Brackmann, Albert: 2, 244
Bradford, Amory H.: 2, 244
William: 3, 232
Bradlaugh, Charles: 2, 245; 10, 327
Bradley, George G.: 2, 245
Bradshaw, William: 2, 246
Bradwardine, Thomas: 2, 246; 9, 196; 10, 266; 12, 356
Brady, Nicholas: 2, 246
Bragantiis, Bartolomeo de: 7, 181
Brahma: 2, 249; 5, 473; 8, 331
Brahma Samaj. See Brahmo Somaj
Brahmanas: 2, 247, 248; 5, 473
Brahmanism: 2, 247; 5, 290, 473, 474; 6, 87
Brahmanistic Counterreformation: 5, 290
Brahmo Mandir: 10, 356
Somaj: 2, 250; 5, 478; 9, 387; 10, 356; 11, 252
Braid, James: 9, 353
Braig, Karl von: 2, 251
Brainerd, David: 2, 251; 7, 407; 9, 184
John: 2, 251
Thomas: 2, 251
Bramhall, John: 2, 251
"Branch," The: 12, 499
Brandenburg: 2, 252; 10, 406, 407
Bishopric of: 2, 252
Confessions of: 2, 252
Reformed Church of: 1, 481
Reformation in: 12, 295
Brandes, Friedrich H.: 2, 252
Brandt, Wilhelm: 2, 252
Brann, Henry A.: 2, 252
Marcus: 2, 252
Brant, Sebastian: 2, 253
Braschi, G. A.: 9, 79-81
Brastberger, Immanuel G.: 2, 253; 9, 171
Brastow, Lewis O.: 2, 253
Bratke, Eduard: 2, 254
Bratt, T. O.: 8, 195
Bratton, Theodore du B.: 2, 254
Braun, Johann W. J.: 2, 254
Bray, Guido de: 2, 262
Brazil: 1, 167; 2, 255-356; 7, 89, 401, 404, 411; 10, 77; 12, 189
missions in: 1, 167; 2, 256; 7, 401, 404, 411
Missouri Synod in: 7, 89
Roman Catholics in: 2, 256; 10, 77
Bread and Baking: 2, 256; 6, 231
for eucharist: 1, 142
unleavened: 8, 369
and wine in eucharist: 11, 494-501
Breakspeare, Nicholas: 1, 53
Breckinridge, John: 2, 257
Robert J.: 2, 257
Breckling, Friedrich: 2, 257; 4, 485, 486, 488
Bredahl, Erich: 12, 321
Bredal, Erik: 6, 415
Bredenkamp, Konrad J.: 2, 257
Breeches Bible: 2, 140
Breed, David R.: 2, 257
Breithaupt, Joachim J.: 1, 205; 2, 258
Breitinger, Johann J.: 2, 258; 9, 170
Breme, Veit: 10, 183
Bremen: 1, 33; 2, 258; 5, 130; 12, 361
Bishopric of: 1, 31, 32, 33, 36; 2, 259; 5, 130; 12, 361
controversy: 6, 386
Reformation in: 9, 279; 11, 441
Brendan, Saint, of Clonfert: 2, 259
Brendel, Daniel: 3, 351
Brent, Charles H.: 2, 260
Brenz, Johann: 2, 260-261; 3, 180; 9, 166; 11, 122; 12, 52
Breslau, Bishopric of: 2, 262
Brest Bible: 2, 155
Brethren, Bohemian: 2, 213-217
Bridge: 5, 376
Calendar: 2, 342
in Christ: 10, 55
of Christ: 1, 196
of Common Life: 1, 96, 97; 3, 172; 4, 335; 8, 70; 9, 164; 10, 19, 63; 12, 159, 380, 381
of the Cross: 4, 325
exclusive: 9, 95
of Free Spirit: 1, 146, 197, 210, 211
Plymouth: 9, 95-98
of St. Ambrose: 1, 152
of St. James of Haupas: 5, 376
of St. Joseph: 6, 230
Unity of the: 5, 482; 6, 72; 9, 60, 66, 107, 422; 11, 33, 180
Bratkun, Jan: 2, 149
Breton Bible versions: 2, 136
Bretschneider, Karl G.: 2, 262; 9, 398
Breviarium Extravagantium: 2, 385
Breviary: 1, 203; 2, 263; 9, 321
of Sarum: 10, 209
Brewer, Leigh R.: 2, 264
Brewster, Chauncey B.: 2, 264
Breyfogel, Sylvanus C.: 2, 264
Briçonnet, Guillaume: 2, 264; 4, 262; 7, 177
Brictinans: 2, 265
Bridaine, Jacques: 2, 265
Bride, Saint, of Kildare: 2, 265
Bridel, Philippe L. J.: 2, 265
Bridge Brethren: 5, 376
Bridge, William: 2, 265
Bridget, Saint, of Kildare: 2, 265
Saint, of Sweden: 2, 151, 266-267; 11, 177
Bridgett, Thomas E.: 2, 268
Bridgewater Treatises: 2, 268
Bridgman, Elijah C.: 2, 268; 3, 33
24Bridle: 12, 428
Briefs: 2, 268
Brieger, Johann F. T.: 2, 269
Breissmann, Johann: 1, 106; 2, 269; 4, 459; 6, 359; 9, 106
Briggs, Charles A.: 2, 270; 8, 278; 11, 376
Bright, Timothy: 11, 79
William: 2, 271
Brightman, Frank E.: 2, 271; 8, 67
Brigida, Saint, of Kildare: 2, 265
Saint, of Sweden: 2, 266-267
Brigit, Saint, of Kildare: 2, 265
Brigittine Order: 2, 267
Brignolines: 12, 411
Brill, Jakob: 2, 271
Brinckerinck, Jan: 2, 271; 3, 172, 174
Brinsers: 10, 55
Brinton, D. G.: 12, 437
Britain, Celtic Church in: 2, 468; 4, 131
pelagianism in: 1, 90
British church. See Celtic Church
colonies, Congregationalists in: 3, 233
and Foreign Bible Society: 2, 213; 12, 40
and Foreign Sailors' Society: 10, 316
East Africa Protectorate: 1, 65
Honduras: 2, 496
moralists: 7, 496-502
New Guinea, missions in the: 11, 17
North America, missions in: 7, 410
Syrian mission: 11, 235
West Indies: 1, 478; 12, 315-319
Brittinans (Brittinians): 2, 265
Brixen, Bishopric of: 2, 272
Broad Church: 4, 135
Broaddus, Andrew: 9, 187
Broadus, John A.: 2, 272; 9, 188; 11, 347
Brochmand, Jasper R.: 2, 272; 9, 168
Brockmann, J. H.: 8, 291
Brockway, Z. R.: 9, 261
Broemel, Albert R.: 2, 273
Bromley, Thomas: 2, 273
Bronze: 5, 141
Brook Farm: 3, 44, 184; 5, 196; 11, 491
of the Willows: 8, 313
Zered: 8, 313
Brooke, Stopford A.: 2, 273
Brooks, Elbridge G.: 2, 273
Brorson, Hans A.: 2, 274
Brother Klaus: 4, 336
Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip: 1, 172
of the Kingdom: 6, 333
Methodist: 7, 346
of St. Andrew: 9, 288
Brothers of Charity: 2, 312
Christian: 3, 39
of the Christian Schools: 3, 39
of Jesus Christ: 6, 90, 91; 7, 220
of St. Hippolytus: 5, 295
of St. Joseph: 6, 230
Broughton, Hugh: 2, 274
Brousson, Claude: 2, 274
Brown University: 1, 471; 12, 280
Brown, Arthur J.: 2, 275
Charles R.: 2, 275
Charles Rufus: 2, 275
David: 2, 275
Francis: 2, 276
Hugh S.: 2, 276
James B.: 2, 276
John: 2, 276
John, of Edinburgh: 2, 277
John, of Haddington: 2, 277
John N.: 2, 277
Peter: 9, 400
Peter H.: 2, 277
Phœbe A.: 2, 277
William A.: 2, 278
William M.: 2, 278
Browne, Edward H.: 2, 278
George: 2, 278
George F.: 2, 279
John: 2, 279
Peter: 2, 279
Robert: 2, 279-280; 3, 231; 6, 478
Browning, Robert: 9, 460
Brownists: 2, 279, 431; 3, 231; 9, 368; 10, 229
Brownlee, William C.: 2, 281
Brownson, Orestes A.: 2, 281
Bruccioli, Antonio: 2, 149; 6, 68
Bruce, Alexander B.: 2, 281; 9, 211
Michael: 10, 299
Robert: 8, 472
Bruch, Johann F.: 2, 282
Bruderhof Mennonites: 7, 309
Brueck, Gregorius: 2, 282
Brueckner, Benno B.: 2, 283; 9, 176
Brueggemann, Hans: 10, 314
Bruegglers: 6, 370
Brueghel the Elder, Pieter: 8, 304
Brugmann, Jan: 2, 283
Brully, Pierre: 2, 284
Brumalia: 3, 48
Brun, Bruno: 9, 5
of Querfurt: 2, 285; 9, 105, 314
Brunfels, Otto: 2, 284
Brunetière, Marie F.: 2, 284
Brunner, Leonhard: 2, 284
Bruno of Angers: 4, 208
of Egisheim: 6, 451
of Querfurt: 2, 285; 9, 105, 314
Saint: 2, 428
of Segni: 2, 286
of Toul. See Leo IX., pope
of Würzburg: 2, 286
Bruno, Giordano: 2, 285; 4, 230, 231; 8, 114, 331; 9, 464
Brunswick: 2, 286; 3, 274; 7, 51
Brunswick-Lueneburg, Reformation in: 4, 168
Brusly, Pierre: 2, 284
Bruston, Charles A.: 2, 287
Brute, Walter; 7, 18
Bruys, Pierre de. See Peter of Bruys
Bryant, Jacob: 2, 287
Bryce, George: 2, 288
25Brydaine, Jacques: 2, 265
Bryennios, Philotheos: 2, 288
Brzesc, Synod of: 10, 488
Bucer, Martin. See Butzer
Buchan, Elspat: 2, 289
Buchanan, Claudius: 2, 288
George: 2, 289
Buchanites: 2, 289
Buchel, Anna von: 10, 90
Buchholzer, Georg: 6, 183; 7, 135
Buchmann, Theodor: 2, 169
Buchwald, Georg A.: 2, 289
Buck, Charles: 2, 290
Buckland, Augustus R.: 2, 290
Buckley, James M.: 2, 290
Buckminster, Joseph S.: 2, 290
Budapest, university of: 8, 425
Budde, Johann F.: 2, 291
Karl F. R.: 2, 290
Buddensieg, Oskar G. R.: 2, 291
Buddeus, Johannes F.: 2, 291
Buddha: 2, 292
Buddhism: 2, 292-295; 3, 31; 5, 474
in Siam and Laos: 10, 394
in Tibet: 6, 400-401
Buddhistic heresies: 2, 249
Budé, Guillaume: 2, 295
Buder, Paul von: 2, 295
Buechlein, Paulus: 4, 265
Buechner, Gottfried: 2, 295
Buechsel, Karl: 2, 295; 9, 176
Buell, Marcus D.: 2, 295
Buergisser, Leodegar: 10, 172
Buffalo Synod: 7, 89
Bug Bible: 2, 140
Bugenhagen, Johann: 2, 296; 9, 166
Buhl, Frants P. W. M.: 2, 297
Bulgaria: 2, 297
Bulgarian Bibles: 2, 153
Conversion of the: 2, 298; 8, 161
Bulgaris, Eugenios: 2, 299
Bulkeley, Sir Richard: 4, 383
Bull Ad abolendam: 12, 241
Ad certitudinem: 11, 292
Ad comprimendam quorundam: 3, 211
Ad dominici gregis custodiam: 3, 215; 5, 254
Ad ea quæ: 3, 211
Ad exstirpanda: 6, 2
Ad sacram Petri sedem: 3, 212
Ad tranquillitatem: 3, 211
Æterni patris: 12, 147
Æterni patris vicaria: 3, 217
Animarum saluti: 3, 135
Antiquorum habet fidem: 6, 241
Apostolicae curae: 10, 143; 12, 158
Apostolici ministerii: 3, 218
Apostolicum pascendi munus: 3, 135
Auctorem fidei: 8, 356; 10, 24, 147
Beati Patrum apostolorum: 3, 217
Cantate Domino: 10, 74
Clericis laicos: 2, 225; 4, 424; 9, 23; 12, 62
Circumscriptionis: 1, 251
Cum ecclesiastica: 10, 75
Cum ex apostolatus officio: 12, 60
Cum in ecclesia: 3, 135
Cum in sublimi: 3, 217
Cum inter nonnullos: 4, 359
Cum occasione: 6, 96
De salute: 4, 168
De salute animarum: 3, 215; 8, 298; 9, 318
Decet Romani pontificis prudentiam: 3, 212
Decet Romanos pontifices: 10, 74
Decet Romanum pontificem: 6, 479
Dei ac domini nostri Jesu Christi: 3, 214
Dei miseratione: 3, 386; 7, 203
Demandatam cælitus: 10, 74
Deus humanæ salutis auctor: 3, 216
Dominus ac redemptor noster: 10, 23
Ecclesia Christi: 3, 213
Ex omnibus affectionibus: 1, 422
Ex quo singulari: 2, 44
Ex supernæ dispositionis: 3, 386
Execrabilis: 12, 1
Exii qui seminat: 4, 358
Exultate: 3, 223
Faciens misericordiam: 11, 291
Impensa Romanorum pontificum: 3, 215
In agro dominico: 4, 67
In cæna Domini: 3, 136; 5, 464, 471; 6, 233; 9, 85; 12, 60
In eminenti: 6, 96
In minoribus: 9, 78
In supremo apostolicæ: 3, 217
Ineffabilis: 6, 242
Ineffabilis amoris: 2, 225
Ineffabilis Deus: 5, 455
Injunctum: 1, 251
Inter cætera desideria: 3, 211
Inter plures: 10, 74
Lætare Hierusalem: 8, 395
Lætentur cæli: 10, 74
Licet ab initio: 3, 325; 6, 3, 67; 8, 396; 12, 137
Magnus Dominus: 10, 74
Officiorum ac munerum: 2, 493
Omne datum optimum: 11, 290
Omnium sollicitudinum: 1, 24; 2, 44
Orientalium dignitas: 10, 75
Pastor æternus: 3, 282; 8, 370; 9, 128
Pastoralis officii: 12, 65
Pastoralis præeminente: 11, 291
Postquam Dei munere: 12, 154
Provida sollersque: 3, 215, 216; 5, 254
Qui Christi Dominis vices: 3, 213
Quorundam exigit: 4, 359
Regimini militantis: 5, 448
Regnans in cælis: 12, 183
Regnans in excelsis: 4, 295
Romanum decet pontificem: 5, 508
Romanus pontifex: 12, 215
Salvator noster: 6, 242
Sancta Romana: 4, 361
26Bull Solicitudo omnium ecclesiarum: 6, 148
Supra montem: 4, 361
Summis desiderantes: 5, 506; 6, 3; 11, 170
Unam sanctam: 1, 58; 2, 225; 3, 133; 4, 424; 9, 23, 115, 128; 12, 60, 62
Unigenitus: 1, 22, 249, 298; 2, 43, 44, 87; 3, 135; 4, 20, 298; 5, 487, 508; 6, 97, 98, 99, 100, 233, 465; 10, 174; 12, 65, 571
Ut sacra minorum: 4, 360
Zelo domus dei: 5, 506; 6, 480, 481; 12, 332
Bull as a symbol: 2, 346
primeval: 7, 493
Bull, George: 2, 299
Bullaria: 2, 268
Bullinger, Heinrich: 2, 299-302; 5, 217; 9, 421; 12, 536
Bulls, papal: 2, 268. See also Bull
Bunbery, Thomas: 2, 302
Bund, Evangelischer: 2, 302
Bungener, Felix: 2, 303
Bunsen, Christian K. J.: 2, 303; 10, 101
Bunting, Jabez: 2, 303; 9, 185
Buonarrotti, Michelangelo: 8, 304
Buoncompagni, Ugo: 5, 66
Buono, Giovanni: 6, 219
Bur: 10, 39
Burchard of Worms: 2, 304, 384
of Würzburg: 2, 305
Burder, George: 2, 305
Burdinus, Mauritius: 5, 63
Burgauer, Benedikt: 10, 47
Burger, Karl H. A. von: 2, 305
Burges, Cornelius: 2, 305
Burgess, Anthony: 2, 306
Daniel: 2, 306
Frederick: 2, 306
George: 2, 306
Henry: 2, 306
Burgher Presbytery of Truro: 9, 238
Burgkmair, Hans: 8, 304
Burgundians: 2, 307
Burial: 2, 307, 480-492; 3, 113-114
Hill declaration: 3, 236
service, Reformation: 2, 309
Buridan, Jean: 2, 309
Burj, Bardawil: 8, 310
al-Lisanah: 8, 311
Burk, P. D.: 9, 171
Burke, Thomas M. A.: 2, 310
Burkitt, Francis C.: 2, 310
William: 2, 310
Burma: 1, 479; 2, 310-311; 6, 257, 258; 7, 399
Burn, Richard: 2, 312
Burnaburiash: 1, 148, 328, 407
Burne-Jones, Sir E. C.: 8, 305
Burnet, Gilbert: 2, 312
Thomas: 2, 312
Burnett Prizes and Lectures: 2, 312
Burning bush: 7, 393
Burning of Heretics: 1, 384; 3, 391; 6, 3
Burmann, Frans: 2, 312
Burns, Thomas: 9, 224
William C.: 2, 313
Burnt offering: 10, 164
Burr, Enoch F.: 2, 313
Burrage, Henry S.: 2, 313
Burrell, David J.: 2, 314
Burritt, Elihu: 2, 314
Burroughes (Burroughs), Jeremiah: 2, 314
Burroughs, (Burrough), George: 2, 315
Burrows, Winfrid O.: 2, 315
Bursfelde, Congregation of: 2, 315
Burt, William: 2, 315
Burton, Asa: 2, 315
Edward: 2, 316
Ernest DeW.: 2, 316
Lewis W.: 2, 316
Robert: 2, 316
Burtsheid, monastery of: 1, 1
Burwash, Nathaniel: 2, 317
Bury, Richard de: 2, 317; 4, 37
Bus, César de: 3, 41
Busch, Jan: 2, 315, 317-318; 3, 172; 4, 324
Busche, Hermann van dem: 8, 44
Busembaum, Hermann: 2, 318; 9, 263
Bush, George: 2, 318
Busher, Leonard: 1, 460
Bushnell, Horace: 1, 354; 2, 318; 3, 59; 8, 138, 278; 9, 187, 401
Alford A.: 2, 319
Alford J.: 2, 319
Charles: 2, 319
Clement M.: 2, 319
Henry M.: 2, 320
James G.: 2, 320
John G.: 2, 320
Joseph: 2, 320; 5, 8; 7, 502; 9, 184
Josephine E.: 12, 418
William: 2, 321
William A.: 2, 321
Butter Week: 4, 282
Butterbriefe, Butterwoche. See Lacticinia
Buttlar, Eva von: 2, 321
Buttz, Henry A.: 2, 322; 11, 366
Butzer, Martin: 2, 322-323, 408; 3, 223; 4, 66; 5, 310, 311; 7, 168, 275; 9, 26, 423, 444; 10, 248; 11, 309, 310; 12, 397-398, 399
Buxtorf, Johann: 2, 325
Johann, the Elder: 2, 324
Johann, the Younger: 2, 324
Johannes J.: 2, 324
Byblos: 4, 438; 9, 16; 11, 266
Byeguny: 10, 123
Byfield, Adoniram: 2, 325
Nicholas: 2, 325
Bylney, Thomas: 2, 190
Byrne, Katherine: 7, 313
Byrom, John: 2, 325
Byrum, Enoch E.: 2, 325
Byzantine architecture: 1, 267
27Byzantine art: 8, 302; 10, 311; 11, 210
literature: 1, 430; 2, 200, 332; 4, 126, 199, 215, 216, 449, 452, 459; 5, 56, 196, 229; 7, 185; 8, 160; 9, 34, 333; 10, 89; 11, 407; 12, 521, 522
scholia: 10, 270
world era: 4, 163
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