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Aa: 7, 492

Aachen, diet of: 10, 219

Otho manuscript: 8, 302

Synods of: 1, 1, 111

Aaron: 1, 1-2; 5, 280; 6, 466; 8, 25; 9, 248

rod of: 1, 285

Aaron ben Elijah: 6, 298, 299

ben Joseph: 6, 298

ben Moses ben Asher: 7, 226

English martyr: 1, 103

Aaronic priesthood, Mormon: 8, 12, 19

Abaddon: 1, 2

Abana river: 11, 228

Abarbanel, Isaac: 1, 13

Abathur: 7, 147, 150

Abauzit, Firmin: 1, 2

Abba Rab: 6, 56

Abbadie, Jacques: 1, 2-3

Abbas II. of Egypt: 4, 93

Abbas Effendi: 1, 395

Abbasid dynasty: 11, 231

Abbé, title of: 1, 4

Abbess: 1, 3; 12, 415, 416

Abbey: 1, 3

Abbo of Fleury: 1, 4; 3, 147

Abbot: 1, 4; 2, 474; 6, 26; 10, 145

Abbot, Ezra: 1, 4-5; 2, 109

George: 1, 5; 3, 335; 9, 369

Robert: 1, 6

Abbott, Edward: 1, 6

Edwin: 1, 6

F. E.: 9, 142

Jacob: 1, 6-7

Justin E.: 1, 7

Lyman: 1, 7

Thomas K.: 1, 7

Abbreviators: 1, 7; 8, 394

Abd-hiba: 1, 148

Abdallah ibn Maimun: 4, 12

Abdias: 1, 7

Abdominal disease: 3, 448

Abdul Beha Abbas: 2, 30

Abeel, David: 1, 8; 3, 33; 10, 318, 395

Abel: 1, 8; 7, 156

beth-maacah: 4, 420

meholah: 10, 187

shittim: 8, 313

Abel, Karl von: 6, 355

Abelard: 1, 8-10, 49, 301; 9, 464; 10, 94, 210, 260; 12, 362

Abelites: 1, 10

Abelli, Louis: 1, 10

Aben, Ezra: 1, 10

Abercius of Hieropolis: 1, 386

Abercrombie, John: 1, 11

Abernethy, John: 1, 11

Abert, Friedrich P. von: 1, 11

Abgar: 1, 11, 291; 2, 127; 11, 241

Abhedananda, Swami: 1, 11-12

Abi-Milki: 1, 148

Abi-Ruch: 1, 21

Abiathar: 1, 98; 9, 248; 10, 496

Abibalus: 10, 198

Abijah (Abijam): 1, 12

Abila: 1, 12; 8, 455

Abilene: 1, 12

Abimelech: 4, 486; 6, 254

Abinadab: 9, 248

Abishai: 1, 12

Abjuration: 1, 12-13

Ablon: 1, 13

Ablutions: 2, 3-4

of the Mass: 1, 13

Abner: 3, 361, 362; 6, 45, 182

of Burgos: 6, 177

Abo academy: 4, 314, 315

Abodrites: 1, 31; 12, 176

Abolition of slave-trade: 10, 453

Abrabanel, Isaac: 1, 13

Abraham, patriarch: 1, 13-15, 397; 4, 89; 6, 49; 10, 449; 11, 447, 448

Apocalypse of: 9, 339

date of: 11, 446-448

Testament of: 9, 339

Abraham of Antioch: 1, 16

a Sancta Clara: 1, 15-16; 9, 169

Ecchellensis: 1, 16; 7, 188

Abrahamites: 1, 16

Abrahams, Israel: 1, 16

Abrahamson, Laurentius G.: 1, 16

Abrasax: 1, 16-17; 2, 1

Abravanel, Isaac: 1, 13

Abraxas: 1, 16-17

Absalom: 1, 18; 3, 362; 6, 182

Absalon (Axel): 1, 18

Absolution: 2, 439; 3, 221; 6, 280; 12, 313, 465

Abstinence: 4, 281-284; 11, 468-472

Abstinentes: 9, 260

Abu Amran Musa Obeidallah al Kortobi: 7, 131

Bekr: 7, 437, 438, 440

Talib: 7, 436

Abulfaraj: 1, 18-19; 2, 127; 11, 240; 12, 24


Abuna, head of Abyssinian Church: 1, 20

Abyssinia: 1, 19-21, 63; 7, 5

Acacius of Berœa: 1, 21; 7, 288; 8, 126

of Cæsarea: 1, 21-22; 3, 334; 4, 206, 292

of Constantinople: 1, 165; 4, 293; 5, 365; 7, 475, 476

of Melitene: 1, 22; 12, 570

Academy of the New Church: 8, 142, 143

Acatius (Acacius): 5, 215

Acca (of Hexham): 1, 22

Accad. See Akkad

Acceptants: 1, 22; 6, 97

Accession at Rome, feast of St. Peter's: 8, 488

Accession, feast of St. Peter's Antiochian: 8, 488

Accolti, Benedetto: 1, 22

Pietro: 1, 22

Accommodation: 1, 22-24; 2, 44

controversy: 1, 24

Tractarian: 1, 24

Acesius: 8, 202

Achæmenians: 7, 274

Achæmenides: 12, 529

'Achamōth: 12, 132, 133

Achelis, Ernst C.: 1, 25

Hans: 1, 25

Acheriana, collectio: 2, 38

Achery, Jean L. d': 1, 25

Achilli, G. G.: 10, 201

Achish: 3, 361; 9, 35, 36

Achor, valley of: 8, 313

Achsah: 8, 285

Achshaph: 4, 420

Achterfeld, J. H.: 5, 242

Achzib: 6, 247; 9, 14

Acœmeti: 1, 25; 7, 464

Acolyte: 1, 25-26; 8, 254

Acosta, José de: 1, 26

Uriel: 1, 26; 3, 348

Acquaviva, Claudius: 6, 147

Acre, city of: 9, 14

plain of: 8, 311, 312

Act, conventicle: 3, 261; 8, 189, 293; 9, 216

five-mile: 4, 321; 8, 189; 9, 216

of supremacy: 4, 133; 9, 366, 423; 11, 171

test: 8, 189

of toleration: 8, 189

of Uniformity: 3, 233; 4, 133, 135; 8, 189

Acta Archelai: 2, 1; 7, 154, 457

Martyrum: 1, 27-29; 2, 218; 11, 77

Sanctorum: 1, 27-29; 2, 218; 10, 99, 174

Actistetæ: 7, 479

Acton, J. E. E. D.: 1, 29-30

Acts of Andrew: 1, 228

of Andrew and Matthew: 1, 228

apocryphal: 1, 228

of the Apostles: 2, 394; 7, 63; 8, 54

of Barnabas: 1, 228

of Holy Apostles: 1, 228

of John: 1, 228

of Martyrs: 1, 26

of Paul and Theda: 1, 228

of Perpetua: 8, 466

of Peter the Apostle: 8, 487

of Peter and Paul: 1, 228

of Philip: 1, 228

of Philip in Greece: 1, 228

of Pilate: 1, 226

of St. Sebastian: 10, 320

of Thaddeus: 1, 228

of Thomas: 1, 228

of Timothy: 11, 449, 450

of twelve apostles: 1, 228

Acts and martyrdom of Matthew: 1, 228

Ad Quercum synod: 1, 21

Ada manuscript: 8, 302

Adad. See Hadad, and Ramman

Adada: 8, 100

Adad-nirari. See Ramman-nirari

Adalbero of Hamburg: 12, 176

Adalbero of Reims: 10, 412

Adalbert (Frankish bishop): 1, 30

of Hamburg-Bremen: 1, 30-31; 5, 36; 11, 174

of Julin: 6, 294

of Prague: 1, 31-32; 9, 105, 153, 314

of Weissenburg: 7, 123

Adalbold: 1, 32

Adaldag: 1, 32

Adalgar: 1, 32-33

Adalhard: 1, 33; 3, 276

Adam: 1, 33-36; 7, 147, 148, 156; 10, 347, 434, 435, 436, 437

Apocalypse of: 9, 342

Books of: 9, 341

as proper name: 1, 34-35

sin and posterity of: 5, 465, 466

Testament of: 9, 342

transgression of: 10, 435

Adam and Noah, Testament of: 9, 340

Adam of Bremen: 1, 36

of St. Victor: 1, 36-37; 10, 359

the Scotchman: 1, 37

Adam, Melchior: 1, 36

Adamantius: 3, 418

Adamites (Adamiani): 1, 37, 197

Adamnan: 1, 38; 2, 475

Adams, E. A.: 10, 455

George M.: 1, 38

James A.: 1, 38

John C.: 1, 38-39

Sarah (F.) F.: 1, 39

Thomas: 1, 39; 9, 183; 11, 19

William: 1, 39

William F.: 1, 39

Adamson, Patrick: 1, 39

William: 1, 40

Adapa: 1, 412

Addicks, George B.: 1, 40

Addis, William E.: 1, 40

Addison, Daniel D.: 1, 40

Address, occasional: 5, 348, 349

Adelmann: 1, 40; 2, 58

Adelophagi: 1, 41

Adelphians: 7, 322

Adelphius: 7, 322

Adeney, Walter F.: 1, 41

Adeodatus, pope: 1, 41

Adepts, Manichean: 7, 156

Adi Brahmo Somaj: 10, 356

Granth: 10, 408, 410

Somaj: 2, 250

Adiaphora: 1, 41-44; 3, 25; 4, 321; 9, 32; 12, 347

Adiaphoristic Controversies: 1, 41


Adler, Cyrus: 1, 44

Felix: 1, 44; 4, 183

Hermann N.: 1, 44

Kaspar: 1, 251

Nathan M.: 1, 44

Admah: 8, 314

Administrators: 4, 12, 13

Ado: 1, 44

Adolf of Nassau: 2, 224

Adon: 7, 21; 11, 267

Adonæans: 7, 146

Adonai (Adhonai): 6, 116, 117; 7, 21; 9, 327; 10, 131; 12, 470, 471

Adonai Shomo: 3, 184

Adonijah: 3, 362; 10, 496

Adonis: 11, 266-271

Adoption: 1, 45-48

Adoptionism: 1, 48-50; 2, 45, 232; 3, 47, 54; 4, 372; 6, 450; 7, 454-458; 12, 82

Adoraim: 6, 249

Adoration of the Sacrament: 1, 50

Adoration of the sacrament, perpetual: 8, 466

Adoratrices perpetuæ: 12, 412

Adrammelech: 1, 50

Adrian I., pope: 1, 50-51; 2, 419, 420, 421; 8, 333, 334

Adrian II.: 1, 52; 2, 299; 9, 46, 347

Adrian III.: 1, 53

Adrian IV.: 1, 53-54

Adrian V.: 1, 54

Adrian VI.: 1, 54-55; 3, 217

Adrian Theological Seminary: 11, 369

Adso: 1, 55

Adullam: 6, 247

Advaita: 5, 475

Advent: 1, 55-56; 3, 114; 4, 282

Advent Christians: 1, 56

Advent, Second: 3, 368; 4, 174, 175; 6, 93; 7, 374-378; 10, 321-325

Adventist Church of God: 3, 92

Adventists: 1, 56-57; 7, 376, 379; 10, 16

Advertisements of Elizabeth: 1, 57; 9, 366; 10, 52

Advocate of the Church: 1, 57

Advocates, Consistorial: 1, 57

Advocates of St. Peter: 1, 57

Advowson: 1, 58

Ædesius: 6, 398

Ædituus: 1, 58

Ægean Sea, Islands of the: 1, 316

Æger, Heinrich: 5, 227

Ægidian School: 10, 265

Ægidius de Columna: 1, 58; 10, 265

Saint: 4, 489

of Viterbo: 1, 58

Ælfred, Ælfric. See Alfred, Alfric

Ælred. See Ailred

Æneas: 10, 366

of Gaza: 1, 58

of Paris: 1, 58

Æneas Sylvius Piccolomini. See Pius II.

Ænon: 10, 186

Æpinus, Johannes: 1, 59

Ærians: 1, 59

Ærius: 1, 59

Æsculapius: 10, 366, 369

Æthelthryth, Saint: 4, 182

Ætius: 1, 278, 280, 281; 4, 201

Affinity, as Marriage Impediment: 7, 201

Affre, Denis A.: 1, 59

Affusion, in Baptism: 1, 446-450

Afra, Saint: 1, 60

Africa: 1, 60-80; 2, 383, 486; 7, 2-4, 443

Baptsists in: 1, 478

church of: 1, 19-21; 3, 266-269; 8, 191-193

Cush in: 3, 328

liturgy in: 7, 238

missions in: 1, 60-80; 7, 396, 397, 412

missions in North: 1, 60-80; 7, 443

Presbyterian Church in South: 9, 220

African Church, North: 8, 191-193

Methodist Episcopal Church: 7, 351

Methodist Episcopal Zion Church: 7, 351

symbol: 1, 242

Union Methodist Protestant Church: 7, 352

Vandals: 12, 141

Africanus, Julius. See Julius Africanus

Afrinagans: 12, 525

Agabus: 9, 277

Agag: 1, 146; 10, 212

Agape: 1, 80-81; 4, 195, 196; 6, 165

Agapetus I., pope: 1, 81; 7, 478

Agapetus II.: 1, 82

Agapios Monachos: 1, 82

Agate: 9, 190

Agatha, Saint: 1, 82

Agathangelos: 1, 290

Agathists: 3, 40, 41

Agatho, pope: 1, 82; 7, 482

Agathocleia: 9, 357

Agathocles: 9, 357

Agde, Synod of: 1, 83; 2, 333

Age, Canonical: 1, 83

Age-to-come Adventists: 1, 57

Agelli, Antonio: 1, 83

Agenda: 1, 84

Agier, Pierre Jean: 1, 86

Agilbert: 1, 86

Agilulf: 5, 55; 7, 19

Agliardi, Antonio: 1, 86

Agnellus (Andrew): 1, 87

Agnes, Saint: 1, 87

Agnesi, Marie: 12, 417

Agni: 2, 247

Agnœtæ: 1, 87; 7, 479, 480

Agnosticism: 1, 87; 5, 134; 10, 327; 11, 40

Agnus Dei: 1, 89; 10, 146

Agnus Dei (liturgical): 1, 88; 6, 495

Agobard: 1, 49, 89, 145; 6, 14

Agonizants: 1, 89

Agony Fathers: 1, 89

Agrapha: 1, 90; 5, 28

Agreda, Maria de. See Maria de Agreda

Agricola: 1, 90

Agricola, Johann: 1, 91, 199; 6, 21; 7, 94; 8, 60; 10, 248

Michael: 2, 141; 4, 314

Stephan: 1, 92, 251

Agricultural Colonies in Palestine: 12, 518

Agriculture, Hebrew: 1, 92-94

Agrippa, I.: 5, 248; 8, 399

Agrippa, II.: 4, 421; 5, 249


Agrippa Castor: 1, 95

von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius: 1, 95

Aguirre, Joseph S. de: 1, 95

Agumkakrime: 1, 407; 7, 273

Agur (ben Yakeh): 9, 305

Ahab: 1, 95; 4, 107; 6, 52; 11, 229

Ahasuerus: 1, 96; 4, 181

Ahaus, Heinrich von: 1, 96; 3, 173

Ahaz: 1, 97; 6, 52

Ahaziah: 1, 97; 5, 176

Ahenarius, Johannes: 6, 321

Ahi: 10, 368

Ahia: 9, 273

Ahia-Ahimelech: 9, 248

Ahijah: 1, 98

Ahimelech: 1, 98; 3, 361

Ahimsa: 6, 86, 87

Ahithophel: 1, 98

Ahlfeld, Johann F.: 1, 98; 9, 176

Ahriman (Angra Mainyu): 4, 15; 12, 530

Ahuis, Hendrick van. See Ahaus

Ahura Mazda: 4, 15; 7, 419, 420, 421; 12, 530

Ai: 6, 251

Aichspalt: 1, 99

Aichspalter: 1, 99

Aid, public administration of: 10, 476

Aidan, King: 3, 166

Saint: 1, 99; 2, 474; 9, 181

Aigulf of Lerins: 6, 462; 7, 487

Aijalon: 6, 251

Aiken, Charles A.: 1, 99

Ailly, Pierre d': 1, 99; 2, 387; 10, 266

Ailred: 1, 100; 9, 182; 11, 148

Aimo: 5, 118

Aimoin of Fleury: 1, 100

of St. Germain: 1, 100

'Ain-al-Sultan: 8, 313

Duk: 8, 313

Ainger, Alfred: 1, 101

Ainsworth, Henry: 1, 101; 2, 232

Ainus: 6, 101; 10, 369

Aistulf: 8, 333; 11, 81, 82

Aitken, William H. Mac D. H.: 1, 101

Aix-la-Chapelle. See Aachen

Ajalon, plain of: 8, 311

'Ajlun: 8, 314, 454

Aka Manah: 12, 531

Akbar, emperor: 5, 475

Aked, Charles F.: 1, 101

Akhmimic Bible version: 2, 132

Akiba: 1, 102; 6, 55

Akkad: 1, 396, 399, 400, 401, 405, 406; 8, 179

Akoimetæ (Acoimetæ): 1, 25; 7, 464

Akominatos. See Nicetas

Akrabatta: 6, 252

Akurgal: 1, 405

Al-Balka: 8, 315

Bukai 'ah: 8, 315

Ghor: 8, 313

Hakim, caliph: 4, 11, 12

Hamad: 8, 314

Jaidur: 8, 314

Karak: 8, 314

Ramah: 8, 311

Shaghur: 8, 311

Tuwanik: 8, 311

Zumal: 8, 314

Alacci, Leone: 1, 129

Alain of Lille: 1, 102

Alanus of Auxerre: 1, 102

ab Insulis: 1, 102

of Tewkesbury: 1, 102

Alacoque, M. M.: 10, 146

Alaphion: 11, 22

Alaric I.: 5, 32, 496

Alaric II.: 5, 33

A Lasco, Johannes. See Lasco

Alaska: 6, 73; 7, 410

Alb: 1, 102; 12, 170

Alban, Saint, of Mainz: 1, 103

Saint, of Verulam: 1, 103

Albanenses: 1, 103; 8, 145

Albani, Giovanni Francesco: 3, 135

Albati: 4, 325

Alber, Erasmus: 1, 103

Matthæus: 1, 103

Alberic: 1, 82; 6, 199; 8, 334; 11, 83

Albert V. of Bavaria: 1, 104; 4, 439

Albert V., emperor: 3, 211

Albert (antipope): 8, 365

Albert of Aix: 1, 104

of Appeldern: 11, 198

of Austria: 2, 224

of Brandenburg: 1, 105; 6, 182, 183

the Great: 1, 109; 3, 416; 9, 163, 464; 10, 262; 11, 316, 400; 12, 51, 356

of Halberstadt: 12, 356

of Prussia: 1, 106-108; 2, 269-270, 297; 4, 459; 7, 432; 8, 281, 282; 9, 315

of Riga: 1, 108

Alberti, Valentin: 1, 109; 5, 147

Albertini, Johann B. von: 1, 109

Albertus Magnus: 1, 109; 3, 416; 9, 163, 464; 10, 262; 11, 316, 400; 12, 51, 356

Albigenses: 3, 480; 6, 80, 419; 7, 53; 8, 145

Albizzi, Antonio: 1, 110

Bartolomeo: 1, 110

Albo, Joseph: 1, 110

Alboin: 7, 19

Albornoz, Cardinal: 8, 335

Albrecht. See Albert

Albrecht, Otto W. F.: 1, 110

Albright, Jacob: 1, 111; 4, 223

Alcantara, Order of: 1, 111

Alcantara, Pedro de: 8, 71

Alcantarines: 3, 125; 4, 360

Alchfrid: 3, 329

Alcimus: 5, 280

Alcuin: 1, 49, 111; 2, 124; 11, 328

Aldebert. See Adalbert

Aldenburg, Bishopric. See Luebeck

Aldhelm, Saint: 1, 112

Aldobrandini, Ippolito: 3, 134

Aldred of York: 12, 453

Aleandro, Girolamo: 1, 113

Alegambe, Philippe d': 1, 113

Aleman, Louis d': 1, 130

Alemanni: 1, 114

Alesius, Alexander: 1, 115

Alexander I., Balas: 5, 165; 10, 342

Alexander I., Pope: 1, 115

Alexander II.: 1, 115, 189; 5, 94; 8, 380, 491


Alexander II. See also Anselm of Lucca

Alexander III.: 1, 18, 116, 149; 2, 221; 3, 311; 5, 486; 8, 146, 367, 368, 390, 499; 9, 129; 10, 142; 11, 175, 290

Alexander IV.: 1, 117, 373; 10, 262

Alexander V.: 1, 117; 9, 73

Alexander VI.: 1, 118; 2, 493; 3, 38; 8, 335; 10, 77, 214, 216, 217

Alexander VII.: 1, 119; 3, 32, 41; 6, 96, 99; 8, 363; 9, 263

Alexander VIII.: 1, 119; 3, 311

Alexander of Alexandria: 1, 278, 284, 343; 8, 274

the Great: 7, 275; 12, 529

of Hales: 1, 120; 10, 261

of Hierapolis: 1, 120

Jannæus: 3, 448; 5, 165; 8, 74

of Lycopolis: 1, 120

Nevski, Saint: 1, 121

Severus: 1, 121

son of Herod: 5, 247

Zabinas: 10, 343

Alexander, Archibald: 1, 121; 9, 187

Charles McC.: 1, 122

George: 1, 122

Gross: 1, 122

James W.: 1, 122; 9, 187

Joseph A.: 1, 122

M. S.: 6, 137

William: 1, 123

William L.: 1, 123

Alexandretta: 9, 17

Alexandria: 9, 355

Christianity in: 1, 124

Patriarchate of: 1, 123

School of: 1, 124-125; 3, 333; 4, 216, 217; 5, 4; 8, 268, 328, 478; 11, 333; 12, 561, 562

Synods of: 1, 126

Alexandrian Judaism, on God: 5, 4

Text of N. T.: 2, 110

Alexians: 1, 126; 2, 29; 7, 15

Alexis, Saint: 12, 241

Alexius I., Comnenus: 1, 126; 3, 315

Alfonso II. of Spain: 12, 242

Alfonso X.: 5, 65

Alfonso XI.: 9, 84

Alford, Henry: 1, 127

Alfred the Great: 1, 127; 5, 56, 57; 11, 148

Alfred Theological Seminary: 11, 337

Alfric: 1, 128; 9, 182

Alger of Cluny: 1, 128

of Liége: 1, 128; 11, 495

Alger, William R.: 1, 128

Algeria: 1, 63; 6, 425

Algerian Missionaries, Society of: 6, 425

Ali, the Caliph: 1, 394; 7, 440, 441

nephew of Mohammed: 4, 12

Alien among Hebrews: 9, 279-281; 11, 109, 110

"All-Holy": 8, 327

All Saints' Day: 1, 133

All Souls' Day: 1, 133

Allaci, Leone: 1, 129

Allah: 1, 253; 7, 437, 439

Allard, Paul: 1, 128

Allat: 8, 75

Allatius, Leo: 1, 129

Allegorical Interpretation: 1, 202; 4, 241, 242; 8, 270; 10, 4, 26, 114, 115

Allegri, Gregorio: 1, 129

Alleine, Joseph: 1, 129

Richard: 1, 129

Alleluia: 6, 502

Allemand, Louis d': 1, 130

Allen, Alexander V. G.: 1, 130

Grant: 12, 436

Henry: 1, 130

John: 1, 130

Joseph Henry: 1, 130

William, Cardinal: 1, 131; 3, 496; 7, 234

William, Congregationalist: 1, 131

William, Friend: 8, 426

Alley, William: 1, 131

Alliance, Baptist World: 1, 480

Evangelical: 2, 380; 4, 221-223; 9, 256

of the Reformed Churches: 1, 132

Allies, Thomas W.: 1, 132

Allioli, Josef F.: 1, 133

Allix, Pierre: 1, 133

Allon, Henry: 1, 133

Almah: 12, 206, 210

Almain, Jacques: 1, 134

Almeida, J. F. d': 2, 151

Manoel: 1, 134

Al-Mokauna: 7, 130

Almond trees: 4, 404

Almoner: 1, 134

Alms: 1, 134; 11, 214

Almshouse: 10, 481

Alogi: 1, 135; 2, 181, 393; 6, 203; 7, 454, 485, 486

Alombrados: 1, 135; 10, 97; 11, 29

Aloysius, Saint, of Gonzaga: 1, 136

Alpha and Omega: 1, 136

Alphabet, Armenian: 1, 290

Cyrillian: 10, 75

development of the: 12, 448

Glagolitic: 10, 75

Greek: 12, 447

Semitic: 10, 352

Alphabets, origin of: 1, 255

Alphæus: 1, 137; 6, 90

of Cæsarea: 6, 437

Alphonsus, Saint: 6, 487

Alsace-Lorraine: 1, 137

Alsted, Johann H.: 1, 138

Altar: 1, 138-142; 8, 350; 11, 245, 295

Bread: 1, 142

Cards: 1, 142

Cloths: 1, 140, 141; 8, 350

of incense, Hebrew: 5, 468

Altdorfer, Albrecht: 8, 304

Altenburg: 11, 435, 436

colloquy of: 9, 33

conference of: 9, 33

Altenstein, Karl Freiherr von S.: 1, 142

Alternative nomination, right of: 8, 188

Althamer, Andreas: 1, 143

Althaus, Paul: 1, 143

Altieri, Emilio: 3, 135

Alting, Jacob: 1, 143

Johann H.: 1, 143

Altmann: 1, 143

Altmann, Wilhelm: 1, 144


Altruist Community: 3, 185

Alukah: 3, 400

Alumbrados: 1, 135; 10, 97; 11, 29

Alumnate: 1, 144

Alusharshid: 1, 405; 4, 102

Alva, Duke of: 9, 422, 426, 428

Alvar of Cordova: 1, 144; 11, 70

Alvar, Paul. See Alvar of Cordova

Alvarez, Bernardino: 5, 295

Alypius, Saint: 1, 144; 11, 124

Alzog, Johann B.: 1, 145

Amadeists: 4, 360

Amadeus of Lausanne: 9, 162

of Savoy: 4, 293

Amalarius of Metz: 1, 145; 11, 86

of Treves: 1, 145; 5, 130

Amalek, Amalekites: 1, 146; 2, 336

Amalric of Bena: 1, 146, 197, 210; 8, 331; 9, 463; 10, 261

Amalricians: 1, 146

Amana: 6, 436

Amana River: 11, 228

Society: 3, 185

Amana, Sixtinus: 3, 149

Amandus, bishop: 1, 147

Johannes: 1, 106

Amar Das: 10, 409

Amara: 1, 157

Amarna Tablets: 1, 147-149; 4, 89; 6, 132; 9, 35

Amasa: 6, 182

Amaterasu: 6, 102; 11, 143

Amaziah: 1, 149; 6, 185

Ambo: 1, 149; 8, 350; 9, 362

Ambrose of Alexandria: 1, 150; 8, 268; 9, 452

the Camaldolite: 1, 150; 2, 365

Saint, of Milan: 1, 151, 366, 443; 3, 86; 5, 425; 7, 33, 230, 371, 465; 12, 129

Brethren of St.: 1, 152

orders of St.: 1, 152

Ambrose, Isaac: 1, 151

Ambrosian Chant: 1, 151

Ambrosians: 1, 152

Ambrosiaster: 1, 152; 7, 33

Amen: 6, 501; 11, 214

Amen, the god: 11, 140

Amenhemet I.: 8, 240

Amenophis (Amenhotep) III.: 1, 148

Amenophis IV.: 1, 147; 4, 91; 11, 141

Ameretat: 12, 531

America, Adventists in: 1, 56-57

Baptists in: 1, 467-479

Bible societies in: 2, 91; 12, 40

Catholic Apostolic Church in: 2, 459

Christadelphians in: 3, 38

Christians in: 3, 45-46

Congregationalists in: 3, 233

Dunkers in: 4, 24-26

Ecclesiastical Architecture in: 1, 271

Friends in: 4, 394-396

Hungarian Reformed Church in: 9, 438

Lutherans in: 7, 83

Mennonites in: 7, 305-310

Methodists in: 7, 341-354

Presbyterians in: 9, 225-237

Reformed Church in: 9, 425-437

Protestant Episcopalians in: 9, 283-290

Religious Toleration in: 6, 478

Roman Catholics in: 7, 400-403; 10, 77-81

Servian Orthodox Churches in: 10, 374

Salvation Army in: 10, 181

Schwenckfeldians in: 10, 287

slavery in: 10, 452

synods in: 3, 284

Unitarians in: 12, 83-84

United Brethren in: 12, 84-85

Universalists in: 12, 95-97

America. See also United States

American Baptist Publication Society: 1, 475

Bible Society: 2, 91; 12, 40

Bible Union: 1, 475; 2, 93

Bibles: 2, 162

Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions: 3, 236; 11, 27

concordats: 3, 217

Ethical Union: 4, 184

and Foreign Bible Society: 2, 93

and Foreign Christian Union: 1, 153

Home Missionary Society: 5, 342

hymnody: 1, 122; 2, 279; 3, 308; 5, 167, 315, 429-431; 8, 51, 58, 194, 220, 326; 9, 201; 10, 320, 462; 11, 73

idealism: 5, 442

lectures on the history of religions: 1, 154

Lutheran catechisms: 2, 447

Methodist Episcopal missions in Burma: 2, 311

Missionary Association: 3, 236

Seamen's Friend Society: 10, 318

Sunday-school Union: 11, 157, 158

Tract Society: 11, 479

Universities: 12, 102, 103

Waldensian Aid Society: 12, 549

Ames, William: 1, 154; 7, 109

Amesha Spentas: 12, 530

Amestris: 4, 181

Amethyst: 9, 190

Amice: 1, 154; 12, 169

Amida Buddha: 6, 103

Amil-Marduk: 1, 408

Aminah: 7, 436

Amiot, Joseph M.: 1, 154

Amish Mennonites, Conservative: 7, 309

Amish, Old Order: 7, 309

Amitabha: 6, 401

Amling, Wolfgang: 1, 154

Ammianus Marcellinus: 1, 154

Ammon, Christoph F. von: 1, 155; 9, 175

Ammonian sections: 1, 156

Ammonites: 1, 155, 330; 3, 362; 6, 118, 239; 8, 454, 455

Ammonius: 10, 342

of Alexandria: 1, 156; 2, 101; 5, 154

the Hermit: 7, 463

Saccas: 1, 156; 8, 111

Amolo: 1, 156

Amon, Egyptian deity: 1, 156

king of Judah: 1, 156

Amon-Ra: 9, 122

Amoraim: 6, 55, 56; 11, 256, 259

Amorites: 1, 157; 2, 375; 4, 420; 6, 436; 8, 309

Amos: 1, 157; 9, 273, 274

Amosites: 2, 214

Amphilochius, Saint: 1, 158


Ampullæ: 1, 158; 12, 168

Amram: 8, 24

Amraphel: 1, 407; 5, 135

Amsdorf, Nikolaus von: 1, 159; 7, 135, 298; 8, 86; 9, 7, 32; 11, 224

Amshashpands: 12, 530

Amulet: 1, 159; 3, 309; 4, 5

Amun the Hermit: 7, 463

Amurru: 8, 309. See Amorites

Amusements, Calvin on: 1, 43

Luther on: 1, 43

Amyot. See Amiot

Amyraldism: 1, 161; 2, 362

Amyraut, Moïse: 1, 160; 5, 217; 9, 169, 197

Anab: 6, 247

Anabaptist Adamites: 1, 37

Anabaptists: 1, 161-163; 2, 261, 302; 3, 404; 4, 371, 379; 5, 112, 113, 310, 311, 385, 420; 6, 69, 228, 301; 7, 167, 299-309; 8, 43-46, 371; 9, 485, 498; 10, 42, 143, 211, 250, 423, 425; 12, 50, 278, 537, 541. See also Baptists

and Albert of Prussia: 1, 107

Hungarian: 8, 91

in Muenster: 1, 163; 7, 300, 307; 8, 43-46; 10, 428

Anachorite: 1, 167; 7, 462, 463

Anacletus I., Pope: 1, 163

Anacletus II.: 1, 163; 2, 62; 5, 497

Anagnōstēs: 6, 437; 11, 325

Anahid (Anahita): 1, 291

Anahita: 1, 291; 8, 80; 12, 531

Anakim: 2, 375

Analepsis Mouseos: 9, 336

Analogy in exegesis: 4, 239

of religion: 2, 321

Analysis of religion: 9, 470

Anamim: 1, 247

Anammelech: 1, 164

Anan ben David: 6, 57, 297

Ananias: 1, 164; 10, 204

Ananos: 1, 182

Anaphora: 1, 164; 4, 197

Anastasius I., of Antioch: 1, 164; 12, 562, 563

Anastasius II., of Antioch: 1, 164

Anastasius, Antipope: 1, 166

Anastasius I., emperor: 7, 476, 477

Anastasius I., Pope: 1, 165; 8, 274

Anastasius II.: 1, 165; 7, 477

Anastasius III.: 1, 165

Anastasius IV.: 1, 165

Anastasius Sinaita: 1, 164

Bibliothecarius: 1, 166

Anath: 1, 164

Anathema: 1, 166

Anathoth: 6, 251

Anatolius (recluse): 9, 409

of Constantinople: 1, 167; 5, 425; 6, 449

of Laodicea: 1, 167

Anatolo of Milan: 7, 371

Anatomy of Melancholy: 2, 316

Anaxagoras: 8, 329; 9, 306, 461

Anaximander: 4, 229

Anaximenes: 4, 229

Ancestor worship: 2, 308; 3, 30; 6, 101; 8, 63; 10, 366; 12, 436

Anchieta, José de: 1, 167; 10, 77

Anchoret: 1, 167; 7, 462, 463

Ancient Bible versions: 2, 116-134

Ancillon, David: 1, 167

Georges: 1, 167

Charles: 1, 168

Jean Pierre Frédéric: 1, 168

Ancyra, Synod of: 1, 168; 7, 462

Anders Sunesön: 1, 172

Anderson, Charles P.: 1, 168

Christopher: 1, 467

Galusha: 1, 168

Joseph: 1, 168

Lars: 1, 171; 2, 152; 9, 423; 11, 177

Martin, B.: 1, 168

Rufus: 1, 169

William F.: 1, 169

Andover controversy: 3, 235

Theological Seminary: 8, 278; 9, 111; 11, 349; 12, 83

Andrada, Antonio d': 1, 169; 6, 399

Didacus (Diogo) Payva d': 1, 169; 3, 25

Andreâ, Jakob: 1, 169; 4, 342, 343; 5, 256, 348; 9, 74; 11, 114, 122

Johann V.: 1, 170; 9, 168; 10, 97

Lorenz (Lars Anderson): 1, 171; 2, 152; 9, 423; 11, 177

Andrew (Agnellus): 1, 87

Andrew the Apostle: 1, 171; 8, 479

cross of: 3, 310, 312

Andrew of Cæsarea: 1, 171; 2, 101, 399

of Carniola: 1, 172

of Crete: 1, 172

gospel of: 1, 227

of Lund: 1, 172

and Matthew, Acts of: 1, 228

and Philip, Brotherhood of: 1, 172

Andrew, J. O.: 7, 343

Andrewes, Lancelot: 1, 173; 7, 35; 9, 183

Andrews, Edward G.: 1, 173

Elisha B.: 1, 173

J. R.: 9, 285

Samuel J.: 1, 174

William W.: 1, 174

Angad: 10, 409

Angariæ: 1, 174

Angas: 6, 88

Angehrn, Beda: 10, 172

Angel: 1, 174-178; 7, 363; 9, 390; 10, 306; 12, 107

of Yahweh: 1, 175, 177

Angela of Brescia: 7, 314

Merici, saint: 7, 314

Angelicals: 1, 178

Angélique de Ste. Madeleine: 9, 135

Angelis, Girolamo: 1, 178

Angelology: 1, 174-177, 318; 5, 118; 7, 363; 9, 390; 10, 306; 12, 107, 205, 522

Angels, fallen: 10, 306

Angelus: 1, 178

Angelus, Johannes: 5, 287

Anger of God: 12, 441

Angilbert, Saint: 1, 178

Angilbert of St. Riquier: 2, 420

Angilram: 1, 179

Anglican Church: 1, 179; 4, 131-138

Communion: 1, 179; 4, 131-138


Anglican doctrine of priesthood: 9, 253

episcopacy: 4, 157

litany: 6, 496

liturgy: 7, 38, 39

orders: 4, 136; 8, 255; 9, 253; 11, 126, 127; 12, 237

pericopes: 8, 462, 464

platform for union: 12, 69

position on Lord's Supper: 7, 35

ritualism: 10, 49-54

Anglican-German bishopric in Jerusalem: 6, 137

Anglo-Saxon church canons: 2, 383

Genesis: 5, 208

Anglo-Saxons, Conversion of the: 1, 179; 12, 352

Anglus, Thomas: 12, 340

Angola: 1, 64

Angra Mainyu (Ahriman): 4, 15; 12, 530

Angus, Joseph: 1, 180

Anhalt: 1, 180

Anicetus, Pope: 1, 181; 4, 44, 46

Anima: 11, 12-14

Animal-worship: 12, 437

Animals: 1, 181

ecclesiastical use of: 1, 182

emblematic use of: 1, 181

for food: 1, 181; 3, 427-429

regulations respecting use of: 1, 181

for sacrifice: 1, 181; 10, 164

worship of: 12, 437

Animism: 1, 139, 253, 334, 409, 410; 3, 194, 450; 5, 178, 179; 9, 121; 11, 6; 12, 437

Ankh: 3, 310; 6, 168

Anna: 1, 182

Anna Comnena: 1, 182

Annales ecclesiastici: 1, 490

Annas: 1, 182

Annat, Pierre: 3, 41

Annats: 11, 280

Anne, Saint: 1, 182

shrine of: 9, 69

Anne's bounty, queen: 9, 373

Annet, Peter: 3, 394

Anni Cleri: 1, 183

Annihilationism: 1, 183-186; 12, 95

Anniversarium: 1, 187

Anniversarius: 1, 187

Anno: 1, 187

Annonciades, religieuses: 1, 188

Annotated bibles: 2, 156

Annulus Piscatoris: 1, 187

Annunciades, blue: 1, 188

orders of the: 1, 187

of S. Marcellina: 1, 188

Annunciation, Feast of the: 1, 187; 2, 343; 7, 222

Orders of the: 1, 187

Annus Carentiæ: 1, 188

Claustralis: 1, 188

Decretorius: 1, 188

Deservitus: 1, 188

Gratiæ: 1, 188

Luctus: 1, 188

Anointing: 8, 229; 10, 144, 145

Anomoios, Anomoians: 1, 280. And see Arianism

Anos: 7, 147

Uthra: 7, 148

Anrich, Gustav A.: 1, 188

Ansegis, the Elder: 1, 188; 2, 384; 9, 348

the younger: 1, 188

Anselm, Saint, of Canterbury: 1, 9, 188-190, 350; 4, 132; 9, 463; 10, 209, 260; 11, 175, 316, 495; 12, 356

of Havelberg: 1, 190

of Laon: 1, 190

of Lucca: 1, 115, 191; 2, 384; 5, 61

Ansgar: 1, 191; 5, 130; 11, 174

Anshan: 4, 102; 7, 271

Anshar: 3, 297

Anskar: 1, 191

Anso: 1, 192

Antediluvians: 10, 375

Ante-Nicene Christology: 3, 50

Anterus: 1, 192; 11, 77

Anthimus of Constantinople: 1, 81-82; 6, 286; 7, 478

of Tyana: 5, 70

Anthonists: 1, 192

Anthony, saint, the hermit: 7, 462

cross of: 1, 193; 3, 310

Orders of: 1, 192

of Padua: 1, 193; 4, 358

Anthony, Alfred W.: 1, 192

Anthropology: 7, 143-145; 10, 295, 306; 11, 342, 407, 424; 12, 312

Mandæan: 7, 150

Mithraic: 7, 422

Ophitic: 8, 244

Philo's: 9, 40

Zoroastrian: 12, 532

Anthropomorphism: 1, 193

Anthropopathism: 1, 193

Anthypatos: 5, 39

Anti-Semitism: 11, 100, 109

Antiburgher Presbytery of Pictou: 9, 238

Antiburghers: 4, 171; 9, 209, 215

New Light: 9, 209

Old Light: 9, 209

Original: 9, 209

Anti-Chalcedonians: 12, 564

Antichrist: 1, 194-196; 4, 175

Anticlerical movements in Spain: 11, 26, 27

Anticlericalism in France: 4, 384-386

Antidicomarianites: 1, 196; 7, 220

Antigonus: 5, 166; 9, 355

Antigua: 7, 411

Antilebanon: 6, 435, 436; 11, 228

Antilegomena: 2, 82, 394, 397, 398

Antimensium: 1, 196

Antimony: 7, 331

Antinomian Controversies: 1, 91, 196-201; 8, 131; 12, 142, 385

Antinomianism: 1, 196-201; 8, 131; 12, 142, 385

Antinomians: 1, 91, 196-201, 206; 8, 131; 12, 142, 385

Antioch, patriarchate of: 8, 383

poor relief in: 10, 479

School of: 1, 201; 3, 74, 435; 4, 216, 217, 240; 7, 53; 11, 320-321; 12, 561, 562

Synod of: 1, 202; 12, 561

Antioch College: 3, 46

Antiochus I., Soter: 10, 340


Antiochus II., Theos: 10, 340

Antiochus III., Magnus: 10, 340

Antiochus III., the Great: 9, 356, 357

Antiochus IV., Epiphanes: 1, 194, 195; 3, 347, 348, 349, 447; 5, 164; 6, 54; 8, 79, 80; 10, 341

Antiochus V., Eupator: 10, 342

Antiochus VI., Theos: 10, 343

Antiochus VII., Sidetes: 10, 343

Antiochus VIII., Grypos: 10, 343

Antiochus IX., Cyzicenus: 10, 343

Antiochus, monk; 1, 202

Antipas: 5, 244

Antipater: 5, 244, 245, 246

of Bostra: 1, 202

Antipatris: 6, 252

Antipedobaptism: 1, 161-162

Antipedobaptists, Swiss and South German: 7, 300, 302

Antiphon: 1, 203

Antiphonal singing: 1, 152

Antiphonaries: 1, 145; 8, 302

Antipope: 1, 203

Antiquity of man: 7, 144

Antitactæ (Antitactes): 1, 203; 8, 243

Antitrinitarianism: 1, 204; 3, 3, 38; 5, 16, 17; 9, 2; 10, 488; 12, 81-84

Antoinette d'Orléans: 2, 353

Anton, Franz: 10, 183

Leopold: 10, 183

Paul: 1, 205; 9, 55

Antonelli, Giacomo: 1, 205

Antonians (Antonines): 1, 206; 6, 370; 10, 75

Antoninus Pius: 1, 207

saint, of Florence: 1, 207

Antonio de Lebrija: 1, 207

Antonius the Rhetor: 11, 239

Antony of Navarre: 2, 79

Antony, Marc: 5, 246

Antwerp polyglot: 1, 282; 2, 167

Anu: 1, 410; 9, 122

Anu-banini: 7, 272

Anunit: 1, 400

Apamea: 1, 315

Apelles: 7, 173; 11, 125

gospel of: 1, 227

Apelt, E. F.: 9, 469

Aperin: 6, 7, 49

Aphaka: 11, 266

Apharsachites: 1, 207

Apharsathchites: 1, 207

Apharsites: 1, 207

Aphek: 6, 182

Ap-Henry, John: 8, 451

Apherema: 6, 246

Aphraates: 1, 208; 7, 463; 11, 239

Aphrodite: 8, 80; 11, 266, 267

Aphtharsia: 6, 262; 7, 479

Aphthartodocetæ: 1, 164; 6, 287; 7, 479; 12, 565

Apion: 1, 208

Apocalypse of Abraham: 9, 339

of Adam: 9, 342

of Bartholomew: 1, 228

of Baruch: 1, 218-220; 2, 391; 4, 443; 7, 326, 327; 9, 338

of Ezra: 7, 327

of Jeremiah: 9, 339

of John. See Revelation, book of

of Mary: 1, 228

of Moses: 9, 339, 341

of Paul: 1, 228

of Peter: 1, 228; 8, 55, 486

of Thomas: 1, 228

of Stephen: 1, 228

of Zachariah: 9, 339

of Zephaniah: 9, 339

Apocalypses: 9, 339; 10, 322

apocryphal: 1, 228

Apocalyptic: 9, 334

Literature, Jewish: 1, 208-210; 9, 334

Apocatastasis: 1, 210-212; 2, 201; 10, 307

Apocrisiarius: 1, 212; 6, 440

Apocrypha: 1, 212-229; 2, 392; 7, 325; 10, 322; 12, 2, 386

in Abyssinian canon: 1, 19

Apocryphal apocalypses: 1, 228

doctrine of angels: 1, 175-176

epistles: 1, 228

gospel of Matthew: 1, 227

gospels: 1, 226

Petrine literature: 8, 484-486

Apollinarianism: 1, 230; 3, 53, 333, 345

Apollinaris of Laodicea: 1, 125, 229-231; 3, 53; 12, 561

Claudius: 1, 229

Apollo: 10, 197; 11, 144

Apollonia (place name): 10, 187

Apollonia, Saint: 1, 231

Apollinius (anti-Montanist): 1, 231; 7, 486, 487

(martyr): 1, 231

of Temoushons: 8, 297

of Tyana: 1, 231

Apollos: 1, 232; 5, 195

Apologetics: 1, 232-238; 4, 130; 6, 30; 8, 321; 11, 343. See also Apologies

Apologies, Christian: 1, 283, 300, 347; 3, 137; 6, 29, 30, 283, 394, 395; 7, 247, 381-382, 384-385; 8, 271, 321; 9, 372; 10, 23

Apology, Augsburg Confession and its: 1, 361-363

Apolutrosis: 9, 413

Apophis: 10, 367, 368

Aportanus, Georg: 1, 238

Apostasy: 1, 238; 6, 415

Apostle: 1, 239; 8, 259, 260, 262, 263

Apostles, Acts of Holy: 1, 228

Acts of Twelve: 1, 228

Contest of the: 1, 228

Gospel of the Twelve: 1, 227

Irvingite: 2, 458

the twelve: 3, 78

Paul and the twelve: 1, 247

Teaching of the twelve: 1, 441, 444, 449; 2, 395; 3, 370, 420-424; 9, 146

Apostles' Creed: 1, 240; 2, 443; 11, 199-200

Apostolic Age, Crete in the: 3, 305

Brethren: 1, 243; 3, 478, 479

Christian Church: 7, 389

Church Directory: 1, 244

Church, New: 7, 393

Constitutions and Canons: 1, 245; 2, 382; 3, 375; 9, 489, 491

Council at Jerusalem: 1, 246-248


Apostolic faith movement: 7, 389

Fathers: 21, 48

Holiness Union, International: 7, 393

king: 1, 248

Succession: 1, 248; 2, 267; 8, 232; 9, 301; 11, 485

Anglican: 11, 126-127, 485

Swedish: 2, 267; 12, 71, 72

Syrian: 11, 127-129

Apostolic writings: 2, 396

Apostolici: 1, 248

Apostolicum. See Apostles' Creed

Apotactici: 1, 248

Apotropaic Worship: 12, 438

Appeals to Pope: 1, 248; 2, 222

Appel, Theodore: 1, 249

Appellants: 1, 249; 6, 97

Apple trees: 4, 405

Appleton, Jesse: 1, 250

Apponius: 1, 250

Apprentices' associations in Germany: 12, 479

Approbation of books. See Censorship

Apron: 4, 3

Apse: 1, 250

Apsu: 3, 297

Apulia: 2, 487

Aquarii: 1, 250; 5, 424

Aquaviva, Claudio: 1, 250; 5, 226

Aquila: 1, 250; 2, 119; 9, 280

Aquila, Kaspar: 1, 251; 9, 166

Aquileia, Patriarchate and Synods: 1, 251

Aquileian Creed: 1, 251

'Arabhah: 8, 313

Arabia: 1, 252, 328, 332; 7, 443

Cush in: 3, 328

missions in: 7, 443

Arabians: 1, 254

Arabic Bible versions: 2, 134; 4, 257

Bible: 11, 233

Book of Joshua: 10, 190

Gospel of the Infancy: 1, 226

language: 10, 352

sun-worship: 11, 142

Arabic-Ethiopian sibyl: 10, 400

Arabs: 1, 252-253; 7, 436-440

and stone-worship: 1, 139

in Africa: 1, 60-61

Arabs Erpenii: 2, 135

Arakin. See Talmud

Aram: 1, 254-256

Beth-Rehob: 1, 254

Dammesek: 1, 254

Naharaim: 1, 254, 255; 7, 321; 12, 519

Zobah: 1, 254; 8, 454; 12, 519

Aramaic Bible: 2, 130-131

Bible versions: 2, 130-132

language: 1, 254-256; 5, 183, 184; 10, 352

Mandaean: 7, 150

Arameans: 1, 95, 254-256, 327, 329, 330, 331; 7, 321; 11, 229

Arande, Michel d': 7, 177, 178

Ararat, Mount: 8, 183, 184

Arator: 1, 257

Arbela: 1, 326

Arbrissel, Robert d': 4, 338

Arca: 1, 287

Arcadius, Flavius: 1, 257; 3, 72

Archangels, seven: 1, 176

Arcani Disciplina: 1, 257-259; 2, 450; 7, 236

Archbishop: 1, 259; 9, 256

Archbrothers of the Annunciation: 1, 188

Archdall, Mervyn: 1, 260

Archdeacon: 1, 260; 3, 371; 8, 266

Archelaus: 5, 247, 248

Archeology, Biblical: 1, 261

Archeology, Christian: 1, 262

Arches, Court of: 1, 263

Archevites: 1, 263

Archicancellarius: 1, 263

Archicapellanus: 1, 263

Archiereus: 1, 263

Archimandrite: 1, 4, 263

Architecture, Christian: 1, 264-271; 9, 406

ecclesiastical: 1, 264, 271

Hebrew: 1, 272; 11, 293, 294

western monastic: 1, 3

Archives, Ecclesiastical: 1, 273-275; 2, 258; 3, 101

Archon, great: 1, 16-17

Archontics (Archontici): 4, 498; 8, 243

Archpresbyter: 9, 302

Archpriest: 1, 260

Arcimboldi, Giovanni A.: 1, 275

Arckel, Johan van: 9, 432

Arcosolium: 2, 484, 485, 487, 488

Arcturus: 11, 67

Ard al-Hulah: 8, 312

Ardashir: 12, 524, 529

Areja Mahita Somaj: 9, 385

Arensius, B. A.: 7, 84

Areopagus: 5, 50

Aretas I.: 1, 276; 8, 74; 11, 230

Aretas II.: 1, 276; 8, 74

Aretas IV.: 1, 276; 4, 195; 5, 248; 8, 74, 398

Arethas: 1, 276

Aretius, Benedictus: 1, 277

Argentina: 1, 277

Protestant missions in: 7, 411

Protestants in: 1, 277

Roman Catholics in: 1, 277

Argistis I.: 1, 289

Argob: 1, 498

Argun, Khan: 7, 470

Arguments, theistic: 5, 9; 11, 288

Arialdo: 8, 380

Arianism: 1, 22, 151, 158, 230, 231, 243, 278, 281, 287, 343, 499; 2, 232, 307, 468; 3, 67, 251, 435; 4, 201; 5, 32, 33, 283; 6, 262, 263; 7, 19, 53, 54, 111, 287, 288; 8, 156-157, 274; 9, 43; 10, 383; 11, 130, 326, 460, 461; 12, 57, 58, 127, 128, 129, 141

Arias, Benedictus: 1, 282; 2, 167

Aribo: 1, 282

Arioch: 1, 407; 4, 102; 5, 135

Aristeandros: 10, 366

Aristeas: 1, 282

Aristades, Marcianus: 1, 283; 12, 208

Aristion: 8, 336, 337, 339, 340

Aristo of Pella: 1, 283

Aristobulus: 1, 283; 5, 247

Aristobulus I.: 5, 165

Aristobulus II.: 5, 165


Aristomenes: 9, 357

Aristotelian logic: 12, 29

Aristotle: 1, 109, 203; 3, 300, 317; 4, 28, 230, 456; 5, 17; 9, 306, 461, 462; 10, 5, 261, 262, 263; 11, 316; 12, 355

Aristus: 4, 228

Arius: 1, 201, 278, 284; 12, 19. See also Arianism

Arjan: 10, 409

Arjasp: 12, 528

Ark of the Covenant: 1, 285-286; 11, 245

of synagogue: 11, 214

Arka: 9, 17

Arkites: 1, 287; 9, 17

Arles, Archbishopric of: 1, 287

Synods of: 1, 287; 2, 231, 232; 4, 285; 8, 354

Armagh, Bishopric of: 1, 288; 2, 475, 476, 477

Armenia: 1, 288, 296, 330

Armenian Bible version: 2, 132

church: 1, 291; 8, 117, 118; 12, 45

church, in Austria: 1, 380

church in the United States: 1, 295, 296; 7, 390

confession of faith: 12, 568

literature: 1, 289; 7, 321

Roman Catholics: 10, 76

Arminianism: 1, 296; 2, 362; 3, 475; 5, 466; 8, 131; 9, 422; 12, 21, 309, 322. See also Methodism, Methodists

Arminius, Jacobus: 1, 296; 5, 16; 9, 481

Armitage, Thomas: 1, 298

Armor, Hebrew: 12, 267, 268

Army, Hebrew: 12, 266-269

Arnauld, Angélique: 1, 299; 12, 417

Antoine: 1, 298; 6, 96, 97; 8, 363; 9, 135, 439

Henri: 1, 298

Jacqueline Marie: 1, 298; 9, 135

Robert: 1, 298

Arndt, Augustin: 1, 299

Johann: 1, 299; 8, 282; 9, 168

Johann, F. W.: 1, 299; 9, 176

Arneys, Antoine: 10, 372

Arno of Reichersberg: 1, 300; 12, 51

of Salzburg: 1, 300

Arnobius: 1, 185, 300

the Younger: 1, 301

Arnold of Brescia: 1, 53, 301; 4, 202

Arnold, Carl F.: 1, 302

Gottfried: 1, 302; 8, 71; 9, 170

Matthew: 1, 303; 5, 9

Nikolaus: 1, 303

Thomas: 1, 303; 9, 185; 11, 480, 482

Arnoldi, Bartholomæus: 1, 304

Arnoldists: 1, 302. See Arnold of Brescia

Arnon: 7, 424

Arnot, William: 1, 304

Arnulf of Lisieux: 1, 304

Saint, of Metz: 1, 304

of Reims: 5, 60; 10, 413

Aroer: 7, 424

Arpad: 1, 330; 11, 229

Arrowsmith, John: 1, 305

Arsacidæ: 12, 529

Arsacius: 3, 74

Arsenius: 1, 305

Arshag of Armenia: 1, 292

Arstat: 12, 531

Art, Byzantine: 7, 224; 8, 302; 10, 311; 11, 210

Christian: 1, 140, 141, 142, 150, 182, 305-306, 455; 3, 313; 7, 223, 224; 8, 301-306, 350; 9, 363; 10, 311-314; 11, 205, 208-210, 487

and Church: 1, 305-306

cross in: 3, 309

crucifixion in: 3, 313

Hebrew: 1, 307; 5, 453

Hellenist Oriental: 10, 311

Mary in: 7, 223, 224

Mithraic: 7, 422, 423

symbolism of: 11, 205, 208-210

of writing, Hebrew: 12, 446-450

Arta-i Viraf Namak: 12, 526

Artaxerxes I. Longimanus: 1, 307; 7, 275; 8, 109; 12, 528

Artaxerxes II. Mnemon: 7, 275

Artaxerxes III. Ochus: 7, 275

Artemas: 1, 307; 7, 456

Artemis: 8, 80; 10, 396

Artmemon: 1, 307; 3, 47; 7, 459

Artemonites: 1, 307; 7, 459

Arthur, William: 1, 307

Articles of Marburg: 7, 168

of Perth, five: 8, 475

the six: 3, 295

the thirty-nine: 8, 359

Artold of Reims: 1, 82

Artopöus, Petrus: 6, 356

Arumah: 10, 186

Arumu: 1, 254

Arundel, Thomas: 1, 308; 7, 16

Arvad: 9, 17

Arya Somaj: 2, 250; 3, 369; 5, 479

Aryans: 5, 473

As, Assarion: 7, 469

Asa: 1, 308; 3, 448

Asaph: 9, 326, 327, 328

Asbury College: 11, 365

Asbury, Francis: 1, 308; 7, 341; 9, 184

Ascalon: 1, 337

Ascension, Feast of the: 1, 309; 4, 289

Ascension of Isaiah: 6, 36; 9, 340, 341

Ascension, Mount of: 8, 236

Ascension of Paul: 1, 228

Ascetism: 1, 309-311; 2, 28, 63; 6, 126, 240; 7, 103, 176, 461-467; 11, 410-411; 12, 215. See also Monasticism

Brahmanic: 6, 87

Jainistic: 6, 86, 87

Jewish: 4, 179-180; 11, 410-411

Marcionitic: 7, 173

and marriage: 7, 193, 194

Aschaffenburg, Concordat of: 3, 212; 4, 122; 8, 164

Aschheim, Synod of: 1, 311

Asclephas of Gaza: 10, 207

Asclepius: 10, 197

Asebeia, Asebēs: 12, 64

Asenath: 8, 240

Book of Joseph and: 9, 341

Asha Vahishta: 12, 531

Ashdod: 9, 36, 37

Asher: 4, 419; 6, 7, 50

Asher ("blessed"): 2, 200

Asherah: 1, 312; 5, 87

Ashi Vanguhi: 12, 531

Ashima: 1, 312


Ashkelon: 9, 35, 36, 37

Ashkenaz: 11, 248

Ashtaroth: 1, 498; 9, 35

Ashteroth Karnaim: 1, 498

Ashtoreth: 1, 312-314; 9, 18

Ash Wednesday: 1, 314

Asia, Central, missions in: 7, 412

Asia Minor: 1, 126, 127, 168, 314-318; 2, 485; 7, 464

Asinarii: 1, 318

Askēsis: 1, 309

Askusnages, Johannes: 6, 196

Asmodeus: 1, 318; 3, 399, 400

Asmonians. See Hasmoneans

Asoka: 2, 293

Asp: 10, 367

Aspelt: 1, 99

Aspersion with Holy Water: 1, 318; 7, 241

Ass: 1, 319; 12, 427

Brothers of the. See Trinitarians

feast of the: 1, 319

worshiper: 1, 318

Assam, Baptists in: 1, 479

Asseburg, Rosamunde J. von: 1, 319; 8, 500

Assemani, Joseph A.: 1, 320

Joseph S.: 1, 320

Stephan E.: 1, 320

Simon: 1, 320

Assembly, General. See Presbyterians

Asser: 1, 320; 2, 475

Asshur, the city: 1, 325, 329; 8, 179

Asshur, the deity: 1, 333; 8, 181

Asshur-Dan: 1, 328

Asshur-etil-ilani: 1, 332

Asshur-uballit: 1, 148, 328

Asshurbanipal: 1, 332, 403; 4, 90, 102

Asshurnasirpal I.: 1, 328

Asshurnasirpal III.: 1, 329

Assistant Bishops: 2, 193

Assistants in Public Worship: 1, 320

Assman, Johann B. M.: 1, 321

Associate Church of North America: 9, 233

Presbytery: 9, 206

Reformed Synod of the South: 9, 233, 234

Synod: 9, 209

Associational Cults: 12, 437

Assumption, Augustinians of the: 1, 321

Feast of the: 1, 321

of Moses: 9, 336

Assumptionists: 1, 321

Assurance: 1, 321

Assyria: 1, 322-335; 9, 37

and Israel: 1, 95, 97; 7, 145; 8, 436

Assyrian Mission: 8, 472

period: 1, 407

prince: 10, 398, 399

Assyrian-Babylonian language: 1, 402

Astarte: 1, 313, 392; 9, 16, 18; 10, 197

Asterius: 1, 335

of Amasia: 1, 336

of Cappadocia: 1, 201, 335

of Petra: 1, 336

Urbanus: 1, 335

Astie, Jean F.: 1, 336

Astolphus: 7, 19

Astrology and Astronomy: 11, 67, 68

Astruc, Jean: 1, 336; 2, 176; 5, 262

Astyages I.: 7, 273

Astyages II.: 7, 274

Asylum, Right of: 1, 337; 10, 219

Atar: 12, 531

Atargatis: 1, 337

Ataroth: 8, 454

Athaliah: 6, 116, 181, 227

Athanarich: 12, 56

Athanasian Creed: 1, 338-342; 11, 200, 202-203

Athanasios Parios: 1, 342

Athanasius: 1, 125, 279, 343-346, 499; 2, 398; 3, 52; 4, 209; 6, 239, 262, 263, 315, 316, 475; 7, 288, 453; 10, 37; 12, 19

Laura of: 1, 348

Atharva-Veda: 2, 248; 7, 125

Atheism: 1, 346; 9, 141

Athelstan: 11, 148

Athena: 8, 80; 10, 197, 367

Athenagoras: 1, 347; 9, 463

Athens: 5, 49, 50

Atherton, C. I.: 3, 76

Athos: 1, 348; 4, 51; 5, 256; 7, 465

Athtar: 1, 253, 334

Atkins, James: 1, 349

Atlanta Divinity School: 11, 350

Atlases of Church History: 3, 100

Atman: 8, 331

Atmiya Sabha: 2, 250; 9, 387

Atonement: 1, 9-10, 189-190, 349-356; 3, 415; 8, 8; 9, 440, 464; 10, 45, 295; 11, 10, 342; 12, 442, 443

Abelard on: 1, 9-10

Anselm's theory of: 1, 189-190; 3, 415

Baxter's theory of: 2, 16

Day of: 1, 356; 4, 288; 11, 216

legal theory of: 9, 414

universal: 8, 8

Atrecht, Union of: 9, 428

Atrium: 1, 357

Attalus III. Philometor: 8, 457

Atterbury, Francis: 1, 357; 9, 184

William W.: 1, 358; 8, 150

Atticus: 1, 358

Attis: 11, 268, 269

Atto: 1, 358

Attributes of God: 5, 3

Attrition: 8, 446

Atum: 8, 240

Atur Burzhin Mitro: 12, 528

Farnbag: 12, 528

Gushnash: 12, 528

Atwater, Lyman H.: 1, 358

Atwill, Edward R.: 1, 358

Atwood, Isaac M.: 1, 358

Atzberger, Leonhard: 1, 359

Auberlen, Karl A.: 1, 359

Aubert, Étienne: 5, 504

Aubertin, Edmé: 1, 359

Aubigné, Jean Henri Merle d'. See Merle d'Aubigné

Théodore A. d': 1, 359

Auburn Declaration: 1, 359

Auburn Theological Seminary: 11, 337, 370

Audians: 1, 193, 360

Audientes: 2, 449, 450

Audientia Episcopalis: 1, 360


Audin (J. M.), Vincent: 1, 361

Audius: 1, 360; 5, 32

Audoenus, Saint: 8, 290

Audrey, Saint: 4, 182

Aufklärung: 4, 141-147

Auger, Edmond: 1, 361

Augsburg, Bishopric of: 1, 361

Confession and its Apology: 1, 104, 361, 363; 3, 16; 7, 80, 280; 9, 2, 297, 441; 10, 176, 248

diet of: 10, 184

interim: 6, 21

league of: 1, 120

recess: 8, 206

Reformation in: 10, 22

Religious Peace of: 1, 363; 6, 479; 9, 420

Seminary: 11, 357, 363

August of Saxony: 9, 33; 12, 391

Augusta, Johann: 2, 216

Augustana. See Augsburg Confession

Augustana Synod, Lutheran: 7, 91

Augustana Theological Seminary: 11, 358

Augusti, Johann C. W.: 1, 364

Augustina, Sister. See Lasaulx, Amalie von

Augustine of Alveldt: 1, 364

Augustine, Saint, of Canterbury: 1, 364; 2, 472

Augustine, Saint, of Hippo: 1, 365; 2, 121; 9, 142, 463; 10, 347-349

on adoption: 1, 47

as apologist: 1, 237

on baptism: 1, 437

on the Church: 3, 81

on conscience: 3, 242

on consilia evangelica: 3, 245

on conversion: 3, 262

on the devil: 3, 415

on Donatism: 3, 488, 489

on epiklesis: 4, 153

on eucharist: 7, 230, 231

and evolution: 4, 230

on exegesis: 4, 241

on faith: 4, 269

on free will: 12, 356

on God: 5, 4; 11, 316

on good works: 5, 20, 21

on grace: 5, 49

on heretic baptism: 5, 236

Hermits of: 1, 372

on "highest good": 5, 18

on infant damnation: 5, 490

on inspiration: 6, 14

and Julian of Eclanum: 6, 261

on justification: 6, 277

on the keys: 6, 324, 325

on the kingdom: 6, 336

on Lord's Supper: 7, 33

on marriage: 7, 194

on merit: 7, 315

on miracles: 7, 386

as mystic: 8, 70

on Pelagianism: 8, 438-441; 10, 347

as preacher: 9, 160

on predestination: 9, 193, 194

on providence: 9, 308

and purgatory: 1, 134

on restorationism: 1, 210

on righteousness: 10, 37

rule of: 7, 466

on sacraments: 1, 437; 7, 33; 10, 141, 142; 12, 51

on sin: 10, 436

on the Trinity: 12, 20

on war: 12, 265

Augustinian monergism: 10, 347

view of man: 1, 34

Augustinianism: 1, 423; 2, 356, 360, 361; 5, 282

Augustinians: 1, 372

of the Assumption: 1, 321

Augustus of Grimaldi: 6, 462

Aurelian: 1, 373

Aureolus, Petrus: 10, 265

Auricular Confession: 1, 373; 10, 325

Aurifaber, Andreas: 1, 373

Johannes, of Breslau: 1, 374

Johannes, of Weimar: 1, 374

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus: 1, 375; 8, 419, 420

Austin: 1, 375

Presbyterian Theological Seminary: 11, 380

School of Theology: 11, 380

Austin, Anne: 4, 394

John: 1, 375

Austral Islands: 11, 15

Australasia, Methodists in: 7, 340-341

Australia: 1, 376-378, 478; 7, 402

Austria: 1, 378-383; 5, 67; 6, 232-234; 7, 42

concordat with: 3, 216, 217

Counter-Reformation in: 4, 299

Lutheranism in: 1, 364

Protestants in: 1, 380, 381

Reformation in Inner: 5, 493

Roman Catholics in: 1, 378-381

Austria-Hungary, Catechisms in: 2, 445

Austrian universities: 12, 100, 101, 102

Autbert: 1, 191

Autharis: 7, 19

Authority, Ecclesiastical: 1, 383; 10, 264, 304

papal: 1, 249; 2, 222, 226; 3, 106, 282, 317, 441; 4, 157; 6, 323-329; 8, 161; 9, 112; 10, 329

priestly: 6, 323-329

Authorized Version of Bible: 2, 139, 158

Auto da Fé: 1, 384; 11, 24, 26, 30

Autolycus: 11, 406

Autpertus, Ambrosius: 1, 385

Autun: 1, 385

Auxentius of Milan: 3, 345; 12, 56, 57

Auxerre, Synod of: 1, 385; 9, 494

Auxilius: 1, 385

Ava: 1, 386

Avars: 1, 386

Avatar: 1, 395; 5, 290; 6, 103

Ave Maria: 2, 443; 10, 92

Ave Maria Brethren: 10, 374

Avenarius, Johannes: 5, 106

Avenger of blood: 2, 205, 206

Avenging angels: 8, 15

Avercius of Hieropolis: 1, 386

Marcellus: 1, 387

Avernier: 1, 486

Averrhoes: 3, 271; 7, 66; 10, 263, 298

Averrhoistic School: 10, 265

Aves, Henry D.: 1, 387

Avesta: 12, 525

Avignon: 1, 119, 120, 387; 2, 42


Avila, Juan de: 1, 387; 9, 167

Avircius of Hieropolis: 1, 386

Avitus of Auvergne: 10, 402

Alcimus E.: 1, 387; 4, 149

Aviz, Order of: 1, 388

Avvim: 2, 376; 6, 250

Avvites: 8, 155

Awakening: 1, 388

the great: 10, 11

twelfth century: 10, 261

Away from Rome. See Los von Rom

Axel: 1, 18

Axenaia: 9, 43, 44

Ayar Ziwa Rabba: 7, 146

Ayer, Joseph C., Jr.: 1, 389

Ayesha: 7, 440

Aylmer (Elmer), John: 1, 389

Azariah (Uzziah): 1, 389; 9, 273; 12, 124

Azazel: 1, 177, 356, 389; 3, 399, 400

Azmaveth: 6, 251

Azmon: 8, 100

Azriel: 2, 327

Aztec sun-gods: 11, 144

Azymites: 1, 389

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