Showing 157 terms beginning with B.
- Baader, Franz Xaver von
- Baal
- Baalbek
- Baasha
- Baba; Baba Batra; Baba Kamma; Baba Mezia
- Babism
- Babylonia
- Babylonian Exile
- Baccanarists
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Bach, Joseph
- Bacher, Wilhelm
- Bachiarius
- Bachmann, Philipp
- Bachmann, Johannes Franz Julius
- Bacilieri, Bartolomeo
- Bacon, Benjamin Wisner
- Bacon, Francis
- Bacon, Leonard
- Bacon, Leonard Woolsey
- Bacon, Roger
- Baden
- Baden (Im Aargau), Conference of
- Baden (In Baden), Conference of
- Bader, Johann
- Baentsch, Bruno Johannes Leopold
- Baerwinkkel, Friedrich Wilhelm Richard
- Baethgen, Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf
- Bagshawe, Edward Gilpin
- Bahrdt, Karl Friedrich
- Baier, Johann Wilhelm
- Baier, Johann Wilhelm
- Baier, Johannes
- Bailey, Henry
- Baillet, Adrien
- Baillie, Robert
- Baird, Charles Washington
- Baird, Henry Martyn
- Baird Lectures
- Baird, Robert
- Bajus, Michael
- Baker, Daniel
- Baker, Sir Henry Williams
- Balaam
- Balan, Pietro
- Baldachin
- Balde, Jakob
- Baldensperger, Wilhelm
- Baldwin
- Bale, John
- Ball, John
- Ballanche, Pierre Simon
- Ballantine, William Gay
- Ballard, Addison
- Balle, Nicolai Edinger
- Ballerini, Pietro and Girolamo
- Ballou, Hosea
- Ballou, Hosea, 2d
- Balm
- Balmes, Jaime
- Balogh, Ferencz
- Balsam
- Balsamon, Theodoros
- Balthazar of Dernbach and the Counterreformation In Fulda
- Baltimore Councils
- Baltus, Jean Francois
- Baltzer, Johann Baptista
- Baluze, Etienne
- Bamberg, Bishopric of
- Bampton Lectures
- Ban
- Bancroft, Richard
- Banes, Domingo
- Bangorian Controversy
- Banks, John Shaw
- Banks, Louis Albert
- Banns
- Baptism
- Baptism For the Dead
- Baptism By Heretics
- Baptism With the Holy Ghost and With Fire
- Baptismal Regeneration
- Baptistery
- Baptistines
- Baradai, Jacob
- Baraita
- Barbara, Saint
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia
- Barber, Henry Hervey
- Barber, William Theodore Aquila
- Barbeyrac, Jean
- Barckhausen-Volkmann Controversy
- Barclay, Alexander
- Barclay, John
- Barclay, Joseph
- Barclay, Robert
- Bar Cochba
- Bardenhewer, Bertram Otto
- Bardesanes
- Barefooted Monks and Nuns
- Barham, Richard Harris
- Bar Hebraeus
- Baring-Gould, Sabine
- Bar Kokba
- Barlaam
- Barlaam and Josaphat
- Barletta
- Barnabas
- Barnabites
- Barnard, John
- Barnes, Albert
- Barnes, Arthur Stapylton
- Barnes, Robert
- Barnes, William Emery
- Barnett, Samuel Augustus
- Barnum, Henry Samuel
- Baro, Peter
- Baronius, Caesar
- Barrett, Benejamin Fisk
- Barriere, Jean de la
- Barrow (Barrowe), Henry
- Barrow, Isaac
- Barrows, John Henry
- Barrows, Samuel June
- Barruel, Augustin
- Barry, Alfred
- Barry, William Francis
- Barsumas
- Barth, Christian Gottlieb
- Barth, Jacob
- Barth, Marie Étienne Auguste
- Bartholomew
- Bartholomew of Braga
- Bartholomew of Brescia
- Bartholomew’s Day, The Massacre of Saint
- Bartholomites
- Bartlet, James Vernon
- Bartlett, Samuel Colcord
- Bartol, Cyrus Augustus
- Bartoli, Daniello
- Barton, Elizabeth
- Barton, George Aaron
- Barton, William Eleazar
- Baruch, Apocalypse of
- Bascom, Henry Bidleman
- Bascom, John
- Basedow, Johann Bernhard
- Basel, Bishopric of
- Basel, Confession of
- Basel, Council of
- Bashan
- Bashford, James Whitford
- Basil of Achrida
- Basil of Ancyra
- Basil, Saint, The Great
- Basil of Seleucia
- Basilians