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Creeds of Christendom, Volume III. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
[The Savoy Declaration consists of a lengthy Preface, a Confession of Faith, and a Platform of Discipline. The first and last are given in full; of the second, the chapters and sections in which it differs from the Westminster Confession of Faith.
History of the Christian Church, Volume IV: Mediaeval Christianity. A.D. 590-1073 by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
. Wheaton: History of the Northmen. London 1831. Depping: Histoire des expeditions maritimes des Normands. Paris, 1843. 2 vols. F. Worsaae: Account of the Danes in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
Schaff was born in Chur, Switzerland and was educated at the gymnasium of Stuttgartt, and at the universities of Tubingen, Halle and Berlin, where he was successively influenced by Baur and Schmid, by Tholiuck and Julius Muller and, above all, Neander.
Sinlessness of Jesus: An Evidence for Christianity by Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
WHEN we cast a searching glance at the actual events of our Lord’s life, we cannot help wishing that men of the most opposite ranks and dispositions, occupying positions exterior to Christianity, sceptical, or even inimical, had left us express accounts of the impressions produced by His actions and character.
Sinlessness of Jesus: An Evidence for Christianity by Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
Sec. 1.—The Development of the Person of Jesus. The Scriptures speak undeniably of a growth in wisdom in Jesus, consequently of an increase,…
Sinlessness of Jesus: An Evidence for Christianity by Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
In the last place, a word must be said on the position taken with regard to the subject under consideration by modern speculative criticism. The literature of this subject is well known.
Sinlessness of Jesus: An Evidence for Christianity by Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
... circumstances, a condition by which alone a perfect knowledge of religious truth could even intuitively exist and be recognised ...
Sinlessness of Jesus: An Evidence for Christianity by Ullmann, Carl (1796-1865)
Sec. 3.—These Effects caused not by an Idea, but by an Actual Person.…
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
ANF07. Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries: Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily, and Liturgies by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
. On Whose Account the Powers of Miracles are Performed. I. Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour, delivered to us the great mystery of godliness,…
NPNF1-03. On the Holy Trinity; Doctrinal Treatises; Moral Treatises by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)
15. For what Christian men of our time being free from the marriage bond, having power to contain from all sexual intercourse, seeing it to be now “a time,” as it is written, “not of embracing, but of abstaining from embrace,” Eccles.