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ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus by Schaff, Philip (1819-1893)

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Against Heresies: Book III by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XII.—Doctrine of the rest of the apostles. 1. The Apostle Peter, therefore, after the resurrection of the Lord, and His assumption into the heavens,…

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Against Heresies: Book III by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XVI.—Proofs from the apostolic writings, that Jesus Christ was one and the same, the only begotten Son of God, perfect God and perfect man. 1. But We here omit since,…

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Against Heresies: Book III by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter II.—The heretics follow neither Scripture nor tradition. 1. When, however, they are confuted from the Scriptures, they turn round and accuse these same Scriptures,…

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter IV.—Account given by the heretics of the formation of Achamoth; origin of the visible world from her disturbances.…

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter V.—Formation of the Demiurge; description of him. He is the creator of everything outside of the Pleroma. 1. These three kinds of existence, then, having, according to them,…

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter X.—Unity of the faith of the Church throughout the whole world. 1. The Church, though dispersed through our the whole world, even to the ends of the earth,…

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Against Heresies: Book I by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XXX.—Doctrines of the Ophites and Sethians. 1. Others, again, portentously declare that there exists, in the power of Bythus, a certain primary light, blessed, incorruptible, and infinite:…

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Against Heresies: Book IV by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

Chapter XX.—That one God formed all things in the world, by means of the Word and the Holy Spirit: and that although He is to us in this life invisible and incomprehensible,…

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Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

An asterisk (*) signifies an allusion only. References within brackets are to Harvey’s edition of Irenæus. Gen. i, 1: c. 43 [I, 11, 4; II, 5, 2] i, 26: cc. 32, 55 [often] ii, 5: c.

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Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching by Irenaeus, St. (c.130-c.200)

ἀγγέλου αὐτοῦ: 1 ἀδικίαν: 1 ἀειδὴς καὶ ἄτιμος: 1 ἀλλὰ μὴ βιαζομένου: 1 ἀνάπανσις: 1 ἀνάστασις: 1 ἀνακεφαλαιώσασθαι: 1 ἀνακεφαλαιούμενος: 1 ἀνεπαύσατο οὖν, τουτέστιν ἐπαύσατο, ἐλθόντος ἐκείνου: 1 ἀντιλαεέσθαι: 1 ἀργύρια: 1 ἀρχὴ: 1 ἀρχή: 1 2 ἀρχή, ὅτι ἄρχει: 1 ἄγγελ…

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