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Page xvii


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS O. B. B . . . . . . .; Ord° aar'°B Benedict% " Order of 8t. Benedict " O. T Old Testament OTJC . 8ee Smith P Priestly document L. Pastor, The Hiatory~ the Popes from Pastor, Popes. . . ~ the CZoat of the M e Apes, 8 vole., London, 1891-1908 PEA I P°trta scciesia· Angiieano;. ed. J. A. Giles, 34 vole. London, 1838-4(S PEF . Paleatine exploration Fund I pet First Epistle of Peter II Pet . $econd Epistle of Peter B. PlatinaVLivea of the Popes lrom . Platina, Popes.. LGregdory 11. to . . . Paul Il., 2 vole., Pliny, Hint. net... Pliny, , Hiatoria nwtural%a Potthsat, Wep-~A. ~ottl~ ~'uath~ a Q~dt,'~medht~ ''·''··' merke, Berlin, 1898 Prov . Proverbs Ps Psalms PSBA . . . j Proceedings o1 the Society of Biblical I Archeoiopy London 1880 sqq. q.v., qq.v : auod (oqnua~ , History owhich see f the Popes, Ranks, Popes. Jj L~3 vvole., London, 1908 RDM . Revue den deux mondea, Parse, 1831 sqq. RE $ee Hauck-Herzog Reich, Docu- ~ E. Reich, Select Documents Illustrating Me- menta . . . diaroal and Modern History, London, 1905 REJ . Revue den 6tudee ju%vea, Paris, 1880 sqq. Rettberg, KD I F· w. Rettberg, Kerchenptachichte Deuteth lands 2 vole., GSttingen, 1848-48 Rev ... . . . .. .. .. .Book o1 Revelation

ical Articles on Religion, 1880-88, New York, 1907

A. L. Richter, Lehrbuch den katholiaehen and evangdiachen Kirehenrechta, 8th ......... ~ ed. by W. Kahl, Leipaic. 1888

Robinson, R e- ( E. Robinaon Biblical Rewardyes in searches, and j Palatine, f3oaton 1841 and Later Later Re-

eearches ....... R^b·naon. E,uro peen H%atorti. . Palatine, hoeton 1841 and Later cydopaedia... Richter, Kirchen- recht Biblical of the whole, 3 vole., 1887 J. H. Robinson, Readings in European llietory , 2 vole., Boston, 1904-08 Robinaon and J. H. Robineon and C. A. Beard, Devdop Beard, Modern ~ ment qJ Modern Europe, 2 vole., Boston, Europe 1907 Rom Epiatle to the Romans RTP .... .. . . .. .; Revue de Uusolopae et de philosophic, Lausanne, 1873 R. V Reviaed Version (of the English Bible) awe . eaculum$amue5' century " I Sam . . . .I II $am .. .. .II Samuel $itaungaberiehk der Berliner Akadamfe, SBA . Berlin, 1882 sqq. · · (F. Max Miiller and others, The Sacred 3BE .... .. Books of the East% Oxford, 1879 eqq., Vol. xlvni., 1904 Sacred Books of the Old Testament (" Rain $BOT . bow Bible ). Leipeic, London, and Baltimore, 1894 sqq.

Schaff, Christian P. $ohaff, History or the Christian Church, Church .. .... . vole. iiv., n., vii., New York,1882-92, Vol. v.., 2 parts, by D. $. Schaff, 1907-10 ~ P. Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom,

Schaff, Creeds... 3 vole., New York, 1877-84 Schrader, COT. . ~ the Old Teetament, 2 vole., London, 1885-88 E. $ehrader, Die KeiZinachriften and daa AZte Testament, 2 vole., Berlin, 1902-03 E. Schrader, ReilinachriJUiche Bibliothek, 8 vole., Berlin, 1889-1901 'E. $ehOrer, GeacAichte den jild%achen Volkea im Zeitalter Jean Christi, 4th ed., 3 vole., Leipsic,1902sqq.; Eng. eranel., b · vole., New York, 1891 Script . 3avptorea, ·. writers Scrivener, ~ F. H. A. Scrivener, Introduction to New Tea- Introduction . . tamend Criticism, 4th ed., London, 1894 BOW . 3entenNct, " Sentences " 8. J. Societaa Jeeu, Society of Jesus " 3MA . . . . . . . . 13ia ua Munich, 80 sqq. ~ Aka- Bmith, Kinship. Kinahip..iW: R. Smith Kinship ..d Marriage in Schrader, KAT. Schrader, KB... BohOrer, Gseda%ehte .... .

Smith, Prophets.. { W~ Es$Century, phth heLondon, 95 Israel . . . to Smith, Rel. of W. R. Smith, Religion of he Semites, $em . London, 1894 8.P. C. K ·,· . i Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge 8. P. G. . . · . Society for the Propagation of the Gospel ' ~ in Foreign Parts e49· . and following ~ s.v eub voce, or sub verbo tion . . . . . . lament in Greek, London, 1900 8yr . 8yriac

Thatcher and (O. J. Thatcher and E. H. McNeal, A McNeal, 3ourcaj Source Book for Medieval History, Book ... . . . . . . 1 New York, 1905

I These First Epistle to the Thessalonians II Theee . 8econd Epistle to the Thessalonians ThT T~°log~.ache TijdachrdJt, Amsterdam and Leyden, 1867 sqq. Tillemont. M& ~ L.. $. is Nain de Tillemont, Memo%rea a%Mea,. 16 vole., Paris, 1893-1712 I Tim . Firat Epistle to Timothy II Tim .$econd Epistle to Timothy Theolopiacher Jahreabericht, Leipeie, 1882 TJB . 1887, Freiburg, 1888, Brunswick, 1889 1897. Berlin, 1898 sqq. Tob Tobit TQ .. . ~ Theologische QuartalachriJE, TObingen, 1819eq q. J. A. Robinson, Texts and Studies, T3 Cambridge, 1891 eqq TSBA . ~Tr°na°d%ona of the ~ociety of Biblical. Archaologb, London, 1872eq q. TSK Theolopiache Studien and Kritiken, Ham burg, 1828 sqq. Texts and Unterauchunpen sur Geaehschtt TU . due' altchnaUichen Litteratur, ed. O. von Gebhardt and A. Harnack, Leipeic, 1882 sqq. Ugolini, Theaau-B. Ugohnue, Thesaurus antiquitatum rue i aacrarum, 34 vole., Venice, 1744-69 V. T. . . . . . . . Vetus Teatamenlum, View Testament, "Old Testament " Wattenbach, W· wattenbach, Deutachlauda Geachichta- DGQ . ~ueU en. 5th ed., 2 vole., Berlin, 1885; 8th ed., 1893-94; 7th ed., 1904 sqq. Wellhauaen, J. Wellhausen, Rate arab%achen Fleiden- Heidentum . fume Berlin, 1887 We' J· R'ellhsuaen, Prolegomena cur Geachichle Prolepomana~ laraela, 8th ed., Berlin, 1905, Eng. Zeitachrift far Aaayriologie, Leip;ac, ZA . lgg0.g8. Berlin, 1889 sqq. T. Zahn, Einleitung in daa Neut Teata- Zahn, EinZei- ment, 3ded ., Leipsic, 1907; Eng. tranal., lung ....... Introduction to the New Testament, 3 vole., Edinburgh, 1909 T. Zahn, Geachichte den neuteatamenE- Zahn, Kanon . . lichen Kanona, 2 vole., Leipsic, 1888-92 Ztitaehrift fttr die altteatamentliche Wia- ZATW . aenachaft, Giessen, 1881 sqq.

ZDMG .. GeadlachnJt, LeiPsic, 1847 sqq. ZDP. . . . . ~ Zeitachrift fur deutsche PhiloZopie, Halls, 1889 sqq. ZDPV ZeitachriJt den deutadun Paldatina-Ver eina, Leipsio, 1878 sqq. Zech Zechariah Zeph . Zephaniah Zeitechrift ftir die hiatoriadve Theolopie, ZHT . published successively at Leipeic, Hamburg, and Gotha, 1832-75 ZKG . .. . . . ~ Zeitachrift iir K%rdureeschichte. Goths, 1878 aqq ZKR ZdtschriJt fsir Kirchenrecht, Berlin, TO bingen Freiburg, 1881 eqq ZKT . . Ze'tachriJt Jiir kalhoZiache T)teoZogie, Inns bruck, 1877 sqq. ZKW ....... ~ Zeatachraft fur kirchliche Wiaaenachaft and kirchlichea Leben, Leipaie, 1880-89 ZNTW . I ZeitschriJt ffir die neuteatamenUiche Wia senschnJt. Giessen, 1900 sqq. ZPK· ~ Zeitachrift fir Protatantiamua andRirehe, Zeitachraft ftir vrieaenachafUiche Theolopis, ZWT . Jena, 7858-80, Halls, 1881-87, Leipei0. 1868 aqq.