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Page xvi


LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Refers to patrietie works on heresies or Hasr .. . . . . . . heretT.Wlian a De. a;acrf,Ptaoner the Pros hair, of irenious, the Panarion of Epiphanius, etc. Hag . Haggai HsrduinCon- J. ffs Conedliorum odlectio repia cilia '. .. . maxima. 12 vole., Paris, 1715 A. Harnack History of opme . . ft= He.,, Dogma the 8d Geinaan edition, 7 vole.. Boston, 1895-1900 8srnsok, Litlera- A- Harnaek, Geschichte der altcAria$ichen Cur ... qtr big Euaebiua, 2 vols. in 3, Lai 1893-1904 Hauck, KD . · A . hIsuck, Rirchengeachichte Deutaek- · lands, Vol. i., Leipaic, 1904; Vol . ii . 1900· Vol. iii.. 1906; Vol. iv.. 1903 8suck-Her ~Ryl°p4die far proteataatiade The_ ~g. dogie and K irche founded by J., J- RE ..... . . Herzog, 3d ed. by A. Hauck, Leipeic, 1896-1909 Heb .. . . . . . . . . . . . Epistle to the Hebrews Hebr . ebrew Hefele,Concilien- C· J. XT Refele Conciliengeachichtet c on- 0eschichte .. . . . , tinned b J. kergenr6ther, vole. i.-vi., viii.-Ix reiburg, 1883-93 Heimbucher~Or- M. Heimbucher Die Orden and Konpre- Helyot, Ordre, . J P. Helyot Hiatoire lea ordrea monae- monaetiquee. p ~· 1rd~nstai~9 82 vols., Henderson, Doc- E. F. Paris, Select Historical Docu- umenta of the Mia~dde Apes, London, 1892 Hint .. . . . . . . . . . . . History, hiatoire, hiatoria Hint. ecd.... .. . H~ ~esiaatica, ecdesios, " · Church Host . . . . . . . . . . . . Homidia, homiliai, " homily, homilies " Hoe . . . . . . . . . . . Hoses Isa . . . . . . . . . . . . Iesiah Tta1 Italian J Jahviet (Yahwist) JA . . . . . . . . . . . . Journal Asiatique, Paris, 1822 eqq. Jacobus, .. · A Standard Bel, Dictionary, e d. M. W. Ja- Didiry. cobus, . E. E Nourse . . and A. C. Zenos New ork and London, 199

P. JaffB Repeals pontiicum Romanorum Jaff~. Roseate. _ _ ad annum 1198, Berlin, 1851; 2d ed.. Leipsic, 1881-88 JAGS . Journal (tf the American Oriental Society, New Haven, 1849 aqq Journal of Biblical Literature and Exem sit. first appeared as Journal of the JBL . . . . . . . . Society of xblical Literature and Bse 0eeis, Middletown, 1882-88, then Bos ton ol q. Th feu"oAd°M' 12 vole., New York, 1901g , The combined narrative of the Jahviat (Yahwiat) and Elohis6 Jer . Jeremiah Josephus, Ant Flav'us Josephus, " Antiquities of the Jews " Josephus Aps . Flavius Josephus, " Against Apion " Joseph W . .Life of Flavma Josephus Josephus; War. . . Flavius Joaephue, The Jewish War " Josh Joshua JPT . . . . . . . . . . J°hr' far protestantiache Thadopie, , Leip®c 1875 eqq JQR . . . . . . .. . . The Jewish Quarterly Review, London, , JRAS . . . . . . .. . Journal °I the Royal Asiatic Society, Lon don, 1834 sqq. J of Theological Studies, London, . 1899 J. Julian q A Dictionary of Hymnology, revised edition, London, 1907 Julian, Hyny. noloy . . . . . RAT . . . . : . . . . . . See Schrader KB . 8ee Schrader RD . . . . . . . . . . . Bee Friedrich, Hauck, Iiett~berg Welter and 1Vdte s Kirchenlexikon 2d RL . .. .. . . . . .. . eel ., by J. Hergenr5ther and F. Kanlen, 12 vole., Freiburg, 1882-1903 (G. Krilger, History of Early Christian Kriiger, History.( Literature in the First Three Centuries, Hrumbaoher. Geaehichte. . . Labbe, Concilia New York, 1897 K. Krum ~ r, Geschidvte der byzarr 897 ~ r' 2d ed.' --Munich,

P. Labbe,. Saaorum eonciliorum nova of amrolieesma cdlectio 31 vole., Florence an Venice, 1759-98

Lam . . . . . . . . . . . . Lamentations Lsnipan, Eul. ~ J. Lanigan, Ecclesiastical History of Ire- land to the 131h Century, 4 vole_ Dub lin, 1829 Let Latin, Latiniaed L~ev . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------ L~eviiioUB Lichtenberger, 1 F· Lichtenberger, EncydoPbdie lea eci- ESR . . . . . . . . 1~ rol%p%euses. 13 vole., Paris, 1877- Lorena, DGQ , , ~ O. Lorenz, Deulachdande Geacht7 ton in fiudalter, 3d ed., Berlin, I88LXX . . . . . . . . . . . The Septuagint T Mace I Maccabees it me. II Maccabees Mai, Nova col-)A. Mai, Scriptorum veterum nova cd- tctui!' . . . . . . . . lectiot 10 vole.. Rome, 1825-38 Mal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malsohi

· G. D. Manzi, actorum onc;liorum Mansi, Concilia. ~ Venice, cdlectio nova172, 31 vole., Florence and 8 Matt Matthew Monuments G erma,u;e hiatorica, ed. GY3 H. Peru and others Hanover and er n. 1828 aq9 Ttie following abbrevia tions are used for the sections and subsections of this work: Ant., An Eioui datea, Antiquities ' ; Acct. ant. ~fuo lores antiquiasimi " Oldest Writers Chron, man? Chronim minors, Legge; Chronicles ; Dip , Diplomats, Di plomast Documents ; Epiaa., EPia td®. Letters - Gent. Pont. Rom., Geata ponttJleum 'Romanorum, ·· Deeds of the Popes of Rome - Leg ·, Lsgea, Laws Lib. de dite, Lz'bdli de dice inter regnum et aaardotium aa·culorum xi. of xii. conacriPti, Books concerning MGH , , , . , , , , , the Strife between the Civil and Eccle- eiaatical Authorities in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries Nee ., Ne crolopia Germania·, 7fecrology of Ge 11 rmsny Poet. Let. a^roa· Car ·, PPosts Gatini a:va Cardins, ' Latin Poets of the Caroline Time ". poet. Lat- -ad- Mi. Poole Latini me3ii aroi,

Latin Poets of the Middle A~ es - Script. ScriPtoree ' Writers' · ~cript. rar. Germ., ScriPtorea rerum Oermanicaru Writers On German Subjects'; Script. rer. Lanpob. Seriptores rerum Lenpobardicarum et IEadicarum, ' Writers on Lombard and Italian Subjects "; Script, rer. Meroa· ScsiPtorea rerum Merovingicarum, ·· Rrritem on Merovingian Subjects "

Mio . Micah H. H. Milinan. History of Latin Chrta. Milman Latin t%ani Indudinp Cleat of the popes to Christianity . , idurlos V., 8 vole., London, 1860-81 i C. Mirbt. Qudlen cur Geachichte lea PaPsE Mirbt. Qudlan lama and lea rihniachen Katholiciamus, Tiibingen, 1901

MPL . . .. . . . . . . ~ J. P. Migne, 7-aErodopia· tarsus coon yletua esr6ea rue, 221 vole., Paris, 1844-8~ M13 MSS Manuscript. Manuscripts Muratori , Scrip- J L. A. Muratori, Rerun Italicarum slip. Cores. · . · , · . . . Cores, 28 vole., 1728-b1 Neues Archiro der (isselladaaft Jtlr diem NA ........ . deutsche Geachichtalcurda, Hanover, 1878 eqq. Nah . . . . . . . . . . . . Nahum n.d. no date of publication

Nesnder Chris- A. Neander General History o) fhs Christian Glhnrch.. a" Religion and Church, d vole.. and index Boston, 1872-81

Neh . Nehemiah N i c e r o n, Md- ( R. P. Niceron MEmoirea pour aeroir h moirss .... ... fhiatoire lea hommea illushEa , , . , 43 vole., Paris, 1729-45 Nielsen, PaF· K. Nielsen History of the Papacy in Nippold, Papacy. ~ F' Nippo 1908 ld The Papacy in the Nineteenth Century, New York 1900 NRZ . . . . . . . . . ~ Nuq~krhw Zeitachrift, Leipeio, 1890 Nowaek, Archd- W~owaek Lehrbuch der AebrAiachen dopie . . . . . . . . ArchSdopie, 2 vole.. Freiburg, 1894 n.P. . . . . . . . . . . . . no place of publication NPNF ... . . . . . . aeries, 14 vole., New York, 1887-9; 2d series, 14 vole., New York, 1890-190 N. T. . . . . . . . . , , ~ New Testament, Noroum Teatamen6um Nouveau Testament, Nauu Testamen! Num . . . . . . . . . . Numbers Ob Obadiah