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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations in common use or self-evident are not included here. For additional information concerning the works listed, see vol. L, pp. viii.-xz., and the appropriate articles in the body of the work. dDB . . . . . . . . . I ASn° d°utw& Bioprophis, Leipaio, 1875 aq ., vol. 53, 1907 ddro . . . . . . . . . .,adroeraua g _ _____. , AJP.......... AJT . AKR......... dLKG........

American J~ouraal of Philology, Baltimore, 1880 eqq.

American Journal of Theology. Chicago. 1897 sqq.

Archiro Jftr katholischss Kirchsnracht, i Innsbruck, 1867-81, Mains, 1872 sqq.

Ardtiro far Litterotur- and KirdbrWesdddue den btittdattsrs, Freiburg. 1885 sqq.

Am. . . . . . . . .. . . .American dMA jAbhandlungen der MOnchensr Akadamia, Munich, 1783 eqq. Ante-Mans Fat7rcra American edition by A. Cleveland Gjoze, 8 vole. and in ANF due, Buffalo. 1887: vol. ix., ad. Allan Apoo . Apocrypha apocryphal Apo, . Apdopra, 2polopy Arab Arabia Aram ...... .Aramaic art.. . . . . . . . . . . . . article Arc. 8ohmsl . . . . . Schmalksld Articles ASB .. . . . . . . . . . I Adso "t· ed. J. Bollard and others. Antwerp, 1843eq Q A3M Acts sanetorum ordtass 8. Benedicti, ed. J. Mabilloa, 9 vole., Paris, 1888-1701 Ass yr . AmYrisa A, T. . . . . . . . . . . .Alfas Testament, " Old Testament " An 4V: Con . Augsburg Confession A. V ..... .... .Authonaed Version (of the English Bible) Baldwin, (J. M. Baldwin, Diary % Philosophy Dictionary 1901-05

Bardeahewer, ~ O. 8ardenhewer, Geadtichte der akkirclr Geachichte . . . . lichen Litteratur, 2 vole., Freiburg, 1902

Bnrdenhewer, ~ O. Bsrdenhewer, Patrdopic, 2d ed., FreiPatrdopie .... burg, 1901

Bsyle. ~ The Dictionary Historical and Critical of Dictionary . . . , Mr. Peter Bayk, 2d ed., 5 vole.. London,

1734-38 Bensinger, I. Benainger, Hebrdisehe Ardv9doQie, 2d Arehnolopis~ ed Freiburg, 1907 Bingham, ~ J. Bingham, Oripinea eedwiaaticor, 10 . , vole., London, 1708-22; new ed., Ox ford, 1855 M. Bouquet, Recueil des hiatoriens des Gaut" at de la France, continued by various hands. 23 vole.. Paris. 1738-78 ~ Archibald Bower, Hiatory of the P

. to 1768, tostinued by S. H. ox, 8 vole., Philadelphia, 1845-47

Baptist Quarterly Rsroiato. Philadelphia, Bouquet. Rccueih Bower, Pope. .. BQR.. .. . . . . . . . 1887 sqq. BRG See JaH6 Cent. .. .... . . ...Canticles, Bong of Solomon cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . caput. ohsptar ' Ceillier. Auteura, R'·Ilier, Xistoire du auteura saerh d aa~ris . eJ°r°°' 18 vole. is 17, Paris, 1858-- Chros . . . . . . . . . . . Chrosieort, " Chronicle " I Chron .. . .. . . . . .I Chronicles II Chron . . . . . . . . II Chronicles CMG C°° inscription- Grcaoarum, Berlin, 1825 sqq. CIL C inacrigtionum Latinarum, Berlin, eqq. CIB C inacriptionum Scmitimrum,Paris, 1881 sqq. cod code, cod. Theod codes Tluodaeiasw Col .. . .. .. .. . ....Epistle to the Colossians Col., cola. . . . . . . oo umncolumns ConJ ... . .ConJesswnea. Confessions ·. I Cor.. . . . . . . . . . .First Epistle to the Corinthians II Cor .. . . . . . . . . . Second Epistle to the Corinthian, COT See Schrader CQR .. . . . . .° Church Quarterly Reoieta. London. Creighton, Papacy .... C roJormatorum, begun at Has . vol. Izuia., Berhn and Leipeic, 1905eq q.

`M. Creighton, A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack o1 Rome, new ed., 8 vole., New York a do

London, 1897

~Corpueaeriptorum Cbridianorum orisstaitum, ed. J. B. Chabot, I. Guidi, and others, Paris and Leipeio, 1903 aqq,

Corpus scriptmum eedesiasticotam Latinwum, Vienna, 1887 sqq.

Corpus scriptorrtm historic Byaantina:, 49 vole. Bonn, 1828-78

C. W. furrier. History of Religious Orders, Carrier. Religious Orders .. . . . .. Z= .jo rkr 1898 D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Domrat Dsa.. . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel DB vole. and extra vol Edinburgh and New York, 1898-1904

DCQ . $ee Watteabsch L. Stephen and S. Lee. Dictionary of DNB National BioprapAg, 83 vole. and supplam~ent 3 vole., London, 1885-1901 Driver, Introduo- S. R. Driver, Introduction to the Literature the Old Testament, 10th ed.. New Lion : 9 t the 1910 E Elohiet T. K. Cheyna and J. S. Black, Encydo EB . . . . . . . . . . ~ p ~din 13'tbliea, 4 vole., London and New York 1899_1903 Ecei . Ecdeaia, ' Glhum,6 ; eedaaiaatieua, " ec clesiastical " Eccles Ecclesiastes Eccles . . . . . . . . . . Ecdeeiastious ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edition: edidit. .. edited by" Eph . . . . . . . . . . . . Epistle to the Epheeiana Epist . . . . . . . . . . . Epiatda, Epietoia, Epistle," " Ep A=ne " Erach and Gru- J. 8. Erech and J. G. Gruber, Aapamcina her Encyklo- ~ EncykLopadia der TVisaenachaJtes and p~is ... .... . Kilnstc, Leipeio. 1818 eqq E. V Englieh versions (of the Bible) Ea .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Eaodua Eaek . . . . . . .Esekiel fame fasciculas Fr French

episcoporum . . Cathdica, 12egenaburg, 1873, and sup- plement, 1886 Gee and Hardy. ~ H.~wb~ Documents atiroe of r Documents · ' ' London, 1898 Germ . . . . . . . . . . . German

Fall of tie Roman Empire, ed. J. B. and ~aQ · Bury, 7 vole., London, 1898-1900 C. G Tie Sources and Literature of Grove, Sows EnpfHistory . . . to 1/,86, London, 1800 Hab Habakkuk Haddsn sad (A· W· Hadd°n and W. Stubbs, Councils Stubbs, Coup- jt a"d Ecclesiastical Documents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vole., et'La. . . . . . . . . .Oxford, 1889-78