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Page xiv


BIOGRAPHICAL ADDENDA-VOLUMES I-% BIOGRAPHICAL ADDENDA ATWILL, E. R.: d. at Kansas City Jan. 24, 1911. BERTHEAU, C.: d. at Hamburg Dec. 19, 1910. BRADHrORD, A. H.: d. at Montclair, N. J., Feb. 18, 1911. DAWSON, W. J.: Accepted call to First Presbyterian Church, Newark, N. J., 1911. FERRIS, J. M.: d. at Flatbush, h. I., Jan. 30, 1911. FUNCEE, O.: d. at Bremen Dec. 26, 1910. HAsTINGs, T. S.: d. at New York Apr. 2, 1911. KLosTERMANN, E.: called to Strasburg as ordinary professor of N. T. theology. KHIEG, K.: d. at Freiburg Jan. 24, 1911. MEAD, C. M.: d. at New Haven Feb. 15, 1911. PARET, W.: d. at Baltimore Jan. 18, 1911. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA

Vol. vii., p. 251, col. 2, lines 7 and 6 from bottom: Read " Donizo . . . Domnizo " for " Donizone . . . Domnizone."

Vol. viii., p. 143, col. 2, line 14: Read " Odhner " for " Odlmer."

Vol. viii., p. 162, col. 1, line 17, first word: Read " Papacy " for " Popes."

Vol. viii., p. 236, coI. 1, line 21 from bottom: Read " Nagot " for " Magot."

Vol. viii., p. 487, col. 2, line 40: Read " S. D. F." for " G. D. F."

Vol. ix., p. 120, col. 1, article Polycrates: Insert after line 2 " by his controversy with Pope Victor on the cele-."

Vol. ix., p. 122, col. 1, line 14 from bottom: Read " den Ursprung " for " den Alter."

Vol. ix., p. 132, col. 2, line 9 from bottom: Read " Giesebrecht " for " Gieselbrecht."

Vol. ix., p. 143, col. 2: Read " H6LscHER " in signature.

Vol. ix., p. 163, col. 2, lines 18-17 from bottom: Read " Jan van Ruysbroeck " for " Henry Ruysbroek."

Vol. ix., p. 174, col. 1, line 17: Remove " (qxj ."

Vol. ix., p. 175, col. 1, line 1: Read " I. F. E." for " J. E. F."

Vol. ix., p. 289, col. 1, line 21: Read " Batterson " for " Patterson "; line 24: Read " E. E." for

" R. E."; line 47: Read " J. W." for " J. A."; line 53: Read " F. N." for " F. W."

Vol. ix., p. 337, col. 1, line 20: Read " 1723 " for " 1743 "; line 21: Read " Vlis " for " Blis "; line 10 from bottom: Read " Gunkel " for

" Gunkelchen."

Vol. ix., p. 338, col. 1, line 21 from bottom: Read " Apocrypha=" for " A pocryphi "; line 19, from bottom: Read " Beloved of God."

Vol. ix., p. 339, col. 1, line 6 from bottom: Read " Abralue " for " A brafmx "; line 4 from bottom: Read " Vassilyew"for " Bassilyew."

Vol. ix., p. 340, col. 1, line 20-- Read " B. Beer " for " G. Beer."

Vol. ix., p. 342, col. 1, line 2 from bottom: Read " Bousset " for " Bossuet "; col. 2, line 6: Read " Couard " for " Conrad."

Vol. ix., p. 479, col. _1, line 11 from bottom: Read " 1911 . . . $101,000 " for " 1908 . . .


Vol. ix., p. 422, col. 2, fine 37: Read " 1570 "for " 1557 "; line 39: Read " Boo" " for " Bocakag."

Vol. x., p. 19, col. 2: In signature read " G. E." for " D."

Vol. x., p. 38, col. 2, line 3 from bottom: Change signature to " H. CREMER."