William Wilberforce

Philanthropist and abolitionist


August 24, 1759
July 29, 1833
Related topics
Abolitionists, Wilberforce, William,--1759-1833, Biography, Antislavery movements, History,


British abolitionist William Wilberforce was born in August of 1759. The witness of his wife's family caused Wilberforce to give his life to Christ. As an evangelical Christian, he dedicated much of his life to helping others in a variety of ways. As a philanthropist, he supported Mission Societies, freedom for Sierra Leone, the Society for the Suppression of Vice, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He served in Parliament, but his failing health led him to resign his post. At the age of 73, Wilberforce died in July of 1833.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of William Wilberforce

Works published by William Wilberforce

Works published about William Wilberforce

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