



German-born Gerhard Tersteegen had a difficult upbringing. Raised by his impoverished mother meant that formal higher education could not be afforded. Tersteegen went to work at a young age, but his passion to learn about theology led him read many books on the subject and become a self-taught lay Protestant preacher. His home became a meeting place for others to come and worship. Tersteegen became known for the hymns he authored. He edited a collection of hymns and other writings in Spiritual Flower Garden for Ardent Souls. Tersteegen practiced pietism. His interest in mysticism led him to translate French mystic writings into German. Born in 1697, his legacy includes poetry, lyrics, hymns, sermons, books, and letters. Tersteegen died in April 1769.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer
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