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Index of Citations

  • Acad. des Inscript.: 1
  • Acta Sanct.: 1
  • Acta Sanctorum: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Acta Sincera: 1 2
  • Acts of the Church: 1 2
  • Acts of the Irish Saints: 1
  • Ad Januar.: 1 2
  • Ad Uxor.: 1
  • Against Heresies: 1
  • Analogy: 1 2
  • Anglo-Norman Church: 1
  • Annals: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Antiqq.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • Antiqq. of Antioch.: 1
  • Antiquities: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Antiquities of Antioch: 1
  • Apoc. Acts: 1
  • Apol.: 1 2 3
  • Apologet.: 1
  • Apologies: 1 2
  • Apology: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • Apost. Constitutions: 1
  • Apostolic Constitutions: 1
  • Apostolici, or Lives of the Fathers: 1 2
  • Aug.: 1
  • B. C. P.: 1
  • Bampt. Lect.: 1
  • Bib. Encycl.: 1
  • Bibl. Rabbin.: 1 2
  • Biblical Encyclopædia: 1
  • Biblical Essays: 1 2
  • Biblioth. Græc.: 1
  • Bibliotheca: 1
  • Bibliotheca Græca: 1 2
  • Bookman: 1
  • Cambridge Texts and Studies: 1
  • Cat.: 1
  • Cat. of Illust. Writers: 1
  • Catalogue of Illustrious Writers: 1
  • Catena: 1 2
  • Celtic Church: 1
  • Christian Examiner: 1
  • Christian Observer: 1
  • Church History: 1
  • Church Times: 1
  • Claud.: 1
  • Claudius: 1 2
  • Clementine Homilies: 1
  • Clementine Recognitions: 1
  • Colossians: 1 2 3
  • Colossians and Philemon: 1
  • Comment. on Theodos. Code: 1
  • Commentary N.T.: 1
  • Commentary on Galatians: 1
  • Commentary on Philippians, l.c.: 1
  • Commentary on the Theodosian Code: 1
  • Confessions: 1 2 3
  • Contemporary Review: 1 2
  • Conver. St. Paul: 1
  • Coptic Churches: 1
  • Coptic Churches of Egypt: 1
  • Corp. Ins. Græc.: 1
  • Corp. Ins. Lat.: 1
  • Corp. Inscriptt. Græc.: 1
  • Corpus Hæreseolog.: 1
  • Corpus Hæreseologicum: 1
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Græcarum: 1
  • Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum: 1
  • Corpus of Greek Inscriptions: 1
  • Corpus of Latin Inscriptions: 1
  • Councils: 1 2 3 4
  • Cæsarem Appello: 1
  • Damascus: 1 2
  • De Amoribus Clitophontis et Leucippes: 1
  • De Corona: 1 2
  • De Fuga: 1
  • De Fuga in Persecutione: 1
  • De Pudic.: 1
  • De Pudicitia: 1
  • De Rabbinis: 1 2
  • De Sacrament.: 1
  • De Titulis Atticæ Christ.: 1
  • De Titulis Atticæ Christianis: 1
  • De Titulis Atticæ Christianis Antiquissimis Commentatio: 1
  • Decline and Fall: 1 2 3
  • Descr. of Greece: 1
  • Description de l'Asie: 1
  • Description of Greece: 1 2 3
  • Dialogue: 1
  • Dict. Christ. Antiqq.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Dict. Christ. Biog.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • Dict. Christ. Biog., s.v.: 1
  • Dict. Greek and Rom. Biog.: 1
  • Dict. Rom. Antiqq.: 1
  • Dict. des Antiq.: 1
  • Dict. des Antiqq.: 1
  • Dict. of Class. Biog.: 1
  • Dictionary of Christian Antiquities: 1
  • Dictionary of Christian Biography: 1 2 3
  • Dictionary of Classical Biography and Mythology: 1
  • Dictionary of National Biography: 1
  • Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities: 1
  • Didache: 1 2 3
  • Die Christenverfolg. der Cäsaren: 1
  • Die Christenverfolgungen der Cäsaren: 1
  • Die Gemeindeverfassung der Juden in Rom in der Kaiserzeit: 1
  • Die Gemeindeverfassung der Juden in Rom.: 1
  • Die Reisen der Kaisers Hadrian: 1
  • Diocletian Persecution: 1 2
  • Eccles. Hist.: 1 2
  • Eccles. Pol.: 1 2
  • Ecclesiastical History: 1 2
  • Ecclesiastical Polity: 1
  • Eluc. Ter. Sanct.: 1
  • Elucidatio Terræ Sanctæ: 1
  • Encyclop.: 1
  • Encyclopædia of Hist. Theol.: 1
  • Encyclopædia of Historical Theology: 1
  • Encyclopædia of Theology: 1 2
  • Ephem. Epig.: 1
  • Ephemeris Epigraphica: 1
  • Ephesiaca: 1 2 3 4
  • Ephesus: 1 2 3 4
  • Epig. Journ.: 1
  • Epigraph. Journey: 1
  • Epigraphical Journey in Asia Minor: 1
  • Epist.: 1 2 3 4
  • Epistles: 1 2
  • Epistles of: 1
  • Epistles of St. Paul: 1
  • Epp.: 1
  • Epp. of St. Paul: 1
  • Essays: 1
  • Essays chiefly on the Original Texts of the Old and New Testaments: 1
  • Essays on Supernatural Religion: 1 2
  • Exerc. Bibl.: 1 2
  • Expositor: 1 2
  • Expositor's Bible: 1
  • Fasti: 1 2 3
  • Fasti Sacri: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Fasting Reception of H. C.: 1
  • Fasts and Festivals: 1 2
  • First Apology: 1 2
  • Freeman's Journal: 1
  • Galatians: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • General Councils: 1
  • Geography of Asia Minor: 1
  • Geschichte der Römischen Kaiserlegionen: 1
  • Geschichte des Jüdischen Volkes: 1 2
  • Gesta Regis Hen. II.: 1
  • Gr. Ins., Corp.: 1
  • H. E.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Heavenly Hierarchy: 1
  • Hermas: 1
  • Highlands of Turkey: 1 2 3 4
  • Hist. East. Ch.: 1
  • Hist. Geog.: 1 2 3
  • Hist. Geog. of Asia Minor: 1
  • Hist. of Exchequer: 1
  • Historical Geography of Asia Minor: 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • History: 1
  • History of the Church: 1
  • History of the Eastern Church: 1
  • History of the Jews: 1 2 3
  • Holy Land: 1
  • Holy Living: 1 2 3
  • Hom.: 1
  • Homilies: 1 2
  • Homilies on the Acts: 1
  • Hor. Heb.: 1 2
  • Hor. Hebr.: 1 2
  • Horæ Hebraicæ: 1 2 3
  • Horæ Paulinæ: 1 2 3 4
  • Hær.: 1
  • Ignatius: 1 2 3 4
  • Ignatius and Polycarp: 1 2
  • Illustrations of Tennyson: 1
  • Intellect. Syst.: 1
  • Intellectual System: 1
  • Introd. N.T.: 1
  • Introduction: 1
  • Introduction to N. T.: 1
  • Introduction to New Testament: 1
  • Introduction to the New Testament: 1 2 3
  • Ireland and Anglo-Norman Church: 1
  • Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church: 1
  • Ireland and the Celtic Church: 1 2
  • Irish Names: 1
  • Irish Names of Places: 1
  • Itinerary in Wales: 1
  • Jour. Hell. Studies: 1
  • Journal Comp. Philol.: 1
  • Journal of Comparative Philology: 1
  • Journal of Hellenic Studies: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Journeys of Hadrian: 1
  • Journeys of the Emperor Hadrian: 1
  • Jüdisch. Volk.: 1
  • L' Organisation Militaire chez les Romains: 1
  • L'Église et L'Empire: 1
  • L'Église et l'Empire: 1
  • Laodicea Combusta: 1
  • Last Days of Pompeii: 1 2
  • Legatio ad Caium: 1
  • Les Actes des Martyrs: 1
  • Letters: 1
  • Lex. N. T.: 1
  • Lexicon: 1 2
  • Lexicon of New Testament, s.v.: 1
  • Life of Apollonius: 1 2
  • Life of Bishop Blomfield: 1
  • Life of St. Chrysostom: 1
  • Life of St. Malachy: 1
  • Life of St. Paul: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Life of Wesley: 1
  • Lives: 1
  • Lives of St. Paul: 1 2 3 4
  • Lives of the Apostles: 1 2
  • Macmillan's Mag.: 1
  • Macmillan's Magazine: 1
  • Manners of Middle Ages: 1
  • Manners of the Middle Ages: 1
  • Marc-Aurèle: 1
  • Marquardt's Röm. Staatsverwalt: 1
  • Memoirs: 1 2
  • Misopogon, or the Beard-hater: 1
  • Mission Archéol.: 1
  • Mission Archéologique de Macédoine: 1 2
  • Museum: 1
  • Museum Evang. Sch. of Smyrna: 1
  • Museum of the Evangelical School of Smyrna: 1
  • Nat. Hist.: 1 2
  • Nunc Dimittis: 1
  • Observations on the Conversion of St. Paul: 1
  • Observations upon St. Paul's Conversion: 1
  • On the Acts: 1
  • Panarion: 1
  • Peregrinatio: 1 2
  • Personal Religion: 1
  • Philippians: 1 2 3 4
  • Philippians,: 1
  • Philopatris: 1
  • Philopatris.: 1
  • Phænomena: 1
  • Princeton Review: 1
  • Provinces: 1 2
  • Provinces of the Roman Empire: 1
  • Pædagogue: 1
  • Recognitions: 1 2
  • Resurrection: 1
  • Revue Archéol.: 1
  • Revue Archéologique: 1 2 3 4
  • Roman Provinces: 1 2 3
  • Römische Staatsverwaltung: 1
  • Sarcorum Conciliorum Collectio: 1
  • Sat.: 1
  • Satires: 1 2 3
  • Second Apology: 1
  • St. Chrysost.: 1
  • St. Paul: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  • Stromata: 1 2 3
  • Study of Words: 1
  • Sunday at Home: 1
  • Tara: 1
  • Teaching of the Twelve Apostles: 1 2
  • Texts and Studies: 1
  • The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: 1
  • The Early Empire: 1 2
  • The Epistles of Paul the Apostle: 1
  • The Holy Land and the Bible: 1 2 3
  • The Ruling Elder: 1
  • Theological Encyclopædia: 1
  • Tit.: 1
  • Tractatus Mixtorum: 1
  • Trans. of Roy. Soc. of Literature: 1
  • Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy: 1
  • Vett. Epistt. Hibernic. Sylloge: 1
  • Via Intellig.: 1
  • Via Intelligentiæ: 1 2
  • Vita S. Pauli: 1
  • Vita S. Pauli Apostoli: 1
  • Voices of the Christian Year: 1
  • Voices of the Year: 1
  • Voy. Archéol.: 1
  • Voyage Archéologique: 1
  • Voyage of St. Paul: 1
  • Wars: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Wars of Jews: 1
  • e: 1
  • l.c.: 1 2 3 4 5
  • loc. cit.: 1 2
  • on Coins: 1
  • on Prayer: 1
  • on Words: 1
  • on the Acts: 1
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