
HAMPDEN-COOK, ERNEST: English Con gregationalist; b. in London Mar. 11, 1860. He was educated at University College, London (B.A., 1881), Owens College, and Lancashire Independent College, Manchester, and St. John's College, Cam bridge (B.A., 1885), and, besides being resident sec retary of Mill Hill School, London (1891-96), has held Congregational pastorates at Cricklewood, London (1886-87), Thames Goldfield, New Zea land (1887-89), Broken Hills Silver Mines, New South Wales (1889-90), Dolgelley, Wales (1897T 1900), and Sandbach, Cheshire (since 1900). Theo logically he is a broad Evangelical and believes in three personal advents of Christ, holding that the second took place in 70 A.D., and that there is a third yet to come, death being meanwhile to the in dividual the coming of the Lord. Besides editing and partly revising The New Testament in Modern Speech (London, 1894; 3d ed., 1909) of R. F. Weymouth (q.v.) and being one of the translators of the Pauline epistles in The Twentieth Century New Tes tament (1900), he has compiled Register of Mill Hill School, London, from 1807 (1894) and written The Christ has Come: The Second Advent an Event of the Past (1894; 3d ed., 1904).

HEINZE, FRANZ FRIEDRICH MAXIMILIAN: German Lutheran, philosopher; b. at Prieasnitz (a village near Boma, 16 m. s.s.e. of Leipsic) Dec. 13, 1835; d. at Leipsic Sept. 17, 1909. He was edu cated at the universities of Leipsic, Tübingen, Erlangen, Halls, and Berlin (1854-60; Ph.D., Ber lin, 1860), and after teaching in Schulpforta (1860 1863) and being the instructor of the present grand duke of Oldenburg and his brother, became, in 1872, privat-docent in Leipsic. In 1874 he was called to Basel as professor, but the next year, after a few months at Königsberg, was transferred in a similar capacity to Leipsic, where he passed the remainder of his life. He was prochancellor of the university in 1877-88, dean of the philosophical faculty in 1880-81, and rector of the university in 1883-84. He was one of the contributors to the Hauck-Her zog RE, and also wrote Die Lehre vom Logos in der grieehischen Philosophie (Oldenburg, 1872), Der Eudamonismus in der griechischen Philosophie, i. (Leipsic, 1883), and Vorlesungen Kants caber Mete physik scan drei Semesters (1894), besides editing the fifth to the tenth editions of F. Ueberweg'a Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie (Berlin, 1876-1907) and being one of the editors of the Yier teljahrsschrift für urissenschaftliche Philosophie.


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