
HODGES, GEORGE: Protestant Episcopa lian; b. at Rome, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1856. He was edu cated at Hamilton College (B.A., 1877) and was ordained to the priesthood in 1882. After being successively curate (1881-89) and rector (1889-94) of Calvary Church, Pittsburg, Pa., he became, in 1894, dean of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge, Mass., the position which he still holds. He has written The Episcopal Church (New York, 1889); Chrlstucnitg between Sundays (1892); The Heresy of Cain (1894); This Present World

(1896); Faith and Social Service (1896); The Battles of Peace (1897); The Path of Life (1899); William Penn, (Boston, 1900); Fountains Abbey (London, 1904); The Human Nature of the Saints (New York, 1904); The Cross and Passion (1904); When the King Came (Boston, 1904); Three Hundred Years of the Episcopal Church in America (Philadelphia, 1906); The Administration of an Institutional Church (in collaboration with J. Reichert; New York, 1906); The Happy Family (1906); The Pursuit of Happiness (1906); The Year of Grace (1907); Holderness: Account of the Beginnings of a New Hampshire Town (Boston, 1907); Apprenticeship of Washington (New York, 1909); The Garden of Eden (Boston, 1909); The Training of Children in Religion (New York, 1911); and Everyman's Religion (1911).

HOEFFDING, HARALD: Danish philosopher; b. at Copenhagen Mar. 11, 1843. He was educated at the university of his native city (cand, theol., 1865; Ph.D., 1870), and, after teaching in schools for several years, became, . in 1880, privat-docent for philosophy at the University of Copenhagen, where he has been full professor of the same subject since 1883. Much influenced in his earlier years by S. A. Kierkegaard (q.v.), Hoffding later turned to Positivism (q.v.). Among his writings the moat noteworthy are Philosophies. i Tydskland efter Hegel (Copenhagen, 187Z), Den engelske Filosofi i vor. Tid (1874), Etik (1876), Spinozas Liv og Lcere (1877), Psychologi, i Omrids (1882; Eng. transl. by M. E. Lowndes, Outlines of Psychology, London, 1891), Psyehologiske Undersogelser (1889), Charles Darwin (1889), Sores Kierkegaard nom Filosof (1892), Kontinuiteten i Kants filosofiske Udviklisgsgasg (1893), Den nyere Filosofis Historic (1894; Eng. transl. by B. E. Meyer, History of Modern Philosophy, 2 voIs., London, 1900), Jean Jacques Rousseau og bans Filosofi (1896), Det psykologiske Grundlag for logiske Domme (1899), Mindre Arbejder (1899), and Philosophische Problems (Leipsic, 1903; Eng. transl. by G. M. Fisher, Problems of Philosophy, London, 1906), and he is likewise the author of Philosophy of Religion (1901; Eng. transl. by B. E. Meyer, London, 1906), Modern Philosophers (1903), and Human Thought (1910).


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