

The following list of books is supplementary to the bibliographies given at the end of the articles contained in volumes I.-XII., and brings the literature down to December 31, 1911. In this list each title entry is printed in capital letters. It is to be noted that, throughout the work, in the articles as a rule only first editions are given. In the bibliographies the aim is to give either the best or the latest edition, and in case the book is published both in America and in some other country, the American place of issue is usually given the preference.


Africa: J. Du Plessis, A History of Christian Missions in South Africa, London, 1911.

D. Fraser, The Future of Africa, London, 1911.

J. Z. Gibson, The Story of the Zulus, New York, 1911.

E. Gilliat, Heroes of Modern. Africa. True Stories of the Intrepid Bravery and Stirring Adventures of the Pioneers, Explorers and Founders of Modern Africa, London, 1911.

Dora S. Y. Mills, What we do in Nyasaland, London, 1911.

J. Roscoe, The Baganda: an Account of their Native Customs and Beliefs, London, 1911.

H. S. Smith, "Yakusu," the Very Heart of Africa. Being some Account of the Protestant Mission at Stanley Falls, Upper Congo, London, 1911.

J. Spieth, Die Religion der Eweer in Süd-Togo, Leipsic, 1911.

Albertus Magnus: H. Lauer, Die Moraltheologie Alberts des Grossen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zur Lehre des heiligen Thomas, Freiburg, 1911.

Andreä, J. V.: W. Begemann, Die Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft und Johann Valentin Andreä. Entgegnung auf Ludwig Kellers Aztsführungen im Maiheft der Comenius-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1911.

Anselm, Saint, of Canterbury: J. Fischer, Die Erkenntnislehre Anselms von Canterbury, Münster, 1911.

Anthony, Saint, of Padua: C. M. Antony, Saint Antony of Padua, the Miracle-Worker (1195-1231), New York, 1911.

Apologetics: C. D. Burns, Old Creeds and the New Faith, London, 1911.

C. Coignet, De Kant à Bergson. Reconciliation de la religion et de la science dons un spiritualisme nouveau, Paris, 1911.

C. Douais, L'Apologétique, Paris, 1911.

W. Elert, Prolegomena der Geschichtsphilosophie. Studie zur Grundlegung der Apologetik, Leipsic, 1911.

H. Felder, Jesus Christus. Apologie seiner Messianität and Gottheit gegenüber der neuesten ungläubigen Jesus-Forschung, vol. i., Das Bewusstsein Jesu, Paderborn, 1911.

Apologetics: F. X. Kiefl, Der geschichtliche Christus und die moderne Philosophie. Eine geuetische Darlegung der philosophischen Voraussetzungen im Streit um die Christusmythe, Mainz, 1911.

J. B. Koehne, A Challenge to Modern Skepticism, Philadelphia, 1911.

D. A. Murray, Christian Faith and the New Psychology: Evolution and Recent Science as Aids to Faith, London, 1911.

A. Seitz, Cyprian und der römische Primat oder urchristliche Primatsentwicklung und Hugo Kochs modernistisches Kirchenrecht. Eine dogmengesehichtliche Apologie uach kritischer Methode, Regensburg, 1911.

F. Wilke, Das Alte Testament and der christliche Glaube, Leipsic, 1911.

Arabia: S. M. and A. E. Zwemer, Zigzag Journeys in the Camel Country: Arabia in Picture and Story, London, 1911.

Archeology, Bibical: E. Goblet d'Alviella, Croyances, rites, institutions, vol. i., Archéologie et histoire religieuse, Hiérographie, vol. ii., Questions de méthode et d'origines, Hiérologie, vol. iii., Problèmes du temps présent, Hiérosophie, Paris, 1911.

Armenia: M. Ormanian, L'Église arménienne, son histoire, sa doctrine, son régime, sa discipline, sa liturgie, sa littérature, son présent, Paris, 1910.

Art and Church: C. Diehl, Manuel d'art byzantin, Paris, 1910.

Assyria: E. Klauber, Assyrisches Beamtentum nach Briefen aus der Sargonidenzeit, Leipsic, 1910.

Atonement: C. F. Creighton, Law and the Cross. The Legal Aspects of the Atonement viewed in the Light of the Common Sense of Mankind, Cincinnati, 1911.

G. C. Workman, Atonement of Reconciliation with God, New York, 1911.

Augustine, Saint, of Hippo: O.Schilling, Die Staats- und Soziallehre des heiligen Augustinus, Freiburg, 1910.

T. Allin, The Augustinian Revolution in Theology, London, 1911.

H. Scholz, Glaube and Unglaube in der Weltgeschichte. Ein Kommentar zu Augustins De Civitate Dei, Leipsic, 1911.


Agustine, Saint, of Hippo: B. Seidel, Die Lehre des heiligen Augustinus vom Staats, Breslau, 1911.

Babism: Kitáb-i Nuqtatu'l-Káf. Being the Earliest History of the Bábis compiled by Hájji Mírzá Jáni of Káshán between the Years A.D. 1850 and 1852, edited from the unique Paris MS. Suppl. Persan 1071 by E. G. Browne, London, 1911.

Babylonia: C. Frank, Studien zur babylonischen Religion, vol. i., Strasburg, 1911.

W. J. Hinke, Selected Babylonian Kudurra Inscriptions, no. xiv. of Semitic Study Series, ed. R. Gottheil and M. Jastrow, Leyden, 1911.

H. Radau, Sumerian Hymns and Prayers to God Ninib from the Temple Library of Nipper, in The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, xxix., pt. 1, Philadelphia, 1911.

Bampton Lectures: J. H. Skrine, Creed and the Creeds: their Function in Religion. Being the Bampton Lectures of 1911, London, 1911.

Banks, L. A.: The Great Themes of the Bible, New York, 1911; idem, The Sunday-Night Evangel: A Series of Sunday Evening Discourses delivered in Independence Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri, New York, 1911.

Baptists: C. T. Byford, Peasants and Prophets, London, 1911.

J. N. Prestridge, Modern Baptist Heroes and Martyrs, Louisville, 1911.

A. L. Vail, Baptists Mobilized for Missions, Philadelphia, 1911.

Batiffol, P. H.: Primitive Catholicism, New York, 1911.

Bellarmine: X.-M. Le Bachelet, Bellarmin, Paris, 1911.

Benedict XII.: K. Jacob, Studien über Papst Benedikt XII., Berlin, 1910.

Bernardin of Sienna: P. T. Dangin, The Life of S. Bernardino of Sierra, London, 1911.

Bible Text: Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus. The New Testament, the Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas. Preserved in the Imperial Library of St. Petersburg. Now reproduced in Facsimile with a Description and Introduction to the History of the Codex by Kirsopp Lake, London, 1911.

E. S. Buchanan, The Records Unrolled. The Story of the Most Ancient MSS. of the New Testament, London, 1911.

J. Hänel, Die aussermasorethischen Uebereinstimmungen zwischen der Septuaginta und der Peschittha in der Genesis, Giessen, 1911.

Sir H. Thompson, A Coptic Palimpsest containing Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Judith and Esther, London, 1911.

Der Cambridger Psalter, zum ersten Male herausgegeben mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des lateinischen Textes von Karl Wildhagen. I. Text mit Erklärungen. Hamburg, 1910.

Bible Versions: C. Heller, Untersuchungen über die Peschîttâ zur gesamten hebräischen Bibel, part 1, Berlin, 1911.

Bible Versions: J. I. Munro, The Samaritan Pentateuch and Modern Criticism, London, 1911.

Bibical Criticism: C. W. Emmet, The Eschatological Question in the Gospels, and other Studies in recent New Testament Criticism, London, 1911.

A. Harnack, Kritik den Neuen Testaments von einem griechischen Philosophen des 3. Jahrhunderts, Leipsic, 1911.

W. St. Clair Tisdall, Why I am not a Higher Critic, London, 1911.

The Higher Criticism and the New Theology, Unscientific, Unscriptural, and Unwholesome, ed. R. A. Torrey, Montrose, Pa., 1911.

Bibical Introduction: T. Engert, Das Alte Testament im Lichte modernistisch-katholischer Wissenschaft, Munich, 1910.

H. Anz, Literaturgeschichte des Alten Testaments im Abriss, Berlin, 1911.

F. V. N. Painter, Introduction to Bible Study: The Old Testament, Boston, 1911.

J. Warschauer, What is the Bible? A Modern Survey, London, 1911.

Biblical Theology: H. J. HoItzmann, Lehrbuch der neutestamentlichen Theologie, 2 vols., 2d ed., Tübingen, 1911.

H. Weinel, Biblische Theologie den Neuen Testaments. Die Religion Jesu und des Urchristentums, Tübingen, 1911.

Boehme, J.: The Forty Questions and The Clavis, ed. Mrs. D. S. Hehner, London, 1911.

Boniface VIII.: Count L. Tosti, History of Pope Boniface VIII. and his Times, New York, 1911.

Brahmanism: M. N. Rory, A Commentary on the Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila, London, 1911.

Buddhism: A. David, Le Modernisme bouddhiste et le bouddhisme de Bouddha, Paris, 1911.

Calvin, J.: A reprint of the first ed. of his Institutes was issued in 2 vols., Paris, 1911.

Campbell, J. M.: The Presence, New York, 1911.

Capistrano, G. Di: F. V. Fitzgerald, Saint John Capistran, London and New York, 1911.

Carpenter, W. B.: Some Pages of my Life, New York, 1911.

Catherine, Saint, of Sienna: H. Riesch, Die heilige Katharina von Sienna. Ein Zeitbild aus dem italienischen Mittelalter, Freiburg, 1911.

Celtic Church: G. Gougaud, Les Chrétientés celtiques, Paris, 1911.

Cemeteries: H. T. Oberman, De oud-christelijke sarkophagen en hen godsdienstige beteekenis, The Hague, 1911.

Chapman, J. W.: Revival Sermons, New York, 1911.

China: Chen Huan-Chang, The Economic Principles of Confucius and his School, 2 vols., New York, 1911.

W. E. Geil, Eighteen Capitals of China, Philadelphia, 1911.

H. D. Porter, William Scott Ament, Missionary of the American Board to China, New York, 1911.


Christology: E. S. Ames, The Divinity of Christ, Chicago, 1911.

E. H. Gifford, The Incarnation: a Study of Philippians ll., 5-11 and a University Sermon on Psalm CX., new ed., London, 1911.

Church: J. M. Frost, The School of the Church, its Pre-eminent Place and Purpose, London, 1911.

J. J. Lanier, The Church Universal: a Restatement of Christianity in Terms of Modern Thought, New York, 1911.

J. Oman, The Church and the Divine Order, London, 1911.

Church History: H. Appel, Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, vol. ii. of Kurzgefasste Kirchengeschichte für Studierende, Leipsic, 1911.

The Cambridge Medieval History, ed. H. M. Gwatkin and J. P. Whitney, vol. i., The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms, New York, 1911.

K. Heussi, Kompendium der Kirehengeschichte, Tübingen, 1911.

H. Jordan, Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Leipsic, 1911.

A. Schmidtke, Neue Fragmente und Untersuchungen zu den judenchristlichen Evangelien. Ein Beitrag zur Literatur und Geschichte der Judenchristen, Leipsic, 1911.

H. Wace and W. C. Piercy, Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature, London, 1911.

Comparative Religion: W. W. G. Baudissin, Adonis und Esmun. Eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Glaubens an Auferstehungsgötter und an Heilgötter, Leipsic, 1911.

F. Boas, W. H. I. Bleek and L. C. Lloyd, Specimens of Bushman Folklore, London, 1911.

F. Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man, New York, 1911.

F. V. M. Cumont, Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism, Chicago, 1911.

S. Endle, The Kacharis, New York, 1911.

J. G. Frazer, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, London, 1911 (a part of the 3d ed. of the Golden Bough).

Sir J. Lubbock, Marriage, Totemism and Religion: an Answer to Critics, New York, 1911.

J. A. MacCulloch, The Religion of the Ancient Celts, London, 1911.

M. P. Nilsson, Primitive-religion, Stockholm, 1911.

J. Réville, Les Phases successives de l'histoire des religions, Paris, 1911.

J. Roscoe, The Baganda: an Account of their Native Customs and Beliefs, New York, 1911.

W. von Unwerth, Untersuchungen über Totenkult and Odinverehrung bei Nordgermanen ünd Lappen mit Exkursen zur altnordischen Literaturgeschichte, Breslau, 1911.

H. Viaseher, Religion und soziales Leben bei den Naturvölkern, vol. i., Prolegomena, Bonn, 1911.

Warren, William Fairfield, The Religions of the World and the World-Religion, New York, 1911.

Confucius: W. E. Soothill, The Analecta of Confucius, London, 1911.

Conscience: J. Triollet, Examen de conscience, Paris, 1911.

Creation: F. M. Parker, Religious Essays, including a Scientific Exposition of the Mosaic Story of Creation and the Fall of Man, Louisville, Ky., 1911.

Demon, Demonism: A. Jirku, Die Dämonen und ihre Abwehr im Alten Testament, Leipsic, 1911.

Denney, J.: The Way Everlasting: Sermons, London, 1911.

Descartes, R.: Elizabeth S. Haldane and G. R. T. Ross, The Philosophical Works of Descartes, vol. i., Cambridge, 1911.

Didache: A. Schlatter, Die Lehre der Apostel, Calw and Stuttgart, 1910.

Doctrine, History of: F. Haase, Begriff und Ausgabe der Dogmengeschichte, Breslau, 1911.

Dogma, Dogmatics: D. S. Adam, Cardinal Elements of the Christian Faith, London, 1911.

K. Heim, Das Gewissheitsproblem in der systematisehen Theologie bis zu Schleiermacher, Leipsic, 1911.

P. A. Lobstein, Introduction to Protestant Dogmatics, London, 1911.

A. Schlatter, Das christliche Dogma, Calw and Stuttgart, 1911.

H. B. Workman, Christian Thought to the Reformation, New York, 1911.

Dominic, Saint, and the Dominican Order: B. Altauer, Venturino von Bergamo, O. Pr. 1304-1346. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens im 14. Jahrhundert, Breslau, 1911.

Egypt: E. A. W. Budge, Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, 2 vols., New York, 1911.

G. E. Smith, The Ancient Egyptians and Their Influence upon the Civilization of Europe, New York, 1911.

A. E. P. Weigall, The Life and Times of Akhnaton, Pharao of Egypt, London, 1911; idem, The Treasury of Ancient Egypt. Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient History and Archeology, London, 1911.

Egypt Exploration Fund: W. F. Nash, Egypt Exploration Fund: General Index to the Archæological Reports, vols. 1-8, London, 1911.

Elagabalus: K. Hönn, Quellenuntersuchungen zu den Viten des Heliogabalus and des Severus Alexander, in Scriptores Historiæ Augustæ, Leipsic, 1911.

Ellinwood, F. F.: Mary G. Ellinwood, Frank Field Ellinwood: his Life and Work, New York, 1911.

England, Church of: Gertrude Hollis, What the Church did for England: Being the Story of the Church of England from A. D. 690 to 1215, London, 1911.

A. H. Thompson, The Historical Growth of the English Parish Church, New York, 1911.

J. D. Thompson, Central Churchmanship: or, The Position, Principles and Policy of Evangelical Churchmen in Relation to Modern Thought and Work, London, 1911.

England and Wales: H. W. Clark, History of English Non-Conformity, from Wiclif to the Close of the 19th Century, vol. i., From Wiclif to the Restoration, London, 1911.


England and Wales: G. R. Wynne, The Church in Greater Britain, 3d ed., London, 1911.

Eschatology: H. B: Pratt, The Buried Nations of the Infant Dead: a Study in Eschatology, Hackensack, N. J., 1911.

Ethics: G. F. Barbour, A Philosophical Study of Christian Ethics, London, 1911.

E. Dürr, Das Gute und das Sittliche. Grundprobleme der Ethik, Heidelberg, 1911.

G. T. Ladd, The Teacher's Practical Philosophy. A Treatise of Education as a Species of Conduct, New York, 1911.

Eucharist: N. Dimock, On the Doctrine of the Church of England, concerning the Eucharistic Presence, London, 1911.

Eusebius of Cæsarea: Die Chronik des Eusebius. Aus dem Armenischen übersetzt, ed. J. Karst, Leipsic, 1911.

Exegesis: H. Foston, The Beatitudes and the Contrasts: a Study in Methodic Interpretation, London, 1911.

Faith: W. W. Gueth, The Assurance of Faith, Cincinnati, 1911.

Feasts and Festivals: V. Staley, The Seasons, Fasts and Festivals of the Christian Year, London, 1911.

Forsyth, P. T.: Christ on Parnassus. Lectures on Art, Ethic and Theology, London, 1911.

France: L. Gougaud, Les Chrétientés celtiques, Paris, 1911.

A. Mathiez, Rome et le clergé français sous la constituante. La constitution civile du clergé. L'affaire d'Avignon, Paris, 1911.

Francis, Saint, of Assisi: G. Lafenestre, Saint François d'Assise et Savonarole, inspirateurs de l'art italien, Paris, 1911.

Freemasons: L. Keller, Die geistigen Grundlagen der Freimaurerei und das öffentliche Leben, Jena, 1911.

French Revolution: T. Bitterauf, Geschichte der französischen Revolution, Leipsic, 1911.

Friends, Society of: R. M. Jones, The Quakers in the American Colonies, New York, 1911.

Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity: S. F. Halfvard, Fundamentals of the Christian Religion, Cincinnati, 1911.

Gasquet, F. A.: Leaves from my Diary, 1894-96, St. Louis, 1911 (deals with the works of the Roman Catholic Commission on the validity of Anglican orders).

Gibbons, J.: A. S. Will, Life of James Cardinal Gibbons, Baltimore, 1911.

Gifford Lectures: J. Ward The Realm of Ends: or, Pluralism and Theism, Gifford Lectures, 1907-10, Cambridge, 1911.

Gnosticism: Iamblichos, Theurgia; or, the Egyptian Mysteries: Reply of Abammon, the Teacher, to the Letter of Porphyry to Anebo together with Solutions of the Questions Therein contained; transl. from the Greek by A. Wilder, New York, 1911.

God: J. Gurnhill, Some Thoughts on God and His Methods of Manifestation in Nature and Revelation, New York, 1911.

Gospel and Gospels: F. K. Feigel, Der Einschluss des Weissagungsbeweises und anderer Motive auf die Leidensgeschichte. Ein Beitrag zur Evangelienkritik, Tübingen, 1910.

G. Friedlander, The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount, New York, 1911.

A. Harnack, The Date of the Acts and the Synoptic Gospels, London, 1911.

F. R. M. Hitchcock, A Fresh Study of the Fourth Gospel, London, 1911.

O. Moe, Paulus and die evangelische Geschichte. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte der Evangelien, Leipsic, 1911.

Graves, A. R.: The Farmer Boy who became a Bishop The Autobiography of the Rt. Rev. Anson Rogers Graves, Akron, 1911.

Gregory I.: The Dialogues of St. Gregory Surnamed the Great, Pope of Rome, and the First of that Name. Transl. by P. W. ———. Re-edited with Introduction and Notes by Edmund G. Gardner, London, 1911.

Hammurabi: H. Fehr, Hammurapi und das salische Recht. Eine Rechtsvergleichung, Bonn, 1910.

Harnack, G. A.: New Testament Studies, Vol. iv., The Date of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels, New York, 1911.

Hartmann, K. R. E, von: R. E. Pohorilles, Entwicklung und Kritik der Erkenntnistheorie Eduard von Hartmanns, Vienna, 1911.

Heaven: E. P. Berg, Where is Heaven? Musings on the Life Eternal, London, 1911.

Hebrews, Epistle to the: Sir R. Anderson, The Hebrew Epistle in the Light of the Types, London, 1911.

Helena, Saint: R. Couzard, Sainte Hélène, Paris, 1911.

Hellenism: G. Plaumann, Ptolemais in Oberägypten. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Hellenismus in Aegypten, Leipsic, 1910.

Hesse: K. Eger and J. Frederich, Kirchenrecht der evangelischen Kirche im Grossherzogtum Hessen, vol. ii., Darmstadt, 1911.

Hexateuch: A. T. Chapman, An Introduction to the Pentateuch, Cambridge, 1911.

The Book of Exodus in the Revised Version. With Introduction and Notes by the Rev. S. R. Driver, Cambridge, 1911.

The Book of Numbers in the Revised Version. With Introduction and Notes by A. H. McNeile, Cambridge, 1911.

J. Sinclair, Bible Beginnings, A Plain Commentary on the First Eleven Chapters of Genesis, London, 1911.

Hinduism: J. C. Oman, Cults, Customs and Superstitions of India, reissue, London, 1911.

Hittites: A. Gleye, Hettitische Studien, Leipsic, 1910.

Holland: W. G. Goeters, Die Vorbereitung des Pietismus in der reformierten Kirche der Niederlande. I. Die Entwicklung der kirchlichen Reformtendenzen (1619 bis 1666). II. Die Labadistische Krisis (1666 bis 1670), London, 1911.


Holland: L. Knappert, Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk gedurende de 16e en 17e eeuw, Amsterdam, 1911.

J. H. Mackay, Religious Thought in Holland during the Nineteenth Century, London, 1911.

Humanism: Das Zeitalter der Renaissance. Ausgewählte Quellen zur Geschichte der italienischen Kultur. Hgb. von Marie Herzfeld, 1st series, vol. i-ii., Jena, 1910.

Hume, D.: A. Thomsen, David Hume, hans liv og hans filosofi, vol. i., Copenhagen, 1911.

Hutton, W. H.: A Disciple's Religion: Sermons, London, 1911.

Hymnology: W. Bäumker, Das katholische deutsche Kirchenlied in seinen Singweisen, vol. iv., Freiburg, 1911.

C. S. Nutter and W. F. Tillett, The Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church: an Annotated Edition of the Methodist Hymnal, New York, 1911.

Carl F. Price, The Music and Hymnody of the Methodist Hymnal, New York, 1911.

Immortality: H. Carrington and J. R. Meader, Death, its Causes and Phenomena, with special Reference to Immortality, London, 1911.

J. Denney, Factors of Faith in Immortality, London, 1911.

India: R. A. Hume, An Interpretation of India's Religious History, New York and Chicago, 1911.

W. C. B. Purser, Christian Missions in Burma, London, 1911.

Inquisition: See below, Pius V.

Intermediate State: E. Hicks, The Life Hereafter: Thoughts on the Intermediate State, London, 1911.

Isaiah: G. W. Wade, The Book of the Prophet Isaiah, London, 1911.

Israel History of: F. Böhl, Kanaanäer und Hebräer. Untersuchungen zur Vorgeschichte des Volkstums und der Religion Israels auf dem Boden Kanaans. Inhalt: I. Kanaanäer. II. Hethiter. III. Amoriter. IV. Völker Kanaans und Hebräer. V. Synkretismus und Mosaismus, Leipsic, 1911.

A. Geiger, Judaism and its History, 2 parts, New York, 1911.

C. F. Lehmann-Haupt, Israel. Seine Entwicklung im Rahmen der Weltgeschichte, Tübingen, 1911.

W. M. F. Petrie, Egypt and Israel, New York, 1911.

E. Sachau, Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus Elephantine. Altorientalische Sprachdenkmäler aus einer jüdischen Militär-Kolonie des 5. Jahrhunderts vor Chr., Leipsic, 1911.

James, W.: K. A. Busch, William James als Religionsphilosoph, Göttingen, 1911.

Jansen, Cornelius, and Jansen: J. Hild, Honoré Tournely und seine Stellung zum Jansenismus, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stellung der Sorbonne zum Jansenismus, Freiburg, 1911.

Japan: A. Lloyd, The Creed of Half Japan: Historical Sketches of Japanese Buddhism, London, 1911.

Japan: E. Schiller, Shinto, die Volksreligion Japans, Berlin, 1911.

Jerusalem: Underground Jerusalem. Discoveries on the Hill of Ophel, 1909, London, 1911.

Jesuits: Count Paul von Hoensbroech, Fourteen Years a Jesuit: a Record of Personal Experiences and a Criticism, 2 vols., New York, 1911.

H. Stoeckius, Forschungen zur Lebensdornung der Gesellschaft Jesu im 16. Jahrhundert. II., Das gesellschaftliche Leben im Ordenshause, Munich, 1911.

Jesus Christ: J. E. Carpenter, The Historical Jesus and the Theological Christ, London, 1911.

W. N. Clarke, The Ideal of Jesus, London, 1911.

J. Denney, The Death of Christ. Revised and Enlarged Ed., including The Atonement and the Modern Mind, London, 1911.

W. W. Holdsworth, The Christ of the Gospels, New York, 1911.

G. Jahn, Ueber die Person Jesu und über die Entstehung des Christentums und den Wert desselben für modern Gebildete, mit einer Kritik der neuesten Schriftenüber Jesu, Leyden, 1911.

F. B. Maenutt, The Inevitable Christ, London, 1911.

Jews, History of: E. Dujardin, The Source of the Christian Tradition. Critical History of Ancient Judaism, rev. ed., London, 1911.

C. F. Kept, The Makers and Teachers of Judaism from the Fall of Jerusalem to the Death of Herod the Great, New York, 1911.

Jews, Missions to the: T. C. Gilbert, From Judaism to Christianity and Gospel Work among the Hebrews, Concord, 1911.

Job, Book of: S. Landersdorfer, Eine babylonische Quelle für das Buch Job? Freiburg, 1911.

John the Apostle: F. Overbeck, Das Johannesevangelium. Studien zur Kritik seiner Erforschung, Tübingen, 1911.

John the Baptist: A. Konrad, Johannes der Täufer, Graz, 1911.

A. Pottgiesser, Johannes der Täufer und Jesus Christus, Cologne, 1911.

Justin Martyr: A. Béry, Saint Justin: sa vie et sa doctrine, Paris, 1911.

Kant, I.: Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgement. Translated with Seven Introductory Essays, Notes and Analytical Index, by James Creed Meredith, London, 1911.

Kings, Books of: A. Sanda, Die Bücher der Könige, Munster, 1911.

Korea: M. C. Fenwiek, The Church of Christ in Corea, London, 1911.

J. H. Longford, The Story of Korea, London, 1911.

Lamal *** G. Schulemann, Die Geschichte der ***mas, Heidelberg, 1911.

Laying on of Hands: J. Behm, Die Handauflegung im Urchristentum nach Verwendung, Herkunft und Bedeutung, in religionsgeschichtlichem Zusammenhang untersucht, Leipsic, 1911.

Liberty, Religious: H. F. R. Smith, The Theory of Religious Liberty in the Reigns of Charles II. and James II., Cambridge, 1911.


Liturgics: G. Semeria, The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Roman Rite: its History and Symbolism adapted from the Italian by Rev. E. S. Berry, New York, 1911.

Lord's Supper: F. Dibelius, Das Abendmahl. Eine Untersuchung über die Anfänge der christlichen Religion, Leipsic, 1911.

K. Kircher, Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im Altertum, Giessen, 1911.

Luther, Martin: P. Drews, Beiträge zu Luthers liturgischen Reformen. 1. Lateinische und deutsche Litanei von 1529. 2. Luthers deutsche Versikel und Kollekten, Tübingen, 1910.

H. Grisar, Luther, vol. ii., Auf der Höhe des Lebens, Freiburg, 1911.

A. C. McGiffert, Martin Luther: the Man and his Work, New York, 1911.

O. Scheel, Dokumente zu Luthers Entwicklung (bis 1619), Tübingen, 1911.

P. Smith, The Life and Letters of Martin Luther, Boston, 1911.

Lutherans: A. H. Smith, The Lutheran Church and Child Nurture, Philadelphia, 1911.

Maclagan, W. D.: F. D. How, Archbishop Maclagan. Being a Memoir of William Dalrymple, Maclagan, D.D., Archbishop of York and Primate of England, London, 1911.

Margaret, Saint: St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, London, 1911.

Marprelate Tracts: The Marprelate Tracts 1588, 1589. Edited with Notes Historical and Explanatory by William Pierce, London, 1911.

Mather, Cotton: Diary of Cotton Mather, part 1, Boston, 1911.

Methodists: W. McKinley, A Story of Minnesota Methodism, Cincinnati, 1911.

Millennial Dawn: E. L. Eaton, The Millennial Dawn Heresy. An Examination of Pastor Charles T. Russell's Teaching concerning the Purpose of the Second Advent and the Millennium, as set forth in his Published Books and Papers--"The Divine Plan of the Ages," and others of similar Import, Cincinnati, 1911.

Miller, J. R.: The Beauty of Self-Control, New York, 1911.

Missions to the Heathen: World Atlas of Christian Missions, containing a Directory of Missionary Societies, a Classified Summary of Statistics, an Index of Mission Stations, and Maps showing the Location of Mission Stations throughout the World, ed. J. S. Dennis, H. P. Beach, C. H. Fahs, with maps by J. G. Bartholomew, New York, 1911.

Georgians M. Forde, Missionary Adventures. A Simple History of the S. P. G. With a Preface by Edward Talbot, London, 1911.

John F. Goucher, Growth of the Missionary Concept. The Nathan Graves Foundation Lectures delivered before Syracuse University, New York, 1911.

E. T. Reed, A World Book of Foreign Missions: What They Are, What They Prove, and How To Help, London, 1911.

T. Walker, Missionary Ideals. Missionary Studies in the Acts of the Apostles, London, 1911.

Modernism: B. Baur, Klarheit und Wahrheit. Eine Erklärung des Modernisteneides, Freiburg, 1911.

Mohammed, Mohammedanism: I. Goldziher, Vorlesungen über den Islam, Heidelberg, 1910.

M. Horten, Die philosophischen Probleme der spekulativen Theologie im Islam, Bonn, 1910.

D. S. Margoliouth, Mohammedanism, London, 1911.

E. Montet, De l'état présent et de l'avenir de l'lslam, Paris, 1911.

R. A. Nicholson, The Kashf al-Mahjúb. The Oldest Persian Treatise on Súfiism by 'Ali b. 'Uthmán al-Jullábí al-Hujwírí. Translated from the Text of the Lahore Edition, compared with MSS. in the India Office and British Museum, London, 1911.

P. Ponafidine, Life in the Moslem East, New York, 1911.

H. Stubbe, An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism with the Life of Mahomet and a Vindication of Him and His Religion from the Calumnies of the Christians, London, 1911.

Mohammedans, Missions to: Daylight in the Harem. A New Era for Moslem Women. ed. Annie Van Sommer and S. M. Zwemer, London, 1911.

S. M. Zwemer and others, Islam and Missions, New York, 1911.

More, Henry: R. Ward, The Life of the Learned and Pious Dr. Henry More. Edited with Introduction and Notes by M. F. Howard, London, 1911 [original ed., 1710].

Mysticism: R. Steiner, Mystics of the Renaissance and their Relation to Modern Thought. Including Meister Eckhart, Tauler, Paracelsus, Jacob Boehme, Giordano Bruno, and others, New York, 1911.

Negro Education and Evangelization: R. A. Patterson, The Negro and his Needs. With a Foreword by W. H. Taft, New York, 1911.

New Thought: J. B. Anderson, New Thought: its Lights and Shadows. An Appreciation and a Criticism, Boston, 1911.

New Year's Celebration: F. Bünger, Geschichte der Neujahrsfeier in der Kirche, Göttingen, 1911.

Nietzsche, F. W.: E. S. Hamblen, Friedrich Nietzsche and his New Gospel, Boston, 1911.

Origen: The Philocalia of Origen: a Compilation of Selected Passages from Origen's Works made by St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. Basil of Cæsarea. Translated into English by the Rev. G. Lewis, New York, 1911.

Painting: Baroness Freda de Knoop, "All Hail": Simple Teachings on the Bible Illustrations from the Old Masters, London, 1911.

Palestine: Conférences de Saint-Étienne, Paris, 1911 (a composite work dealing with recent Palestinian excavation and discussion).

J. E. Dinsmore and G. Dalman, Die Pflanzen Palæstinas, Leipsic, 1911.

Pascal, B.: H. Petitot, Pascal, Paris, 1911.

Pastorial Theology: S. C. Black, Building a Working Church, New York, 1911.


Pastoral Theology: C. E. Blakeway, The Claims of Modern Thought upon the Clergy, or The Present Task and Opportunity of the Pastorate, Lichfield, 1911.

Non-Church Going: its Reasons and Remedies. A Symposium, ed. W. F. Gray, New York, 1911.

J. G. Halter, The Redemption of the Prayer Meeting, Cincinnati, O., 1911.

A. T. Robertson, The Glory of the Ministry, New York, 1911.

W. H. G. Thomas, The Work of the Ministry, London, 1911.

Patrick, Saint: St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, London, 1911.

Paul the Apostle: A. Deissmann, Paulus. Eine kultur- and religionsgeschichtliche Skizze, Tübingen, 1911.

M. Dibelius, Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus. II. An die Thessalonicher. III. An die Philipper, Tübingen, 1911.

P. Gardner, The Religious Experience of Saint Paul, London, 1911.

A. E. Garvie, Studies of Paul and his Gospel, London, 1911.

H. L. Goude, The Mind of St. Paul as Illustrated by his Second Epistle to the Corinthians, London, 1911.

H. Holtzmann, Praktische Erklärung des I. Thessalonicherbriefes, Tübingen, 1911.

K. Lake, The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul: their Motive and Origin, London, 1911.

J. E. McFadyen, The Epistles to the Corinthians, with Notes and Comments, London, 1911.

C. Wise, The New Life of St. Paul, London, 1911.

Perfection: J. Mudge, The Perfect Life in Experience and Doctrine, Cincinnati, 1911.

Peru: P. F. Martin, Peru of the Twentieth Century, New York, 1911.

Peter Lombard: W. Benham, The Letters of Peter Lombard, ed. Ellen D. Baxter, London, 1911.

Pfleiderer, O.: Primitive Christianity, its Writings and Teachings in their Historical Connections, London, 1911.

Philip of Hesse: P. Wappler, Die Stellung Kursachsens und des Landgrafen Philipp von Hessen zur Täuferbewegung, Münster, 1910.

Photius: E. Martini, Textgeschichte der Bibliotheke des Patriarchen Photios von Konstantinopel, part 1, Die Handschriften, Ausgaben und Uebertragungen, Leipsic, 1911.

Pierson, A. T.: Dr. Pierson and His Message. A Sketch of the Life and Work of a Great Preacher, together with a Varied Selection from His Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited by J. Kennedy Maclean, London, 1911.

Pietism: W. Goeters, Die Vorbereitung des Pietismus in der reformierten Kirche der Niederlande bis zur labadistischen Krisis 1670, Leipsic, 1911.

Pilgrimages: S. Heath, Pilgrim Life in the Middle Ages, London, 1911.

Pius V.: C. M. Antony, Saint Pius V., Pope of the Holy Rosary (the preface by Mgr. R. H. Benson contains a defense of the Inquisition), London and New York, 1911.

P. Deslandres, Saint Pie V., Paris, 1911.

Platonism: J. Adam, The Vitality of Platonism and Other Essays, Cambridge, 1911.

Practical Theology: Norman E. Richardson (ed.), The Religion of Modern Manhood, New York, 1911.

Pragmatism: A. v. C. P. Huizinga, The American Philosophy, Pragmatism, critically Considered in Relation to Present-Day Theology, Boston, 1911.

F. H. Johnson, God in Evolution: a Pragmatic Study of Theology, New York, 1911 (tentative application of the pragmatic method to religious thought).

Prison Reform: J. Friedrich, Die Bestrafung der Motive und die Motive der Bestrafung. Rechtsphilosophische und kriminalpsychologische Studien, Berlin, 1910.

Prophecy: G. C. Aalders, De valsche profetie in Israël, Wageningen, 1911.

W. P. Aylsworth, The Growing Miracle: a Practical Study of Hebrew Prophecy, Bethany, Neb., 1911.

Prostestant Episcopalians: C. C. Grafton, The Lineage from Apostolic Times of the American Catholic Church, commonly called the Episcopal Church, Milwaukee, 1911.

Protestantism: N. Paulus, Protestantismus und Toleranz im 16. Jahrh., Freiburg, 1911.

Providence: H. Siebeck, Ueber Freiheit, Entwicklung und Vorsehung, Tübingen, 1911.

Ramabai, S.: H. S. Dyer, Pandita Ramabai: the Story of her Life, New York, 1911.

Ramsay, Sir W. M.: The First Christian Century. Notes on Dr. Moffatt's Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament, London, 1911.

Reformation: H. Wace, Principles of the Reformation, Practical and Historical, New York, 1911.

B. Workman, Christian Thought to the Reformation, London, 1911.

Reformed (Dutch) Church: J. I. Good, History of the Reformed Church in the U. S., in the Nineteenth Century, New York, 1911.

Religion, Philosophy of: E. Boutroux, Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy, New York, 1911.

P. Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionen, vol. ii., part 1, Die Philosophie der Griechen, Leipsic, 1911.

H. Ehrenberg, Die Parteiung der Philosophie. Studien wider Hegel und die Kantianer, Leipsic, 1911.

J. H. Randall, A New Philosophy of Life, New York, 1911.

R. Richter, Dialoge über Religionsphilosophie, Leipsic, 1911.

Religious Dramas: M. Blondel, La Psychologie dramatique du mystère de la passion à Oberammergau, Paris, 1911.


Religious Dramas: Netta Syrett, The Old Miracle Plays of England, London, 1911.

Revelation: C. H. Scharling, Offenbarang und heilige Schrift, Leipsic, 1911.

Revivals: T. B. Kilpatrick, New Testament Evangelism, London and Toronto, 1911.

J. S. Simon, The Revival of Religion in England in the 18th Century, London, 1911.

Roman Catholics: T. J. Campbell, Pioneer Priests of North America, vol. iii., Among the Algonquins, New York, 1911.

Rufinus, Tyrannius: The Works of Rufinus of Aquileia, in vol. xlvi. of CSEL.

Sacred Music: W. A. Barrett, English Church Composers, new ed., New York, 1911.

C. F. Price, The Music and Hymnody of the Methodist Hymnal, New York, 1911.

Sailer, J. M. von: R. Stölzle, Johann Michael Sailer, seine Massregelung an der Akademie zu Dillingen und seine Berufung nach Ingolstadt, Kempten, 1911.

Salvation Army: A. M. Nicol, General Booth and the Salvation Army, London, 1911.

Sarpi, P.: K. Benrath, Neue Briefe von Paolo Sarpi, (1608-16). Nach den im fürstlichen Dohna'schen Archiv aufgefundenen Originalen, Leipsic, 1909.

A. Robertson, Fra Paulo Sarpi, the Greatest of the Venetians, London, 1911.

Savonarola: See above, Francis, Saint, of Assisi.

Schleiermacher, F. D. E.: G. Cross, The Theology of Schleiermacher, Cambridge, 1911.

H. Süsskind, Christentum und Geschichte bei Schleiermacher, part 1, Die Absolutheit des Christentums und die Religionsphilosophie, Tübingen, 1911.

H. Westerburg, Schleiermacher als Mann der Wissenschaft, als Christ und Patriot, Göttingen, 1911.

Scholasticism: M. Grabmann, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode. Nach den gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1911.

J. M. Verweyen, Philosophie und Theologie im Mittelalter. Die historischen Voraussetzungen des Anti-Modernismus, Bonn, 1911.

Schopenhauer, A.: T. Ruyssen, Schopenhauer, Paris, 1911.

Semitic Languages: E. Sachau, Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militärkolonie zu Elephantine, Leipsic, 1911.

Smyth, John: W. H. Burgess, John Smith the Se-Baptist. Thomas Evans and the First Baptist Church in England, with Fresh Light upon the Pilgrim Fathers' Church, London, 1911.

Social Service of the Church: S. Z. Batten, The Social Task of Christianity, New York, 1911.

A. T. Devine, The Spirit of Social Work, New York, 1911.

Mary L. Goss, Welfare Work by Corporations, Philadelphia, 1911.

R. A. Woods and A. J. Kennedy, Handbook of Settlements, New York, 1911.

Solomon, Odes of: Les Odes de Salomon, ed. J. Labourt and P. Batiffol, Paris, 1911.

G. Diettrich, Die Oden Salomos unter Berücksichtigung der überlieferten Stichengliederung. Aus dem Syrischen ins Deutsche übersetzt und mit einem Kommentar versehen, Berlin, 1911.

H. Grimme, Die Oden Salomos. Syrisch, hebräisch, deutsch. Ein kritischer Versuch, Heidelberg, 1911.

Son of Man: E. Hertlein, Die Menschensohnfrage im letzten Stadium. Ein Versuch zur Einsicht in das Wesen altchristlichen Schrifttums, Stuttgart, 1911.

Spain: W. W. Collins, Cathedral Cities of Spain, new ed., New York, 1911.

Strauss, D. F.: A. Lévy, David Frédéric Strauss. La Vie et l'æuvre, Paris, 1910.

Suffering: J. Hinton, The Mystery of Pain, London, 1911.

Sunday-schools: R. C. Harker, The Work of the Sunday School: a Manual for Teachers, New York and Chicago, 1911.

Symbolics: M. A. Curtis, History of Creeds and Confessions of Faith in Christendom and Beyond. With Historical Tables, New York and London, 1911.

Syriac Literature: CSCO: Scriptores Syri, series III., vol. vii.-viii., Eliæ metropolitæ Nisibeni Opus chronologicum, ed. . . . E. W. Brooks and I.-B. Chabot, series II., vol. ci., Dionysius bar Salībī in Apocalypsim actus et epistolas catholicas, ed. . . . I. Sedlacek; Scriptores Æthiopici, series II., vol. xxiv., Vitæ sanctorum indigenarum, I. Acta S. Abakerazun, II. Acta S. Takla Hawaryat, ed . . . . K. Conti Rossini, Leipsic, 1911.

Talmud: The Mishna on Idolatry, "Aboda Zara." Edited with translation, vocabulary and notes by W. A. L. Elmslie, Cambridge, 1911.

Theism: See above, Gifford Lectures.

Theological Libraries: W. H. Allison, Inventory of Unpublished Material for American Religious History in Protestant Church Archives and Other Repositories, Washington, 1910.

Theology as a Science: H. W. Robinson, The Christian Doctrine of Man, London, 1911.

H. C. Sheldon, Theological Encyclopædia: A Brief Account of the Organism and Literature of Theology, Cincinnati, 1911.

Theosophy: Mrs. A. W. Besant, Popular Lectures on Theosophy, Chicago, 1910.

O. Hashnu Hara, Practical Theosophy. A Plain Statement of its Tenets, London, 1911.

Thomas Aquinas: F. Wagner, Das natürliche Sittengesetz nach der Lehre des heiligen Thomas von Aquin, Freiburg, 1911.

Thomassin, L.: J. Martin, Thomassin, Paris, 1911.

Time: F. Westberg, Zur neutestamentlichen Chronologie und Golgathas Ortslage, Leipsic, 1911.

Tithes: A. F. Marr, God's Stewards: or, Proportionate Almsgiving, London, 1911.

Tolstoy, Count Leo: P. Birukoff, The Life of Tolstoy, New York, 1911.


Tribal and Cultic Mysteries: J. Burel, Isis et les isiaques sous l'empire romain, Paris, 1911.

Trinity: L. Berthé, La Sainte Trinité, Paris, 1911.

Turkey: N. Jorga, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, vol. iv., Gotha, 1911.

Tyler, M. C.: Moses Coit Tyler, 1835-1900. Selections from his Letters and Diaries made and edited by Jessica Tyler Austen, Garden City, 1911.

Ultramontanism: J. P. Cannegieter, Het ultramontanisme en de christenen van Nederland sinds 1853, Utrecht, 1911.

J. Leute, Der Ultramontanismus in Theorie und Praxis, Berlin, 1911.

Union of the Churches: T. Christian, Other Sheep I have. The Proceedings of the Celestial Commission on Church Unity, New York, 1911.

Vatican: Ye Solace of Pilgrimes: a Description of Rome, circa A. D. 1450 by John Capgrave, an Austin Friar of King's Lynn. Edited by C. A. Mills, London, 1911.

Voltaire: R. Koser and H. Droysen, Briefwechsel Friedrichs des Grossen mit Voltaire, part 3, Briefwechsel König Friedrichs 1753-78, Leipsic, 1911.

Wesley, John: E. B. Chappell, Studies in the Life of John Wesley, Nashville, Tenn., 1911.

N. Curnock, Wesley's Journal, vol. ii., London, 1911.

Whitgift, J.: H. J. Clayton, Archbishop Whitgift and His Times, London, 1911.

Witchcraft: Grässe, Bibliotheca magica et pneumatica, Leipsic, 1843.

Kernot, Bibliotheca diabolica, New York, 1874.

Yve-Plessis, Bibliographie française de la sorcellerie, Paris, 1900.

Will: F. Ballard, Determinism: False and True. A Contribution to Modern Philosophy and Ethics, London,1911.


Alexander, William (1): d. in Dublin Sept. 12, 1911.

Arnold, C. F.: Became consistorial councilor in 1911.

Carpenter, W. B.: Resigned bishopric of Ripon, 1911.

Clarke, W. N.: d. at De Land, Fla., Jan. 14, 1912.

Flickinger, D. K.: d. at Columbus, O., Aug. 29, 1911.

Harris, G.: Resigned presidency of Amherst College to take effect 1912.

Johnson, F. F.: Translated to become bishop coadjutor of the diocese of Missouri.

Kendrick, J. M.: d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 16, 1911.

Macarthur, R. S.: Retired from pastorate of Calvary Baptist Church, New York, 1911.

McCook, H. C.: d. at Devon, near Philadelphia, Oct. 31, 1911.

McGarvey, J. W.: d. at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6, 1911.

Mackay-Smith, A.: d. in Philadelphia Oct. 16, 1911.

Madsen, P.: d. at Copenhagen Aug. 7, 1911.

Moffatt, J.: Became Yates professor of N. T. exegesis at Mansfield College, Oxford, England.

Oettli, S.: d. at Greifswald Sept. 23, 1911.

Patterson, R. M.: d. at Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 5, 1911.

Sewall, J. S.: d. at Bangor, Me., Oct. 10, 1911.



Vol. i., p. 89, col. 1, line 28: Read "Edward IV" for "Edward I"; p. 492, col. 1, line 7 from bottom: Read "Heralds" for "Perils."


Vol. iii. p 350, col. 1, line 29: Read: "Evil-Merodach" for "Eril-Merodach"; p. 401, col. 1, bibliography, line 4 from bottom: Read "Nevius" for "Nevins."


Vol. v. p. 32, col. 1: In signature read "Hollenberg" for "Hallenberg"; p. 127, col. 1, line 27: Remove "(q.v.)"; p 151, col. 1: In signature read "A" for "R"; p. 351, col. 1: In signature read "Herrmann" for "Hermann"; p 351, col. 2, line 13 from bottom: Read "Cranmer" for "Franmer"; p. 358, col. 1: Remove † from signature.


Vol. viii., p. 102, col. 2, line 8 from bottom: After "Pa." insert "with a total wealth of nearly a million dollars."


Vol. ix., p. 131, col. 1, line 29: Read "Felix" for "Filix"; p. 132, col. 1, line 5 from bottom: Read " 1523-34" for "1534-32 "; p. 188, col. 1, line 22: Read "M. Bristol" for "T. Bristol"; p. 302, col. 1, line 19 from bottom: Read "Balmes" for "Balme"; p. 365, col. 1, bibliography: Remove the entry under T. Wright; p. 370, col. 1, line 21 from bottom: Read "1887-88" for "1899"; p. 401, col. 2, line 16: Read "W. R. Greg" for "R. W. Gregg"; p 402 col. 1, line 28 from bottom: Read "New York" for "London."


Vol. x., 19, col. 2, signature: Read "G. E." for "D."; p. 130, col. 2, line 17 from bottom: Read "mosaische" for "mosäische"; p. 251, col. 2 line 26 from bottom: Read "Decorah"; for "Decoran"; p. 454, col. 1, line 22 from bottom: Read "Ancient" for "Early"; p. 499, col. 2, line 7 from bottom: Read "Life" for "Christology."


Vol. xi., p. 4, col. 1, line 39: Read "T. L. Kingsbury" for "F. C. Cook"; p. 31, col. 1, Signature: Read "Ernst" for "Theodor"; p. 32, col. 1, line 30 from bottom: Read "(1887)" for "(1877)"; p. 39, col. 2, line 30 from bottom: Read "Eliot" for "Elliott," and line 28 from bottom: Read

"(1889)" for "(1899)"; p. 52, col. 2, lines 24-23 from bottom: Read "F. W. H. Myers" for "F. W. Meyers"; p 56, col. 2, line 18 from bottom: Read "1906" for "1896"; p. 75, col. 1, line 17 from bottom: Delete "Maximilian" (a mistake from "M" meaning "magister"); p. 105, col. 2, line 9 from bottom: Read "Agamemnon" for "Agememnon"; p 165, col. 1, line 18 from bottom: Read "Lawrance" for "Lawrence"; p. 166, col. 2, line 23 from bottom: Read "It ran" for "I ran"; p. 204, col. 1, line 29: Read "Abel" for "Cain"and line 31 read "Cain" for "Abel"; p. 247, col. 2, line 25 from bottom: Read "Casluhim" for "Gasluhim," and last line: Read "on both sides" for "beyond"; p 248, col. 1, line 19, etc., from bottom: For "If Cush . . . from" read "He refers Cush (verses 8-12) to Babel and separates it from the Arabian stocks (verses 26-29), perhaps because he knew of"; col. 2, line 17: Read "700" for "709"; line 23 from bottom: Read "and means the people of the Mediterranean Sea (cf. verse 4)"; p. 249: col. 1, line 29 from bottom: Read "(xviii." for "(xix.," and line 23 from bottom: Read "Napata" for "Meravi"; col. 2, line 2; Read "Awalites" for "Ayalites," also line 22: Read "Jokshan" for "Joktan," and line 47: Read "south" for "north"; p. 250, col. 1, line 8: Read "'rpk" for "'rpd"; col. 2 line 2: Read "required" for "forbidden"; p. 342, col. 2, line 18 from bottom: Read "W. De" for "T. De"; p. 346, col. 1, line 43: Signature should read "P. W. Crannell"; p. 364, col. 1, lines 17-18: Read "Foecht" for "Foehh," "C. W." for "C. M.", and "Yutzy" for "Zutzy"; p. 430, col. 1, lines 30 and 29 from bottom: Read "in Bavarian Franconia, between Erfurt and Würzburg," for "circuit of Nagold"; p. 434, col. 1, line 21: Insert before "Romanists" the words "Arguments of"; p. 467, col. 2, line 19 from bottom: Read "How to" for "How I"; p. 472, col. 2, line 32 from bottom: Read "Cutten" for "Culten."



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