LUARD, HENRY RICHARDS: Church of England; b. in London Aug. 17, 1825; d. at Cambridge May 1, 1891. He was educated at King's College, London and at Trinity College, Cam- bridge (B.A., 1847; M.A., 1850; B.D., 1875; D.D., 1878). He became fellow of Trinity College (1849) and was assistant tutor in mathematics there (18b5-
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1865); junior bursar (1853-81); and regiatrary of the University of Cambridge (1882-91). He was ordained deacon and priest (1855) and was vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge (1860--87). He wrote: On the Relations between England and Rome during the Earlier Portion of the Reign of Henry 111. (Cambridge, 1877); and edited the Diary of E. Rzed (1851): the Correspondence of Richard Parson (1851); Liwa of Edward the Confessor (1858); Bartholmntei de Cotton Historia Anglicans (1859); Roberti C3rosaeteste Epistolo; (1881); Annales mowatici (18849); Matthaei. Pariaienais Chronica majors (1872); and Flares historiarnm (1890); he also prepared a Catalogue of the Manuscripts Preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge (1858); and Grad ati Cantabrigiertaea (1884).
Bibliography: DNB, zariv. 226-228.
LUBBERTUS, SIBRANDUS: Dutch theologian; b. at Langwarden in East Friesland, 1558 or 1557; d. at Franeker (60 m. n.n.e. of Amsterdam) Jan. 11, 1825. He was educated in Bremen, afterward at Wittenberg, Marburg, and Geneva, where he became a follower of Beza. In 1577 he was at Basel, then removed to Neuatadt, at that time the seat of the Evangelical theological faculty of Heidelberg. In 1583 he was active in visiting the poor in Emden, in 1584 went to Friesland as a preacher in order to advance there the cause of the Reformation. In 1585 he became professor at the University of Franeker, lecturing on dogmatics. He attracted many students, and as a preacher made a deep im pression upon his hearers. He took an active part in the struggle with the Remonstrants, and com bated Rome and Socinienism. From his innermost conviction he wets a decided Calvinist, without sacrificing thereby his independence. He published: De prineipiis Christianortcm dogmatism It3ri aeptem (Franeker, 1591-95); De papa Romano libri decem, scholastics et theologire collali cum diaputationi3ua R. Bellarmini (1594); De coruriliia 14m: quinque (Geneva, 1801); De eccleaya libri sex (Franeker, 1807); Rely licatio Christianorlem dogmatism (1808); Replicatio de papa Romano (1809); De Jean Christo S'eruatore libri quatuor contra Faustum Socinum (1611); Epistolica diaceptatio de fide iuatificante, rtoatraque coram Deo juattfi.catione (Delft, 1812); Declaratio reaportsionia D. Voratii (Franeker, 1611); Commeatarii ad norugtnta novem errorea C Vorstii (1813); Resportaio ad pietatem Hatgonie flrotii (1814); Cammentarirta in Cateeheain Palatino Belgicam (1818).
Bibliography: E. L. Vriemoet, Athmarurn Friuoarmn libri duo, pp. 1-19, Leeuwarden, 1768; E. J. H. Tjsden, Dal Qetehrfe Oslfriesland, i. 246-282. Auriob, 1785; C. SDP, Hot podpelcad ondayoijs in Nederland, i. 136-143, Leyden. 1873: W. B. 8. Boeke, Friedaade HoopucAoot en hat Rifles Athenaeum to Froneker, ii. 28 34, Leenwarden,
1889.Calvin College. Last modified on 08/11/06. Contact the CCEL. |