KURTZ, kurtz, JOHANN HEINRICH: German exegete and church historian; b. at Montjoie (16 m. s.s.e. of Aachen), Rhenish Prussia, Dec. 13, 1809; d. at Marburg Apr. 26, 1890. He attended the Latin school of Montjoie (1821-23) and the gymnasia of Dortmund (1825-27) and Soest (1827-1830), studied theology at Halle (1830-31) and Bonn (1831-33), became teacher of religion at the gymnasium of Mitau in 1835, and professor of church history at Dorpat in 1849. In 1859 he became professor of Old-Testament exegesis, and continued as such until 1870 when he was pensioned. From 1855 to 1866 he was dean of the theological faculty. In 1871 he settled at Marburg, where he spent the rest of his life in literary labors.
His first book was Die Astronamie und die Bibel. Versuch einer Darstellung der bihlischen Kosmologie, sowie einer Erl�uterung and Best�tigung derselben aus den Resultaten und Ansichten der neueren Astronomie (Mitau, 1842); in later editions the material of this work was considerably enlarged and the title was changed to Bibel und Astronomie, nebst Zugaben verwandten Inhalts. Eine Darstellung der biblischen Kosmologie und ihrer Beziehung zu den Naturwissenschaften (5th ed., Berlin, 1865; Eng. transl., The Bible and Astronomy, Philadelphia, 1857). The work is characterized by a certain theosophical type of thought and shows the great interest which Kurtz took in the results of natural science. He tried to prove the central position of the earth in the history of the universe and show how the universe is connected with, and subordinate to, the progress and completion of man's salvation. In the same year appeared Das Mosaische Opfer, ein Beitrag zur Symbolik des Mosaischen Kultus. The same topic was treated by Kurtz in theological periodicals and culminated in Der alttestamentliche Opferkultus each seiner gesetzlichen Begr�ndung und Anwendung (Mitau, 1862; Eng. transl., Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament, Edinburgh, 1863). Another work on the Old Testament was the Lehrbuck der heiligen Geschichte, ein Wegweiser zum Verst�ndnis des g�ttlichen Heilsplans (K�nigsberg, 1843; 19th ed., Leipsic, 1906; Eng. transl., Manual of Sacred History, Philadelphia, 1855). From this Lehrbuch proceeded Biblische Geschichte der heiligen Schrift nacherz�hlt und f�r das Verst�ndnis der unteren Klassen in Gymnasien und h�heren B�rgerschulen erl�utert (Berlin, 1847; 51st ed., Breslau, 1901; Eng. transl., Bible History Edinburgh, 1867), the work that made the name of the author most widely known. It is used even in the missionary schools of India. From the same Lehrbuch proceeded also the principal work of Kurtz in the field of the Old Testament, his Geschichte des alten Bundes (vol. i. Berlin, 1848, 3d. ed., 1864; vol. ii., 1855, 2d ed., 1858; Eng. transl., History of the Old Covenant, with annotations by A. Edersheim, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1860), which extends, however, only to the death of Moses. The work had been preceded by
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