
KEACH, BENJAMIN: Particular or Calvinistic Baptist; b. at Stoke Hammond (11 m. n.e. of Aylesbury), Buckinghamshire, Feb. 29, 1640; d. at Southwark, London, July 18, 1704. He entered the Baptist ministry as a self-taught man in 1659, and suffered during his career frequent persecutions. On Oct. 8, 1664, he was tried at Aylesbury before Sir Robert Hyde, for having taken "certain damnable positions" regarding the second advent in a catechism he had published. He was sentenced to a fine of twenty pounds and two weeks' imprisonment, with the pillory on separate days at Aylesbury and Winslow. This sentence was rigorously executed, and Keach's little book was burned by the public hangman. In 1668 he removed to London and became pastor of the Baptist church in Tooley Street, Southwark. On the indulgence of 1672 his congregation erected a large wooden structure at Horsleydown. Keach was an advocate of congregational singing, and his church is said to have been the first Baptist church to introduce that practise (1688). He attained considerable fame as a preacher and defender of Baptist doctrines. His most important works are: Tropologia: a Key to open Scripture Metaphors (London, 1682; new ed., 1855); and Gospel Mysteries Unveiled (4 parts, 1701; new ed., 1856). Other works still remembered are, Travels of True Godliness (1683; new ed., 1849); The Progress of Sin: or the Travels of Ungodliness (1684; new ed., 1849); and A Golden Mine Opened (1694).

BIBLIOGRAPHY: DNB, xxx. 254-255, where may be found references to scattered notices; a Memoir, by H. Malcom, was prefixed to his Travels of True Godliness, New York, 1831.

KEANE, JOHN JOSEPH: Roman Catholic archbishop of Dubuque, Ia.; b. at Ballyshannon (22 m. n.e. of Sligo), County Donegal, Ireland, Sept. 12, 1839. At the age of seven he was taken by his parents to the United States, and after engaging in business for some years, studied at St. Charles' College, Ellicott City, Md. (1859-62), and St. Mary's Theological Seminary, Baltimore (1862-65). He was ordained to the priesthood in 1866, and from that year until 1878 was curate of St. Patrick's, Washington, D.C. In 1878 he was consecrated bishop of Richmond, Va., whence he was translated, in 1888, to the titular see of Ajasso, that he might devote himself to the upbuilding of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., of which he had been appointed rector two years previously, when he had resigned his diocese at the request of the American hierarchy and of the pope. He remained at the head of the Catholic University until 1897, when he was elevated to the titular archdiocese of Damascus. On his return from a visit to Rome he was translated to his present arch-diocese of Dubuque. During his curacy at Washington he helped to organize the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, and the Catholic Young Men's National Union, while during his episcopate at Richmond he established in his diocese the Confraternity of the Holy Ghost, besides taking part in the Third Plenary Council, held at Baltimore in


1884. He was likewise active in the promotion of religious and educational work among the colored people of his see. He was Dudleian lecturer at Harvard in 1890, and has written Onward and Upward (Baltimore, 1902).


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