
KEATOR, FREDERIC WILLIAM: Protestant Episcopal missionary bishop of Olympia, Wash.; b. at Honesdale, Pa., Oct. 22, 1855. He was graduated at Yale College in 1880, the Yale Law School in 1882, and the Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, in 1891. He practised law in Chicago from 1882 to 1890, and after completing his theological training was ordained to the priesthood in 1891. He was then rector of the Church of the Atonement, Chicago, 1891-96, Grace Church, Freeport, Ill., 1896-99, and St. John's, Dubuque, Ia., 1899-1902. In 1902 he was consecrated missionary bishop of Olympia.

KEBLE, JOHN: A leader of the Oxford movement in the Church of England (see TRACTARIANISM); b. at Fairford (24 m. s.e. of Gloucester), Gloucestershire, Apr. 25, 1792; d. at Bournemouth (25 m. s.w. of Southampton), Hampshire, Mar. 29, 1866. He was educated by his father (a clergyman) and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford; became fellow of Oriel (at the time the foremost college in Oxford) in 1811 and was tutor 1818-23; was ordained priest in 1816; became curate of East Leach and Burthorpe (near Fairford) in 1818, curate of Hursley, Hampshire, in 1825, vicar of Hursley in 1836. From 1831 to 1841 he held the lectureship on poetry at Oxford.

Keble's reputation rests on his contributions to devotional poetry and his share in spreading sacramentarian views in the Church of England and in the development of the Oxford movement. In 1827 he published, anonymously, The Christian Year (2 vols., Oxford), a collection of sacred lyrics, which had been issued in 140 editions when the copyright expired in 1873. Some of the poems have been pronounced faultless of their kind. In 1839 appeared The Psalter, or Psalms of David in English Verse, and in 1846 Lyra Innocentium, a collection of sacred poems for childhood. Of Keble's hymns the best in common use are "O God of mercy, God of might," and "Sun of my soul, thou Savior dear," the latter taken from the second poem in the Christian Year, entitled "Evening." With the help of his brother Thomas, and Charles Dyson, an intimate friend, he edited the works of Richard Hooker (3 vols., Oxford, 1836), spending five years on the task and producing what is still the standard edition (revised by R. W. Church and F. Paget, 3 vols., Oxford, 1888). In 1838 with F. W. Newman and E. B. Pusey he began to work on the Library of the Fathers, for which he translated Iren�us. At Oxford he was intimate with Newman, Pusey, and Richard Hurrell Froude, and his views concerning the sacraments--he regretted that circumstances did not admit of his introducing the confessional--and the episcopal constitution of the Church inevitably brought him to the front in the Oxford movement, Newman in his Apologia pronounces Keble its "true and primary author." He wrote nine of the Tracts for the Times (nos. 4, 13, 40, 52, 54, 57, 67, 60, 89), the first being on apostolic succession and the last on the mysticism attributed to the early Fathers. He approved of Newman's Tract 90, but did not leave the communion of the English Church and regarded the doctrine of the immaculate conception as an insuperable barrier to ecclesiastical union. Other works are Praelectiones Academicae (2 vols., Oxford, 1844), his lectures on poetry; Sermons (1847); and a Life of Bishop Wilson (2 vols., 1863). After his death appeared Occasional Papers and Reviews (Oxford, 1877) and eleven volumes of sermons (1876-80). Keble was not eloquent as a preacher, but scriptural and impressive. He had a remarkable power of attracting both old and young. Shortly after his death his friends and admirers raised a fund and erected to his memory Keble College at Oxford, which was opened in 1869.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Biographies are by J. T. Coleridge, 2 vols., Oxford, 1889; W. Lock, Boston, 1893. Consult also: J. C. Shairp, John Keble: Essay on the Author of the "Christian Year," Edinburgh, 1888; The Birthplace, Home, Churches and other Places connected with the Author of "The Christian Year," with Notes by J. P. Moor, Oxford, 1867; J. H. Newman, Essays Critical and Historical, ii. 421 sqq., London, 1873, and cf. the Apologia; S. W. Duffield, English Hymns, pp. 500-502, New York, 1866; Julian, Hymnology, pp. 610-613; DNB, xxx. 291-295.


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