
HUET, u''et', PIERRE DANIEL: Bishop of Avranches; b. at Caen, France, Feb. 8, 1630; d. at Paris Jan. 26, 1721. He was educated in the college of the Jesuits in his native city. In 1670, with Bossuet, he was made teacher of the dauphin; in 1674 he was received among the forty of the French


Academy; two years later he was ordained priest. In 1678 the king granted him the Cistercian abbey of Aumy, near Caen. In 1685 he was elected bishop of Soissons, but before papal confirmation was received he exchanged the office (1689) for that of Avranches, being consecrated bishop in 1692. He now devoted himself to the restoration of church discipline in his diocese. In 1699 he resigned his bishopric and removed to the abbey of Fontenay, near Caen. In 1701 he retired to Paris.

Huet's great literary work was his edition of Origen (2 vols., Rouen, 1668), the product of fifteen years' labor, and the first complete collection of Origen's commentaries, with Latin translation. It was preceded by an introduction, Orageniana, discussing the life, writings, and system of the Church Father. In Demonstratio evangelica ad serenissimum Delphinum (Paris, 1679), he tried to prove the truth of the Christian religion; the book made a sensation, and led Samuel Pufendorf to expect the reunion of the Roman and Protestant communions. In Censura philosophies Cartesianw . (1689 ) and Alnetanee qwstiones de concordia rationis et fidei libri tres (Caen, 1690), Huet criticized Descartes. He also wrote De la situation du Paradis terrestre (Paris, 1691; Eng. transl., A Treatise of the Situation of Paradise, London, 1694); De navigalionibus Salomonis (Amsterdam, 1693); Histoire du commerce et de la navigation des ancients (Paris, 1716; Eng. transl., History of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients, London, 1717); as well as poems and other works, historical, geographical, philosophical, and literary. His autobiography, P. D. Huetii . . . commentarius de rebus ad cum pertinentibus (Amsterdam, 1718), was translated into English, Memoirs of the Life of Pierre Daniel Huet, with notes by J. Aiken (2 vols., London, 1810). His-literary remains were published by J. T. d'Olivet under the title Huetiana (Paris, 1722).

(C. Pfender.)

Bibliography: Besides the autobiography, ut sup., conSuit: C. Bartholmese, Huet, . . ou Is scepticisme the,'o7opique, Paris, 1849; F. A. de Gournay, Huet . . . sa vie et sea wurores, ib. 1854; J. B. M. Flottes, -Etude sun Daniel Huet, ib. 1857; K. s. Baraeh, Pierre Dan. Huet als Philosoph, Leipsic, 1862; C. Trochon, in Correspondant, Dec., 1876, Mar., 1877 (uses new sources).


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