G.E.H. Palmer


June 9, 1904
February 7, 1984


Gerald Eustace Howell (G.E.H.) Palmer was born in England in 1904. His life was divided between politics and literature. Palmer attended Winchester College and New College, Oxford. He was the Prime Minister's private secretary for a year before becoming an elected Member of Parliament for ten years. He visited Mt. Athos in Greece to learn more about Eastern Orthodox beliefs and practices regarding monasticism. The pilgrimage and interactions with the leaders there inspired Palmer to not only join the Orthodox Church but to translate Eastern texts into English. Philokalia is one of the more renowned translations. He made more visits to Mt. Athos and wrote about his experiences there in The Paths of Athos. Palmer served in the artillery division in World War II. In 1984, Palmer died at home in Winterbourne.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer
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