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UNADVISEDLY. Ps. 106.33, he spake «.
UNAWARES. Lu. 21. 34; Gal. 2. 4; Heb. 13. 2 ;
UNBELIEF. Mk. 9.24, help thou mine u. Rom. 3.3, shall u. make faith without effect? 11.32, concluded all in u. Heb. 3.12, evil heart of u. See Mat. 13. 58; Mk. 6. 6 ; 1 Tim. 1.13; Heb. 4.11.
UNBLAMEABLE. Col. 1. 22 ; 1 Thess. 3.13.
UNCERTAIN. 1 Cor. 9.26 ; 14.8; 1 Tim. 6.17.
UNCLEAN. Acts 10.28 ; Rom. 14.14 ; 2 Cor. 6.17.
UNCLOTHED. 2 Cor. 5.4, not that we would be u. UNCORRUPTNESS. Tit. 2. 7, in doctrine showing u.
UNCTION. 1 John 2.20, an u. from the Holy One.
UNDEFILED. Ps. 119.1, blessed are the u. Jas. 1.27, pure religion and u. 1 Pet. 1.4, an inheritance u. See Cant. 5. 2 ; 6. 9 ; Heb. 7. 26; 13.4.
UNDER. Rom. 3. 9; 1 Cor. 9.27; Gal. 3.10.
UNDERSTAND. Ps. 19.12, who can u, his errors? 73.17, then u. I their end. 119.100, 1 u. more than the ancients. 139.2, thou u. my thought afar off. Prov. 8. 9, all plain to him that u. 20.24, how can a man it. his own way? 29.19, though he n. he will not answer. Isa. 6. 9, hear ye indeed, but u. not. 28.19, a vexation only to u. the report. Jer. 9.24, let him glory in this, that he u. me. Dan. 10.12, thou didst set thine heart to u. 12.10, wicked shall not u., wise shall u. Hos. 14. 9, who is wise, and he shall u. these
Mat. 13.51, have ye w. all these things? 24.15, whoso readeth, let him ti. Lu. 24.45, that they might u. the scriptures. John 8. 43, why do ye not u. my speech ? Rom. 3.11, there is none that u. 15.21, they that have not heard shall u. 1 Cor. 13.2, though I u. all mysteries.
336See 1 Cor. 14.2; Heb. 11.3; 2 Pet. 2.12; 3.16.
UNDERSTANDING.. Ex. 31. 3; Deut. 4. 6, wisdom and u. 1 Kings 3.11, hast asked for thyself w. 4.19, gave Solomon wisdom and u. 7.14, filled with wisdom and u. 1 Chron 12.32, men that had u. of the times. 2 Chron 26. 5, had u. in visions. Job 12.13, he hath counsel and u. 20, he taketh away the u. of the aged. 17. 4, thou hast hid their heart from w. 28.12, where is the place of w. ? 32. 8, the Almighty giveth them u. 38.36, who hath given w. to the heart? 39.17, neither imparted to her u. Ps. 47. 7, sing ye praises with u. 49.3, meditation of my heart shall be of u. 119. 34, 73,125,144,169, give me n. 99, I have more n. than my teachers. 104, through thy precepts I get u. 147. 5, his u. is infinite. Prov. 2.2, apply thine heart to u. 11, u. shall keep thee. 3. 5, lean not to thine own u. 19, by u. hath he established the heavens. 4.5, 7, get wisdom, get u. 8.1, doth not u. put forth her voice ? 9. 6, go in the wayj©f n. 10, the knowledge of the holy is u. 14.29, he that is slow to wrath is of great w. 16.22, u. is a wellspring of life. 17. 24, wisdom is before him that hath n. 19. 8, he that keepeth u. shall find good. 21. 30, there is no u. against the Lord. 24.3, by u. an house is established. 30.2, have not the u. of a man.
Eccl. 9.11, nor yet riches to men of u. Isa. 11.2, the spirit of v. shall rest on him. 27.11, it is a people of no u. 29.14, the u. of prudent men shall be hid. 40.14, who showed him the way of u.? 28, there is no searching of his u.
Jer. 3.15, pastors shall feed you wTith u. Ezek. 28. 4, with thy u. thoiThast gotten riches. Dan. 4. 34, mine u. returned. Mat. 15.16; Mk. 7.18, are ye also without «. ? Mk. 12. 33, to love him with all the u. Lu. 2.47, astonished at his u. 21.45, then opened he their u. 1 Cor. 1.19, bring to nothing u.. of prudent. 14.15, I will pray with the u. also. 20, be not children in u.
Eph. 4.18, having the n. darkened.
Phil. 4.7, peace of God, which passeth all u.
See Col. 1. 9 ; 2. 2 ; 2 Tim. 2. 7 ; 1 John 5. 20.
UN DE.1TAKE. Isa. 38.14, u. for me.
UNDONE. Josh. 11.15 ; Isa. 6.5; Mat. 23.23; Lu. 11. 42.
UNEQUAL. Ezek. 18. 25, 29; 2 Cor. 6.14.
UNFAITHFUL. Ps. 78. 57 ; Prov. 25.19.
UNFEIGNED. 2Cor. 6.6; 1 Tim. 1.5; 2Tim. 1.5; 1 Pet 1 22
UNFRUITFUL. Mat. 13.22; Eph. 5.11; Tit, 3.14 ; 2 Pet, 1.8.
UNGODLINESS. Rom. 1.18; 11.26; 2 Tim. 2.16;
Tit. 2.12.
UNGODLY. 2 Chr. 19.2, shouldest thou help the u. ? Job 16.11, God hath delivered me to the u. Ps. 1.1, counsel of u. 6, the way of the u. shall perish. 43.1, plead my cause against n. nation. Prov. 16. 27, an u. man diggeth up evil. Rom. 5. 6, Christ died for the u. 1 Pet 4.18, where shall the u. appear? 2 Pet, 3. 7, perdition of n. men.
See Rom. 4. 5 ; 1 Tim. 1.9 ; 2 Pet. 2.5; Jude 15.
UNHOLY. Lev. 10.10; 1 Tim. 1.9; 2 Tim. 3.2; Heb 10.29.
UNITY. Ps. 133.1; Eph. 4. 3,13.
UNJUST. Ps. 43.1; Prov. 11.7; 29.27, u. man.
Prov. 28.8, he that by u. gain.
Zeph. 3. 5, the u. knoweth no shame.
Mat. 5.45, he sendeth rain on just and u.
Lu. 18.6, hear what the u. judge saith. 11, not as other men, u.
Acts 24.15, resurrection both of just and u. 1 Cor. 6.3, go to law before the u. 1 Pet 3.18, suffered, the just for the u. Rev. 22.11, he that is ^^., let him be u.
See Ps. 82.2; Isa. 26.10; Lu. 16.8 ; 2 Pet. 2. 9.
UNKNOWN. Acts 17. 23; 1 Cor. 14.2; 2 Cor. 6.9;
Gal. 1.22.
UNLAWFUL. Acts 10.28; 2 Pet. 2. 8.
UNLEARNED. Acts 4.13; 1 Cor. 14.16; 2 Tim. 2. 23 ■ 2 Pet 3 16
UNMINDFUL.' Deut. 32.18, thou art w.
UNMO VE.ABLE. Acts 27. 41; 1 Cor. 15. 58.
UNPERFECT. Ps. 139.16, yet being u. UNPREPARED. 2 Cor. 9.4, find you u. UNPROFITABLE. Job 15.3, n. talk.
Mat, 25.30; Lu. 17.10, u, servant,
See Rom. 3.12; Tit. 3. 9 ; Philein. 11; Heb. 7.18 ;
■JO "I "T
UNPUNISHED. Prov. 11. 21; 16. 5; 17. 5; 19. 5 ;
Jer. 25.29 ; 49.12, shall not be u. See Jer. 30.11; 46.28.
UNQUENCHABLE. Mat. 3.12 ; Lu. 3.17.
UNREASONABLE. Acts 25.27 ; 2 Thess. 3.2.
UN REPROVE.ABLE. Col. 1. 22, u. in his sight.
UNRIGHTEOUS. Ex. 23.1, an u. witness. Isa. 10.1, decree u. decrees. 55. 7, let the u, man forsake his thoughts. Rom. 3.5, isGodtt.?
Heb. 6.10, God is not n. to forget your work. See Deut. 25.16; Ps. 71.4; Lu. 16.11; 1 Cor. 6. 9.
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. Lu. 16. 9, mammon of m. Rom. 1.18, hold the truth in m. 2.8, to them that obey u. 3.5, if our n. commend righteousness. 6.13, instruments of u. 9.14, is there u. with God? 2 Cor 6.14, what fellowship with u.? 2 Thess. 2.12, had pleasure in u. 2 Pet. 2.13, receive the reward of u. 1 John 1. 9, cleanse us from all u. 5.17, all u. is sin.
See Lev. 19.15; Ps. 92.15 ; Jer. 22.13 ; John 7.
UNRULY. 1 Thess. 5.14; Tit. 1. 6 ; Jas. 3. 8.
UNSAVOURY. Job 6. 6, can that which is u.. be
eaten ? UNSEARCHABLE. Job 5.9; Ps. 145.3; Rom. 11. 33 ; Eph. 3. 8.
UNSEEMLY. Rom. 1.27 ; 1 Cor. 13.5.
UNSKILFUL. Heb. 5.13, is u. in the word.
UNSPEAKABLE. 2 Cor. 9.15; 12. 4 ; 1 Pet. 1. 8.
UNSPOTTED. Jas. 1.27, u. from the world.
UNSTABLE. Gen. 49.4; Jas. 1.8; 2Pet.2.14.
UNTHANKFUL. Lu. 6. 35; 2 Tim. 3. 2.
UNWASHEN. Mat, 15.20; Mk. 7.2, 5.
UNWISE. Deut. 32. 6; Hos. 13. 13; Rom. 1. 14;
Eph. 5.17.
UNWORTHY. Acts 13.46; 1 Cor. 6.2; 11.27.
UPBRAID. Mat. 11.20; Mk. 16.14 ; Jas. 1.5.
UPHOLD. Ps. 51.12, m. with thy free spirit, 54.4, with them that u. my soul. 119.116, u. me according to thy word. 145.14, the Lord m. all that fall. Isa, 41.10, I will u. thee with right hand. 42.1, my servant, whom I u. 63. 5, wondered there wTas none to n. Heb. 1. 3, u. all things by word of power. See Ps. 37.17 ; 41.12; 63. 8 ; Prov. 20. 28.
UPPERMOST. Mat. 23.6; Mk. 12.39; Lu. 11.43.
337UPRIGHT. Job 12.4, the u. man is laughed to scorn. 17.8, u, men shall be astonied. Ps. 19.13, then shall I be u. 25.8: 92.15, good and u. is the Lord. 37.14, such as be of u. conversation. 49.14, the u. shall have dominion. 111. 1, the assembly of the u. 112.4, to the w. ariseth light. 125.4, that are m. in their hearts. Prov. 2.21, the u. shall dwell in the land. 11.3, the integrity of the u. 20, such as are u. in their wray. 14.11, the tabernacle of the u. 15.8, the prayer of the u. is his delight. 28.10, the u. shall have good things. Eccl. 7.29, God hath made man u. Cant. 1.4, the u. love thee.
See Isa. 26. 7; Jer. 10.5; Mic. 7.2; Hab. 2.4.
UPRIGHTLY. Ps. 58.1; 75.2, do ye judge u. 84.11, no good from them that walk u. Prov. 10. 9; 15.21; 28.18, he that walketh u. Isa. 33.15, he that speaketh u.
See Ps. 15.2 ; Amos 5.10; Mic. 2. 7; Gal. 2.14.
UPRIGHTNESS. 1 Kings 3. 6, in u. of heart. 1 Chron. 29.17, thou hast pleasure in u.
Job 4.6, the u. of thy ways. 33.23, to show unto man his u.
Ps. 25. 21, let u. preserve me. 143.10, lead me into the land of u.
Prov. 2.13, who leave the paths of u.
See Ps. 111. 8; Prov. 14. 2; 28.6; Isa. 26.7,10.
UPROAR. Mat. 26. 5 ; Mk. 14. 2 ; Acts. 2 UPWARD. Job 5. 7 ; Eccl. 3.21; Isa. 38.
URGE. Gen. 33.11; 2 Kings 2.17 ; Lu. 11.
URGENT. Ex. 12. 33; Dan. 3. 22.
USE. Mat. 6. 7, u. not vain repetitions. 1 Cor. 7. 31, they that n. this world. Gal. 5.13, u. not liberty for an occasion. 1 Tim. 1. 8, if a man u. it lawfully.
See Ps. 119.132; 1 Cor. 9.12; 1 Tim, 5.23.
USURP. 1 Tim. 2.12, I suffer not a woman to u. UTTER. Ps. 78.2, I will u, dark sayings. 106.2, who can u. the mighty acts? 119.171, my lips shall u, praise. Prov. 1.20, wisdom u. her voice. 23.33, thine heart shall u. perverse things. 29.11, a fool u. all his mind.
Eccl. 5.2, let not thine heart be hasty to u. Rom. 8. 26, which cannot be n. 2 Cor 12. 4, not lawful for a man to n. Heb. 5.11, many things hard to be u.
See Job 33.3; Isa. 48.20; Joel 2.11; Mat. 13.35.
UTTERANCE. Acts 2.4, as the Spirit gave u.
See 1 Cor. 1. 5 ; 2 Cor. 8. 7 ; Eph. 6.19 ; Col. 4.3.
UTTERLY. Ps.119.8, forsake me not u.
Jer. 23. 39, I will u. forget you.
Zeph. 1.2, I will u. consume all things. 2 Pet. 2.12, these shail u. perish.
See Deut. 7.2; Neh. 9.31; Isa. 40. 30 ; Rev. 18. 8.
UTTERMOST. Mat, 5.26; 1 Thess. 2.16; Heb. 7. 25.
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