Table of Contents
Title Page
Hymn Writers of the Church
Babcock, Maltbie Davenport
Baker, Sir Henry Williams
Bakewell, John
Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Barber, Mary Ann Serrett
Baring-Gould, Sabine
Barton, Bernard
Bateman, Henry
Bathurst, William Hiley
Baxter, Lydia
Baxter, Richard
Beddome, Benjamin
Bernard of Clairvaux
Bernard of Cluny
Berridge, John
Bethune, George Washington
Bickersteth, Edward Henry
Blacklock, Thomas
Bode, John Ernest
Boehm, Anthony Wilhelm
Bonar, Horatius
Bonar, Jane Catherine
Borthwick, Jane
Bourignon, Antoinette
Bourne, William St. Hill
Bowring, Sir John
Brace, Seth Collins
Brady, Nicholas
Brewer, Leigh Richmond
Bridges, Matthew
Bromehead, Joseph
Brooks, Charles Timothy
Brooks, Phillips
Brown, Phoebe Hinsdale
Browne, Simon
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Bryant, William Cullen
Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf
Burleigh, William Henry
Burns, James Drummond
Burton, Henry
Campbell, Jane Montgomery
Campbell, Margaret Cockburn
Carney, Julia A.
Cary, Phoebe
Caswall, Edward
Cawood, John
Cennick, John
Charles, Elizabeth Rundle
Chorley, Henry Fothergill
Claudius, Matthias
Clement of Alexandria
Codner, Elizabeth
Coghill, Annie Louisa
Collyer, William Bengo
Colquhoun, Frances Sara
Conder, Josiah
Copeland, Benjamin
Cotterill, Jane
Cotterill, Thomas
Cowper, Frances Maria
Cowper, William
Cox, Christopher Christian
Cox, Samuel Keener
Coxe, Arthur Cleveland
Crewdson, Jane
Croly, George
Crosby, Fanny Jane
Cross, Ada Cambridge
Cummins, James John
Cutter, William
Davies, Samuel
Decius, Nicolaus
Deems, Charles Force
Denny, Sir Edward
Dessler, Wolfgang Christopher
Dexter, Henry Martyn
Dix, William Chatterton
Doane, George Washington
Doane, William Crosswell
Doddridge, Philip
Dryden, John
Duffield, George
Dwight, John Sullivan
Dwight, Timothy
Gerhardt, Paul
Gibbons, Thomas
Gilder, Richard Watson
Gill, Thomas Hornblower
Gilman, Samuel
Gilmore, Joseph Henry
Gladden, Washington
Goode, William
Grant, Robert
Greg, Samuel
Grigg, Joseph
Gurney, Dorothy Frances
Gustavus Adolphus
Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte
Hall, Christopher Newman
Hammond, William
Hankey, Katherine
Hart, Joseph
Hastings, Thomas
Hatch, Edwin
Hatfield, Edwin Francis
Havergal, Frances Ridley
Haweis, Hugh Reginald
Hawker, Robert
Hawks, Annie Sherwood
Hay, John
Hearn, Marianne
Heath, George
Heber, Reginald
Hedge, Frederick Henry
Herbert, George
Herbert, Petrus
Holden, Oliver
Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hopper, Edward
Hopps, John Page
Hosmer, Frederick Lucian
Hoss, Elijah Embree
How, William Walsham
Hunter, William
Hutton, Frances A.
Macduff, John Ross
Mackay, Margaret
Macleod, Norman
Madan, Martin
Malan, Henri Abraham Caesar
March, Daniel
Marcy, Elizabeth Eunice
Marriott, John
Marsden, Joshua
Mason, John
Massie, Richard
Matheson, George
McDonald, William
Medley, Samuel
Messenger, John Alexander
Midlane, Albert
Miller, Emily Huntington
Mills, Henry
Milman, Henry Hart
Milton, John
Mohr, Joseph
Monod, Theodore
Monsen, John Samuel Bewley
Montgomery, James
Moore, Thomas
Mote, Edward
Moultrie, Gerard
Muhlenberg, William Augustus
Palmer, Ray
Park, Roswell
Perronet, Edward
Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden
Pierpoint, Folliott Sanford
Pierpont, John
Plumptree, Edward Hayes
Pott, Francis
Potter, Thomas Joseph
Prentiss, Elizabeth Payson
Procter, Adelaide Anne
Prynne, George Rundle
Rabanus Maurus
Rankin, Jeremiah Eames
Rawson, George
Reed, Andrew
Rice, Caroline Laura
Richter, Christian Frederic
Rinkart, Martin
Robert IX.
Roberts, Daniel C.
Robinson, George
Robinson, Richard Hayes
Robinson, Robert
Rodigast, Samuel
Roscoe, William
Rothe, Johann Andreas
Scheffler, Johann Angelus
Schmolke, Benjamin
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Sir Walter
Scriven, Joseph
Seagrave, Robert
Sears, Edward Hamilton
Seymour, Aaron Crossley Hobart
Shepherd, Thomas
Shurtleff, Ernest Warburton
Slade, Mary B. C.
Singleton, Robert Corbet
Smith, Samuel Francis
Spangenberg, Augustus Gottlieb
Spitta, Carl Johann Philipp
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Steele, Anne
Stennett, Joseph
Stennett, Samuel
Stockton, John Hart
Stone, Samuel John
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Stowell, Hugh
Stratton, Lovie Ricker
Strong, Nathan
Stryker, Melancthon Woolsey
Swain, Joseph
Tappan, William Brigham
Tate, Nahum
Taylor, Thomas Rawson
Tennyson, Alfred
Tersteegen, Gerhard
Thomas of Celano
Thomson, Mary Ann
Thring, Godfrey
Toplady, Augustus Montague
Tuttiett, Lawrence
Twells, Henry
Walford, William W.
Ware, Henry
Waring, Anna Laetitia
Warner, Anna Bartlett
Warren, Willis Fairfield
Waterbury, Jared Bell
Watts, Isaac
Wells, Marcus Morris
Wesley, Charles
Wesley, John
Wesley, Samuel
West, Robert Athow
White, Henry Kirke
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Williams, Helen Maria
Williams, William
Willis, Nathaniel Parker
Winchester, Caleb Thomas
Winckler, John Joseph
Winkworth, Catherine
Wolcott, Samuel
Woodhull, Alfred Alexander
Wordsworth, Christopher
Wreford, John Reynell