A charge to keep I have | 388 |
A thousand oracles divine | 75 |
445Ah! whither should I go | 283 |
All praise to our redeeming Lord | 553 |
And am I born to die | 590 |
And are we yet alive | 560 |
And can I yet delay | 275 |
And can it be that I should gain | 310 |
And let our bodies part | 227 |
And let this feeble body fail | 607 |
And must I be to judgment brought | 600 |
Arise, my soul, arise | 301 |
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake | 216 |
Author of faith, eternal Word | 298 |
Awake, Jerusalem, awake | 217 |
Blest be the dear uniting love | 228 |
Blow ye the trumpet, blow | 294 |
Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day | 156 |
Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost | 229 |
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire | 181 |
Come, let us anew our journey | 568 |
Come, let us join our friends above | 611 |
Come, let us join with one accord | 63 |
Come, let us use the grace divine | 569 |
Come, let us who in Christ believe | 36 |
Come, O thou all-victorious Lord | 241 |
Come, O thou Traveler unknown | 511 |
Come on, my partners in distress | 432 |
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast | 256 |
Come, thou almighty King | 2 |
Come, thou long-expected Jesus | 116 |
Depth of mercy, can there be | 267 |
Father, I stretch my hands to thee | 277 |
Father of Jesus Christ, my Lord | 297 |
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost | 726 |
Forever here my rest shall be | 357 |
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go | 400 |
Give me a new, a perfect heart | 366 |
Giver of concord, Prince of peace | 563 |
God of all power and truth and | 378 |
God of love, that hearest prayer | 562 |
Hail the day that sees him rise | 162 |
Happy the man that finds the | 372 |
Hark! the herald angels sing | 111 |
Ho! every one that thirsts, draw | 258 |
Holy and true and righteous Lord | 377 |
How can a sinner know | 303 |
How happy every child of grace | 605 |
I know that my Redeemer lives | 370 |
I the good fight have fought | 391 |
I want a principle within | 320 |
In age and feebleness extreme | 746 |
Infinite God, to thee we raise | 10 |
Jesus, from whom all blessings flow | 561 |
Jesus, let all thy lovers shine | 321 |
Jesus, let thy pitying eye | 491 |
Jesus, Lover of my soul | 463 |
Jesus, my strength, my hope | 340 |
Jesus, my Truth, my Way | 471 |
Jesus, the all-restoring word | 331 |
Jesus, the Conqueror, reigns | 172 |
Jesus, the name high over all | 222 |
Jesus, the sinner's Friend, to thee | 271 |
Jesus, the Truth and Power divine | 220 |
Jesus, thine all-victorious love | 375 |
Jesus, thou all-redeeming Lord | 263 |
Jesus, united by thy grace | 557 |
Join, all ye ransomed sons of grace | 576 |
Leader of faithful souls, and Guide | 459 |
Let earth and heaven agree | 565 |
Let Him to whom we now belong | 373 |
Let not the wise their wisdom boast | 308 |
Lift up your hearts to things above | 558 |
Light of those whose dreary | 638 |
Lo! He comes, with clouds | 601 |
Lo! on a narrow neck of land | 579 |
Lord, I believe a rest remains | 356 |
Lord, if at thy command | 648 |
Lord, in the strength of grace | 352 |
Lord, whom winds and seas obey | 103 |
Love Divine, all loves excelling | 355 |
Loving Jesus, gentle Lamb | 374 |
O come and dwell in me | 362 |
O for a heart to praise my God | 354 |
O for a thousand tongues to sing | 1 |
O for that tenderness of heart | 278 |
O glorious hope of perfect love | 365 |
O God, most merciful and true | 401 |
O how happy are they | 311 |
O joyful sound of gospel grace | 371 |
O love divine, how sweet thou art | 368 |
O love divine, what hast thou done | 153 |
O that I could repent! O that | 264 |
O that I could repent! With all | 265 |
O that my load of sin were gone | 381 |
O thou who earnest from above | 313 |
O thou whom all thy saints adore | 13 |
Our Lord is risen from the dead | 158 |
Rejoice, the Lord is King | 178 |
See how great a flame aspires | 643 |
Servant of God, well done! Thy | 593 |
Sing to the great Jehovah's praise | 575 |
Sing we to our God above | 725 |
Sinners, turn, why will ye die | 247 |
Soldiers of Christ, arise | 382 |
Spirit of faith, come down | 191 |
Stand the omnipotent decree | 598 |
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay | 269 |
Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal | 499 |
Thou great mysterious God unknown | 318 |
Thou hidden source of calm repose | 466 |
Thou Son of God, whose flaming eyes | 245 |
To God your every want | 512 |
Try us, O God, and search the | 555 |
Weary souls that wander wide | 262 |
Weep not for a brother deceased | 594 |
What is our calling's glorious hope | 358 |
Wherewith, O Lord, shall I draw | 244 |
Who are these arrayed in white | 619 |
With glorious clouds encompassed | 327 |
Ye servants of God, your Master | 11 |