Joachin Neander

German hymn-writer


AD 1650
May 31, 1680


Picture of Joachin Neander
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Perhaps you have sung Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation. This is just one of sixty hymns written by Joachim Neander. Born in Germany in 1650, Neander was a theologian and teacher as well. As a minister in the German Reformed Church, he loved nature and even held services in the beautiful valley through which the Düssel River flowed. Nature was one of the inspirations for his poetry, hymns, and sermons. Neander's independent spirit did not sit well with the authorities over him within the church and school. Suffering from tuberculosis, Neander died at the early age of 30 in 1680; however, his hymns continue to be his legacy.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer
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