A.A. Hodge
Archibald Alexander Hodge was born in 1823 into a loving home that emphasized a Calvinistic worldview with reverence and intentionally living out their faith. Hodge would graduate from Princeton College and Princeton Theological Seminary. Newly married, Hodge and his wife became missionaries to India. Health issues forced their return to the States, where he became a country pastor. Hodge published Outlines of Theology (1860). Hodge became a professor first at Western Theological Seminary and then at his alma mater, Princeton Theological Seminary. His desire was for the Christian faith to influence all facets of life, including government and public education. Hodge so admired his father that he followed in his footsteps and wrote a biography of his father. Hodge also wrote on Baptism, Free Will, Predestination, and the Inspiration of the Bible, just to name a few topics. Hodge died on November 12, 1886.Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer