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Translator’s Preface 3
Exhortation to Prayer 6
The Lord’s Prayer and Benediction 7
Morning and Evening Prayers 9
Prayer for Sunday Morning 11
Prayer for Sunday Evening 14
Prayer for Monday Morning 18
Prayer for Monday Evening 21
Prayer for Tuesday Morning 25
Prayer for Tuesday Evening 29
Prayer for Wednesday Morning 32
Prayer for Wednesday Evening 35
Prayer for Thursday Morning 40
Prayer for Thursday Evening 44
Prayer for Friday Morning 47
Prayer for Friday Evening 50
Prayer for Saturday Morning 52
Prayer for Saturday Evening 59
A Daily Prayer 64
At the Beginning of the Week’s Work 65
At the Table 67
Grace before Meat 69
Grace after Meat 70
For Hearth and Home 73
Prayer of a Housefather 75
Prayer of a Housemother 76
Prayer of a Child 78
Prayer of a Youth or Maiden 79
Prayer of a Servant 80
Prayer of a School Child for the Holy Spirit 82
Prayer during a Thunder Storm 83
Thanksgiving after a Thunder Storm 85
Prayer on the Eve of a Journey 86
Prayer During a Journey 87
Prayer of Children for Their Father Engaged on a Journey 89
Thanksgiving after a Completed Journey 90
A Birthday Prayer 90
Prayer for Temporal Peace 92
A Prayer for School 94
Church Prayers 97
Prayer When Going to Church 99
Prayer for Sincere Repentance 100
Prayer for Forgiveness of Sins 102
Prayer for True Faith 104
Prayer before Confession 107
Thanksgiving after Absolution 108
A Morning Prayer for Communion Day 109
Prayer before Holy Communion 112
A Sigh when about to Receive the Sacred Body of Christ 114
A Sigh when about to Receive the Sacred Blood of Christ 115
Prayer after the Holy Supper 115
Prayer for a Pious Life 116
Prayer for Faithful Teachers and Preachers 117
Prayer for the Kingdom of God 119
Prayer for Missions 122
Prayer against False Doctrines and Sects 124
Prayer against the Enemies of Christendom 126
Prayers During Times of War 129
Prayer during War 131
Prayer for the Army and Navy 132
Prayer on the Eve of Battle 134
Prayer for the Wounded 135
Prayers for the Dying 136
Prayers for the Sick and Dying 139
Prayer of a Patient 141
Prayer for a Blessed End 142
Prayer in the Hour of Death 144
Prayer of the Bystanders for the Sick One 145
Prayer when the Patient has Died in the Lord 146
Hymns 149
Abide with grace unbounded 20
Abide with me! Fast falls the eventide 138
Awake, my heart, rejoicing 27
Awake, my soul, the rising sun 42
Be present at our table Lord 70
Come, my soul, again inquire 158
Commit thy ways and faring 161
Dayspring of Eternity 34
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 153
Gathered here, we join our hands, O Savior 171
God, who madest earth and heaven 13
Heavenly Father, bless this food 70
Jerusalem, thou city built on high 167
Jesus, bless what Thou hast given 70
Jesus, still lead on 160
Man is but a transient being 165
Midst the lilies blooming yonder 170
Now God be with us, for the night is closing 31
Now in Jesus’ wounds reposing 46
Now under night’s dark shadow 23
O Christ, who art the sun-lit day 16
One thing I above all others cherish 157
Out of the depths I cry to Thee 155
Praise God from whom all blessings flow 71
Shepherd never sleeping 37
Soul of mine to God awaking 62
Sunk is the sun’s last beam of light 52
Take, then, my hands, O Father 159
The morning sun shines in the skies 49
The sun ascending 55
We thank Thee, Jesus Christ, our Lord 154
We thank Thee, Lord, for this our food 71
Ye baptized people one and all 151
Index of Translated Hymns
Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade 20
Alle Menschen mueszen sterben 165
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir 155
Befiehl du deine Wege 161
Christe, du bist der helle Tag 16
Die gueldne Sonne 55
Die helle Sonn leucht jetzt herfuer 49
Die Nacht ist kommen, drin wir ruhen sollen 31
Die wir uns allhier beisammen finden 171
Du Volk, das du getaufet bist 151
Eines wuensch ich mir vor allem andern 157
Gott des Himmels und der Erden 13
Hinunter ist der Sonnenschein 52
Hirte deiner Schafe 37
Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen 153
Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt 167
Jesu, geh voran 160
Meine Seel, ermuntre dich 158
Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit 34
Nun ruhen alle Waelder 23
Nur in Jesu Blut und Wunden 46
So nimm denn meine Haende 159
Unter Lilien jener Freuden 170
Wach auf mein Herz, die Nacht ist hin 42
Wach auf mein Herz, und singe 27
Werde munter, mein Gemuete 62
Wir danken dir, Jesu Christ 154
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