O Christ, who art the sun-lit day, Before Thee night must flee away, Thou dost reflect the Father’s light And teachest us His will aright. | Dear Lord, as night is drawing near, Fill Thou our hearts with light and cheer, Let us securely rest in Thee And from the foe’s attacks stay free. | And while our eyes in slumber close, Grant that our hearts may find repose; But let them be to Thee awake And of Thy saving grace partake. | Protect us from the wily foe Who seeks to harm our souls, we know. Be Thou our shield, our staff, and stay, Lord Jesus Christ, for this we pray. | For Thou hast made us, Lord, Thine own, We as Thy heritage are known. Thy blood was shed, that we might be The Father’s precious gift to Thee. | So let Thy holy angel stay Around us both by night and day. Place Thou a watch beside our bed, And guardian angels overhead. | Thus in Thy name we fall asleep, While angels o’er us watch must keep. To Thee, O Holy One in Three, Be praise to all eternity. | |