- A
- “Acceptance with God,” 23
- Acheson, Thomas, 69
- Adams, John, 19, 29
- Africans brought to England, 24
- Ahorey, 60
- Ainslie, Peter, 150
- Alabama, “Christian” churches in, 98
- Allen, T., M., 101
- Altars, Abraham, 66
- Amend, William, 85
- America in 19th century: characteristics of, 28-31;
- churches in, 31-36
- American and Foreign Bible Society, 109
- American Christian Bible Society, 108
- American Christian Education Society, 143
- American Christian Missionary Society, 111, 112, 122-23, 124, 126, 143;
- founded, 110;
- ceases to function, 123
- American Christian Review, 113, 122, 124
- Ames, E. S., 138
- Anabaptists, 18
- Anglican Church, separation of Methodists from, 42f.
- Anti-Burgher Presbyterians, 60
- Antislavery societies, 36
- Apology for renouncing the Jurisdiction of the Synod of Kentucky, An, 54
- Apostolic Times, 124
- Arkansas College, 115
- Armenians, missions to, 128
- Asbury, Francis, 41-43 passim
- “Associate membership,” 138
- Associated Free Agencies, 146
- Association for the Promotion of Christian Unity, 150
- Augsburg Confession, 19
- Aulard, A., 19
- B
- Bacon College, 106, 114
- Bader, Jesse, 153
- Baltimore, Haldanean churches in, 84
- Baptism, 25, 26, 135-39, 151-52;
- Ainslie on, 150;
- A. Campbell on, 79, 104-5, 135-36;
- A. Campbell debates on, 77-79, 106;
- design of, 79, 87;
- in Brush Run Church, 74-75;
- in China mission, 150;
- in Christian Church, Ky., 56-57;
- and opinion, 96;
- Pinkerton on, 136;
- the “one institution,” 104;
- Stone on, 95-96.
- See also Immersion; Open membership
- Baptists, 41;
- A. Campbell’s relations with, 76ff., 108-9;
- Disciples’ differences from, 87-88;
- English, 22;
- Free Will, 45;
- “General,” 35, 53;
- in America in 1800, 34-35;
- in Kentucky, 30, 81ff.;
- in Rhode Island, 32;
- in Virginia, 32;
- “Kissing,” 83-84;
- “New Testament,” 95, 97;
- “Old Scotch,” 22;
- “Particular,” 53;
- and religious liberty, 37-38;
- separation from, 87ff., 90
- Barclay, James T., 110-11
- Baxter, William, 85
- Beardslee, J. O., 111
- Bentley, Adamson, 87
- Berea College, 115
- Bethany College, 76, 107, 114, 147;
- and slavery issue, 116-17
- Bethany, W. Va., 80
- Bethel, Ky., 57
- Bible distribution, cooperation in, 36
- Bible, modern view of, 148.
- See also Higher criticism
- “Bible chairs,” 128, 131
- Bible College League, 151
- Bible Society: American and Foreign, 109;
- American Christian, 108
- Blythe, James, 50
- Boston: “Christian” church at, 46;
- in 1800, 29;
- Sandemanian churches in, 22
- “Brethren,” 26
- Brown University, 34
- Brush Run Church, 73, 74-75, 81, 135;
- joins Redstone Association, 75
- Bucer, Martin, 18
- Buffaloe, 62, 80
- Burgher Presbyterians, 60
- Burnet, D. S., 106, 108
- Burnham, F. W., 146
- Butler University, 114, 147
- C
- Caldwell, David, 47-49 passim
- Calendar committee, 143
- California, beginnings in, 102
- Calvin, 18, 121
- Calvinism, 33, 44, 49, 54f., 60, 88
- Campbell, Alexander, 10-14 passim, 18, 23, 27, 72, 87, 90, 98, 99, 113;
- born, 60;
- decides for ministry, 66-67;
- at Glasgow, 67;
- Breaks with Seceders, 68;
- reaches America, 66, 68;
- reads Declaration and Address, 68;
- first sermon, 73;
- licensed to preach, ordained, 74;
- marries, acquires property, 76;
- immersed, 74-75;
- founds Christian Baptist, 80-82;
- conducts boarding school, 77;
- takes lead in reform, 76ff.;
- preaches among Baptists, 76, 77;
- first visit to Kentucky, 79;
- debates Walker, 77-79;
- debates Maccalla, 79;
- founds church at Wellsburg, 81;
- tours Kentucky in 1824, 82;
- meets Scott, 84;
- at Virginia Constitutional Convention, 88-89;
- debates Owen, 89, 103;
- founds Millennial Harbinger, 91;
- meets Stone, 92;
- publishes The Christian System, 103;
- at his zenith, 102ff.;
- debates Purcell, 105;
- debates Rice, 105-6;
- founds Bethany College, 107;
- elected president of missionary society, 110;
- tours Indiana in 1850, 112;
- death, 122, 123;
- early theological views, 67f.;
- Ewing’s influence, 67f.;
- Locke’s influence, 62;
- no effective evangelist, 103;
- on baptism, 77-79, 104-5, 106, 119, 135-36;
- on church and state, 77;
- on cooperation, 108;
- on ecclesiastical order, 80;
- on education, 107;
- on missions, 108-9, 122;
- on slavery 88-89, 116-17;
- “rules of interpretation,” 134;
- “Sermon on the Law,” 76f., 78;
- his views vs. Stone’s, 94-98
- Campbell, Thomas, 10-14 passim, 18, 27, 34, 84, 103;
- early life, 60;
- migrates to America, 62;
- charges against, 62f.;
- breaks with Seceders, 63ff.;
- Declaration and Address, 66, 68;
- elder of Brush Run Church, 73;
- is immersed, 74-75;
- Declaration and Address, summary of, 66, 68, 69ff., 135;
- differences from Seceders, 64f.;
- early views, 61f.;
- on baptism, 74-75;
- on causes of divisions, 71;
- on clergy, 65;
- on creeds, 64-65, 71;
- on “expedients,” 72;
- on faith, 64, 65;
- on unity, 70, 72
- Campbell Institute, 149
- “Campbellites,” 83, 103
- Camp meetings: See Revivalism
- Cane Ridge, Ky., 50, 51, 55;
- meeting at, 50ff.
- “Catechetical exhibition,” 72, 80
- Cave, Robert L., 136-37
- Centennial Convention, 140, 144
- Chicago, University of, 132, 134, 147
- Children’s Day, 129
- Chillingworth, William, 19
- China, missions in, 129, 150, 151
- Chinese Nestorians, 18
- Christmas Conference, 42
- “Christian,” name adopted, 56
- Christian, 126
- Christian Association of Washington, 66, 69-70, 73
- Christian Baptist, 72, 79, 80-82, 90, 101, 120, 122;
- compared with Christian Messenger, 94-98;
- publication ends, 91;
- and Scott, 84
- Christian Board of Publication, 145
- Christian Century, 127, 138, 149-150
- “Christian” Churches, 13, 41ff.;
- in Kentucky and the west, 47-59, 82, 92-99;
- in New England, 44-47, 99;
- in Virginia and North Carolina, 41-44, 99;
- views of Stone’s, 94-98;
- union with Disciples, 92, 98-99
- Christian College, 115
- Christian-Evangelist, 126-27, 135, 137, 145, 155
- Christian Messenger, 58, 59, 92ff., 99;
- compared with Christian Baptist and Millennial Harbinger, 94-98
- Christian Monitor, 72
- Christian Oracle, 127
- Christian Publishing Company, 126, 145
- Christian Quarterly, 124
- Christian Record, 113
- Christian Restoration Association, 146, 151
- Christian Standard, 123, 124, 127, 133, 135, 139, 140, 146, 151
- Christian System, The, 103-4
- Christian Woman’s Board of Missions, 128, 146
- Church, S. H., 139
- Church and state, 20;
- in America, 28;
- separation of, 36, 37, 39-40, 77
- Church Extension, Board of, 126, 129, 146
- “Church of Christ,” 26
- “Churches of Christ,” 12, 25f.;
- British, 27
- Clarksville, Tex., 102
- Clay, Henry, 106
- Clergy: See Ministry
- Close communion, 26, 119-120.
- See also Open membership
- Coke, Dr., 42
- College of the Bible, 151
- Colleges, 114-15;
- founded, 106f.;
- improvement of, 146f.;
- number of, in 1897, 131
- Columbia, Mo., 115
- Commentary on Acts, 137
- Commission on Restudy of the Disciples of Christ, 156
- Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, 153
- Community of goods, 26
- Concord, Ky., 50
- Congregationalist, 46
- Congregationalists, 19, 32-33
- Congresses of the Disciples, 133, 148
- Conservative group (antimissionary society), 12
- Conservative reaction, 1909-45, 150ff.
- Constitutional Convention, 37
- Controversy, period of, 119ff.
- Cooperation, 11, 36, 100
- Cotner College, 147
- Craig, W. B., 138
- Craighead, Thomas, 50
- Cramblet, T. A., 147
- Creath, Jacob, Sr., and Jr., 83
- Creeds, 64, 65, 71, 80, 94, 119, 120-21
- Crockett, David, 102
- Cross, Alexander, 111
- Cumberland district, 50
- Cumberland Presbyterians, 52, 55
- D
- Danbury, Conn., 22
- Danville, Ky., 50
- Davies, Samuel, 49
- Declaration and Address, 14, 61, 66, 68, 103, 141;
- summary of, 69-73;
- “brought down to date,” 124
- Deer Creek, Ohio, conference of “Christians,” 58
- Delegate convention, 144-45
- Denominationalism as normal, 17
- Denver, 138
- Design of baptism: See under Baptism
- Disciples: beginnings as separate body, 87, 90;
- early growth, 90-91;
- growth 1830-44, 99ff. (see also Statistics);
- general views, 94-97;
- name, 11-12, 95;
- organization for cooperation, 100;
- periodicals of, 91 (see also Periodicals);
- rethinking, 155-56;
- separation from Baptists, 87-88;
- union with “Christian” Churches, 91, 98-99
- Disciples Divinity House, 132, 134, 147
- “Dissenters,” 15;
- in New England, 32
- Divisions, causes of, 71
- Drake Conference, 155
- Drake University, 115, 147
- D’Spain, Lynn, 102
- Dunlavy, John, 54, 56
- E
- Ecumenical Movement, 152, 153ff.
- Edinburgh conferences, 153
- Edinburgh: Haldanes organize church in, 24;
- “primitive” church in, 25
- Edinburgh, University of, 10
- Education, renaissance in, 1874-1909, 130-32.
- See also Colleges
- Elizabeth, Queen, 19
- England, missions in, 128
- Episcopacy, 32
- Episcopalians, 19
- Errett, Isaac, 13, 113, 116, 119;
- issues “Synopsis,” 120;
- launches Christian Standard, 123-24;
- death, 127
- Eureka College, 115
- Evangelism: A. Campbell’s, 103;
- Franklin’s, 113-14;
- Scott’s, 97-98;
- Smith’s, 97;
- Stone’s, 97-98
- Evangelical Alliance, 109
- Evangelist, 126
- Ewing, Greville, 24, 67-68
- “Exercises,” 51-53 passim
- “Expedients” vs. commandments, 72
- F
- “Faith and Order,” 153
- Faith: as act of reason, 23, 64, 65, 67-68, 87-88, 94-95;
- before repentance, 22
- Fall, P. S., 83
- Faraday, Michael, 21
- Farmer-preachers, 34
- Federal Council of the Churches of Christ, 140, 152-53
- Federation, 133, 139-41, 144
- Federation of Churches and Christian Workers, 139
- First Amendment, 36
- Florida in 1800, 30-31
- Foot washing, 26
- Foreign Christian Missionary Society, 128, 136
- Foreign Missions Conference of North America, 140
- Forrester, Mo., 83, 84
- Franklin, Benjamin, 113-14, 116, 122, 123
- Franklin College, 114
- G
- Garfield, James A., 124
- Garrett, Frank, 151
- Garrison, J. H., 126, 127, 129, 135, 137, 139, 155
- Gaston, Joseph, 86
- “General Conference” at Windham, Conn., 46-47
- Georgetown, Ky., 106
- Georgia, Stone visits, 48
- Glas, John, 12, 20-21, 22, 61, 67, 84
- Glasgow, University of, 10, 60, 67
- Gospel Advocate, 124
- Gospel Preacher, The, 114
- Graham, Robert, 124
- Great Awakening, 35, 49
- Great Western Revival, 50ff.
- Greensboro, N. C., 47, 48
- Growth of Disciples: See Statistics
- Guirey, William, 54
- H
- Haden, Joel, 101
- Haggard, Rice, 43, 56
- Haldane, J. A., and Robert, 12, 24ff., 61, 84;
- influence on A. Campbell, 67-68
- Haldanean churches, 25, 26, 83-84, 112
- Haley, J. J., 124, 137
- Hanover, N. H., 45
- Harper, W. R., 134
- Harrodsburg, Ky., 106
- Hartford (Seminary), 132
- Harvard University, 132
- Hayden, A. S., 86
- Hayden, William, 86, 87
- Henry, John, 86
- Herald of Gospel Liberty, 46, 56, 59
- Higher criticism, 133-35, 136, 144
- Hill, Rowland, 61
- Hiram College, 114
- Hiram, Ohio, church at, 81
- Hodge, William, 48
- Hofmann, Melchior, 18
- Holley, Horace, 93
- “Holy kiss,” 26
- Holy Spirit, Stone’s view, 93
- Home Missions Council, 140
- Hopkins, Robert M., 154
- Hopson, W. H., 124
- Hull, Hope, 48, 49
- I
- Illinois: beginnings in, 101;
- “Christians” in, 58
- Immersion, 22, 57, 68, 95-96, 119, 133, 135, 151;
- adopted by Brush Run Church, 74-75
- Independent agencies, 146
- Independent Monthly, 136
- India, missions in, 128, 129;
- attempted by Haldanes, 24
- Indiana: beginnings in, 100-101;
- “Christian” churches in, 98;
- Disciple churches in, 112;
- first state convention in, 101;
- sends messengers to first convention, 109
- Indianapolis, church organized in, 101
- Inman, Samuel Guy, 153
- Instrumental music, 47, 119, 121-122, 124, 132
- Interchurch World Movement, 153
- International Council of Religious Education, 154
- International Sunday School Association, 154
- Iowa: “Christians” spread into, 58;
- “Christian” churches in, 98
- J
- Jacksonville, Ill., Stone at, 101
- Jamaica, missions to, 111, 128
- Jerusalem Conference, 153
- Jerusalem mission, 110-11
- Johnson, B. W., 126
- Jones, Abner, 45-46 passim
- Jones, Edgar DeWitt, 153
- K
- Kentucky: “Christian” churches in, 47-49, 82, 92-99;
- Baptists in, 81ff.;
- A. Campbell’s first visit to, 79;
- Disciple churches in, 112;
- in 1800, 30
- Kentucky Female Orphan School, 114
- Kentucky University, 106
- “Kissing Baptists,” 83-84
- Knoxville, Tenn., Stone at, 50
- L
- Lard, Moses E., 115, 118, 121, 124
- “Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery,” 55
- Lausanne Conference, 153
- Lexington, Ky., 50, 51, 53, 105, 106;
- in 1800, 30;
- meeting between “Christians” and Disciples, 98-99
- Liberia, missions to, 111, 128
- Liberty of opinion, 16-17
- “Life and Work,” 153
- Locke, John, 16, 23, 61-62, 84
- “Log College,” 33-34, 49
- Logan County, Ky., 51
- Long, R. A., 145
- Lord, J. A., 139
- Louisiana Territory in 1800, 31
- Louisville, Ky., 83
- “Louisville Plan,” 123, 128
- Loyalty resolution, 118
- Luther, Lutheranism, 18, 19
- Lunenburg letter, 104, 135
- Lyndon, Vt., 45
- M
- Maccalla, W. L., 78-79, 82
- Madison, James, 89
- Madras Conference, 154
- Mahoning Association, 78, 83, 86, 141;
- appoints Scott as evangelist, 85;
- dissolution of, 87f., 90;
- emphasizes restoration, 81;
- separates from Baptists, 86, 87
- Marshall, John, 89
- Marshall, Robert, 54, 57
- Mathes, James M., 113
- Matthews, Mansil W., 102
- Matthews, R. T., 137
- McBride, Thomas, 101
- McGarvey, J. W., 117, 121, 124, 133-34, 135, 137
- McGee, John, and William, 51
- McGready, James, 47-48, 49, 51
- McKinney, Collin, 101-2
- McLean, A., 129
- McLean, Archibald, 22
- McNemar, Richard, 52, 53, 56, 65
- Medbury resolution, 151
- Meldenius, Rupertius, 17
- Memoirs of Alexander Campbell, 63
- Men and Millions Movement, 145
- Methodists, 30, 35, 41-44, 49, 53
- Michigan, University of, 128, 131
- Midway, Ky., 121
- Ministerial Relief, Board of, 129
- Ministry: and laity, 21;
- T. Campbell on, 65;
- “Christians’” view, 96-97;
- Christian Baptist attacks status of, 80;
- Disciples’ view, 97;
- education of, 116, 130, 131-32;
- no “call” to, 88;
- schools for, 147
- Mississippi, “Christian” churches in, 98
- Missouri, 126;
- beginnings in, 101;
- “Christians” in, 58, 98
- Millennial Harbinger, 91, 99, 102, 107, 115, 116, 119, 121, 123;
- compared with Christian Messenger, 94-98;
- quotation from, 104-5
- Missionary societies: controversies over, 122-23;
- unification of, 145-46
- Missionary society: formed, 110;
- opposition to, 110, 113
- Missionary Tidings, 128
- Missions: A. Campbell on, 108-9;
- controversy over, 122-23, 132;
- development of foreign, 128-29;
- Franklin on, 122, 123;
- in China, 150, 151;
- in England, 128, 136;
- in Jamaica, 111;
- in Jerusalem, 110-11;
- in Liberia, 111, 128;
- rise of interest in, 128f.
- Money making, 114
- Monroe, James, 89
- Moore, W. T., 136
- Mormon Church, 78-79
- Morrison, Charles Clayton, 127, 138, 149
- Morro, W. C., 134
- “Mutual edification,” 21, 120
- Muckley, George W., 129
- Munnell, Thomas, 137
- N
- Names of movement, 11-12, 95
- Nashville, Tenn., 51;
- Stone at, 50
- National Benevolent Association, 129
- National Convention, first, 109-10
- “National Covenant,” 20
- Native American party, 105
- Nestorians, 18
- New Albany, Ind., 106
- New Christian Quarterly, 137
- New England: “Christian” churches in, 44-47, 99;
- general conference in, 59;
- motives in settlement of, 31, 32ff.;
- Sandemanian churches in, 22;
- Haldanean churches in, 84
- New Light Presbyterians, 47, 48, 49, 51, 55, 56, 60
- New Lisbon, Ohio, 1831 meeting at, 100
- New Testament Tract Society, 151
- New York: episcopacy in, 32;
- Haldanean churches in, 84;
- in 1800, 29;
- “primitive” church in, 25
- Non-Sectarian Church, 137
- North American Christian Convention, 146, 152
- North Carolina: “Christian” churches in, 41-44;
- episcopacy in, 32
- North District Association, 82-83
- Northwest Territory, 29-30
- Northwestern Christian University, 114, 116
- O
- Ohio: admitted, 30;
- “Christian” churches in, 98
- O’Kane, John, 101
- O’Kelly, James, 42, 43, 48, 65
- O’Kelly secession, 43
- Oklahoma, 126
- Old Faith Restated, The, 137
- Old Light Presbyterians, 60
- “One-man system,” 119, 120
- Open membership, 135ff., 138, 150, 151-52
- Opinion, political and social questions as matter of, 117
- Ordinance of 1787, 29
- Oregon Territory, beginnings in, 102
- Organ controversy: See Instrumental music
- Organization: for cooperation, 100;
- lack of, an asset in Civil War period, 117f.;
- of early movement, 11;
- of “Christians,” 57f.;
- on national scale, 108;
- opposition to, 110;
- periodicals as substitute for, 113
- Original sin, 22
- Oskaloosa College, 115
- Otten, B. J., 18
- Our Plea for Union in the Present Crisis, 138
- Owen, Robert, 89, 103
- Oxford Conference, 153, 154
- P
- “Pacifist manifesto” of 1861, 117
- Pattillo, Henry, 49
- Pearre, Mrs. C. N., 128
- Pendleton, W. K., 116
- Pension Fund, 129
- Periodicals: as substitute for organization, 113;
- of Disciples, 91;
- in 1849-74, 113-14.
- See also Christian Baptist, Christian-Evangelist, etc.
- Persecution, reasons for, 37
- Philadelphia: in 1800, 29;
- Presbyterians in, 33
- Philadelphia Confession, 35, 81, 83, 88
- Phillips brothers, 124
- Phillips University, 147
- Philputt, J. M., 138
- Piermont, N. H., “Christian” church at, 45
- Pinkerton, L. L., 136
- Pittsburgh, 10, 12, 78;
- T. Campbell preaches at, 62;
- Centennial Convention at, 140;
- in 1800, 30;
- Scott at, 83;
- Synod of, 73, 74
- “Plan of Salvation,” 113
- Plan of Union, 33
- “Plurality of elders,” 21
- “Popular churches,” 35
- Portsmouth, N. H., “Christian” church at, 46
- Powell, E. L., 139
- Presbyterians, 19;
- and revivalism, 52-53;
- anti-Calvinism among, 54f.;
- in early America, 33-34;
- in Kentucky, 30;
- in Virginia, 32
- Presbytery of Chartiers, 62, 63, 65
- Princeton, 34, 47, 50, 132
- Protestant reformers, 14-15, 18f.
- Protestantism, types of, 15
- Publication society founded, 145
- Purcell, Archbishop, 105
- Puritans: and religious liberty, 38;
- in New England, Virginia, 32
- Q
- Quakers and religious liberty, 37f.
- R
- Randolph, John, 89
- Redstone Association, 75, 76, 81
- Reformer, 113
- “Reforming Baptists,” 80-83 passim, 90, 95
- Religious experience, 23
- Religious liberty, 37-39 passim;
- in America, 28;
- in Rhode Island, 32, 34.
- See also Church and state; Unity of Christians
- Religious unity: See Unity of Christians
- Republican Methodists, 43-44
- Restoration Herald, 151
- Restoration of primitive Christianity: and division, 24-27;
- Christian Baptist emphasizes, 80;
- history of idea, 14, 17-20;
- in 18th century, 12, 20ff., 27, 67;
- in 16th, 17th, centuries, 27;
- modern view, 148, 152;
- need of reconsidering, 155-56
- “Reverend,” 47, 55, 119, 120
- Revivalism, 51, 52, 53, 82
- Rhode Island, religious liberty in, 32, 34
- Rice, N. L., 106
- Rich Hill, 60, 61, 66
- Richardson, Robert, 63, 67
- Rigdon, Sidney, 78-79
- Rogers, John, 99
- Roman Catholicism, 14f., 18, 37;
- A. Campbell’s debate on, 105
- Ross, Roy G., 154
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 19
- Russian Church, 18
- S
- St. Louis, 101, 126, 129, 136
- Salem, Mass., “Christian” churches at, 46
- Salvation, steps in, 84-85
- Sandeman, Robert, 12, 21-23, 61, 84;
- influence on A. Campbell, 67, 68
- Sandemanian churches, 21-23, 25, 26, 112;
- Disciples as “off-shoot” of, 23
- Sanford, E. B., 139
- Scotch-Irish: Immigration of, 34;
- in Virginia, 32
- Scott, Walter, 10-13 passim, 75, 83-87, 95, 99, 106, 139, 141;
- joins Haldanean church, 84;
- meets A. Campbell, 84;
- and Christian Baptist, 84;
- evangelism of, 85ff.;
- on salvation, 84-85, 100
- Scroll, 149
- Seceder Presbyterians, 34, 55;
- A. Campbell breaks with, 68;
- T. Campbell breaks with, 63ff.;
- divisions among, 60-61;
- origin of, 60
- Sects: imported, 36;
- in early America, 28, 31-36
- Semple, Robert, 81
- “Sermon on the Law,” 76f., 78
- Shackleford, John, 136, 137
- Shakers, 52, 56
- Slavery, 36, 116-18;
- A. Campbell on, 88-89, 116-17;
- Franklin on, 114
- Smith, Elias, 44-46 passim, 56
- Smith, “Raccoon” John, 82-83, 99;
- evangelism of, 97-98
- South Carolina, episcopacy in, 32
- Springer, John, 48, 49
- Springfield Presbytery, 41, 54-56;
- dissolution of, 55
- Statistics: for “Christians,” 59;
- for early movement, 11;
- for 1849-74, 112-13;
- for 1874-1909, 126;
- for 1909-45, 142;
- table for 1900-44, 143
- Steubenville, Ohio, conference on cooperation, 108
- Stillingfleet, Edward, 16
- Stockholm Conference, 153
- Stone, Barton W., 10-14 passim, 41, 47-50, 51-53 passim, 54, 56-59 passim, 65, 99;
- leadership of “Christians,” 58, 92f.;
- meets A. Campbell, founds Christian Messenger, 92;
- at Jacksonville, Ill., 101;
- evangelism of, 97-98;
- not a Unitarian, 94;
- on baptism, 57;
- on doctrine, 93f.;
- on Trinity, 48, 50, 93;
- on unity, 93;
- his views vs. Campbell’s, 94-98
- Succoth Academy, 48
- Sunday School Council, 154
- Sunday school work, 36
- “Sweeney resolution,” 151
- Synod of Kentucky, 53, 54, 55
- Synod of North America, Associate, 62f.
- Synod of Pittsburgh, 73, 74
- “Synopsis,” Errett’s, 120
- T
- Temperance societies, 36
- Tennent, William, 33, 49
- Tennessee, “Christians” in, 58
- Texas, beginnings in, 101-2
- Texas Christian University, 147
- Theological school, controversy on, 116.
- See Ministry
- Thompson, John, 53, 57
- Thompson, Thomas, 102
- “Thompsonian” system of medicine, 45
- Toleration granted to churches, 17.
- See Religious liberty
- Transylvania Presbytery, 50
- Transylvania University, 93, 106, 147, 151
- Trinity, Stone on, 48, 50, 93
- Trollope, Mrs., 103
- Tyler, B. B., 138, 154
- U
- Union of “Christians” and Disciples, 10-11, 92, 98ff.
- Union Theological Seminary, 132
- Unitarianism, 33;
- Stone charged with, 94
- United Christian Missionary Society, 146, 151-52
- United States conferences, 47, 59
- Unity of Christians: as political necessity, 15f., 37ff.;
- Association for the Promotion of Christian Unity, 150;
- A. Campbell on, 80, 94;
- T. Campbell and, 61, 84;
- Declaration and Address, 69-72;
- different views of, 148, 152, 155-56;
- Haldaneans, Sandemanians on, 26;
- history of idea, 14-17;
- in relation to baptism, 135-39;
- new problem in America, 39;
- Stone on, 93, 94
- University Church of Disciples of Christ, Chicago, 138
- V
- Vanderbilt University, 132
- View of the Social Worship and Ordinances of the First Christians, A, 25
- Virginia: Bill of Rights, 38;
- “Christians” in, 41-44;
- Constitutional Convention, 88-89;
- motives in settlement of, 31-32;
- University of, 128, 131
- W
- Wabash, Ind., conference of “Christians,” 59
- Walker, John, of Dublin, 61
- Walker, John, of Ohio, 77-78
- Walnut Grove Academy, 115
- Ware, C. C., 48
- Washington, D. C., 29;
- Haldanean churches in, 84
- Washington, Ga., 48
- Washington, George, 29
- Wayne, Anthony, 30
- “We can never divide,” 118
- Weekly communion, 21, 24, 88, 98;
- A. Campbell on, 67;
- at Brush Run Church, 74
- Wellsburg, 81, 85
- Wesley, John, 19, 35, 41-42 passim
- West London Tabernacle, 136
- Western Reserve Eclectic Institute, 114
- Westminster Confession, 35, 50, 54, 55, 63
- Wharton, G. L., 129
- Wheeling, W. Va., meeting at, 100
- “Where the Scriptures speak...,” 66, 71
- Whitefield, George, 49
- Whitsitt, W. H., 23
- Wilkes, L. B., 124
- Willett, Herbert L., 127, 134, 135, 138, 153
- Williams, Roger, 32
- Windham, Conn., “Christian” church at, 47
- World Conferences on Foreign Missions, 153
- World Council of Churches, 154
- Y
- Yale Divinity School, 131, 147
- Z
- Zwingli, 18, 121