Thomas Erastus


September 7, 1524
December 31, 1583
Related topics
Adipose tissues, Witchcraft, Erastus, Thomas,--1524-1583, Excommunication, Early works,


Thomas Erastus was born in 1524. His native country was Switzerland. After studying at three different universities, Erastus became a physician. In addition to his medical studies, he pursued theology. Erastus wrote about medicine, alchemy, theology, and astrology. The Treatise of Etastus contains seventy-five theses, of which the main thrust was to let the state punish the"sins" of Christians and not have the church punish Christians by banning them from the sacraments. His position became known as Erastianism. As a theologian, Erastus' beliefs aligned with Calvin and Zwingli. Erastus died in 1583.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of Thomas Erastus

Works published by Thomas Erastus

Works published about Thomas Erastus

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