John Duncan


AD 1796
February 26, 1870
Related topics
Christianity, Duncan, John,--1796-1870, Clergy, Theology, Christian biography,


"I am first a Christian, next a catholic, then a Calvinist, fourth a paedobaptist, and fifth a Presbyterian. I cannot reverse this order" is just one of John Duncan's aphorisms. Not everyone has a book written about them, but A. Moody Stuart wrote The Life of John Duncan, in which he details Duncan's beliefs regarding the church, theology, preaching, and morality, not to mention the various ways Duncan served in the Kingdom of God. A scholar when it came to Hebrew and the Jewish people. Many describe Duncan as a"deep thinker" but"scatterbrained." He possessed an uncommon intellect but lacked some aspects of common sense. He attempted to preach and teach, but neither where his forte'. He found it difficult to focus on one topic for a sermon or lesson without following all the tangents associated with the topic that needed to be explored. He was a talker and one who could inspire others to think more deeply. Yet he struggled with his assurance of his faith so he could understand others experiencing the same doubts. Duncan died on February 26, 1870.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of John Duncan

Works published by John Duncan

Works published about John Duncan

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