C.H. Dodd

English NT scholoar and theologian


April 7, 1884
September 21, 1973
Related topics
Bible, Dodd, C. H.--1884-1973, Commentaries, History, Criticism, interpretation, etc.,


Charles Harold Dodd dedicated his life to biblical scholarship. As the General Director, Dodd was responsible for The New English Bible, which sought to"modernize" the language of the translation. Born in 1884, Dodd became a prolific author. The Authority of the Bible (1928), The Parables of the Kingdom (1935), and The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1953) had a great impact on other scholars. Dodd wrote a follow up book, Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel (1963), to explain the ancient traditions in John's gospel compared to the synoptic gospels. Dodd's focus was on the New Testament and understanding the Kingdom of God. He was also a minister in the Free Church. Dodd died in 1973 in England, leaving behind many great works on the New Testament and eschatology.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of C.H. Dodd

Works published by C.H. Dodd

Works published about C.H. Dodd

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