A.B. Davidson

Scottish OT scholar


April 25, 1831
January 26, 1902
Related topics
Commentaries, Criticism, interpretation, etc., Encyclopedias, Bible, Theology,


Andrew Bruce Davidson would be loved and remembered by his students. Davidson was a teacher but also a student. He taught himself foreign languages, including French, German, and Dutch. Born in Scotland in 1831, he developed a passion for learning and teaching. He entered the ministry of the Free Church of Scotland. Editing and writing were also talents of Davidson. He was part of the Old Testament committee to revise the current edition. His revised edition was published in 1885. Davidson wrote commentaries on Ezekiel, Job, Habakkuk, Nahum, and Zephaniah from the Old Testament and a commentary on Hebrews from the New Testament. His Elementary Hebrew Grammar and Hebrew Syntax books are still being printed. Davidson died in 1902. His former students and others funded his grave marker, which stands tall in Grange Cemetery.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of A.B. Davidson

Works published by A.B. Davidson

Works published about A.B. Davidson

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