Far and near, almighty Word, Spread the knowledge of the Lord; Far and near extend your leaven, Where there dwells an heir of heaven. | Word by God the Father sent, Lord of all, Omnipotent! Word for sinners’ need supplied, As their comfort and their guide! | Word of our Redeemer’s grace, Who, to save our sinful race, Of our guilt to pay the price, Gave Himself a sacrifice! | Word of God the Spirit’s might, Who our heaven-ward course doth light, Prompteth good, and, by his breath, What He prompts accomplisheth. | Word of life, both pure and strong! Word for which the heathen long! Spread abroad, till out of night All the world awake to light. | Up! for lo! earth’s surface o’er Waving fields with rip’ning store! Countless sheaves are spread around, Few, oh! few the reapers found! | Lord of Harvest, great and kind! Rouse to action heart and mind; Let the gath’ring nations all See thy light, and hear thy call. | |