P.T. de Chardin


May 1, 1881
April 10, 1955
Related topics
Cosmology, France, Biography, Evolution (Biology), Christianity--Philosophy,


Pierre Teilhard (P.T.) de Chardin was born in France in 1881. His ideas regarding the nature of man were somewhat controversial. He theorized that man goes through an evolutionary process leading to spiritual unity. Chardin blended aspects of science and Christianity in such a way that the Roman Catholic Church took umbrage with his teachings. His books, The Divine Milieu and The Phenomenon of Man, were banned by the order of Jesuits. Chardin, the paleontologist, philosopher, priest, geologist, and author, left a legacy of thought and theory in his writings, which are still discussed today. Chardin died in 1955.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer
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