Robert Browne

Puritan separatist


AD 1550
AD 1633
Related topics
Browne, Robert,--ca. 1550-1633, Early works, England, Dissenters, Religious, Congregationalism,


Many of the pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were"Brownists." In other words, the words and writings of Robert Browne influenced many of our early settlers. Browne was born around 1550 in England. As he matured, he became active in promoting the separation of church and state. He believed the civil authorities had far too much influence on the religious affairs of the church. Two titles, in particular, fit Browne well: Separatist and Congregationalist. He is referred to by some as the"Father of Congregationalism." Throughout his life, Browne worked as a teacher, preacher, author, and activist. Browne's ideas landed him in jail on many occasions. It appears his family's wealth and political influence were often enough for his early release. However, Browne did die in jail while awaiting justice at the age of 83. His written works include A True and Short Declaration(1581), A Reproof of Certain Schismatical Persons, and A Treatise of Reformation without Tarrying for Any and of the Wickedness of those Preachers which will not Reform till the Magistrate command or compel them (1582).

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of Robert Browne

Works published by Robert Browne

Works published about Robert Browne

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